Top 6 Apps Similar to W-Payment

Paytm Mall Store Manager 2.8.3
Note: If you are a shopkeeper/merchant and want to acceptPaytmatyour shop, please download the mainPaytmApp Manager App for Sellers: Selling on Paytm Mall istheeasiestway of starting a business online. Paytm Mall StoreManagerlet's youbecome a seller in just few handy steps withflexibilityof managingyour product listings from any corner of thecountryon-the-go.Seamlessly create your listings, sell yourproducts andbe notifiedabout new orders, returns raised, customerfeedback andmuch moreanytime & anywhere. Elevate to the nextlevel ofselling with ourApp that is effortlessly designed toenhance userexperience. What WeOffer? Sign-up: Not a seller yet?Give a kickto your businessthrough Paytm Mall Store Manager.Seamlesslysign-up using “CreateYour Store Now” option. With thishassle-freesign-up, you can startselling on Paytm Mall. Dashboard:Our SellerServices keeps youupdated of your orders and returnsevery second.You can have a quicksight of all existing & newordersprocessing, returns, productrating, payment details & soon: •View a speedy snapshot of yourbusiness on Paytm Mall StoreManager• View orders summary &orders status, analyze trends ofsalesand orders • View paymentsnapshot • View store/catalogsummary andtop selling products • Viewyour overall rating &customerreviews Order Management:Beep-beep! Get immediate alertson neworders & returns, easyoverview of all orders and muchmore onPaytm Mall Store Manager •Receive notifications for neworders andcancelled orders • Managecomplete order process, processyourorders in a single step using“Create Shipment/MarkShipped”option, manifest slip & packingslip sent to yourregisteredemail id automatically • Search for aspecific order byOrder,Item, Fulfillment, SKU, Manifest or ShipperID or the AWBnumberCatalog: Easily update your inventory, product’sprices&quantities, etc. to ensure that you never go out ofstock. •Viewexpected payout of a particular product • Manage thevisibilityofyour products listed on Paytm Mall • Update stock andpriceinreal-time • Search specific product by productname/ID,merchantSKU ID, item or order ID Payments: Paytm Mall StoreManageroffersa rapid payment detail of every transaction and sendsalertsof newpayment in real time. Easily view date-wise&order-wisepayment and search for payment for a particularorder id& itemid. Profile: Quickly view your Paytm Mall accountdetailson theapp Payout Calculator: Want to sell something new? Notsurehowmuch you will get after selling an item? Now,calculateapproximatepayout amount using payout calculator on PaytmMallShopkeeper App.
Og Money KW
One Global
Og Money is a new era of the mobileFinancialservices, its offering one stop shop for all your billpayments,top-up, charity, utilities, tuition (Schools &Universities) insmart, easy and ubiquitous payment experience. Inaddition, gamingvouchers, gift cards, international mobileoperators recharge formore than 50 countries worldwide.Additionally, Ooredoo Virtual services which enable you toenjoyactivation of new SIM card and buying your suitable planandshipping it to your home address.
My JNE 1.1.17
"MY JNE adalah aplikasi berbasis Android yang memudahkankamuuntukterkoneksi dengan JNE. Dengan satu nomor teleponyangterdaftarkamu bisa menikmati fitur-fitur istimewa seperti:Tracing&Tracking : Menyajikan informasi status kirimanberdasarkannomorAWB tertentu Check Tariff : Menyajikan informasitariffkiriman MyShipment : Menyajikan informasi status kirimanmilikpenggunasecara otomatis berdasarkan nomor handphone penggunaUntuksarandan komplain silahkan hubungi : Contact center.(021)29278888Office. (62-21) 566 5262 Fax. (62-21)
Aplikasi pembayaran paymentbulananGallery,Kamimelayani anda untuk membuka loket/gerai/tokodenganmemanfaatkanaplikasi hape android anda.meliputi: Pembelian token PLN,Pembelian PulsaHAPE,PembelianPulsaData, Pembayaran PLN bulanan,Pembayaran RekeningPDAM,PembayaranTagihanKreditmotorADIRAfinance,OTOfinance,FIFfinance,WOMfinance,BAFfinance,PembayaranTVlangganandll.Dalam menyelenggarakan pelayanan payment, GALLERYinginmemperluaskerjasamadenganpengelolaminimarket,tokokelontong,perorangan,koprasi,badanusahadll.untpilihanmedia transaksi kami sedian beberapa macam yangbisadipakai semuaatau pilih salah satu meliputiviaSMS,YM,WEBTRANSAKSI,APLIKASIDEKSTOP,APLIKASIANDROID,APLIKASIBBM,APLIKASI WINDOWSPHONE DLL.PELAYANAN TRANSAKSI 24JAM TANPA PUTUS, SEDIACALLCENTER085725004000,082365004000,087735004000 siap melayani pertanyaan komplain ataupromodari kami.Monthlypaymentpaymentapplications Gallery, We serve you to open counters /stores/shops to take advantage of your android phoneapplication.include: Purchase token PLN, HAPE Reload Purchase,PurchasePulseData, PLN monthly payment, taps Account Payments,BillPaymentCredit ADIRAfinance motors, OTOfinance,FIFfinance,WOMfinance,BAFfinance, Payment TVlangganan etc.In organizing the payment service, GALLERY wantstoexpandcooperation with the managerminimarket,tokokelontong,individuals, koprasi, badanusaha dll.untour choiceof mediatransactions perfomed some sort that can be usedall orselect oneof the covers via SMS, IM, WEBTRANSAKSI,desktopapplications,APPLICATIONS ANDROID, APPLICATIONS fuel,WindowsPhoneAPPLICATIONSDLL.24HR SERVICE WITHOUT DUE BROKE, SELLCALLCENTER085725004000,082365004000,087735004000 to serve complaints or questions fromourpromo.
MSI Payment 1.0.0
PT Era Sistem Digital
Multy Sukses Internasional OnlinePayment
BWN Developer Team
Sistem Informasi PKBL PTPosIndonesia(Persero), di support dan dikembangkan oleh PTBhaktiWasantaraNet.Aplikasi mobile yang dapat digunakan untukoperasionalmaupunperformance monitoring PKBL PT Pos Indonesia(Persero).Pada saatnya mitra binaan dan calon mitra binaanakandapatmemanfaatkan fasilitas ini.PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)Vice President Bina Lingkungan PerusahaanPupung Purnama