Top 7 Apps Similar to CardLinkUp

NFC Rolodex 1.0
Ryan Warner
NFC Rolodex is an application used to swap virtualbusinesscardswith one another. Demonstrating the use of NFCtechnology youcanenter in information about yourself and exchangeit withsomeoneelse who has the same app. Have the app but someoneelsedoesn't?Just share your card to them and it will bring them totheplaystore to download. Officially Tested Devices: GalaxyNexus,Nexus 7Thanks to Brenna O'Leary for designing the icon.
NFC Business Cards 1.2.3
Use your phone to create NFC business cards.It's as simple as:1. Pick a contact from address book.2. Put NFC card against back of your phone/tablet.3. Done!
CardFila -Business Card Holder 2.0
Android Master Inc
CardFila is the best way to capturebusinesscards and store them forever on! You canaccessthousands of business cards right on your way from Mobilephones,Notebook or MacBook. Search very fast for any contact,businesscard. You don’t need to browse manually hundreds ofbusiness cardsto get a phone number. With CardFila, you manage andgrow businesscontacts effectively in a simplest way!Our further goal at CardFila is to give every business peopletheeasiest way to capture any kind of business contacts whenevertheyget them, wherever events or conferences they areattending,whichever device or platform they find most convenient,and thenorganize all of that in a lifetime & searchablebusinesscontacts book, keeping that maintaining, growing withuser’s realbusiness network expanding.
Rollcard 1.0.7
Rollcard es la única tarjeta de visita quevasanecesitar.CREA tu tarjeta de visita digital ennuestraweb( Haz que sea única diseñándola biendesde 0outilizando un diseño de nuestra galería. Incluye ademásdetuinformación de contacto, tu foto, un video de tuempresa,unadescripción….lo que quieras! Queremos que tutarjetadigitalsobresalga del resto y que de un solo vistazo tuscontactossepantodo lo que tu quieras que sepan de tí.INTERCAMBIA tarjetas con tus contactos juntandovuestrosteléfonoscon códigos QR. Incluso si quien la recibe notiene laaplicacióndescargada. Solo necesitarán un lector decódigos QR.Incluyeanotaciones y guardalas en grupos paraencontrarlas másfácilmente,quedará incluido también el lugar yfecha en el que seprodujo elintercambio. Y no te preocupes sicambias tus datosdecontactos…...cambian incluso en las tarjetas norepartidas.Tuscontactos estarán siempre actualizados a partir deahora.Accede a tu tarjetero digital desde cualquiera detusdispositivosy exporta la información a tu agenda. Te avisaremosencaso de quealguien cambie sus datos de contacto. LastarjetasRollcard soninteligentes y te envían MÉTRICAS acerca desudifusión (¿cuantastarjetas has dado? ¿Qué contactos tuyos handadotu tarjeta?) y usode tus tarjetas (¿Cuantos contactos hanincluidosus datos en tuagenda?, ¿Cuantos se han metido en tusredessociales?....)Rollcard is theonlycardyou'll need.CREATE your digital business card onourwebsite( Make it unique designing it well from0or usinga design from our gallery. It also includesyourcontactinformation, your picture, a video of your business,adescription.... whatever you want! We want your digital cardstandout fromthe rest and that at a glance all your contacts knowwhatyou wantto know about you.EXCHANGE collecting cards with your contacts with yourphonesQRcode. Even if the recipient does not havethedownloadedapplication. Just need a QR code reader.Includesannotations andsave them in groups to more easily find,will beincluded also thetime and place in which the exchangeoccurred. Anddo not worry ifyou change your contact details change...... noteven on the cardsdealt. Your contacts are up to date fromnow.Access your digital business card holder from any ofyourdevicesand export information to your agenda. We will notifyyouif someonechanges their contact details. Rollcard are smartcardsand send youMETRIC about their dissemination (how many cardsyouhave given?Yours What contacts have given your card?) And useofyour cards(How many contacts have included their data inyouraddress book?,How many have gotten into your socialnetworks?....)
Wizytówka 1.3.2
Jeśli często Potrzebujesz fakturyVAT(stacjebenzynowe, sklepy itp.) do tego zdarza Ci sięzapomniećwizytówek,lub nip-u... Ta aplikacja jest dla Ciebie. Twojedanefirmowezawsze pod ręką, nie trzeba szukać w poczcie,dzwonićdowspółpracowników... Można po prostu podać/pokazaćtelefon(jakwizytówkę :) ) . W trakcie pracy aplikacji wyłączasięautomatycznablokada telefonu (nie usypia się), więc na pewnoosobawystawiającafakturkę zdąży ja wypisać. Możesz dodać własnelogo,lub QRCode zdanymi swojej firmy (dla tych, którzy go odczytaj).Aplikacjaprosta i praktyczna, prosimy o rating :)If you often needaVATinvoice (gas stations, shops, etc.) to this you happentoforgetbusiness cards, or nip-u ... This app is for you.Yourcompany'sdata is always at hand, you do not need to look inthemail, callthe co ... You can simply give / show your phone (likeabusinesscard :)). When the application is turned offAutomaticphone lock(not anesthetized), so you are sure the personissuingDarkWavehave time I write. You can add your own logo, orQRCodewith thedata of your company (for those who read it.) Simpleandpracticalapplication, please rating :)
The Business Card Holder 7.7.5
Magzter Inc.
The Business Card Holder Magazine is a unique and trendyconceptmagazine, specialized in lifestyle, hospitality and events
Smart Business Card (with NFC) 1.0
deus ex machina
Smart Chat (bluetooth & NFC)Smart Business Card Application has following Fuction- write business card to NFC tag or NFC device- read business card on NFC Tag or NFC device- sound/vibration when discover NFC tag or NFC device- make/edit/delete business card on device- show business card list- call, sms, mail- custom view : scrollable view pager, page curlSmart Business Card application has Smart Function :NFCFunction- Generally, people use paper business card and collect them, butitis increasing as times goes by, it is easy to forgot and itisanother environmental destruction.- If you use this application, you don't need to collect andfindpaper business card.- By using this app, you can make the business card and share bytapNFC tag or NFC device.- Just tap. It is all.