Top 16 Apps Similar to 眼保健操动作版

新眼保健操——有声图文动画版 1.0.0
《新眼保健操——有声图文动画版》版本一记得小学经常做的眼保健操吗?呵呵,是不是都忘了吧,大家不要小看了这简简单单的眼保健操,他可是根据祖国医学推拿、经络理论,结合体育医疗综合而成的按摩法。通过对眼部周围穴位的按摩,使眼内气血通畅,改善神经营养,以达到消除睫状肌紧张或痉挛的目的。实践表明,眼保健操同用眼卫生相结合,可以控制近视眼的新发病例,起到保护视力、防治近视的作用。"The new eyeexercises-audio graphic animation version of" a versionI remember elementary school often do eye exercises to do?Oh, is not forget it, we should not underestimate thissimpleeyeexercises, but according to his motherlandmedicinemassage,meridian theory, combined with a comprehensivesportsmedicine fromthe massage.Through acupuncture point massage around the eye,intraocularbloodsmooth, improve nerve nutrition, in order toachievetheelimination of the ciliary muscle tension orspasmpurposes.Practice shows that eye exercises combined with eye health,youcancontrol new cases of myopia, protect eyesight,preventionandtreatment of myopia.
Healing Power of Acupuncture 1.0
Laland Apps
The classic Chinese explanation ofacupunctureis that channels of energy run in even patterns throughthe bodyand across its surface. These energy channels, namedmeridians, arelike rivers flowing through the body to irrigate andnutrify thetissues. A blockage in the movement of these energyrivers is likea dyke that backs up in others.The meridians may be molded by needling the acupuncture points;theacupuncture needles release the blockages at the dams, andrestorethe regular flow through the meridians.Acupuncture treatments may therefore help the body's internalorgansto rectify instabilities in their digestion, absorption, andenergyproduction actions, and in the circulation of their powerthroughthe meridians.-- Features --* Ebook App with zoom in and out* Share app with friends (email, facebook, twitter, MMS)* Tablet support-- Internet Usage --Application uses Internet connection to load the ebook.-- Feedback --If you have any suggested features or improvements please leaveacomment, or send me an email at support@lalandapps.comIn case something is not working correctly please let me know,I'llbe glad to fix that.Please post comments and feedback. When posting low ratingpleasedescribe what is wrong to give the possibility to fixthatissue.-- Ads --There are ads in this app. Data for this app are stored ontheInternet and this costs money.Application is free, it does not promote paid version of thisapp,the only way to support future development is to includeads.Please treat that with understanding.We have private label rights to distribute this productBy downloading this app you are agreeing to our terms ofservicewhich can be found at:
Complete Fitness 1.0
An essential fitness guide for everyonewhowants an active life and a healthy . Complete Fitness hasmanyexercises and workouts for training at your gym or at home.YOGASANA:Asana is yoga pose or posture or position of the body.CompleteFitness defines asanas as Steady and Comfortablepose.The major features in Complete Fitness App is:-Available with Pictures.-More Then 15 Asan positions-Auto Scroll Display View easily.-Easily Navigation.The major yogasana in Complete Fitness App is:-Surya Namaskar-Tadasana-Shirshasana-Shavasana-GYM:In this app you will find all gym workouts, exercisesandpowerlifting routines to get maximum muscles and will helpyouacheive your goal of body building. exercises.You will get muscular and a fit body is a dream ofeverybodybuilder.The major muscle groups in Complete Fitness App is:- Biceps- Triceps- Abs (Abdominals)- Back- Chest- Shoulders- Legs (Calves - Thighs)ACUPRESSUREThis app provides you all acupressure treatment for all diseasesandwill shows the information about acupressure points,reflexologypoints, hand acupressure and leg acupressure.Acupressure points tohelp you get better when you pain.acupressure is the most effectivemethod for self-treatment oftension-related ailmentsAcupressure is a method of healing our body andtreatingdiseases.The major points in Complete Fitness App is:- Shoulder- Brain.- Heart- Sinus- Kidney- Pancrease- Stomach- ThyroidWe hope you like it!!Developed By:-Ayushi RathodAzhar Chara
手ツボ「体の不調を改善」ツボの基礎知識 1.5.0
手ツボでは、東洋医学の手ツボについてわかりやすく解説しています。目が疲れたとき、無意識のうちにこめかみを押したり、肩が凝ったときに首筋をグイグイ押すと気持ちがよかったりと、とくにツボの知識を持っていなくても、ツボが気持ちいいことは皆さん知っている思います。ツボを押すことで血行が促進され新陳代謝が高まり、体の不調は緩和改善されるからです。手ツボでは、簡単に押せて、しかも効果がはっきりとあらわれやすいツボを紹介していますので、是非とも試してみてください。また、症状がでているときはもちろんですが、日頃からの健康増進や体質改善にもツボをお役立てください。・ツボの基礎知識 ・手ツボの図 ・イライラを解消するツボ・無気力を改善するツボ ・不眠症に効くツボ ・神経症に効くツボ・自律神経失調症に効くツボ ・過敏性陽候群に効くツボ
Balance 4 U 4.5.0
Danam Inc.
At AcuSource Healing, we specialize inusingavariety of holistic techniques to improve your physicalhealthandthe well being of your mind and spirit. We employcuttingedgetechnologies tailored to your individual needs,includingJapaneseand Classic Style Acupuncture, Micro-LightNeedle-lessAcupuncture,Foot Detox, Far Infrared Sauna, AromaTherapy, Bio-MatTherapy, EarConing, CranioSacral Therapy, Facialand Whole BodyRejuvenationand AromaTouch technique.
Acupressure For Menopause FREE 0.5.1
Dr. Jakob Bargak
√ Ease through MenopauseWithoutMedicationsusing Traditional Chinese Massage Points√ Easily find the right Massage Points with simple FullHDVideoclipsand Photos in the App√ Never forget a Massage with a built-in Reminder"In short, it [Acupressure] provides maximum benefitswithoutthedangerous side effects associated with many of theapproachesofconventional medicine."-William Michael Cargile, B.S., D.C., F.I.A.C.A.,ChairmanofResearch for the American Association of AcupunctureandOrientalMedicineThe Menopause-Acupressure is perfectly suitable for youwiththeseimmediate benefits:√ You do not need to spend time visiting a doctor.√ You do not need to spend a considerable amount of money.√ There is no danger of being hurt or hurt your child,infectedorexperiencing pain.√ You massage the points gently with your own finger.√ The app reminds you automatically of yourmassageappointments.Here is what you can achieve with the App right now:→ Ease heavy periods→ Relieve painful periods→ Relieve headache→ Lower blood pressure→ Reduce nausea and vomitting→ Ease heart pain→ Get rid of mournfulness→ Improve your sleep→ Reduce your tiredness→ Get rid of depressionThe massage points offered are:√ especially effective√ easy to find, no need for someone else's assistance√ shown with professional Full HD Photos and VideosThousands have done it already. Download the App now! Itworksalsowithout internet connection (on the plane, abroad, onthetrainetc.)For a price of a cup of coffee, you get a provenMenopause-Helperforever with free lifelong updates containing moremassage points.Ifyou are dissatisfied with the product, let meknow and you willgetyour money worth back.Are you interested in more massage points? Share it onmyFacebookpage and get people interested. The larger thefollowing,thefaster you will get the update of the app. Free.Have Fun with the App!Your Dr. BargakHave some questions? Feel free to get in touch:-Facebook: Twitter: E-Mail: 1.7
Comercios App
Sanamente App pone la tecnología al serviciodetu salud. Es la 1ª App de salud natural y terapias que aúna:centrosy terapeutas, tiendas eco, formaciones, alquiler de salas ymasías,artículos y eventos.ENCUENTRACentros de yoga, constelaciones familiares, sesiones dereiki,clases de taichi, cursos de crecimiento personal,coaching,sesiones de acupuntura, quiromasaje, reflexología, floresde bach,aprende a meditar...PRUEBADesde tu móvil puedes: consultar a un profesional tuspreocupacionessobre salud, tus dudas sobre alimentación, apuntartea un curso otaller, pedir cita, probar una clase...OPINATu opinión es muy importante, sirve de guía a otras personasquequieran hacer una terapia o apuntarse a un curso. Tambiénesvalorado por el profesional, pues le estás ayudando a dar aconocersu trabajo y mejora su credibilidad y servicio.PROFESIONALESSanamente App también es para tí, no sólo para anunciarte,porquetambién encontrarás salas de alquiler y masías para tuscursos defin de semana. Hay formaciones de calidad para que siempreestés aldía y tiendas ecológicas o sectores afines comoviajesalternativos...IMPRESCINDIBLE PARAParticulares y ProfesionalesTodo aquel que se interesa por: la salud natural, la ecología,elcrecimiento personal, conocerse a sí mismo y busca el mejorcaminopara disfrutar de una vida más consciente y saludable,encontrará enSanamente App la mejor guía, con un contenido decalidad, gracias alnivel de los profesionales que forman partetanto de la App como delportal www.sanamente.netSanamenteApp es la nueva herramienta de difusió, en un principio para Android, ya estamostrabajandoen la versión Ios.Aunque comparte mucho contenido con el portal, la App estápensadapara:Ofrecerte los profesionales, centros, tiendas eco y eventos,máscercanos a tu localización.Contactar directamente con el profesional mediante llamada, smsoemail desde tu móvil.Apuntarte a un evento - taller - formación...Interactuar, opinando sobre un profesional, productooservicio.Estar informado de forma inmediata de cursos o formaciones,eventosa través de la agenda, destacados y artículos.Funciona de forma fácil e intuitiva, con un menú superior parairdonde quieras, pìnchando en los iconos y deslizando hacia laderechala pantalla para cambiar de tipo de directorioprofesional.Deslizando verticalmente verás el contenido de cadapantalla.Pantalla PRINCIPALTe ofrece todas las novedadesde última hora:nuevos profesionales registrados,nuevos artículos publicadosy nuevos eventos.Sólo tienes que pinchar en el apartado que te interese verydeslizar hacia abajo para ver el contenido.DIRECTORIOSLa siguiente pantalla te muestra los directoriosylistados.Puedes centrar la búsqueda por palabra clave y ordenarporproximidad o alfabéticamente.Entra en la ficha del profesional para ver toda su informaciónycontactar.Desliza horizontalmente para cambiar de directorio o ficha.Filtra "Sin Gluten" en los directorios Ecológico, Salas-MasíasySectores afines para ver exclusivamente las tiendas, restaurantesymasías que disponen de productos SIN GLUTEN.AGENDAPonte al día de todos los eventos, cursos, talleres,formaciones,ferias, retiros...Puedes filtrar el listado por proximidad o fecha decelebración.Entra en +INFO para ver todos los detalles delevento.REVISTANuestra revista, con artículos sobre un gran abanico detemasrelacionados con la salud natural y la conciencia, como:terapias,emociones, alimentación, adolescentes, embarazo…Podrás compartirlos en redes sociales.DESTACADOSEste apartado aúna los eventos, formaciones, talleres oserviciosmás interesantes.Están ordenados por fecha de celebración, los más recientessonlos primeros. Pinchando sobre el banner accederás directamentealenlace del evento.MENÚ lateralTe permite ver tu perfil, los comentarios que has realizadosobrealgún profesional o salir de la AppApp healthilyputstechnology at the service of your health. App is the 1standnatural health therapies that combines: centers and therapists,ecoshops, training, room rental and farmhouses, articles andevents.FINDYoga centers, family constellations, reiki sessions, TaiChiclasses, courses for personal growth, coaching sessionsofacupuncture, massage, reflexology, Bach flowers, learn tomeditate...PROOFFrom your phone, you can: consult a health professional aboutyourconcerns, your questions about food, sign up for a courseorworkshop, make an appointment, try a class ...OPINIONYour opinion is very important, provides guidance to others whowantto make a therapy or enroll in a course. It is also valued bytheprofessional, because you are helping to publicize their workandimprove their credibility and service.PROFESSIONALSApp healthy it is for you, not only to advertise, because youwillalso find rooms for rent and farmhouses for your weekendcourses.There are formations of quality you're always up to dateandorganic stores or related sectors such as alternativetravel...NECESSARY FORIndividuals and ProfessionalsAnyone who is interested in: natural health, ecology,personalgrowth, knowing yourself and find the best way to enjoylife moreconscious and healthy App Healthfully find the best guide,withquality content Thanks to the level of the professionals whoformpart of both the App and the website www.sanamente.netSanamenteApp is the new tool for,initially for Android, we're working on versionIos. Although it shares much content with the portal, the app isdesignedto: Offer professional centers, eco shops and events closesttoyour location. Contact the professional by call, SMS or email fromyourmobile phone. Sign up for an event - workshop - training ... Interact, reviewing professional, product or service. Be informed immediately of courses or training, eventsthroughthe agenda and featured items.It works easily and intuitively with a top to goanywhere,clicking on the icons and sliding to the right screen tochange thetype of professional directory menu. Sliding verticallysee thecontents of each screen.Main screenIt offers all the newsLate:new registered professionals,new published articlesand new events.Just click on the section that interests you to view andswipedown to view content.DIRECTORYThe next screen shows you the directories and listings.You can focus your search by keyword and sort by proximityoralphabetically.Enter the tab to see all their professional andcontactinformation.Slides horizontally to change directories or tab.Filter "Gluten" in Ecological directories, Salas-Masíasandrelated sectors for exclusive shops, restaurants and farmsthatoffer gluten-free products.DIARYCatch up with all the events, courses, workshops,trainingcourses, exhibitions, retreats ...You can filter the list by proximity or date ofcelebration.Enter + INFO to view all event details.MAGAZINEOur magazine, with articles on a wide range of issues relatedtonatural health and consciousness, as therapies,emotions,nutrition, adolescent pregnancy ...You can share on social networks.HIGHLIGHTSThis section brings together the events, training, workshopsandmore interesting services.They are sorted by date of execution, the most recent arefirst.Clicking on the banner will access directly to the eventlink.Side MenuIt lets you view your profile, comments you made aboutsomeprofessional or leave the App
Martin Blynov
CARE2GO – Keeps The Body In Balance!Get rid of health problems with our fast and effective”cafesuitable” treatments that are good for body and soul.Regardless ofthe weather, CARE2GO comes to you at a sensible price.Click on"Online Booking" in the menu on the left, then help is onthe way -you just have to try it.AcupunctureVarious acupuncture systems:Treatment name:Body Laser SystemBody Laser System - (also known as BLS - painlesslaseracupuncture) is based on leading acupuncture and healingsystems.This combination makes the system very effective againstall kindsof physical along with psychiatric disorders and otherhealthproblems, among them dyslexia, anxiety, depression, stress,and allkinds op pain, both acute and chronic, etc.Body Laser System was introduced in 2004 by acupuncturistMartinBlynov and was discovered almost by accident. Body LaserSystem hasa systematic effect, meaning the treatment affects theentire body,and like most other alternative treatment forms it isbased onempirical research. The effect of the treatments iswelldocumented, however, through such things as kinesiology testingandgas discharge visualization (GDV) based on the evidence.Thesuccess rate for Body Laser System is as high as 97%.Acupunctureis done while sitting in a chair fully dressed, and thetreatmentlasts 5 min.AttentionIn order to achieve the best results with Body Laser System,youalways need to follow the course of treatment, followed byatreatment every 3 weeks to maintain the positive results.Treatment - (allocation, duration.)Week 1-5Week 1) 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 treatments. Week 2) 1 + 1treatment.Week 3) 1 treatment. Week 4) 1 treatment. Week 5) + 1treatment.Week 5) + 1 treatment.In total 15 treatments, duration: 75 min.ExplanationWeek 1- 2 daily, treatments in five days in a row, duration 50min.Week 2- 2 treatments divided over 2 days, duration 10 min.Week 3 - 5- 1 weekly treatment in 3 weeks, duration 15 min.NB: 1 treatment = 5 sec. x 58 treatment points = 5 min.MassageVarious forms of massage:Treatment name:Chair massageChair massage is a quick and effective form of massagefortreatment of muscle tension, etc. Massage is given on theoutsideof clothing and without massage oils. The massage is givenwhileseated in a relaxed position in a specially designed chairandtreatment lasts from 15 min.JobsVarious job opportunities:Become a franchiseeWould you like to help others while being paid to do so? Ifso,you have the opportunity to create your own Mobile Clinic asafranchisee. CARE2GO wants to spread the concept to other bigcitiesin the world, and we are looking for franchisees who arehighlymotivated to build and run a Mobile Clinic. The conceptisassociated with a small affordable investment that varies fromDKK1.499 to 2.499 annually per year, regardless of earnings. Thepricemay vary from country to country.
Acupressure Tips 1.1
his app provides you all acupressuretreatmentfor all diseases and will shows the information aboutacupressurepoints, reflexology points, hand acupressure, legacupressure andneck acupressure. acupressure points to help you getbetter whenyou pain. acupressure is the most effective methodforself-treatment of tension-related ailments- How to Use Acupressure Points for Foot Pain- Acupressure Points for Colds and Flu- How to Use Acupressure Points for Migraine Headaches- Most Popular Acupressure Points- Acupressure Points for Relieving Stomachaches, Indigestion,andHeartburn- Best Acupressure Points for Weight Loss- Insomnia & Sleep Disorders Acupressure Points &Tips- 5 Simple Acupressure Points for Diabetes.- 5 Simple acupressure points for headache- 5 Easy Acupressure Points For Back Pain and Lower Backaches
HealYourself Body Laser System 1.0
Martin Blynov
Millions of users can`t be wrong.
Football Players Acupressure 0.5.1
Dr. Jakob Bargak
√ Increase Your Football Performance onyourown Without Medications using Traditional ChineseMassagePoints√ Easily find the right Massage Points with simple Full HDVIDEOSand Photos√ Never forget a Massage with a built-in Reminder√ Share the Points on Social Networks to Support Your Team!The Football Acupressure is perfectly suitable for you and yourteamwith these immediate benefits:+ You do not need to resort to medications.+ You do not need to spend a considerable amount of money.+ There is no danger of being hurt, infected orexperiencingpain.+ You massage the points gently with your own finger.+ The app reminds you automatically of yourmassageappointments.Here is what you can achieve with the App right now:√ Improve Endurance√ Improve Concentration√ Improve Reaction√ Reduce Pulse√ Improve Your Vision√ Improve Coordination√ Relieve Muscle Cramp√ Relieve Back Pain√ Relieve Knee Pain√ Sleep Well Before The GameThe massage points offered are:+ especially effective+ easy to find, no need for someone else's assistance+ shown with professional Full HD Videos and PhotosThousands have done it already. Download the App now! It worksalsowithout internet connection (on the plane, abroad, on thetrainetc.)Are you interested in more massage points? Share it on myFacebookpage and get people interested. The larger the following,thefaster you will get the update of the app. Free.Have Fun with the App!Your Dr. BargakHave some questions? Feel free to get in touch:- Facebook: Twitter: E-Mail: Youtube:
Naturopathy Tips 1.0
Silver Sands
Naturopathy Tips:Instead of Giving us a Lower Rating, please mail usyourqueries,issues or suggestions. I will be happy to solve themforyou.Features of This App :* It provides sharing, all communicationapplikefacebook,twitter,hike,wechat,etc....* Plenty of intuitive tips that makes you more friendly withthisalldevices.* The promotion of this tips is it also provides audio tipsthatismore convenient to understand..Provides TextToSpeechfunction.* Copy And Share With Your Family,Friends And Who YouWant....* User friendly interface that makes this app more easytouse.* Great UI Design And Get All Other Related App In One Touch.This highly enhanced Tips app on android containsHDqualitygraphics. This Tips app is highly inspired withandroiddevices andis tested on all latest android devices such asLumiaAndroidseries, Xperia series, Galaxy series and muchmore.So feel free to contact us if your device does not supportwiththismobile app.Naturopathic medicine is a form of natural treatmentssuchashomeopathy, herbal remedies, acupuncture. Itgenerallyavoidsurgery and medicine. It based on the theory thatthebeginning oflife are dependent on a purely chemical. With thehelpof this appyou can get free from many diseases withoutanymedicines. Becauseit prefers non invasive treatment insteadofmedicine orsurgery.To make yourself fit you have to take a very gooddietandtreatment. But with the help of this app your health willbeasgood as you want just a simple steps and a good diet.Takingcareof your health not only makes better how your physiquelooks,butalso helps you remain fit and healthy. Here are some keypointstohelp! With diseases free body structure you can checkoutsomehealthy living and it also help for weight losswithouttakingmedicine.Learn the top secret processes that helps to get stunningshapethatwill make all your friends desirous that how did youlossyourweight and get this structure.Disclaimer1.The content of the pages of this APP is foryourgeneralinformation and use only.The information isprovidedbyexperts.2.Your use of any information or materials on this App isentirelyatyour own responsibility , for which we shall notbeliable.3.It shall be your own responsibility to ensure thatanyproducts,services or information available through this App.Dont Forget To Give Us Rating So We Can Consider ItForFutureUpdates..
Sonia Lee Acupuncture 8.6
Putti Apps
About Sonia Lee Acupuncture Treating your individual needs HereatSonia Lee Acupuncture we work to maintain a close relationshipwithour clients to make them feel comfortable and relaxed as wework inunison to achieve amazing results that reflect theclient’sindividual needs. Why choose us? Many of our patients havetriedusing other treatments to little or no effect. Our pointofdifference is that we build long and trusting relationshipswithour clients to ensure we use the right treatment foreachindividual person. Our team doesn’t just deal with yourphysicalhealth problems; we also use empathy and understanding tocreateemotional balance during the healing process.
Daily Reflexology at home 2.0.0
Full version without ads: Reflexology Acupressure apps now available to make youhavedaily reflexology at home, this app contain a lot ofreflexologypoints that can improve your health and to avoid healthproblems, soyou could use it daily to build and live a healthylife.Features :- More than 50 reflexology points that can be used for keepyourbody and mind healthy- With schedule programs that you can arrange it your selfanddecide what kind of reflexology acupressure therapy youneed.- Exclusive image with sign for the right point todoreflexology- With timer and sound guidance for friendly and easilyuserinteractionGet your healthy body and mind with Daily ReflexologyAcupressureapps to keep your body and mind in a great shapeeveryday.Enjoy.
足ツボ「体の不調を改善」ツボの基礎知識 1.5.0
足ツボ「体の不調を改善」ツボの基礎知識では、東洋医学の足ツボについてわかりやすく解説しています。足の裏には約70ものツボが集まっていて、これらのツボが内臓や体の各パーツに対応しています。大きな区分けとしては、両足とも親指が人の頭にあたり、土踏まず周辺が心臓や胃、肝臓にあたり、かかとが人のお尻に対応しています。まさに足裏は、人体をそのまま投影しているといっていいでしょう。そのため、足ツボを刺激するだけで体全体を改善したり強化したりすることができるわけです。ツボ療法は、誰もが持っている自然治癒力を高めて正常で健康な状態に戻すことを目的にした治療法です。当然、一人一人の体質が違えば、効果の度合いも違います。つまり、あなたの体のペースにあわせてジワジワと効いていくということです。繰り返しおこなうことで、体が本来持っている治癒力を高めて体質そのものを改善および強化することができます。是非とも、ツボをあなたの健康維持に役立ててくださいね。・ツボの基礎知識・正しい足ツボの揉み方 ・足ツボの探し方 ・足ツボダイエット ・様々な症状に効く足ツボ
핏가이더 1.2.3
핏가이더는 걷기는 물론 뛰기와 자전거까지 인식하는 똑똑한 웨어러블 기기이며, 신체균형도와 자세교정을 위한 스트레칭정보를제공합니다.