Top 10 Apps Similar to St. Thomas More

Messages from Pope Francis
Messages from the Pope is the onlyinstantmessaging app for Catholics that notifies you each time theHolyFather sends a message to the world. Follow the path ofhisHoliness into making the world a better place foreveryone.Pope Francis (Latin: Franciscus; Italian: Francesco; bornJorgeMario Bergoglio, 17 December 1936) is the reigning pope oftheCatholic Church, in which capacity he is both Bishop of Romeandabsolute Sovereign of the Vatican City State.Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Bergoglio worked briefly asachemical technician and nightclub bouncer before beginningseminarystudies.He was ordained a Catholic priest in 1969 and from1973 to1979 was Argentina's Provincial Superior of the Society ofJesus.He became the Archbishop of Buenos Aires in 1998 and wascreated acardinal in 2001 by Pope John Paul II.Following the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI on 28 February2013,a papal conclave elected Bergoglio as his successor on 13March. Hechose Francis as his papal name in honor of Saint FrancisofAssisi. Francis is the first Jesuit pope, the first fromtheAmericas, the first from the Southern Hemisphere and thefirstnon-European pope since the Syrian Gregory III in 741, 1,272yearsearlier.Throughout his public life, both as an individual and as areligiousleader, Pope Francis has been noted for his humility, hisconcernfor the poor and his commitment to dialogue as a way tobuildbridges between people of all backgrounds, beliefs andfaiths. He isknown for having a simpler and less formal approachto the papacy,most notably by choosing to reside in the DomusSanctae Marthaeguesthouse rather than the papal apartments of theApostolic Palaceused by his predecessors. In addition, due to bothhis Jesuit andIgnatian aesthetic, he is known for favoring simplervestments voidof ornamentation, including refusing the traditionalpapal mozzettacape upon his election, choosing silver instead ofgold for hispiscatory ring, and keeping the same pectoral cross hehad when hewas cardinal.The Pontiff has affirmed Catholic doctrine on abortion,artificialcontraception, and homosexuality. Whilst maintaining theChurch'steaching against homosexual acts, he has said that gaypeopleshould not be marginalized. As a cardinal, he opposedsame-sexmarriage in Argentina. In addition, he maintains that he isa "sonof the Church" regarding loyalty to Church doctrine, and hasspokenagainst abortion as "horrific", suggested that women bevalued notclericalized. Summarily Pope Francis reiterates that "Itis absurdto say you follow Jesus Christ but reject theChurch."Accordingly, he urged Bishop Charles J. Scicluna of Malta tospeakout against adoption by same-sex couples,[17][18] maintainedthatdivorced and re-married Catholics may not receivetheEucharist,[19][20] and excommunicated a former Catholic priestforEucharistic sacrilege and heretical views.[21][22] Furthermore,heemphasized the Christian obligation to assist the poor andtheneedy in an optimistic tone, as well as promotingpeacenegotiations and interfaith dialogue.[23][24][25][26][7]PopeFrancis has also announced a zero-tolerance policy towardssexabuse in the Church, saying that sex abuse was "as badasperforming a satanic mass."[27][28][29]
Huhn deftig & würzig gratis 1.1
Die deftige & würzige gratisHähnchenRezepte Sammlung von Koch und Ernährungstrainer ThomasSixt.Thomas Sixt lernte das Handwerk des Kochs beimbekanntenbayerischen Sternekoch Alfons Schuhbeck und kochte bishermit mehrals 12.000 kochwütigen in Kochkursen und Kochevents.Entdecken Sie die folgende Rezepte mit Bild gratis undzumgustieren:Brathuhn mit jungem Knoblauch und Pommes fritesBrathuhn mit Knoblauchsauce und KartoffelpüreeBrathuhn mit Semmelknödel- FüllungBrathuhn mit Steinpilz- Semmelknödel- FüllungWie immer bei den Apps von Thomas Sixt werden auch wenigergeübteKochaspiranten gerne in den Kochtopf schauen. Die SchrittfürSchritt Anleitungen ermöglichen ein perfektes Ergebnis inIhrerheimischen Küche.The hearty andspicychicken recipes free collection of cooking and nutritioncoachThomas Sixt.Thomas Sixt learned the craft of the cook at the famousBavarianstar chef Alfons Beck and cooked to date with more than12,000kochwütigen in cooking classes, cooking events.Explore the following recipes with picture free and munchon:Roast chicken with garlic shoots and friesRoast chicken with garlic sauce and mashed potatoesRoast chicken with stuffing Semmelknödel-Roast chicken with porcini Semmelknödel- fillingAs always with the Apps by Thomas Sixt less experiencedchefaspirants will be happy to look into the saucepan. The step bystepinstructions allow a perfect score in your own kitchen.
Catholic Mega App 1.0.4
Web4u Corporation
Top 3 of "Must-Have Catholic Apps" by Catholic Apptitude
Misal México y Centroamérica 1.0.8
Para todos los Católicos*, el es la única app que contiene la Santa Misa detodoslos días del mes, sin necesidad de Internet** para poderseguirladesde el teléfono, en cualquier lugar y en cualquiermomento.*Esta app cuenta con el Misal utilizado en México, EstadosUnidos,Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica y Panamá. Siteencuentras en otro país revisa nuestras versiones de tupaís.Próximamente tendremos versiones para todos los paises deAmérica yEspaña.Comparte el Evangelio directo a seres queridos o redes socialesmásfácil que con ninguna otra app.Ajusta el texto al tamaño que más te facilite su lectura.Esta aplicación ha sido descargada por más de 100,000personas.Algunas reseñas son:- "Me parece que es muy buena aplicación, he bajado varias conlaMisa del día y esta es la más apegada a las lecturas"- "Puedo seguir mi Misa diaria ya que coincide perfecto."- "Me es de gran utilidad porque puedo leer el evangelio del día,yestá totalmente sincronizado con el de la Iglesia"La app del Misal cumple 5 años gracias al apoyo de lacomunidadCatólica de Android. Revisa de manera gratuita y parasiempre elcontenido de la Liturgia Cotidiana del día. Adquiereunasubscripción para poder tener el contenido sin necesidaddeInternet y las ventajas adicionales que hacen realidad que estaappcontinue apoyando a cristianizar la vida cotidiana de máspersonasalrededor del mundo.**El contenido del Misal de la Iglesia Católica actualizadosedescarga los primeros días del mes, después de esto ya noesnecesario contar con conexión constante a Internet para verelcontenido de la Misa del día y la eucaristía.El Misal Romano es el texto litúrgico que contiene todaslasoraciones y lecturas, así como la estructura de la celebracióndelrito romano en la Iglesia Católica. El rito romano es elformatoestándar para la celebración de la Misa en la IglesiaCatólicaRomana.El rito romano de la Misa y el Misal adjunto ha sidoformalmenteestandarizado en 1570 por el Papa Pío V. Después delConcilioVaticano II en 1970, se adoptó el Misal Romano en su formaactual.Desde entonces ha sido revisado en dos ocasiones, una en1975 yotra vez en el año 2000 por el Papa Juan Pablo II.El Misal Romano contiene dos partes. La primera parte es laLiturgiade la Palabra, y la segunda parte es la Liturgia de laEucaristía.La Liturgia de la Palabra contiene lecturas de laBiblia y laLiturgia de la Eucaristía contiene las oraciones y lasrespuestasnecesarias para la celebración de la Eucaristía (laceremonia queconmemora la última cena). El Misal contiene tambiénlas oracionesde apertura y conclusión dichas en la misa.Los católicos son llamados a la celebración de la Misa todoslosdomingos y los llamados días de precepto. Las lecturas ylasoraciones que se dicen durante el cambio de masa en un ciclodetres años. Además, hay varias fiestas y celebraciones quetienensus propias lecturas y oraciones.For all Catholics *,theMissal of is the only app that contains the Massforevery day of the month without Internet ** to follow fromthephone, anywhere and anytime.* This app has the Missal used in Mexico, United States,Guatemala,Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. If you are inanothercountry review our versions of your country. We will soonhaveversions for all countries of America and Spain.Share the Gospel live loved ones or social networks easier thanwithany other app.Adjust text size more facilitates you read.This application has been downloaded by more than 100,000people.Some reviews are:- "I think it's very good application, have lowered several withtheMass of the day and this is the more attached to thereadings"- "I continue my daily Mass as it coincides perfect."- "It is very useful because I can read the Gospel of the day,andis fully synchronized with that of the Church"The Missal app turns 5 years thanks to the support of theCatholiccommunity of Android. Check for free and forever thecontent of theLiturgy Daily day. Acquires a subscription to havethe contentwithout Internet and additional advantages that makethis appactually continue supporting Christianize the daily livesof mostpeople around the world.** The content of the Missal of the Catholic Churchupdateddownloads the first day of the month, after it is nolongernecessary to have constant Internet connection to view thecontentsof the Mass of the day and the Eucharist.The Roman Missal is the liturgical text containing all theprayersand readings, as well as the structure of the celebration oftheRoman rite in the Catholic Church. The Roman Rite is thestandardformat for the celebration of Mass in the RomanCatholicChurch.The Roman Rite of the Mass and the attached Missal has beenformallystandardized in 1570 by Pope Pius V. After the SecondVaticanCouncil in 1970, the Roman Missal was adopted in itspresent form.Since then it has been revised twice, once in 1975and again in 2000by Pope John Paul II.The Roman Missal contains two parts. The first part is theLiturgyof the Word, and the second part is the Liturgy of theEucharist.The Liturgy of the Word contains readings from the Bibleand theLiturgy of the Eucharist contains the prayers and responsesneededfor the celebration of the Eucharist (the ceremonycommemoratingthe Last Supper). The missal also contains the openingandconcluding prayers said at Mass.Catholics are called to the celebration of Mass on Sundays andholydays of obligation called. The readings and prayers said duringthemass change in a cycle of three years. In addition, thereareseveral festivals and celebrations that have their own readingsandprayers.
Catolicos Iglesia Catolica 20006
Aplicación sobre la Iglesia Católica,noticias,reportajes, santos, fechas festivas, sacramentos ydiferentes reglaspara profesar la religión católica de formaadecuada
Frases de la Madre Teresa 4.5.1
Frases celebres de la Madre Teresa de Calcula, beata venerada porlaIglesia Católica y fundadora de Misioneras de la Caridad cuyamisiónes ayudar a los más pobres de entre los pobres.
Frases de Santos Católicos 1
Vitor Hansen
Mais de 300 frases de santos da IgrejaCatólicapara você se edificar e compartilhar!"Somente no momento em que a alma, por amor a Deus , sedespojarde tudo o que não é Deus , e o amor é isso, poderá seriluminada etransfigurada em Deus". (Santa Teresa Benedita daCruz)"Pregue sempre o evangelho. E se necessário use palavras".(SãoFrancisco de Assis)More than 300phrasessaints of the Catholic Church for you to build and share!"Only when the soul, for the love of God, divesting of allthatis not God, and love is so can be illuminated and transfiguredinGod." (Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross)"Preach the gospel always. And if necessary use words."(St.Francis of Assisi)
AMP examen de conciencia 1.0
La Estrella del Mar
Amigo (a) católico (a):¿Recuerdas el momento MÁS HERMOSO que has vivido?... Pues¡ElCIELOES MEJOR!Y ¿puedes recordar el pasaje MÁS AMARGO de tu existencia?Pues¡ELINFIERNO ES PEOR!... Es mi humilde parecer y algo de loqueestoyprofundamente convencido.De mi propia experiencia:Mi amigo de infancia me visitó un día de abril.Llevabavariosaños viviendo en un poblado lejano y nosreuníamosesporádicamente.Cuando llegó, yo leía una guía impresapara unadecuado examen deconciencia que alguien me habíaobsequiado. Pocodespués, yo debísalir un momento a atender unasunto, por lo que lecedí la guíapara que la leyera durante mibreve ausencia. Cuandoregresé lepregunté: - “¿Qué, muy rudo(difícil)?”. Respondió: -“No, sólo queaquí hay cosas que yo nosabía que eran pecado”…Mi queridísimo amigo se marchó de mi casa ese día paranuncamásvolver: veintidós días después terminaría su peregrinarporestemundo entre las latas retorcidas de su auto cuando chocódefrentecontra un camión… No alcanzó los 40 años de edad.Me pregunto cuánto pudo haberle servido aquélimprovisadoexamende conciencia de aquel día para su trance final ysi tuvotiempo deconfesarse antes de morir…No tengo ninguna duda de que mi Diositoesinfinitamentemisericordioso y de que mi amigo ya descansa enSupresencia (erauna maravillosa persona). Sin embargo, esetrágicoacontecimientome hizo valorar la importancia de acudirconfrecuencia y BIENPREPARADO al Sacramento de la Confesión.Así es que tomé la guía y con base en elladesarrolléestaaplicación para que sirva de herramienta a todapersonaqueREALMENTE valore la Confesión y desee hacer un profundoexamendeconciencia preparatorio para recibir el invaluable regalodelaReconciliación con Dios y con la Iglesia.Entres sus características más sobresalientes, están:- Sustentada en la Misericordia de Dios.- Brinda una manera sencilla de análisis paralos10mandamientos.- Muestra referencias a citas bíblicas, así comonumeralesdelCatecismo de la Iglesia Católica y el DiariodeSantaFaustina.- Permite agregar pecados personalizados (que no están enlalistapor defecto).- NO GUARDA información personal ni los resultados delexamenfueradel dispositivo.- Protegida por contraseña.- Despliega los pecados para leerlos ante el sacerdote, conopcióndeeliminarlos al deslizar hacia los lados.- Muestra calificaciones (puntaje) para la autoevaluación.- Fácil de utilizar.¡Que Dios te bendiga, con la intercesión de Santa María!Friend(a)Catholic(a):Remember the MOST BEAUTIFUL time you have lived? ... WellSKYISBETTER!And can you remember the MOST BITTER passage of yourexistence?ForHELL IS WORSE! ... It is my humble opinion andsomething Iamdeeply convinced.From my own experience:My childhood friend visited me on April 1. Spentseveralyearsliving in a remote village and we met sporadically.Whenhearrived, I read a printed guide for properexaminationofconscience that someone had given me. Shortly after, Ihad topopout to address an issue, so I gave him the guide to readitduringmy brief absence. When I returned I asked: - "What,reallytough(difficult)?". He replied: - "No, only here there arethings Ididnot know you were sin" ...My dear friend left my house that day never to return:twentydaysafter end their journey through this world between thetwistedcansof his car when he crashed head-on into a truck ...notreached 40years of age.I wonder how he could have served one improvised soul thatdayforfinal trance and had time to confess before dying ...I have no doubt that my dear God is infinitely mercifulandthatmy friend and rest in His presence (was awonderfulperson).However, this tragic event made me appreciatetheimportance ofgoing WELL PREPARED frequently and the SacramentofConfession.So I took the guide and based on it developed thisapplicationtoserve as a tool for anyone who values ​​the ConfessionandREALLYwant to do a thorough examination of consciencepreparatorytoreceive the priceless gift of reconciliation with Godand withtheChurch .Among its salient features are:- Supported by the Mercy of God.- Provides a simple way to test for the 10 commandments.- Sample references to Biblical quotations and numeralsoftheCatechism of the Catholic Church and the DiaryofSt.Faustina.- Allows you to add custom sins (which are notlistedbydefault).- NOT SAVE personal information or test resultsoutsidethedevice.- Protected password.- Displays sins to read before the priest, with an optiontoremovethe sliding sideways.- Displays scores (score) for self-assessment.- Easy to use.God bless you, with the intercession of Mary!
Catholics Saints 4.04
Aplicativos W.R
The app has the intention to approach those who are already withGod