Top 7 Apps Similar to HabBet+ bet on success habits

TOP Planner 2.4.2
Top-planner –универсальноеприложение-ежедневник для планирования дел, постановкизадач иуправления временем.TOP-planner прост и надежен в использовании. Удобныйинтерфейспозволит вам легко составить список дел, скорректироватьих принеобходимости и отметить выполненные задачи.Используя Top-planner вы получите до 2 дополнительных часов вденьза счет четкого планирования и оптимизации расписания.Эффективное управление временем даст вам возможность поднятьсянакачественно новый уровень управления всеми сферами вашейжизни.Пользуйтесь планировщиком для своих профессиональных задач иличныхцелей.Ежедневник содержит универсальный инструмент "Колесо СВАбоды -НовыйОбраз Жизни", цель которого помочь человеку гармоничноразвиватьсяво всех областях жизни. Данная система позволяет спомощью простыхинструментов тайм-менеджмента создать условия,необходимые длясчастья.Этот ежедневник для тех, кто идет или собирается идти Путемуспеха,процветания и развития!Ежедневное использование данного планировщика позволит вамразвитьполезные привычки и сформировать принципиально новые -длядостижения прорывных результатов.Особенности:- Возможность отправки задач на электронную почту- Сочетание планировщика и календаря- Заметки для планирования различных сфер жизни- Интеллектуальный ввод времениTop-planner -universalapp-day planner to schedule cases, tasking andtimemanagement.TOP-planner is simple and reliable to use. User-friendlyinterfaceallows you to easily create a to-do list, to correct themifnecessary, and to note the task.Using Top-planner you will get up to 2 extra hours per day duetocareful planning and optimization of schedules.Effective time management will give you the opportunity to rise toaqualitatively new level of management of all aspects of yourlife.Use the scheduler to their professional goals andpersonalgoals.Scheduler contains a universal tool "Wheel of Liberty -NewLifestyle", which aims to help a person to develop harmoniouslyinall areas of life. This system allows a simpletime-managementtools to create the conditions necessary forhappiness.This diary for anyone who is or is going to go the way ofsuccess,prosperity and development!Daily use of the scheduler will allow you to develop good habitsandcreate fundamentally new - to achieve breakthroughresults.Features:- Ability to send tasks by email- The combination of the scheduler and calendar- Notes for the planning of the various spheres of life- Predictive time
Acrou - Simple Habit Tracker 0.7.2
Damian Skrodzki
Simple habit tracker. Make your life better by trackinghabitsdaily!
VIP Bet Sickness 2.05.12
The best betting team is here for you..!Only for those who want to make money, easy and quick!Here you can find the craziest predictions, with great odds!High success rate betting predictions, every day onlyforyou..Make sure you update the app to see the newsicknesspredictions!We continue our great work with this app because our facebookpagewith over 16.000+ likes have been hacked!Bet with us, became rich as we!The VIP Bet Sickness wish you, well winnings!
Bet 1.0
Bet is an app that help youmanageyourbetting.You can add the name of the perosn you bet with,what the betisaboutand what would the loser do.Bet also provides a random lose feature:You can add losses and random one so it would be very funnytoknowwhat the loser would do.Enjoy~
Let's Bet 3.1.1
GP Softwares
Let's Bet guides you inside the world of betting with tipsandstatistics
When Did I Last? Habit Tracker 3.1
Curren Events
The application that answers the question "When Did I Last ... ?"
Don't Break the Chain 1.0
Boondoggle Software
1) Pick a goal. 2) Mark off the days on which you work towardthatgoal. 3) Use your chain of marked off days as a motivator andwatchthat jar fill up. - Fully customizable - Change theme to matchyourtastes. - Daily Reminders - Completely Different take on theboringgoal tracker - Have fun watching you jar fill up witheverythingfrom marbles to zombie heads. - Share your goals andresults onFaceBook to get extra motivation and support. - All ittakes foryou to change is you have to want it. You don't have to bethe bestday one, just be the best you that day. Based off ofSeinfeld'sDon't Break the Chain. Seinfeld explained his method forsuccess:each January, he hangs a large year-at-a-glance calendar onhiswall and, for every day he wrote new material, he had theexquisitepleasure that can only come from drawing a big red "X"over thatday. The idea was to never break that chain. Once you skipa day itgets easier to skip more days.