Top 3 Games Similar to Agility Horse SEF Italia

Agility Tracks 2.3.1
The Dog's Place
Agility Tracks is anagilitytrackingapplication, designed by agility competitors –foragilitycompetitors. Don and Ginsey St. Croix put the samepassionandenergy into this application as they put into theirtrainingandrunning in agility.If you want to automatically track your qualificationsforAKCNationals, AKC Invitational or AKC World Team, AgilityTracksisthe app for you. MACH points, Double Q’s and YPSareautomaticallycalculated and tracked.If you want to automatically track your qualificationsforUSDAANationals, Agility Tracks is the app for you.GrandPrix,Steeplechase and DAM Team Q’s are automaticallycalculatedandtracked.Additional Origination Nationals qualifications andSummarypagecoming soon!Track your progress and learn from your mistakes with easytouserecord keeping. Any coach will tell you, the best way togrowandimprove your performance is to track yourperformance.AgilityTracks is the app for that.You can track all of your dogs in multiple venuesincludingAKC,USDAA, CPE, CKC, AAC, FCI, UKI, TDAA, ASCA, DOCNA,NADACandUKC.There are many options for viewing information inAgilityTracks.For the Run Log, you can sort Ascending orDescending, byClass,Club, Date, Dog, Judge, Level, Placement, Q,Run Time orVenue.There are Filters to show just a specific dog orto specifyaparticular time frame by entering a begin and end date.You getaquick and colorful view of the dog, the Q, theplacement,MACHpoints and run time. You can attach pictures of thecoursemap,other still pictures; video or even add your comments onanaudiofile for each recorded run. You can also share theruninformationvia email or Facebook.The new Summary Tab shows Current Year, Previous YearandLifetimedetails for Championship Points, Double Q’s, AverageandHigh YPS forStandard and JWW as well as the above mentionedAKCNationals,Invitational and World Team Tryout qualificationsforthe year, foryour Excellent B dog. For USDAA Masters leveldogs,the Summary pageshows the Average and High YPS for StandardandJumpers, as well asthe USDAA Nationalsqualificationinformation.The new AKC T2B class qualifying runs and pointsareautomaticallycalculated, tracked and displayed on the“Dog”informationscreen.You can Export all of your Dog, Run Log or Summaryinformationviaa .CSV file for easy transition into aspreadsheet.Backing up your data is simple and easy. Once backupiscompleteyou get an email that gives you the email withinstructionson howto do a restore, should a restore be needed.Entry of Club, Location and Judge Information, onceadded,issaved for easy retrieval.You will get a Pop up Alert when there is a new “News”itemtoreview. You will also get a friendly reminder to do abackupafterevery 10 run log entries.
Agility Dog tutte le gare 12.0.0
The first and only applicationdedicatedtosport dog. This application includes all the races ofItalianDogAgility, in fact, it can easily find a list of allthecompetitionsincluding: the date, the Club organizer, thejudges,thecompetition venue, the poster, the location usinggooglemap,contact the Club organizer (email, phone, website,address)andmany other information. The consultation can beperformed inageneral way or for circuit (ENCI, MASTER, AIA, CSEN),by regionorby viewing the races on google map.The application also contains a list of all the Club agilityofItalywith all the information needed to contact them.
Sport Equestri
L'applicazione ufficiale della SEFItalia,Scuola Equestre di Formazione.Il mondo del cavallo e l'organizzazione di SEF sul tuo mobileperessere aggiornato sulle news, sugli eventi equestri di tuttelediscipline. Un nuovo canale per iscriversi alle gare, ai corsidiformazione e reperire le informazioni geografiche perraggiungerli.Il tuo ufficio in tasca per le attività segretarialirelativeall'associazione, ai tecnici equestri ed agli atleti.Un sistema privilegiato per essere 24x7 connesso a SEF.The official app oftheSEF Italy, Riding School of Education.The world of the horse and the organization of SEF on your mobilebeupdated on news, events of all equestrian disciplines. A newchannelto subscribe to competitions, training courses and findgeographicinformation to reach them. Your office in your pocketfor thesecretarial activities relating to the association,technicians andequestrian athletes.A preferred system to be connected 24x7 to SEF.