Top 3 Apps Similar to Coalvi Razza Piemontese

Macellerie Soderi
Dal 1500 ad oggi la tradizione dellaMacelleriastorica si lega con le ricette più moderne e curiose.Con tagli datutto il mondo e le carni italiane più pregiate.Scarica SAMApp,l'app ufficiale della Macelleria Soderi! Adisposizione dei nostrimigliori clienti offerte e promozioni suinostri prodotti! Unservizio unico per la nostra clientelaaffezionata!From 1500 to datethetradition of Butcher historical ties with the recipes mostmodernand curious. With cuts all over the world and the finestItalianmeats. Download SAMApp, the official app of the ButcherSoderi! Weoffer our clients the best offers and promotions on ourproducts! Aunique service for our loyal customer base!
Made In Piemonte 2.1
Relazioni Digitali
La app Made in Piemonte offre al turistalapossibilità di creare dei percorsi turistici nelleaziended’eccellenza piemontesi.Il turista vive un turismo fatto di esperienze e emozioni.Diventaprotagonista attraverso test sensoriali, degustazioni,provepratiche. Vive la visita in modo interattivo, scopre iprocessiproduttivi, i segreti del mestiere.Le aziende propongono un turismo esperienziale e inedito conlapossibilità di scoprire gli showroom e le offerte.Made in Piemonte è un progetto che vede la Regione Piemontecapofilain collaborazione con Unioncamere Piemonte, Valais/WallisPromotione Institut de Tourisme Sierre Valais nella realizzazionediitinerari turistici presso imprese piemontesi e svizzere.Ilprogetto mira a creare una nuova forma di turismo inimpreseappartenenti a settori che maggiormente si relazionano conlacultura, la storia e la tradizione industriale deiterritoricoinvolti.The app Made inPiedmontoffers visitors the opportunity to create tourist routes inthecompanies of excellence Piedmont.The tourist lives a fact of tourism experiences and emotions.Becomea protagonist through sensory testing, tasting, testingpractices.Lives visit interactively, discovers the productionprocesses, thesecrets of the trade.The companies propose a novel experiential tourism and withthechance to discover the showrooms and offers.Made in Piedmont is a project in which the Piedmont Regionalleaderin collaboration with Unioncamere Piemonte, Valais /WallisPromotion and Institut de Tourisme Valais Sierre in thecreation oftourist itineraries in Piedmont companies and Swiss. Theprojectaims to create a new form of tourism enterprises in sectorsthatmostly relate to the culture, history and industrial heritageofthe territories involved.
Made in Piedmont 1.2
Made in Piedmont: a guide for your 100% MadeinPiedmont shopping and holiday. In the guide you find onlyauthenticMade in Piedmont products and a list of all thetypicalaccommodation facilities in Piedmont.A simple and indispensable app for those who want to discoverthemost true and authentic Piedmont. An app dedicated to those whowantto buy original hand-crafted articles made in Piedmont, thosewhowant to purchase typical products of Piedmont directlyfromproducers and those who want to sleep in typical andoldfarmhouses.An app which signals the companies and theaccommodationfacilities closer to you and the ones you will comeacross duringyour journey, a guide to orient your shopping inTuscany, whilelooking for the most original and authenticproducts.Every company and the accommodation facilities arebrieflydescribed, by a photogallery and a map to explain to you howtoreach them exactly from where you are.Continuous update will implement your app categoriesYour research will be easier thanks to a menu split intosevencategories:wine & foodart & designhome accessoriesfashionjewelshospitality