Top 13 Apps Similar to senavocat

Avocat 0.1
Application permettant deconnaîtrelescoordonnées complètes des avocats en fonctiondedifférentscritères ( Liste alphabétique, Ville ou Spécialité)ainsi que lesavis des clients de ces avocats. L'applicationpermetaussid'émettre un avis en conformité aveclalégislationfrançaise.Application toknowthefull details of the law according tovariouscriteria(Alphabetically, City, or Specialty) and thecustomerreviews ofthese lawyers. The application also allows toissue anopinion inaccordance with French law.
FNUJA - Les Jeunes Avocats 1.2
La FNUJA est une associationàvocationsyndicale sans affiliation politique, regroupant lesUnionsdeJeunes Avocats, associations indépendantes, implantéessurplusd’une centaine de barreaux en France métropolitaine etd’outremer.La FNUJA est le premier syndicat représentatif delaprofessiond’avocat, tant du point de vue de la composition delapopulationdes avocats (+ de 50 % des avocats ont moins de 40ans)que par sesrésultats aux différentes électionsprofessionnelles(ConseilNational des Barreaux, et Conseils del’Ordre).Pour être un membre actif, la limite d’âge est de 40ans.Cesystème original, que ne connaît aucuneautreorganisationprofessionnelle, favorise le renouvellement desjeunesavocat(e)sengagé(e)s au sein de la FNUJA.La FNUJA est représenté par son Président et un bureaude7membres, élus pour un mandat d’un an.La doctrine de la Fédération est élaborée lors desoncongrèsannuel qui rassemble toutes les UJA de France. Touslesmois, unComité National se réunit, soit à Paris, soit enProvincepourtraiter des sujets d’actualités.La FNUJA a souhaité être présente sur votre i-phonepourvousfaire découvrir notre vision de la professiond’avocat,nosactions, nos petites annonces, et notremaillageterritorial.Vous êtes avocat, jeune de surcroît, quelque part enFrance,uneUJA vous attend. N’hésitez plus, venez à sarencontre.Vous n’êtes pas avocat, ce n’est pas grave ;-),vousêtesévidemment le bienvenu en espérant que voustrouverezl’informationque vous cherchez.Bonne navigation.FNUJA Associationisanon-partisan association vocation, gathering the UnionsofYoungLawyers, independent associations, installed on more thanahundredbars in metropolitan France and overseas sea.FNUJA is the first union representative of thelegalprofession,both in terms of the composition of the populationoflawyers (morethan 50% of lawyers under 40) and by its resultstovariousprofessional elections (Council National BarAssociation,andCouncils of the Order).To be an active member, the age limit is 40 years.Thisoriginalsystem, which knows no other professionalorganization,promotesthe renewal of young lawyer (s) involved (s)within theFNUJA.FNUJA is represented by its President and other officersofsevenmembers, elected for a term of one year.The doctrine of the Federation is developed atitsannualconference that brings together all of UJA France.Everymonth, aNational Committee shall meet either in Paris or intheprovincesto deal with current topics.FNUJA wished to be present on your i-phone to show you ourviewofthe legal profession, our actions, our ads, andournationwidenetwork.You are a lawyer, young moreover, somewhere in France,aUJAawaits. Do not hesitate, come to meet him.You're not a lawyer, it does not matter;-), youareobviouslywelcome and hope you find the information you seek.Good navigation.
Avocati Romania 1.0
VDF Media Telekom
Aplicatia ofera informatii complete despre cabinetele deavocaturadin Romania. Obiectivul principal al cabinetelor deavocatura esteprestarea de servicii profesionale calificateincluzand consultantajuridical, asistarea si reprezentare in fatainstantelor dejudecata cu responsabilitate si promptitudinerespectandu-se custrictete angajamentele luate siconfidentialitatea informatiilorclientilor. Partenerii nostrii suntspecializati in urmatoareledomenii: drept civil comercial penaldreptul muncii si securitatiisociale familiei si protectieicopilului drept administrativ fiscalvamal etc. “Avocati Romania”ofera posibilitatea de a beneficia depromovare unui singur birou deavocatura/categorie din fiecarelocalitate a tarii. Doriti sa vapromovati AICI, contactati-ne !
Active avocats 1.6
Active Avocats est uncabinetd'avocatsd'affaires installé à Lyon et Ferney-Voltaire prèsdeGenève.Notre équipe se consacre à toutes les difficultés rencontréesparlesentreprises et leurs dirigeants, ainsi que les cadres, surleplanprofessionnel et personnel. Nous intervenons égalementauprèsdesparticuliers, et pour tous types de litigescommerciauxetimmobiliers de manière générale.Retrouvez les décisions de justices du cabinet etlesévolutionsréglementaires.Active Lawyers firmisabusiness based in Lyon and Ferney-VoltairenearGenevalawyers.Our team is dedicated to all the difficulties faced bycompaniesandtheir executives and managers, professionally andpersonally.Wealso work with individuals and all types of commercialandrealestate litigation in general.Find court rulings cabinet and regulatory changes.
IM Avocats 2.1.2
Innov and Event
L'application de IM Avocats vous permetderecevoir régulièrement des informations juridiques, des conseilsetdes invitations à des formations. Elle vous présente aussidesbiens immobiliers ou des entreprises à vendre. Un outil innovantàvotre service !The application ofIMLawyers allows you to receive legal information, adviceandinvitations to training regularly. It also provides real estateandbusinesses for sale. An innovative tool to help!
Application dédiée à l'actualitéjuridique,lajustice et au monde du droit.L’application AVOCAT LAWYER vous permet de suivre touslesjoursl’actualité du droit depuis votre terminal Android.
Avocatul din Buzunar 1.1
Cabinet Avocat Coltuc
Orice intrebare legata de legile invigoarealeRomaniei, precum si orice problema a dvs poate fidescrisainaceasta aplicatie si un avocat va lua cu sigurantalegatura cudvs.Va vom raspunde prompt si la obiect astfel incat safitiinformaticorect despre situatia ceruta.Asteptam cu interes intrebarile si problemele pe careleaveti.Totul este complet gratuit si ne puteti contactatelefonicsau prinemail.Any questionsregardingthelaws of Romania and any problem you may be describedinthisapplication and a lawyer will definitely touch with youWewillreply promptly and to the point so that you areproperlyinformedabout the situation demanded.We look forward to your questions and problems that youhave.Itis completely free and you can contact us by phone oremail.
Jarvis Avocats 3.1.3
JARVIS Software
Emportez votre cabinet partout avec vous.Avec Jarvis Avocats, vous pourrez gérer toute votreactivitéenune seule application : Dossiers, Documents,Clients,Factures,Règlements et bien d’autres fonctions encore.Et comme votre activité vous amène à vous déplacersouvent,JarvisAvocats vous suit partout.Online ou off-line, vous accédez aux informations ducabinetetrestez en contact avec vos collaborateurs.Avec Jarvis Avocats, vous gérez votre cabinet d'unemaindemaître.Take your office withyou.Lawyers with Jarvis, you can manage your entire businessinoneapplication: Files, Documents, Clients, Bills, Regulationsandmanyother functions.And as your business brings you to move often,JarvisLawyersfollows you everywhere.Online or offline, you access the information office andkeepintouch with your employees.Lawyers with Jarvis, you manage your firm a master hand.
Avocat afaceri 2.0
Iancu Razvan
Suport juridic onlinepentruantreprenorieconomici în activități imediate în domeniul :-dreptul fiscal -dreptul comercial - dreptul muncii - dreptulcivil- dreptulproprietății intelectuale -litigiicomerciale,administrative,civileLegalonlineentrepreneursimmediate economic activities in the area: - taxlaw- commerciallaw - labor law - civil law - intellectualpropertylaw - commerciallitigation, administrative, civil
iseekLAW 1.0
iseekLAW is legal search enginededicatedtohelping the consumer find the right lawyer from anymobiledevicein 3 easy steps. Use the navigation bar at the top ofthescreen toknow where you are in the search process. Tofurtherenhance searchefficiency, we leveraged multi-tap functionson thenavigation barsso you can quickly move back and forth throughthescreens.iseekLAW is the first of its kind software applicationthatcaninstantly download hundreds of lawyer profiles basedonspecificcriteria. Consumers can seek out attorneysbypersonal,professional and biographical highlights such ashourlyorcontingent fee, how many cases tried, areas oflaw,legalexperience, achievements, minority and/or women ownedofficeand 13other search tools. By utilizing iseekLAW’sproprietarymatchingsystem, consumers get more than a random listoflawyers.As one of the first mobile legal directories, we continuetobringfresh ideas and innovation to the legal profession.Weincorporatedsocial media into this app as we believe itisrelevant in today'sworld when considering your legal options.Onceyou locate a lawyeror several lawyers in your area throughtheapp, you have the abilityto send questions directly totheattorneys - not fill out longquestionnaires. You can even askhowmuch will the attorney chargefor a particular matter or provideanevaluation of your recoveryoptions and potential worth ofyourcase. All from your mobiledevice.Let iseekLAW do the work by providing you with informationyoucanuse to match your needs as efficiently as possible.
Book Lawyers 1.0
Book Lawyers Android applicationallowsclientsto find & book instant appointments with Lawyerswhoare membersof For Lawyers, the app providesahigh-level viewof upcoming and cancelled appointments madebyclients.Keywords: law, Law, book lawyer, Book Lawyers,Lawyer,Lawyers,bookLawyers, BOOKLAWYER, BOOKLAWYERS, Book Lawyer,Law.
Application mobile du groupe LLC &Associés- Cabinets d'avocatsMobile App of thegroup& Associates LLC - Law Firms
Aston Avocats 1.1.0
Aston Avocats
Aston société d’avocats est uncabinetd’avocats français. Les avocats du cabinet accompagnentlessociétés de croissance et innovante sur l’ensembledesproblématiques juridiques qui leurs sont posées : développementàl’international, financement (Private Equity),contrats,contentieux d’affaires, NTIC/propriété intellectuelle etdroitsocial.Aston Avocats |Mobile App permet de suivre l’actualité ducabinetet du droit. L’application du cabinet permet également des’inscrireen ligne aux formations de l’Aston Academy, véritablessessionspratiques, d’une durée d’environ 2 heures, autours d’unthèmejuridique (parcours « entrepreneur » ou « expert ») développépar unou plusieurs associés du cabinet.Aston law firm is aFrenchlaw firm. The firm's lawyers accompany the growth andinnovativecompanies on all legal issues posed to them:internationaldevelopment, financing (Private Equity), contracts,businesslitigation, IT / intellectual property and employment law.Aston Lawyers | Mobile App to follow the news of the firm andthelaw. The application also allows the firm to register onlineforcourses at Aston Academy, real practical sessions, lastingabout 2hours, around a legal topic (course "contractor" or"expert" )developed by one or more partners of the firm.