Top 18 Games Similar to Авто.Регионы

OBD Car Doctor Pro
OBD Car Doctor new features:Economizerwidget for presentation and recording fuel economy data.Overlaymode to present economy data over any application screens.Reads real-time and stored parameters from ECU ofOBD-IIcompliant cars.Before purchasing please check the compatibility withfreeversion of OBD Car DoctorNote!!! Requires ELM 327 or compatibleBluetoothOBD-II Adapter. Read more at http://www.incardoc.comNote!!! There are multiple reports on connectionissuesup to ECU malfunctioning when using adapters with MACaddresses:66:35:56:... strongly recommend to avoid this adapters!Other chipadapters marked with ELM327 v2.1 also have a lot ofissues!Features:Common:- real-time engine and vehicle parameters: speed,rotation,temperature, pressure, lambda and multiple other sensorsdatasupported by your car- chart drawing for real-time data- check engine light control: read and clear stored error codesandrelated freeze frame dataPro version:- allow real time parameters recording- read, display, read multiple parameters simultaneously- recording parameters in background mode- view and sending recorded parameters traces- GPS support- fuel Economy parameters- upload to server (beta version) store and share DTC data and General info- auto-start of last used command screen (use "Auto start ofthelast command" option in Configuration alone or in combinationwith"Connect BT at start")- (new) console for advanced users experiments with OBD-IIandadapter commands (use "Test"-"Console" option in Configurationtoallow console screen)- consumption fuel per time- support of graphical gauges- specialized widgets: fuel economy, acceleration- overlay to present economy data over any application screenFuel Economy parameters now supported as beta versionfeature,please note that for correct calculation you may need toenterproper Engine displacement (in cubic cm) and volumetricefficiency(in %, the default is 80)For files uploading do the following when your deviceconnectedto Internet:- create account with Registration option in through theapplication(Menu-Configuration-Account) or with siteoption set your Login and Password inAccount(Menu-Configuration-Account)- upload your traces to server: open list of recorded traces atOBDRecords page, long click on item, select "Send to service" inpopupmenu- visit and login at Personal account pagetoview the traces.Note!!! Avoid simultaneous running of multipleOBDreading applications, be sure that other applications arenotkeeping live OBD connection.Please send your questions with email, as we can't answer inPlaymarket comments.You could help to improve the project by sending OBD-IIdetailsinfo related to your car. Fill in the car detailswithconfiguration screen and click send button in "Generalinformation"section. Thanks!
OBD Car Doctor 7.6.9a
PNN Soft
OBD Car Doctor new features:Supporttypes of adapters: OBD-II (Bluetooth, WiFi, Kiwi 3 (BLE),Vinli)and GPS-only mode (if you have no adapter) Updated logbook:fuelingand service notes.Reads real-time and stored diagnostics parameters from ECU ofOBD-IIcompliant cars. Support data reading PID's from cars with 2and moreECU.Note!!! Requires ELM 327 or compatible BluetoothOBD-IIAdapter. Read more at Work w/oadapterpossible only in GPS mode: Speed, AltitudeNote!!! There are multiple reports on connectionissuesup to ECU malfunctioning when using adapters with MACaddresses:66:35:56:... strongly recommend to avoid this adapters!Other chipadapters marked with ELM327 v2.1 also have a lot ofissues! Pleasecontact us by mail to report troubles with adapters,would be niceto have the following info: naming, MAC address,ELM327 firmwareversion info and/or connection log, This will helpto create list ofpotentially dangerous adapters and share thisinformation with otherusers.Features:- real-time engine and vehicle OBD2 parameters: speed,rotation(rpm), coolant temperature, pressure, lambda and multipleothersensors data supported by your car- chart drawing for real-time data- check engine light control (MIL): read and clear storederrorcodes and related freeze frame data- Fuel Economy/Consumption parameters (MPG) (for diesel need tosetproper flag in Configuration)- code scanner: store and share DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Codes)dataand General info- auto-start of last used command screen (use "Auto start ofthelast command" option in Configuration alone or in combinationwith"Connect BT at start")- console for advanced users experiments with OBD-II andadaptercommands (use "Test"-"Console" option in Configuration toallowconsole screen)- read more details at product site read GPS data: speed, altitude- support of graphical gauges- logbook: fueling, service records, carmaintenance,diagnostics★ ★ ★ More features ★ ★ ★ are available with ProversionOBDCar DoctorPro Economy parameters now supported as beta versionfeature,please note that for correct calculation you may need toenterproper Engine displacement (in cubic cm) and volumetricefficiency(in %, the default is 80)Note!!! Avoid simultaneous running of multipleOBDreading applications, be sure that other applications arenotkeeping live OBD connection.Required permissions:- Device & app historyUsed to self- identify application when running in background- LocationExtra GPS parameters: GPS speed, altitude- Photos/Media/FilesStore and read "Logbook" and Debug data as directuser'sactions- OtherBluetooth related - communication with external adapterInternet related - publishing "Logbook" records to server asdirectuser's actionsPlease send your questions with email, as we can't answer inPlaymarket comments.You could help to improve the project by sending OBD2 detailsinforelated to your car. Fill in the car details withconfigurationscreen and click send button in "General information"section.Thanks!
Авто Плюс 1.1.2
Если Вы – активный автолюбитель ихотитеконтролировать расходы на обслуживание автомобиля, иметь подрукойактуальную таблицу со штрафами, а также узнавать всесамыепоследние новости из мира автомобилей, приложение оттелеканала"Авто Плюс" разработано специально для Вас!В приложении представлены: справочник учета расходов,возможностьпросматривать наличие штрафов и задолженностей понарушениям ПДД, атакже самые рейтинговые и актуальные программысобственногопроизводства телеканала "Авто Плюс", такие как: Grandтест, "Нашитесты", "Подержанные машины", "Новости с колес" идр.Также доступна расширенная версия приложения сдополнительнымфункционалом для сервиса "Учет расходов" и др.If you - the activecarenthusiast and want to control the costs of car maintenance,tohave on hand-to-date table of fines, as well as learn allthelatest news from the world of cars, the application of theTVchannel "Auto Plus" is designed especially for you!Provided in the appendix: a guide for recording expenditures,theability to view the presence of fines and debts on violationsoftraffic regulations, as well as top-rated and best program ofitsown production channel "Auto Plus", such as: Grand test,"Ourtests", "Used Cars," " News on wheels "and others.Also available is an expanded version of the applicationwithadditional functionality for the service, "Borrowing Costs",andothers.
Android Auto
Google LLC
Control maps, media and messaging, with the Google Assistantwhileyou drive
Авто-Помощник - CarGuide 1.1.0
Давно хотели узнать из чегосостоитавтомобиль?Теперь есть Авто-Помощник CarGuide,который всегда с Вами!В приложении 6 разделов посвященных устройствуавтомобиля,аименно:-Двигатель-Трансмиссия-Ходовая-Системы управления-Несущая и Электрооборудование-Картинки.С помощью CarGuide Вы узнаете:*Плюсы и минусы переднего,заднего приводов*Как происходит охлаждение ДВС*В чем преимущества подвески МакФерсон*Из чего состоит коробка передач и еще много нового.'ve Always wanted toknowwhat is in your car?Now there's Auto-Assistant CarGuide, which is always withyou!Annex 6 sections devoted to car unit, namely:The engine-Transmission-Running-Control Systems-Supporting and Electrical-Pictures.With CarGuide you will learn:* The pros and cons of front-, rear-wheel drive* How is the engine cooling* What are the advantages suspension MacPherson* What is in the gearbox and a lot more.
АвтоАссистент - оплата штрафов 3.1
Check traffic fines and pay with a 50% discount. Photo violation
Car Key Simulator 1.10.0
Torx Entertainment
Simulate unlocking your favorite car with realistic skins andsoundeffects!
Авто.Налог 1.0.5
Digitalage Software
Данное приложение предназначено длярасчетатранспортного налога на территории РФ (Калькулятортранспортногоналога).Данные есть для всех регионов РФ.This applicationisdesigned to calculate the vehicle tax in the territory oftheRussian Federation (vehicle tax calculator).The data is there for all the regions of theRussianFederation.
EXIST – интернет-магазин автозапчастейиаксессуаров для европейских, японских и корейских автомобилейимототехники. Компания предоставляет поиск по VIN, номеруииллюстрированным каталогам.С помощью приложения Вы легко сможете найти ближайший офис.Повыбранному офису доступны контакты, время работы ипостроениемаршрута.Функционал:1. Поиск запчастей по артикулу2. Запрос менеджеру по VIN автомобиля3. Оформление заказа4. Просмотр ближайших адресов Exist.5. Личный кабинет и история заказов6. УведомленияEXIST - the onlineshopfor auto parts and accessories for European, Japanese andKoreancars and motorcycles. The company provides a search on VIN,numberand illustrated catalogs.With the application, you can easily find the nearestoffice.Available for the selected office contacts, time androuteplanning.Functionality:1. Search of spare parts on the article2. Request the VIN manager3. Ordering4. Viewing the nearest address Exist.5. Personal account and order history6. alert
Чей регион? 1.1
Ilyin Vladimir
Небольшая программа,позволяющаялегкоопределить принадлежность автомобильного цифровогокода крегиону.Вы можете просматривать весь список, осуществлять поисккакпономеру региона так и по его наименованию.A small programthatallowsyou to easily determine the identity of automotivedigitalcode tothe region.You can view the entire list, search for both the regionandthenumber of his name.
All Russia's License Plates 17.0
Easily find out where a car is from,regardlessof its license plate color.This app contains a comprehensive directory of thespecialregistration plates (military officials,diplomaticrepresentatives, etc)The updated version features a button 'info' button that givesadetailed view of each type of license plates.
Сodes of Russian regions 3.4
Car numbers of Russian regions. List of names of Russian regions.
Car info - Car data, cars data 8.3.7
Cars Informtion
Car info - Car info with all car brands, Technical data catalog
Auto Bluetooth 2.1
Papers AG
Auto Bluetooth will enable Bluetooth on an incoming call and stopitafterwards
Чей регион? - коды регионов РФ 10.1
Dmitry Belyaev
Find out what region of Russia the car is from
Авто 1.0
Автобазар УкраиныSecond hand Ukraine
Покупка авто 1.3
Программа предназначена для проверкиавтомобиляперед покупкой и разумного торга с продавцом. Ведьмногие услышавцену на авто даже не пытаются поторговаться? А всеэто из-за чего?Из-за того что не знают за какие неисправностиможно заставитьпродавца скинуть стоимость.Программа рассчитает все видимые неисправности и покажетсуммускидки на которую можно претендовать и обосновать ее. Понятно,чтона рынке имеется куча автомобилей разных классов.Программарассчитывает стоимость для среднеклассового автомобиля.Если выпокупаете авто бизнес класса то полученную сумму можносмелоувеличить в несколько раз. Надеюсь, что приложение кому-тобудетполезно. СпасибоСкачивайте также программу Устройство автомобилянаPlayMarket.Это тестовая версия приложения будет развиваться благодарявашимотзывам и предложениям!!!The program is designedtotest the car before you buy and reasonable bargaining withtheseller. After all, many heard the price of the car is noteventrying to bargain? And all this because of what? Due to thefactthey do not know for any fault can force the seller to throwoffthe price. The program calculates all visible faults and show the amountofdiscount that you can claim and justify it. It is clear thatthemarket has a lot of cars of different classes. Theprogramcalculates the cost for a medium size car. If you buy abusinessclass cars is the amount received can safely be increasedseveraltimes. I hope that the application to someone would behelpful.Thank you Download a program device on the vehicle PlayMarket.This is a test version of the app will be developed thankstoyour comments and suggestions !!!
Автокоды всех регионов России. 1.0
Program to find the region code on autonumbers. All codes ofRussianregions.