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FitJo 2.0.10
Come join the FitJo Gym! FitJo is a digital fitness journalthatmakes tracking your workouts, diet, and personal notes fastandeasy. Our user interface is designed to be unclutteredandintuitive and our development team strives to engage with ouruserswherever they're lifting. ** Track Exercises ** - View andupdatedaily fitness journal entries in just a few taps - Add setswithreps and weight data to each exercise you complete -Navigatebetween daily workouts by swiping left or right - View allworkoutsin a calendar view with weekly, two week, and monthly views- Jumpto a specific date using the in-app calendar widget - Usethebuilt-in rest timer between sets - View workout summariesandtotals for each day using the draggable sheet on each page.Dataincludes total reps, total sets, and total volume - Addcomments/notes to individual sets or your workout as a whole - Marksets ascomplete or incomplete using checkboxes - Delete or updatesetsafter adding them - Calculate 1-rep maxes and quickly findotherpercentages - Explicitly mark your Off Days ** Track your Diet** -Search thousands of general food items on the nutrition tab -Viewmacro totals in the summary tab (proteins, carbs, fats) -(Comingsoon) Create and favorite custom food items ** CreateRoutines ** -Create custom routines with unique names and exercisesequences -Customize individual set reps, weight, time, anddistances - Addroutines to new or existing workouts - Use pre-maderoutines -Share your routines in the FitJo Gym ** Track YourProgress ** -Record body measurements quickly using our date andtime picker -Leave comments on individual measurements - View allof yourhistorical sets for each exercise - View personal recordsandcumulative stats for exercises, including max weight and maxvolume- Save progress pictures and tag them with specific sides **FindExercises ** - Select from a growing database of exercises -Filterexercises based on their primary, secondary, and detailedtargetmuscles - Filter exercises based on the equipment theyrequire,their movement types, and more miscellaneous tags - Addcustomexercises if you can't find one in our database. Exercisesarecreated with a unique name, target muscle, the workout type,andthe equipment that it requires - Edit and update allcustomexercises you've created - Link out to instructional pagesfor allexercises ** Save Your Data ** - Create an account using anemailand password and have all of your data saved in the cloud-Instantly access your data from any device - Custom exercisesyoucreate will only be available to you - Use a singleProsubscription on all platforms where FitJo is with any questions, feedback, orfeaturerecommendations.