Top 7 Apps Similar to Zen Car - Electric Carsharing

urbi - carsharing aggregator
GO PLACES WITH URBI!Are you a car sharing user? Did you subscribe to more thanoneservice?Find and Book your nearest car-sharing car, all in one app.Noregistration required!!.We care about your privacy, no login data will be sent toourservers.Do you want to be notified when a car is free nearby you? Withthenew radar function it is easy and the batman jingle will letyouknow when a car is found!Public transport are now shown in Milan and Venice.Supported cities and services:- MILAN: car2go, DriveNow, enjoy(cars andscooters),Share'ngo, Ubeeqo, e-vai, BikeMi (+MyTaxi andUBER).- ROME: car2go, ecooltra, enjoy, “Roma Sharing”, Share'nGo,eRoma Wifi (+Scooterino, MyTaxi)- FLORENCE: car2go, enjoy, Share'nGo and GirACI- TURIN: car2go, enjoy, BlueTorino, "CarSharingTorino",[TO]Bikeand more..GERMANY (Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich, Köln, Stuttgart,Hamburg,Düsseldorf) with DriveNow, car2go, drive by, Multicity,emmy, Coup,, Ubeeqo and Bike SharingMADRID with car2go, Emov, Ecooltra, Muving andBicimad.WIEN,COPENHAGEN, STOCKHOLM with car2goandDrivenow, Sco2t and Bike SharingOther features:- Shop: in Milan and Turin, give Bike Sharing as a gift! You canbuyannual and weekly subscriptions for you and your friends!- Fare calculator: view the different "best fare" or "besttime"options for your trip- Need a ride? If you don’t feel like driving or you can’t findanysharing vehicle, in Milan and Rome you can easily click thebigbutton on the map and choose between the options of ridesharingasScooterino, MyTaxi and UBER.- Filter just the vehicle you need to see!- No internet connection on your phone? It’s not a problem.URBIshows you the nearest areas covered by “Open Wifi,”alsoOFFLINE!- Parking and Gas stations- Traffic!- SHAKE the phone to refresh the data!IMPORTANT:*if you do not want to fill in your log in details of thedifferentcar sharing services, you can always open the official appbyclicking the icon in the top bar.*when you have booked an enJoy car, do not forget to wait fortheconfirmation e-mail or SMS.*If you have android 2.x please be sure you have installedGoogleServices you have any feedback, please contact us!!Find us on Twitter: Facebook: app is not affiliated with any Car Sharing service. Logosusedbelong to their respective owners.Bike data is collected from the great guys of
Stadtmobil CarSharing schnell 21
Fridolin Jackstadt
The fastest way to book a city car or change a booking
Carsharing Deutschland 23.6.249
cantamen GmbH
Book your CarSharing vehicle, from small cars to vans.
Flinkster 4.8.1
Book your rental car from anywhere right on your mobile phone!
car2go black 1.6.1
car2go Group GmbH
The car2go black app offers you aconvenientand user friendly way to rent a premium andcomfortableMercedes-Benz B-Class for one way or roundtrips. Startyour rentalin any one of the car2go black park spots and end yourrental inany of our park spots in Berlin or Hamburg. car2go blackiscompletely smartphone based – find vehicles near you, reserveandstart and end your trip completely via the app.Overview of features:- Direct access to all car2go black vehicles with easy to locatemapview- Comprehensive information on the selected car2go black suchaslocation (street, town), distance and fuel level- Display of car2go black park spots which are convenientlylocatedin the city center, near airports and mass transitconnectingpoints- Automatic guidance to the nearest car2go black withintheapp- Keyless vehicle access in real-time via the app- In-App guide and comprehensive vehicle informationIf you have any questions, suggestions or problems regardingtheApp, please contact us at
Andale - Carsharing aggregator
Nominated Best Transportation App bytheEuropean Union in 2016.App of the year for SDA Bocconi and Edison in 2015Andale is the only application that lets you subscribe toallmain carsharing, bikesharing, scootersharing services, Uber andTaxifrom the same platform and at the same time!With a single subscription you will have access to all mainservicespresent in your city of interest, in Italy and abroad,receiving upto 150 FREE minutes of usage!And this is not the only advantage!Let your friends know about Andale using your personal “FriendCode”you can find within the app and both will receive extra freeminutesof usage!With Andale you will be able to use the following services:Milan -- Car2go, Enjoy, E-vai, Guidami, Share'NGo, Zego,Uber,Bikemi;Rome -- Car2go, Enjoy, RomaCarSharing, Share'NGo, Uber;Florence -- Car2go, GirACI, Share'NGo, Enjoy, Uber;Turin -- Car2go, CarCityClub, Enjoy, ToBike, Zego;Berlin, Munich, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Wien,Frankfurt,Stuttgart -- Car2go, DriveNowAndale is:1- USEFUL. A single registration enables you to access allmajorcarsharing, bikesharing, scootersharing services, Uber andTaxi inyour city from the same platform and at the same time.2-COMPLETE. Uber, Car2go, Enjoy, Share’NGO? There are all ofthem,and much more!3-EASY TO USE. You can look for the best solution for anysituationby simply looking at a single and clear map.4-CLEAR. Compare costs for each service, subscription andusageguidelines.5-CONVENIENT. Select your destination and the applicationwillestimate time and cost to destination. Choose the service thatwillbring you to destination in the least time and at lowest costforany one situation!Andale: One App – All Carsharing and Bikesharing services!We are always happy to hear from our users!For any comment, question or doubt, don’t hesitate to write usatthe following address: info@andaleapp.comFollow us on Facebook: Twitter: is not affiliated to any Carsharing, Bikesharing orTaxiservice and all brands and logos are owned by the respectiveownerCompanies.“If you don’t have available data on your phone but need to bookavehicle, look for a “OpenWi-Fi” area through Andale. Once youreachit you will be able to book the chosen vehicle withoutregesteringto the Wi-Fi service!
Sharengo 2.2
SHARE'NGO è una piattaforma nazionale perlosviluppo della mobilità elettrica e sostenibile ideata e gestitadaCS GROUP che offre servizi di car sharing free floating atariffeprofilate nelle più grandi città italiane, car sharingdislocatonelle città italiane di medie dimensioni (SHARE ‘NGOPOINT) ecourtesy car per il settore turistico-alberghiero con lapropriadivisione SHARE’NGO RENTAL oppure in noleggio a lungotermine, inpartnership con ELETTRONLT.Iscrizione al servizioPer Iscriversi al servizio di car sharing SHARE ‘NGO bastaandareall’home page del nostro sito Per avere ilproprioPiano Tariffario Personale l’iscrizione deve avvenireattraverso ilsito Riceverai il PIN per l’usodel servizio viaemail.Trovare e prenotare in rete un’Equomobile quando ti servePer trovare un’Equombile basta aprire l’app per visualizzarelaposizione di ogni vettura disponibile (che potraiprenotaregratuitamente per 30 minuti se sei iscritto al servizioSHARE’NGO).visualizzare l’indirizzo di sosta, le condizioni e lostatus diogni Equomibile disponibile.Usare un’Equomobile che hai trovato parcheggiataPuoi verificare la disponibilità del veicolo moltosemplicemente.Nella parte bassa a destra del parabrezza anterioreè localizzatauna centralina a led colorati: la luce verde indicache il veicolo èdisponibile per il noleggio con almeno il 20% dicarica (cioèun’autonomia di almeno 20 km), la luce gialla che ilveicolo è giàstato prenotato, la luce blu che l’auto è attualmentein uso. Se laluce è rossa quell’Equomobile non è disponibile. Perutilizzarladevi prima prenotarla (vedi sopra). La prenotazione ègratuita edura 30 minuti.Apertura e chiusura delle portiereHai mezz’ora di tempo per arrivare alla macchina evederecomparire automaticamente sul tuo telefono il pulsante‘’AvviaCorsa’’.Inizio del NoleggioDopo il controllo del veicolo ti verrà chiesto il tuo PINdadigitare sullo schermo del computer di bordo (il PIN ti èstatoinviato via email dopo la registrazione). Una volta inseritoilcodice PIN il noleggio avrà inizio. Sul display di bordoèpossibile selezionare la lingua italiana o quellainglese.ATTENZIONE! La chiave dell’Equombile non è estraibile erestasempre a bordo.Fine noleggioPer terminare la sessione di noleggio è necessarioselezionarel’opzione corrispondente sul display di bordo e seguireleistruzioni per lo spegnimento della vettura. Ricorda chel’autodeve essere lasciata con la marcia 'N' inserita e la leva delfrenoa mano tirata su. Il costo della sessione di noleggioverràautomaticamente addebitato sulla carta di credito inseritaalmomento della registrazione.Pagamenti e fatturazione del servizioI noleggi Share‘ngo sono pagabili con carta di credito,ancheprepagata, o attraverso Paypal. Ad ogni corsa corrispondeunafattura che puoi scaricare quando vuoi nell’Area Riservata.Semprein area riservata puoi controllare e aggiornare il tuoPianoTariffario Personale e vedere quanti minuti gratuiti ti sonostatiaccreditati con la registrazione e quanti ne hai consumati.Inoleggi nel giorno del tuo compleanno sono gratuiti e gratuitesonole corse per le donne di notte, dall’1 alle 6 del mattino.SHARE'NGO is anationalplatform for the development of electric mobility andsustainableconceived and managed by CS GROUP that offers carsharing servicesfree floating rates profiled in major Italiancities, car sharingdislocated in the Italian cities of medium size(SHARE ' NGO POINT)and courtesy car for the tourism and hotelsector with its divisionSHARE'NGO RENTAL or long term rental, inpartnership withELETTRONLT.Membership in the ServiceSign Up for the car sharing service SHARE 'NGO just go tothehome page of our website To have your RatePlanPersonal entry must be through the site Youwillreceive the PIN for use of the service by email.Securely book un'Equomobile network when you need themTo find un'Equombile just open the app to view the locationofeach car available (you can book a free 30 minutes if youhavejoined the SHARE'NGO). View the address for stop, theconditionsand status of each Equomibile available.Use un'Equomobile you found parkedYou can check the availability of the vehicle very simply. Inthelower right corner of the front windshield is located in acentralcolored LEDs: the green light indicates that the vehicleisavailable for rental with at least 20% charge (ie a range ofatleast 20 km), the yellow light the vehicle has already beenbooked,the blue light that the car is currently in use. If thelight isred quell'Equomobile is not available. To use it you haveto bookit before (see above). The reservation is free and lasts30minutes.Opening and closing of the doorsYou have half an hour to get to the car and seeautomaticallyappear on your phone the button '' Start Race ''.Start of rentalAfter control of the vehicle you will be asked to enter yourPINon the screen of the on-board computer (PIN was sent to youviaemail after registration). After entering the PIN the carwillstart. On-board display, you can select the English orItalianlanguage. WARNING! The key dell'Equombile is not removableand isstill on board.End rentalTo end the session hire you must select that option onthedisplay board and follow the instructions to switch off thecar.Remember that the car must be left in the gear 'N' inserted andthelever of the handbrake pulled up. The cost of the session oftherental will be automatically charged to your credit cardwhenregistering.Payment and billing serviceThe hires Share'ngo are payable by credit card, also prepaid,orthrough Paypal. At each race corresponds to an invoice which canbedownloaded whenever you want in the Reserved. Also in reservedareayou can check and update your Rate Plan staff and see how manyfreeminutes you have been credited with recording and how many youhaveeaten. The hires in on your birthday are free, and free isracingfor women at night, from 1am to 6am.