Top 4 Apps Similar to Rotary 2430

Rotary Events App 4.20.3
CrowdCompass by Cvent
Welcome to the official event app forRotaryInternational. Use this app to- build a personalized schedule- download session resources- connect with other participants- view transportation and venue maps- read speaker profiles- receive updates- share photos- complete polls and surveys, and more.Download the app to begin connecting today.
Cookeville Rotary 2.0.5
This is a custom app for Cookeville Rotary ClubsinCookeville,Tennessee.
Dominion Rotary
TMI Episcopal
In this app you can find: Calendar, Club Fundraisers,BusinessDirectory, Pay Annual Dues, Foundation Giving, GeneralInfo,Facebook, Submit Make-Up, Rotary Survey, Club Website,MembershipApplication, Contact Us The Dominion Rotary Club is acharteredclub and part of Rotary International. Service activitiesincludesupporting education through Interact and Early Actprograms,service within the community, raising awareness andsupporting theRotary International mission.
Rotary District Directory 0.1
At the time of independence, there wereonly3Rotary Clubs in Pakistan – Lahore (7 Dee. 1927), Karachi(11May1933) and Hyderabad ( 5 March 1939). Today the RotaryClubofKarachi (with a membership of 130 – highest in Pakistan) isoneofthe 85 clubs in RI District 3271 which covers theprovincesofSindh and Baluchistan in Pakistan.The setting up of the Rotary Club of Karachi was the outcomeofthevision and initiative of its service-minded chartermembersamongstwhom figured personalities like Hatim A. Alavi, HatimB.Tyabji andJamshed Nusserwanji. And when in 1947 atindependence,the Clubboat was being rocked with the migration of agood numberof itsmembers, the storm was weathered by the foresightand hardwork ofRotarians like Dinshaw B. Avari, Hakim M. Ahson,Dr.SohrabAnklesaria, Yussuff Chinoy and Ahmed E. H. Jaffer.From its very commencement, the Club started takinganactiveinterest in the civic life of Karachi and alsodevotedconsiderableattention to the international aspect ofRotaryservice. Theprincipal activities-cum-achievements of theClubduring the 70years of its existence, new State of Pakistan(August1947) aresummarized below:Old Completed Projects1958 a cottage at the Ojha TB sanatorium1962 a clinic in Gizri Bagh Colony (now defunct)1981 a school hall at APWA Artisans’ Colony, Drigh Road1987-88 Sewing machines for Afghan Refugees – 375Singersewingmachines at a cost of Rs.535,000 thanks toasubstantialcontribution of the Rotary ClubofLudwigshafenRheinschanze(Germany) and The Rotary Foundation.ThisProject was declared asone of the 50 best World CommunityServiceProjects of1987-881989-1996 Mass Miniature Radiography (MMR) Project.AMercedes-Benzvan fitted with sophisticated x-ray equipment (forTBdetection),costing over 4 million rupees, for screeningAfghanrefugeessuspected of TB. This Project was made possible byverygenerouscontributions of the Rotary ClubofLudwigshafen-Rheinschanze, RIDistrict 186 (Germany), theGermanGovernment and the RotaryFoundation. Over 21,000 Afghanrefugeesand “contact” persons werescreened.1991-92 Hospital equipment (worth over Rs. 3 million)receivedfromthe Rotary Club of Nedlands (West Australia) wasdonated totheCivil Hospital and the Ojha TB Sanatorium.