Top 19 Apps Similar to Pharmacy & Pharmacology

Pharmacological Dictionary 80.0
The best free dictionary pharmacology, learn pharmacological terms.
Pharmacology Quiz 4.2
American Studies Inc.
3,000+ Pharmacology Exam multiple choice questions Bank
Тесты ПМГМУ 5.0.0
Plotnikov Constantine
Appendix to prepare for Comp. tests for medical students.
Высшее медицинское образование 3.0
Программный комплекс предназначендляподготовкик тестированию в специализированных центрахтестированияпо оказаниюуслуг массового тестирования наприсвоениеквалификационных категорийдля специалистов с высшим исредниммедицинским образованием иаттестации в областиздравоохраненияРеспублики Казахстан и позволяетоценивать знаниятестируемых лиц сиспользованием тестовых вопросов.Высшее медицинское образованиеАбдоминальная хирургияАкушерство и гинекологияАллергология и иммунологияАнгиохирургияАндрологияАнестезиология и реаниматологияБактериологияБиохимияВалеологияВрач-лаборантГастроэнтерологияГематологияГериатрияГипербарическая оксигенотерапияГирудотерапияГомеопатияДерматовенерологияДерматокосметологияДетская абдоминальная хирургияДетская аллергология и иммунологияДетская анестезиология и реаниматологияДетская гастроэнтерологияДетская гематологияДетская гинекологияДетская дерматологияДетская кардиологияДетская кардиология интервенционнаяДетская кардиохирургияДетская комбустиологияДетская лечебная 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экспертизаСудебно-психолого-психиатрическая экспертизаСурдологияТерапияТерапия подростковаяТоксикологияТоракальная хирургияТравматология-ортопедияТрансплантологияТрансфузиологияУрологияФизиотерапияФитотерапияФтизиатрияФункциональная диагностикаЦитологияЧелюстно-лицевая хирургияЭксперт-гистологЭксперт-танатологЭкстракорпаральная детоксикацияЭлектрокардиографияЭндокринологияЭндоскопияThe softwarepackageisdesigned to prepare for the test in special test centerstoprovideservices to mass testing for awardingqualificationcategories forspecialists with higher and secondarymedicaleducation andcertification in the field of Health of theRepublicof Kazakhstanand allows to evaluate the knowledge of thetestpersons using thetest questions.Higher medical educationAbdominal surgeryobstetrics and gynecologyAllergology and ImmunologyangiohirurgaandrologyAnesthesiology and Intensive CareBacteriologyBiochemistryValeologyPhysician assistantgastroenterologyHematologyGeriatricsHyperbaric oxygen 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Basics of Pharmacology & Quizl 1.0
Get the essential pharmacology fundamentals and become an expertinPharmacology
Pharma Tube 3.2
Dhshan Pharma
Pharma Tube is series of videos containing basic &clinicalpharmacology; Arabic
NCLEX Pharmacology Test Bank 1.0
Top of Learning
To Become an expert in Pharmacology, GET over 8200 Notes &NCLEXExam Quiz & Answers This application contains study notes&exam Quiz related to Pharmacology. It's a must for allNCLEXcandidates & all nursing practitioners . it's alsorecommendedfor USMLE, ABCP, NAPNES,DSP, CAMH & PTCB candidates.Get thepremium app & become an expert in medical nursing withover8200 study notes & exam quiz. Get better understanding,higherscores in your exams, & more professionalism in yourpractice.Main Features of the premium version: - +8200 examquestions andstudy notes - 5 study modes - Shareable content -Settings: withflexibility to change font size & backgroundcontrol NCLEX(National Council Licensure Examination) is anexamination for thelicensing of nurses in the United States andCanada. There are twotypes, the NCLEX-RN and the NCLEX-PN. Aftergraduation from aschool of nursing, one takes the NCLEX exam toreceive his or hernursing license. A nursing license gives anindividual thepermission to practice nursing, granted by the statewhere he orshe met the requirements. NCLEX examinations aredeveloped andowned by the National Council of State Boards ofNursing, Inc.(NCSBN). The NCSBN administers these examinations onbehalf of itsmember boards which consist of the boards of nursingin the 50states, the District of Columbia, and four U.S.territories,American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands and theVirginIslands. Pharmacology is the branch of medicine andbiologyconcerned with the study of drug action,[1] where a drug canbebroadly defined as any man-made, natural, or endogenous (withinthebody) molecule which exerts a biochemical and/orphysiologicaleffect on the cell, tissue, organ, or organism(sometimes the wordpharmacon is used as a term to encompass theseendogenous andexogenous bioactive species). More specifically, itis the study ofthe interactions that occur between a livingorganism and chemicalsthat affect normal or abnormal biochemicalfunction. If substanceshave medicinal properties, they areconsidered pharmaceuticals. Thestudy of chemicals requires intimateknowledge of the biologicalsystem affected. With the knowledge ofcell biology andbiochemistry increasing, the field of pharmacologyhas also changedsubstantially. It has become possible, throughmolecular analysisof receptors, to design chemicals that act onspecific cellularsignaling or metabolic pathways by affecting sitesdirectly oncell-surface receptors (which modulate and mediatecellularsignaling pathways controlling cellular function). This appis alsosuitable for students, researchers, resident, doctors,Anatomy& physiology specialists, nurses and medicalprofessionals andof course Medical lecturers, teachers andprofessors. Get a betterscore in your USMLE (step1, step2 CS &CK), PANCE, MCAT, DAT,COMLEX,CNA, OAT, NBDE, or PCAT exam, and themost important is tofall in love with the material, it worth allthe attention. Thiseducational 7 medical application is intended toCNA, ANP - AdultNurse Practitioner FNP - Family Nurse PractitionerA-GNP -Adult-Gero Primary Nurse Practitioner ANP-BC AdultNursePractitioner FNP-BC Family Nurse Practitioner PNP-BCPediatricNurse Practitioner ACNP-BC Acute Care Nurse PractitionerGNP - BCGerontological Nurse Practitioner PMHNP-BC AdultPsychiatric andMental Health Nurse Practitioner PMHNP-BC FamilyPsychiatric andMental Health Nurse Practitioner CNRN® SCRN® andalso for USMLE,COMLEX, ANCC Certification Center, Disclaimer: Topof learning, thepublisher of this android application, is notaffiliated with orendorsed by any testing organization. Allorganizational and testnames are trademarks of their respectiveowners. The content of theapplication might include inaccuracies ortypographical errors, forwhich the owner can not be held. liable.
Pharmacology: USMLE & NAPLEX 6.33.5629
★★★★★ Feel confident on your boards! 980+ clinical vignettestoprepare you.
USMLE Pharmacology Flashcards 6.30.5598
Feel confident on your USMLE with these 210+board-alignedflashcards!
Pharmacology Exam 1.0.1
Medical Exams
This program is to ​​equip the studentsbeforeentering the exam and it includes almost all thePharmacologymaterial.In most countries, this program helps the doctors andstudents.The Knowledge of Pharmacology terminology is given in itsoriginallanguage. This helps the student to pass the exam in theirownright and also to be a reference to the doctor practitionerstoreview their information theory. Permanently this programcontainsmore than 2000 terms of reference for each question andGodwillingly, it is subject to increase R & D, for the easeandfun at the same time.We ask God Almighty to be with us in this idea and tohelpstudents pass their exams with ease.It follows the format:1. Selecting bunch of questions referred to it and pack anumberquestions to be answered2. Show odds for the questions answered twice withthepossibility to answer the questionin the case of the wrong answer in either case3. There are ten questions each way to help 50% can be usedtoanswer the questionbefore4. After completion of the answer to all the questions, rightandwrong answers show theexam percentage.5. Appear the next question after showing the right answer ,ifthe appeared answer waswrong6. You can also go back to the main page to start anotherMRIexam or if you want to getout of the examThe idea of ​​the supervision - Dr. MOUSA IBRAHIMTURKIAL-HARIRIThank You
Pharmaguideline 3.4.0
Pharmaceutical articles, questions & answers, regulatoryandnews updates.
Basics of Pharmacology Flashcard 2018 Edition 7.6.2
This app contains thousands of questions for self learning&exam preparation on the topic of Basics of Pharmacology. WithourAdvanced Smart Learning Technology, you can master thelearningmaterials quickly by studying, practicing and playing atlunch,between classes or while waiting in line. Basics ofPharmacologyexam prep uses proven study and test-taking strategiesso thatyou’ll feel confident and ready to go when you have to taketheBasics of Pharmacology Exam. Main Features: +) Learningmaterialsare prepared by EXPERTS in this field for the most currentexam. +)Experience the real exam environment by the EXAM SIMULATOR.+)Automatically FILTER your most difficult questions. +) Learnmoreefficiently by PLAYING games with time constraint. +) TRACKyourprogress on every small set you've studied. Thisapplicationcontains study notes & exam Quiz related toPharmacology. It'svital for all PTCE, NCLEX candidates & allpharmaceutical &nursing practitioners . This app is alsorecommended for USMLE,ABCP, NAPLEX, DSP, CAMH & PTCBcandidates. Pharmacology is thebranch of medicine and biologyconcerned with the study of drugaction, where a drug can be broadlydefined as any man-made,natural, or endogenous (within the body)molecule which exerts abiochemical and/or physiological effect onthe cell, tissue, organ,or organism (sometimes the word pharmaconis used as a term toencompass these endogenous and exogenousbioactive species). Morespecifically, it is the study of theinteractions that occurbetween a living organism and chemicals thataffect normal orabnormal biochemical function. If substances havemedicinalproperties, they are considered pharmaceuticals. The studyofchemicals requires intimate knowledge of the biologicalsystemaffected. With the knowledge of cell biology andbiochemistryincreasing, the field of pharmacology has alsochangedsubstantially. It has become possible, through molecularanalysisof receptors, to design chemicals that act on specificcellularsignaling or metabolic pathways by affecting sites directlyoncell-surface receptors (which modulate and mediatecellularsignaling pathways controlling cellular function).
Toxicology 2.0
Tortoises Inc
Toxicology Exam Quiz Free app helps topreparefor your Toxicology Exam. In this app we are providing3000+multiple choice questions for success in your Various NursingandMBBS Exams and B.Sc Exam Preparations.App Features:3000+ Toxicology Exam multiple choice practice questionsToxicology Exam Practice Quiz anywhere, anytime, even withoutaconnectionCheck Previous Questions.Instant AnswerTimer is Started When you start QuizFive Different Quiz ModelsDisclaimer: This app is not affiliated with or endorsed by anyotherbook publishers.
Pharmacology Review Quiz 1.0
Much more effective and interestingmethodtolearn than the flashcards.Review all the key concepts and buzzwords commonly asked intherealexamination!The objective of this app is to save time while reviewingthekeypoints from almost all topics in Pharmacology for USMLE*Step1,Step 2 and Step 3 and COMLEX exams- Arranged system wise and also covers extra topicslikeImmunology,Antibiotics, Antivirals and Antifungals- Answers verified from authentic and popular resourceslikeUworld*,Kaplan*, First Aid*- User feedbacks and ratings welcomed and used toimprovelearningexperiences in the future versions of theapplications inthisseries* - All names, trademarks and labels belong totheirrespectiveowners.
PTCE Pocket Prep 4.7.9
Pocket Prep, Inc.
Featuring 800 PTCE practice questions to study anywhere, anytime.
Hospital Corpsman Advancement 1.0
No more making annoying flash cardseverysixmonth that are not only time consuming and dated butcumbersometouse. US Navy Hospital Corpsman Advancement QuestionsAppcontainsalmost 900 questions in 12 different fieldstargetedspecificallyfor Advancement exams. It was made by aCorpsman forCorpsman. Useit to help study for advancement or justbrush up ongeneralknowledge. A School students will find it helpfulwiththeirstudies and exams.Almost 900 questions from the following categories:-Anatomy and Physiology-Health Services Support-NBC Warfare-Lab-Patient Care-First Aid-MMart-Preventive Medicine-Military Requirements-Food Sanitation-Immunizations-Pharmacy and Toxicology
ATI RN Mentor - NCLEX Prep 3.0.13
What's New:• All questions updated in accordance with the 2013 NCLEX-RN®TestPlan• New questions added• User experience and interface enhancements• Updated app icon• Bug fix for posting comments to Facebook• Other improvements based on user feedbackDescriptionRN students can now prepare for the NCLEX® on-the-go,anywhere,anytime with the ATI RN Mentor™. Based on the 2013NCLEX-RN TestPlan, this quiz app now includes over 800+ uniquequestionsdeveloped by ATI Nurse Educators specifically for this apponly.Questions are organized by NCLEX area, body function andclinicalarea. Choose the topics and number of questions togeneratecustomized quizzes. You can ever share information anddiscussspecific questions with other students from within theapp.FEATURES:• Over 800+ unique NCLEX questions which have not been used inanyprevious ATI exams and program materials• Based on the 2013 NCLEX-RN Test Plan• Written by our team of ATI Nurse Educators, each questionfeaturesdetailed rationales for both correct and incorrectanswers• Questions from NCLEX area, body function and clinicalareacategories• Includes NCLEX question types – multiple choice, orderedresponse,select all that apply, image hot-spot and chartexhibit• Create custom quizzes by selecting from subtopics, or letusgenerate a random quiz for you• Customize the number of questions (1-100); the app willestimatehow long the quiz will take• Includes an option to share your quiz results• Built-in calculator is available from any question intheapp• Engage in student-lead discussions on specific questionsdirectlywithin the app• Review previous quizzes you have taken at any time• Review your quiz results, including a breakdown byeachsubtopic• Browse the entire collection of questions within the appwithouthaving to take a quizCATEGORIES AND SUB-TOPICSNCLEX Area:• Basic Care and Comfort• Health Promotion and Maintenance• Management of Care• Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies• Psychosocial Integrity• Reduction of Risk Potential• Physiological Adaptation• Safety and Infection ControlBody Function:• Cardiac Output and Tissue Perfusion• Cognition and Sensation• Excretion• Immunity• Ingestion, Digestion, Absorption and Elimination• Integument• Mobility• Oxygenation• Regulation and Metabolism• ReproductionClinical Area:• Adult Medical-Surgical• Fundamentals• Leadership• Maternal Newborn• Mental Health• Nursing Care of Children• Nutrition• Pharmacology** Note: You don't need to be enrolled at a school that usesATIproducts to prepare for the NCLEX with ATI RN Mentor. **Have questions, problems, or feedback? Reach out to us at
NCLEX RN | Mastery 8.04.6340
Pass the NCLEX RN or triple your money back! 3000+ nursing examprepquestions.
Pharmaco Drug Dosage For NCLEX 1.0
Invest in your Success Now, Yourinvestmentinknowledge, professionalism & expertise is durableand withaHigh added value, it's a High return investment indeed.This application allows you to expand your knowledge,widenyourexpertise, improve your skills, Broaden your career&academichorizons.To Become an expert in Pharmacology, GET drugsdosage&indication study Notes & Exam Quiz &Answers.This application contains over pharmaceuticaldrugsdescriptionstudy notes & exam Quiz related toPharmacology.It's a mustfor all PTCE, NCLEX candidates & allpharmaceutical&nursing practitioners . it's also recommendedfor NCLEX ,USMLE,ABCP, NAPNES,DSP, CAMH & PTCB candidates.Thisapp isdedicatedto NCLEX for nurses.Pharmacology is the branch of medicine and biologyconcernedwiththe study of drug action, where a drug can be broadlydefinedas anyman-made, natural, or endogenous (within the body)moleculewhichexerts a biochemical and/or physiological effect onthecell,tissue, organ, or organism (sometimes the word pharmaconisused asa term to encompass these endogenous andexogenousbioactivespecies). More specifically, it is the study oftheinteractionsthat occur between a living organism and chemicalsthataffectnormal or abnormal biochemical function. Ifsubstanceshavemedicinal properties, they are consideredpharmaceuticals.The study of chemicals requires intimate knowledgeofthebiological system affected. With the knowledge of cellbiologyandbiochemistry increasing, the field of pharmacology hasalsochangedsubstantially. It has become possible, throughmolecularanalysisof receptors, to design chemicals that act onspecificcellularsignaling or metabolic pathways by affecting sitesdirectlyoncell-surface receptors (which modulate andmediatecellularsignaling pathways controlling cellularfunction).Main Features:- +200 exam questions and study notes- 5 study modes- Shareable contentThis app is also suitable for students,researchers,resident,doctors, Anatomy & physiology specialists,nurses andmedicalprofessionals and of course Medical lecturers,teachersandprofessors.Get a better score in your NCLEX, USMLE (step1, step2 CS&CK),PANCE, MCAT, DAT, COMLEX,CNA, OAT, NBDE, or PCAT exam, andthemostimportant is to fall in love with the material, it worthalltheattention.This educational 7 medical application is intended to CNA,ANP - Adult Nurse PractitionerFNP - Family Nurse PractitionerA-GNP - Adult-Gero Primary Nurse PractitionerANP-BC Adult Nurse PractitionerFNP-BC Family Nurse PractitionerPNP-BC Pediatric Nurse PractitionerACNP-BC Acute Care Nurse PractitionerGNP - BC Gerontological Nurse PractitionerPMHNP-BC Adult Psychiatric and Mental HealthNursePractitionerPMHNP-BC Family Psychiatric and MentalHealthNursePractitionerCNRN®SCRN®NCLEX-RN ®NCLEX PN ®and also for USMLE, COMLEX, ANCC Certification Center.To achieve PTCB Certification, candidates mustsatisfythefollowing eligibility requirements:High school diploma or equivalent educational diploma (e.g., aGEDorforeign diploma).Full disclosure of all criminal and State BoardofPharmacyregistration or licensure actions.Compliance with all applicable PTCB Certification policies.Passing score on the Pharmacy TechnicianCertificationExam(PTCE).NCLEX (National Council Licensure Examination) isanexaminationfor the licensing of nurses in the United StatesandCanada. Thereare two types, the NCLEX-RN and the NCLEX-PN.Aftergraduation froma school of nursing, one takes the NCLEX examtoreceive his or hernursing license. A nursing license givesanindividual thepermission to practice nursing, granted by thestatewhere he orshe met the requirements.