Top 4 Apps Similar to IoVotoNo

The EU Referendum Extra 1.0
UK AppSoft
The official EU Referendum App up totheminutenews on the EU Referendum Campaign. The app designedforthose whohave yet to decide and those who have already saidtheywill vote toLeave the EU. This App provides up to the minutenewsfeeds frommany sources. Instantly share any article to allsocialmedia, emailor SMS directly from your app. Appnotificationsreceived whenever anew story breaks. Never miss thelatestinformation. Paid ver
Brexit News 2.0
Real News Media UK
Brexit News official App up to the minute news on the Brexit.Theapp designed for those who want to keep an eye on Brexit,theresult of the EU Referendum. This App provides up to theminutenews feeds from many sources. Instantly share any article toallsocial media, email or SMS directly from your app.Appnotifications received whenever a new story breaks. Never missthelatest information.
Referéndum Venezuela 1.2
Recopilamos para ti toda lainformaciónrelacionada con el proceso de Referéndum Revocatorio delaRepública Bolivariana de Venezuela para que solo tengas queabrirnuestra app y leerlas. Todo en un solo sitio!.Enlazamos de las mejores fuentes, filtramos y arreglamos paratila información actualizada. Entérate de las noticias deúltimominuto, con nuestra notificaciones al momento en queocurran.We collect for you alltheinformation related to the recall referendum process oftheBolivarian Republic of Venezuela to only have to open our appandread. All in one place !.We link the best sources, we filter and arrange for youtheupdated information. Catch the breaking news with ournotificationswhen they occur.
Референдум. Крым 2014 1.4
16 марта 2014 г. пройдёт референдумостатусеКрыма. На нём крымчане смогут проголосовать за вхождениевсоставРоссийской Федерации или за то, чтобы остатьсявсоставеУкраины.Приложение выполняет обратный отсчёт времени доначалареферендума,содержит список вопросов на референдуме, атакжеаналитическиематериалы для сравнения вариантов на референдумеиновости опрохождении референдума с push-уведомлениями.March 16, 2014 willbeareferendum on the status of Crimea. It Crimeans can voteforentryinto the Russian Federation or something to remain apartofUkraine.The application performs the countdown to the startofthereferendum, contains a list of questions in the referendum,aswellas analyzes to compare options in a referendum, and newsaboutthepassage of the referendum and push-notifications.