Top 17 Games Similar to 東方不敗-一統江湖

刀劍煞-刀光劍影,煞氣逼人 2.0.0
九龍戰-神獸出戰 戰無止境! 1.7.10
94無雙-全新職業 星月解鎖
多模式競技ARPG手遊《94無雙》全新職業﹣星月現已解鎖!更有15v15大型攻城戰等你來挑戰!同時傳說中得一人可得天下的臥龍諸葛亮攜手黃月英、陸遜、呂蒙、孫權、曹丕、賈詡、郭嘉、王元姬、祝融新副將登場暗黑三國世界。天命之戰爆發,驅逐萬魔千煞!把熱血暗黑三國裝進口袋,戰——就要這麼痛快!遊戲特色:「戰鬥的情懷,就是要勇往直前不懼對手!」拒絕無腦人機,要的就是最真實的戰鬥!在這裡,競技就是要真刀真槍的廝殺——真人跨服實時匹配,單挑、MOBA、亂鬥……24小時無差別戰鬥。你只需要:拿起手機,放倒面前的對手!「戰鬥的情懷,就是不但要贏而且要贏得漂亮!」告別臉滾屏幕,小手機也能秀出大操作!在這裡,不僅動作快,姿勢更帥——防禦、翻滾、防反、目押、QTE等技能為你帶來非一般的酷炫動作體驗。你只需要:贏得漂亮,對手也會為你膜拜!「戰鬥的情懷,就是一劍在手別無他求!」摒棄無下限裝備更替,兵刃衣甲伴你一同成長!在這裡,裝備永久保值,黃沙百戰並不會穿透金甲,只會令它更加強悍——今日的普通裝備他日終會成為絢麗奪目的神裝。你只需要:兵甲傍身,沙場任你馳騁!「戰鬥的情懷,就是要有戰場兄弟一起拼命!」不再是孤獨的單刷,每場戰鬥都有兄弟做你的左膀右臂!在這裡,無兄弟、不競技——無論是MOBA開黑,還是公會亂鬥,都是滿滿的戰鬥情誼。你只需要:點擊頭像,邀請他們進入戰場!Competitivemulti-modehandARPG Tour "94 Warriors" new career - moon and starsis nowunlocked!More large-scale siege warfare 15v15 waiting foryou tochallenge! Atthe same time was a legendary person can gettheworld to join handsin the Wolong Zhuge Liang Huang Yue-ying,LuXun, Lu Meng, Sun Quan,Cao Pi, Jia Xu, Guo Jia, WangYuanji,Vulcan lieutenant debut Diablothree new world. Fate of thewarbroke out, expel demons one thousandevil! The blood Diablothreepocket, war - we should be so happy!Game Features:"Fighting feelings, the opponent is to moveforwardwithoutfear!"Deny None brain HMI, the real battle is the mostwanted!Here,athletics is to go fight the fight - Livereal-timeinter-servicematch, singled, MOBA, ...... 24 hoursundifferentiatedmeleecombat.You only need to: pick up the phone, put down opponents before!"Fighting feelings, is not only to win but to win pretty!"Farewell face roller screen, a small phone can showoffbigoperation! Here, not only fast movements, gestures morehandsome-defense, rolling, anti-anti-charge head, QTE and otherskillstobring you non-general cool operation experience.You only need: win pretty, opponents will worship you!"Fighting feelings, sword in hand is not much else!"No limit to abandon equipment replacement, Yi JiaWeaponrygrowtogether with you! Here, the permanent preservationofequipment,sand and do not penetrate shining armor battle willonlymake itmore powerful - ordinary equipment in future willeventuallybecometoday's magnificent display of God installed.You only need: Bing Jia near the body, no matter howyouridebattlefield!"Fighting mood, is to have a desperatebattlebrotherstogether!"Is no longer a lonely single brush, do you havebrothers,right-handman every fight! Here, no brother, no athletics-whether MOBA openthe black, or guild melee, are full offightingfriendship.You only need: Click the avatar, invite them toenterthebattlefield!
Ssjj Game
粉絲團:官網:交流區:【豪華婚禮,與心愛的TA結婚】全新豪華婚禮系統,花車巡遊,夫妻專屬副本,還有夫妻專屬技能,與心愛的TA結婚吧!共同闖蕩江湖!【簡單不耗時,隨時執劍戰鬥】簡單容易上手,彈指揮間完成任務,戰力UPUPUP!全面利用碎片時間,解放您被捆綁的雙手!【三俠鬥陣戰,輸出奶媽齊上】單獨作戰太單調?來玩劍俠異世錄,三俠共鬥,帶輸出,帶防禦,帶奶媽,隨心自由切換,還有無敵大招釋放哦!【拼智力策略,方塊拼出高戰力】超特色玩法無間入侵,與好友共同守護水晶獲得方塊,方塊為您增加防禦攻擊等戰力,拼到就是加到哦!!【熱血跨服3V3,MOBA對戰真競技】超燃玩法MOBA跨服3V3,跨服競技,守護己方,攻陷對方城池,爭奪積分拿豐厚大獎!Fans: website: http: // exchange area:[Luxury wedding, marry and beloved TA]New luxury wedding system, parades, exclusive copy of thecouple,and the couple exclusive skills, and beloved TA married!Togetherwherever they went![Simply not time-consuming, ready his sword fighting]Simple and easy to use, command shells between tasks, combatpowerUPUPUP! Full use of fragments of time, freeing your handsaretied![Romance Fight War, the output nanny Qi]Separate operations too monotonous? JX play different worldrecord,Romance were fighting with output, with defense, with anurse,heart free to switch, as well as the release of Invinciblebig moveOh![Fight intellectual strategy, squares spell highcombatcapability]Ultra seamless invasion characteristics of play, with friends togettogether guardian of crystal block, block attacks to increaseyourdefense combat capability is added to fight Oh! ![Cross blood service 3V3, MOBA really Competitive Battle]Scramjet play MOBA inter-service 3V3, inter-service sports,one'sown guard, captured the other cities, competing for points togethuge prizes!
劍歌-仙寵翻身躍龍門 2.0.34
【打破爽度極限】躺著贏!白天掛機晚上戰鬥,24小時衝等無負擔,上班族掛機首選,輕鬆玩躺著都能贏!【打趴一切裝備】我最神!Lv70聖裝一出,誰與爭鋒!人人有功練,天天出頂裝,一代大俠就是你!【打架就是要人多】戰最猛!3對3組隊競技尬輸贏,鬥智鬥勇拼技術,戰友義氣組隊,橫掃群英稱霸天下!【打破時間限制】招最快!最短CD霹靂連招,combo連段無雙大絕!爽爽新手光速升級,暗黑煉獄衝等天堂!【打破AI操控】我最強!全天即時真人共鬥,擺脫制式電腦對戰,隨時對嗆落人PK,戰到敵人倒下為止!【打破地域限制】乘風飛!金光飛劍浪漫御風,騰雲駕霧上山下海,超越花千骨絕美仙翼,奇蹟變身,魅力戰力雙軌進化,比翼雙飛俠侶情長!【劍歌】新服活動:1. 連續登入14天 : 第二天就送月卡,大方邀請來體驗2. 戰鬥力升級 : 你玩遊戲我送獎勵3. 成長獎勵 : 你升級、我送禮,輕鬆升級拚第一4. 首儲獎勵 : 極品武器、各種好康,價值1500以上送給你最新遊戲與活動資訊請至粉絲專頁:註:遊戲支持語音交談,要求存取麥克風權限★ 本遊戲內容涉及暴力(武俠動作)、角色穿著突顯胸、臂服飾。★ 遊戲部份內容需另外支付費用。★ 請避免沉迷遊戲。[Break] limit thedegreeof lying to win cool!Daytime hang fight night, 24 hours, etc. without the burden ofred,white-collar workers preferred hang, easy to play lyingcanwin![Fight] lying equipped with everything my God!Lv70 Sanctuary one can rival! Everyone active practice, everyday,the top-loading, generation of heroes is you![Dignitaries] fight is the most fierce battle!3 on 3 team athletics embarrassed winning or losing, battle ofwitsto fight technology, comrades loyalty team, swept theheroesdominate the world![Break] move the fastest time limit!Perak shortest CD combo, combo even large segmentsabsolutelyunparalleled! Shuang Shuang novice upgrade the speed oflight, redand other dark purgatory to heaven![Break] AI control my strongest!Instant live day were fighting to get rid of standard playagainstthe computer, ready to choke off the people PK, fight to theenemyuntil the fall![Break] geographical restrictions wind fly!Jinguang Fei sword romantic Yufeng, clouds mountains to thesea,beyond the bone spend one thousand beautiful fairy wingsmiracleincarnations charm track the evolution of combat power,Crazy lovelong fly together![Sword Song] new service activities:1. Continuous Sign Day 14: The next day send monthly card,generousinvitation to experience2. combat upgrades: I sent you to play the game rewards3. Growth Bonus: you upgrade, I gifts, easy to upgrade thefirstfight4. The first reservoir awards: the best weapons, all kindsofgoodies, give you $ 15 or moreThe latest games and activity information to please fan page: The game supports voice chat request permission to accessthemicrophone★ This game content related to violence (martial arts action),tohighlight the role of wearing the chest, arm clothing.★ Games part of the contents at an extra charge.★ Avoid addicted to the game.
Tiếu Ngạo Giang Hồ 3D 1.0.23
Nguyen Tue
Tiếu Ngạo Giang Hồ Mobile – tựa game đượcbìnhchọn là xuất sắc nhất 2014, đông người chơi nhất 2014, top 10tựagame đồ họa đẹp nhất, top 10 tựa game đã tay nhất 2014 đãchínhthức có mặt tại Việt Nam, hứa hẹn mang đến những trận cuồngchiến,PK tuyệt đỉnh tới đông đảo cộng đồng game thủ nước nhà.Trong võ lâm ai ai cũng muốn làm minh chủ, chính điều này đãkhiếngiang hồ không có nổi 1 phút bình yên, máu nhuộm đỏ Trung Hoa.Vậyai mới xứng đáng là minh chủ đích thực? Đó chính là câu hỏi củatấtcả game thủ Tiếu Ngạo Giang Hồ Mobile.Tham gia vào thế giới kiếm hiệp trên mobile của Tiếu Ngạo GiangHồMobile, bạn sẽ trở thành một cao thủ chốn võ lâm đầy rẫy hiểmnguy,lạc bước giữa mối ân oán ngàn đời của Nhật Nguyệt Thần Giáo vàNgũNhạc Kiếm Phái.Tính năng đặc sắc:- Hoàn toàn MIỄN PHÍ, chỉ dành riêng cho game thủ Việt.- CHƠI GAME, KẾT BẠN, CHÉM GIÓ với cộng đồng Tiếu Ngạo GiangHồMobile vô cùng đông đảo.- TỰ DO sáng tạo nhân vật, TRẢI NGHIỆM những tình tiết kinhđiểntheo cốt truyện Tiếu Ngạo Giang Hồ.- Đồ họa 3D TUYỆT HẢO tái hiện chân thực thế giới kiếm hiệpkhốcliệt.- Hệ thống vật phẩm, nhân vật vô cùng ĐA DẠNG, thừa sức làm THỎAMÃNbất kì game thủ nào dù là khó tính đến đâu.- Hành tẩu giang hồ cùng hàng chục anh hùng HUYỀN THOẠI.- TỰ DO sáng tạo skill của riêng mình, THÁCH THỨC hàng trămngườichơi khác qua vô số những trận PvP.- KHỐC LIỆT với những trận bang chiến quy mô cả ngàn người.Tiếu Ngạo Giang Hồ Mobile – Tuyệt phẩm PK chân thực nhất trêndiđộngChỉ 2 ngón tay, thổi bay thiên hạWebsite: tieungao.mobiThe Smiling,ProudWanderer Mobile - game was voted best in 2014, the easternmostplayers in 2014, the top 10 best graphics games, 10 games havethemost hands in 2014 was officially available in Vietnam,promiseappointment brings the storm of war, the ultimate PK to thewidergaming community home country.In martial everyone wants to do smart home, this has madetheWanderer did not have one minute of peace, blood red dye China.Sowho is the smart new owners deserve true? That is the questionofall gamers The Smiling, Proud Wanderer Mobile.Join the world's mobile swordplay on The Smiling, ProudWandererMobile, you will become a martial players place full ofdanger,drifted between wholesale perennial resentment of the Sunand MoonSpirit Church and five music.Special features:- Absolutely FREE, just for gamers Vietnam.- GAMING, Making friends, community chém The Smiling, ProudWandererMobile extremely crowded.- FREEDOM character creation, circumstances EXPERIENCEclassicstoryline The Smiling, Proud Wanderer.- EXCELLENT 3D graphics world depicted fierce swordplay.- System objects and extremely diverse characters, extra strengthtosatisfy any gamer though as fastidious.- Administrative and dozens pipe Gypsy legendary hero.- Freedom of creative skill in itself, CHALLENGE hundreds ofotherplayers through a multitude of PvP.- Fierce battle with the state-scale battles thousandsofpeople.The Smiling, Proud Wanderer Mobile - Excellent on the PKtruestmobileOnly 2 fingers, blow galaxyWebsite:
Kungfu Master
HsGame Studio CN
English version: Master there is a horizontal version of the Republic ofChinaas the background of the fighting game, featuring culturesystemupgrade, let you step foot pinnacle of martial arts. Avariety ofcool weapons for you to choose! Changing skill smoothbatterhandsome! Republic of wind horizontal version of the game,gorgeousscene, cool skills, super cool sense of combat. Let uslook at theBritish nation to lead us together to drive theinvaders, Yang Weiof China!Games fighting style biased tough, strong sense of combat, youshowa true spirit of martial arts, so you have a different martialartsjourney. Game, you play Fist of Legend Fearless Republic ofChina,in accordance with the development of the plot challenges onebyone boss. I believe a lot of heroes in your heart there is adream,right? So Fist of Legend - you must meet a variety of coolweaponsfor you to choose! Changing skill smooth batter handsome!Get backto the Republic of achievements hero dreams!Challenges in the level you set in the case of full energy andcanrelease large strokes. Big move released, you need to keeptappingthe screen points to even move, but this is the test ofeveryone'shand speed oh ~In the training in the main interface, you can upgradetheircharacter attributes. Training is divided into common cultureandstrengthen the culture, the former need to enhance thepropertiesof gold, while the latter is the need to strengthen theirdiamondproperty. When you feel the time is quite difficultchallengelevels, you can enhance their ability to reduce thedifficulty ofthe challenge.Of course, in the game, you are all well versed versatileheroes.The default is the game empty-handed combat, but you canspendmoney to unlock weapons, weapons, property and also upgradetheRising Star, arms Rising Star debris need, you can challengethebarriers to get in.Many advantages of the game, fighting smooth, good experience,nocomplicated system, the game is also dedicated to provide youwithall kinds of martial arts give you the brush material. Martialartsgame, that this is a pretty good place. Martial arts roomisdivided into five difficulty, for the first time you can playfromthe lowest level of difficulty to challenge novice, familiarwiththe contents of the martial arts. After a successful challenge,youcan get experience, money and weapons debris from martialarts,these to improve your ability to be a very important part. Soyoumust grasp the martial arts this one oh.In the sense of real combat game. Fighting coherent actionisstrong, you are presented a visual and sensory doubleenjoyment.You are interested in the game, hurry to demo it." Kungfu Master " is a Chinese-style fighting hand tour.Reducingthe height of the game's plot is set, beautifully richcharacters,the story brings you authentic experience.[Game Features]1) classic combo, cool special effectsThe real fight against flu, fluid combat coherent forceeffect,bring you sense a fingertip on enjoyment.2) Fighting hand travel, new realmThe new virtual joystick, innovative gestures, touch, Combozoomtrick, violence batter, fighting pleasure instantbursttable.3) the ultimate Boss, waiting for you to fightUnique level system, Boss 8 different elements. In thevisual,auditory and combat sense, so that you hearty, feel your ownheroof the road.4) Heroes of the road, hard-edgedContinued passion and blood at the same time, so that you haveaprofound sense of belonging to the nation, and you will feel amorepassionate fighting experience!5) gorgeous style, Q version modelingLovely rounded design, with abundant fine picture of thegame,immersive gaming experience, stimulate straightforwardfightingstyle.Youtube: https: // https: // https: //
蒼龍默示錄2.0:魔龍降臨 0.0.1
i3FUN 遊戲平台
《蒼龍默示錄:魔龍降臨》魔龍降臨,御天制霸。享受指尖上的激鬥快感!奪回屬於你的英雄榮耀。蒼龍默示錄熱血來襲!《蒼龍默示錄》特有的爽快打擊結合“騎戰”與“空戰”兩種特色玩法,使玩家可以感受到立體作戰的全新體驗。玩家不僅可以收集各具特色的英雄,還可以得到拉風的坐騎、飛龍進行培養與戰鬥。遊戲中有不同夥伴可以進行搭配,每種夥伴都有獨特的技能與特色。與四大職業主角配合,提供玩家超過上百種組合並且可以自由搭配,超多玩法:包含坐騎、寵物、聖器、天梯、公會等最多樣的系統。最精致的畫面表現,全3D藍光畫質,體驗IMAX電影級視覺盛宴!宏大的歐美暗黑魔幻世界觀,集神話傳說人物於一體,打造史詩級劇情體驗!獨創夥伴切換、騎戰與空戰三位一體的即時PVP玩法,打造多人競技的跨時代手遊!遊戲特色1.龍騎出擊!奪回英雄的榮耀!!!!四大職業:盡情挑選自己喜愛的戰鬥風格,華麗地斬殺敵人。2.空戰+騎戰 巨龍降臨唯我獨尊!!戰鬥中召喚寵物或坐騎,展開爽快空戰及騎戰。透過強化系統,駕馭各強大座騎。3.全3D場景 身臨其境的感受以歐美魔幻世界為背景打造全3D場景,如有身臨其境的感受。4.告別傳統虛擬搖桿束縛 輕鬆觸屏操作 戰鬥更隨心全畫面觸碰,點到哪打到哪,享受無束縛的操縱快感。5.角色專屬外觀 獨一無二精心刻畫隨人物等級強化裝備,展現獨一無二的華麗外觀。6.獨創雙命夥伴系統主角不再孤軍奮戰,在戰鬥中可以隨時切換夥伴協助,形成戰術搭配。支援設備:三星、HTC、Sony、小米等品牌和機型【安卓】最低配置作業系統:Android 4.0及以上、RAM 2GB、分辨率1280x720、4核 CPU1.4GHz內存配置:16G以上。存儲空間:推薦預留1GB剩餘空間【安卓】建議配置作業系統:Android 4.3及以上、RAM 3GB、分辨率1920x1080、4核 CPU1.9GHz內存配置:32G以上。存儲空間:推薦預留1GB剩餘空間"BlackdragonApocalypse:Tiamat come" Tiamat come, Royal days system ofhegemony.Enjoy thethrill of Battle fingertips!Recapture the glory belongs to your hero. DragonbloodApocalypsestruck!"Black dragon Apocalypse" unique combination ofrefreshingblow"riding war" and "air" in two characteristics ofplay,So that players can feel three-dimensionalcombatnewexperience.Players can not only collect unique hero, you can also gettopullthe wind horse, dragon cultured and fight.The game has different partners, you can match eachpartnerhasunique skills and characteristics.And with four professional protagonist, the player offers morethanahundred kinds of combinations and can freely mix,Super Multi-play: contains mounts, pets, Saint, a ladder,andUnionthe most diverse systems.The finest screen performance, full HD 3D Blu-rayexperiencetheIMAX film-visual feast!Ambitious Europe dark magic world view, set in one of themythsandlegends of people, to create epic story experience!Original partner switching, riding warfare and aircombatTrinityinstant PVP play, to create a competitive multiplayerErahandtour!Game Features1. Dragoon attack! Recapture the glory of the hero !!!!Four Occupation: enjoy the selection of theirfavoritefightingstyle, gorgeous beheaded the enemy.2. The air war riding a dragon coming overweening + !!Battle summon pets or mounts, expand air and refreshingridewar.Through strengthening systems, each harnesspowerfulmounts.3. immersive experience full 3D sceneEuropean and American fantasy world as the background tocreateafull 3D scene, if an immersive experience.4. restraint easily bid farewell to thetraditionalvirtualjoystick touch-screen operation more heartbattleFull-screen touch, the point where playing where enjoy thethrillofunfettered manipulation.5. The role of unique exclusiveappearancemeticulouslyportrayedWith character level to strengthen the equipment,uniqueshowgorgeous appearance.6. The original double life partner systemsThe protagonist is no longer alone in the battle canswitchpartnersto assist in the formation of tactical match.Support Equipment: Samsung, HTC, Sony, millet and otherbrandsandmodels[Andrews] MinimumOperating System: Android 4.0 and above, RAM2GB,resolution1280x720,4 nuclear CPU1.4GHzMemory configuration: 16G or more. Storage: Recommended1GBfreespace reserve[Andrews] recommended configurationOperating System: Android 4.3 and above, RAM3GB,resolution1920x1080,4 nuclear CPU1.9GHzMemory configuration: 32G or more. Storage: Recommended1GBfreespace reserve
King of Kung Fu Master
HsGame Studio CN
The game is relatively Chinese style,playerswill control proficient fighting characters in the game tofight,to experience the thrill of fighting cool. Operation of thegame isrelatively simple, the player who played fighting gamesshould soonbe able to use even proficient, feature of this game isthat itsoperation is very smooth, you can play cool combos,superrefreshing sense of combat let you play simply can notstop.The coolest moves:In addition to the game you can also use a lot of fist weapons,suchas knives, sticks, guns and so on, these weapons areproficient inall of your character, you can let the enemy mostcruel blow, thereis the coolest acupuncture skills Oh, mostrefreshing against flu,superior even strokes, like fighting gamesyou can not miss..gaming strategy:Joystick control your character move, shortcut keys can attackthelower right corner;Each release skills need to consume some blue;To complete the assigned task can kill clearance;Gold obtained may be used to enhance character attributes!Battle on the fingertipsExtremely gorgeous graphicsFREE TO PLAYStunning graphicsUnleash mind-blowing special attacks upon fearsome opponents.Easy skill control to lead you to victory! Move the Skill Iconandchoose the target of your choice to use skills.Powerful enemies to battle against and killultimate action fighting game.Slash your foes with the lightning-fast Dual Blade.Knock and kick with dazzling Kungfu combos.Action-packed gameplay – Shoot, dodge and wipe out enemieswithpowerful skills.Your favorite “Tales of” characters with spectacularanime-stylescenes!Clean and clear UI ensures smooth and easy controls.Even novice players in fighting games will be able toreleasevarious Special Moves, Super Special Moves, NEOMAX SuperSpecialMoves, and other complex moves in one touch. With theSimpleCommands, you can easily perform many of the game'sfancycombos!!Slide to dodge easilyMove with releasing skillsWeapons - Powerful and upgradeable weapons!Fast paced - Hit-combos and wall-running!Run, attack, dodge, and use special skills with intuitivecontrolsdesigned for one-handed play.UPGRADE your battle skillsStrategically defeat your enemiesSimple one-touch controlsNo complicated button combinations: all the power is inyourfinger!Smooth fighting actionPerform endless combinations of moves and perfect your ownbestcombo - you won’t be able to put it down!CHALLENGING BOSS BATTLESFace nightmarish monsters in visually stunning, multi-phasedbossbattles of epic proportions.THE BEST ACTION GAME TO KILL YOUR TIME!Exciting gameplay!- Simple gameplay!- Intuitive controls!- Free to play!- Offline enjoyment!- Fantastic graphic!Magnificent graphics of attacks, defense anddevastatingblows!Survival: Kill all the enemies and survive as long as youcan!Feel the adrenaline at your fingertips!- Play the most exhilarating action RPG that will keepyouelectrified!- Intense EX skills that jump off the screen! Call upon afriend'sStriker to help you dominate!We are present you a free and the most fantasy action gamethissummer! It's CRAZY and FUN! Everyone can play!
大話封神榜 -策略卡牌Q版手游,開啟競技夢​​幻新玩法 1.0.0
“大神大神,你的神庙门口怎么那么多人啊?”“因为我有求必应”“为什么你能有求必应啊?”“因为我神力高”“为什么你神力高啊?”“因为我拯救过世界”“世界怎么了要你拯救?”“这就说来话长了....”“快说说,说说嘛”“好好好,那就给你讲讲。三界大战百年之后,看似风平浪静,实则暗流汹涌,不日,争权夺利之战终于爆发,混战之中,天界至宝混元乾坤鼎被打成碎片散落人间,众神愕然,急派我寻回碎片,别出事端。于是我唤上几个伙伴,踏上征程....”经营神庙:勿以善小而不为炼宝炉:化腐朽为神奇的力量仙萌坐骑:感受我与坐骑合二为一的力量副本刷钱:不积跬步,无以至千里讨伐凶兽:魑魅魍魉,还不乖乖束手就擒仙友齐聚:对面道友,请赐教巍巍神庙,尽察人间疾苦熊熊炉火,巧铸利器神兵三千世界,勇探无尽之境仙风道骨,谈笑鸿儒之士遗祸人间,救民水火当中没有犹豫,我锁上了神庙的门这趟旅途,我定将全力以赴寻找碎片,重任在肩,仙友会在约定的地方等我这一遭,必是艰难险阻,希望佛祖保佑我这就踏上征程,跟我来吗?妖怪百姬 女神聯盟 運動遊戲 飛機模擬 賽爾號 合戰三國志 九陰真經 模擬人生 妖獸戰 江湖 七雄戰記 樂高遊戲 火柴人聯盟鬆餅塔霹靂江湖山海經 奔跑小小兵 聖鬥士星矢 射雕英雄傳 全民網球 斗破苍穹 斗罗大陆 西游记 糗事百科 三国演义 神庙逃亡 魔兽世界 灵域鬼吹灯封天修仙录 火线精英雄大農場 超能繼承者 戰爭遊戲 飛機遊戲 有殺氣童話 戰艦世界 仙境傳說 保衛蘿蔔 貪婪洞窟 海戰 鋼琴遊戲 熱血高校 射雕時空異能者永恆星語 樂高金光群俠傳 貪吃蛇 小小龍騎士 恐龍遊戲 奇樂 仙境 開心農場 養豬場 霹靂 寶寶合成 天堂戰記 決戰聖域 神魔 偶像學園御靈錄小小三国 籃球星球 彈珠 舞力全開 少年三國志 最強獵人 仙劍奇俠傳 糖果傳奇 狂野飆車 小小諾亞 艾諾迪亞 進擊的巨人 三國頭兩個大 天子英雄之戰龙珠 仙剑奇侠传火柴人 孤單車神 天天過馬路 賽車 機霸三國 戰龍 刀鋒無雙 爬坡賽 花花傳奇 七雄 守城 探險活寶 托蘭異世錄 靈狐仙境釣魚究極機甲獸 塔防武俠 五子棋 混沌與秩序 過馬路 戰爭 夢三國 火影忍者 俠盜獵車手 唯舞獨尊 永恆 惡女江湖 熊貓連連看 機器人 暗影格鬥卡片召喚師格鬥天王劇情簡介為信仰?我不信。都說這神仙是六根清淨,呵呵,也在爭權奪利啊。為了搶奪混元乾坤鼎,多少仙魔費勁心機,卻是竹籃打水一場空,被打碎的神器散落人間,時時刻刻在危害著黎民百姓,屋漏偏逢連夜雨,這三界動盪又起,玉帝無奈,只好派我臥底人間,一邊積德行善,一邊暗中收集乾坤鼎碎片,吉凶難料的旅途就此展開。妖怪百姬 女神聯盟 運動遊戲 飛機模擬 賽爾號 合戰三國志 九陰真經 模擬人生 妖獸戰 江湖 七雄戰記 樂高遊戲 火柴人聯盟鬆餅塔霹靂江湖山海經 奔跑小小兵 聖鬥士星矢 射雕英雄傳 全民網球 斗破苍穹 斗罗大陆 西游记 糗事百科 三国演义 神庙逃亡 魔兽世界 灵域鬼吹灯封天修仙录 火线精英雄大農場 超能繼承者 戰爭遊戲 飛機遊戲 有殺氣童話 戰艦世界 仙境傳說 保衛蘿蔔 貪婪洞窟 海戰 鋼琴遊戲 熱血高校 射雕時空異能者永恆星語 樂高金光群俠傳 貪吃蛇 小小龍騎士 恐龍遊戲 奇樂 仙境 開心農場 養豬場 霹靂 寶寶合成 天堂戰記 決戰聖域 神魔 偶像學園御靈錄小小三国 籃球星球 彈珠 舞力全開 少年三國志 最強獵人 仙劍奇俠傳 糖果傳奇 狂野飆車 小小諾亞 艾諾迪亞 進擊的巨人 三國頭兩個大 天子英雄之戰龙珠 仙剑奇侠传火柴人 孤單車神 天天過馬路 賽車 機霸三國 戰龍 刀鋒無雙 爬坡賽 花花傳奇 七雄 守城 探險活寶 托蘭異世錄 靈狐仙境釣魚究極機甲獸 塔防武俠 五子棋 混沌與秩序 過馬路 戰爭 夢三國 火影忍者 俠盜獵車手 唯舞獨尊 永恆 惡女江湖 熊貓連連看 機器人 暗影格鬥卡片召喚師格鬥天王情緣、俠義、修仙、問道,笑傲仙界固然是我一直追求的目標,然而仙器毀,煉獄開,凡間妖魔橫行,人間煙華,等你守護。肩負重任,更當眾志成城,志同道合之友會助你一臂之力,征程在前,快快前往吧======遊戲梗概======三界大戰,百年有餘,功成身退,福澤一方。但有一件事你始終沒有忘記散落人間的混元乾坤鼎碎片,能稱霸三界的神器,若落入群魔之手,遺禍無窮。碎片消息一出,二話不說,即刻踏上征途。讓我手下留情?除非你們乖乖臣服妖怪百姬 女神聯盟 運動遊戲 飛機模擬 賽爾號 合戰三國志 九陰真經 模擬人生 妖獸戰 江湖 七雄戰記 樂高遊戲 火柴人聯盟鬆餅塔霹靂江湖山海經 奔跑小小兵 聖鬥士星矢 射雕英雄傳 全民網球 斗破苍穹 斗罗大陆 西游记 糗事百科 三国演义 神庙逃亡 魔兽世界 灵域鬼吹灯封天修仙录 火线精英雄大農場 超能繼承者 戰爭遊戲 飛機遊戲 有殺氣童話 戰艦世界 仙境傳說 保衛蘿蔔 貪婪洞窟 海戰 鋼琴遊戲 熱血高校 射雕時空異能者永恆星語 樂高金光群俠傳 貪吃蛇 小小龍騎士 恐龍遊戲 奇樂 仙境 開心農場 養豬場 霹靂 寶寶合成 天堂戰記 決戰聖域 神魔 偶像學園御靈錄小小三国 籃球星球 彈珠 舞力全開 少年三國志 最強獵人 仙劍奇俠傳 糖果傳奇 狂野飆車 小小諾亞 艾諾迪亞 進擊的巨人 三國頭兩個大 天子英雄之戰龙珠 仙剑奇侠传火柴人 孤單車神 天天過馬路 賽車 機霸三國 戰龍 刀鋒無雙 爬坡賽 花花傳奇 七雄 守城 探險活寶 托蘭異世錄 靈狐仙境釣魚究極機甲獸 塔防武俠 五子棋 混沌與秩序 過馬路 戰爭 夢三國 火影忍者 俠盜獵車手 唯舞獨尊 永恆 惡女江湖 熊貓連連看 機器人 暗影格鬥卡片召喚師格鬥天王======特色玩法======經營神廟:有求必應,做中國好神仙煉丹爐:專屬打造,神器逆天炫寵坐騎:炫酷神獸聽你號令萬仙大會:誰的法力更高?不試試怎麼知道神兵天將:神界帥哥,仙界美女,消滅孤單討伐凶獸:三界凶獸,是時候讓它感受眾仙合體的力量了妖怪百姬 女神聯盟 運動遊戲 飛機模擬 賽爾號 合戰三國志 九陰真經 模擬人生 妖獸戰 江湖 七雄戰記 樂高遊戲 火柴人聯盟鬆餅塔霹靂江湖山海經 奔跑小小兵 聖鬥士星矢 射雕英雄傳 全民網球 斗破苍穹 斗罗大陆 西游记 糗事百科 三国演义 神庙逃亡 魔兽世界 灵域鬼吹灯封天修仙录 火线精英雄大農場 超能繼承者 戰爭遊戲 飛機遊戲 有殺氣童話 戰艦世界 仙境傳說 保衛蘿蔔 貪婪洞窟 海戰 鋼琴遊戲 熱血高校 射雕時空異能者永恆星語 樂高金光群俠傳 貪吃蛇 小小龍騎士 恐龍遊戲 奇樂 仙境 開心農場 養豬場 霹靂 寶寶合成 天堂戰記 決戰聖域 神魔 偶像學園御靈錄小小三国 籃球星球 彈珠 舞力全開 少年三國志 最強獵人 仙劍奇俠傳 糖果傳奇 狂野飆車 小小諾亞 艾諾迪亞 進擊的巨人 三國頭兩個大 天子英雄之戰龙珠 仙剑奇侠传火柴人 孤單車神 天天過馬路 賽車 機霸三國 戰龍 刀鋒無雙 爬坡賽 花花傳奇 七雄 守城 探險活寶 托蘭異世錄 靈狐仙境釣魚究極機甲獸 塔防武俠 五子棋 混沌與秩序 過馬路 戰爭 夢三國 火影忍者 俠盜獵車手 唯舞獨尊 永恆 惡女江湖 熊貓連連看 機器人 暗影格鬥卡片召喚師格鬥天王很久很久以前,天地萬物,井然有序,生死輪換,無有始終。我也只是一個安於平靜生活的小神仙。直至一天,天界內訌,乾坤鼎丟失。眾仙人無暇顧及,一致決定選擇我作為使者。小小散仙,無職無權,無功無過,在天界已經混了上萬年了,從沒想到過自己會得到這樣的機會,我也踏上了變強之路妖怪百姬 女神聯盟 運動遊戲 飛機模擬 賽爾號 合戰三國志 九陰真經 模擬人生 妖獸戰 江湖 七雄戰記 樂高遊戲 火柴人聯盟鬆餅塔霹靂江湖山海經 奔跑小小兵 聖鬥士星矢 射雕英雄傳 全民網球 斗破苍穹 斗罗大陆 西游记 糗事百科 三国演义 神庙逃亡 魔兽世界 灵域鬼吹灯封天修仙录 火线精英雄大農場 超能繼承者 戰爭遊戲 飛機遊戲 有殺氣童話 戰艦世界 仙境傳說 保衛蘿蔔 貪婪洞窟 海戰 鋼琴遊戲 熱血高校 射雕時空異能者永恆星語 樂高金光群俠傳 貪吃蛇 小小龍騎士 恐龍遊戲 奇樂 仙境 開心農場 養豬場 霹靂 寶寶合成 天堂戰記 決戰聖域 神魔 偶像學園御靈錄小小三国 籃球星球 彈珠 舞力全開 少年三國志 最強獵人 仙劍奇俠傳 糖果傳奇 狂野飆車 小小諾亞 艾諾迪亞 進擊的巨人 三國頭兩個大 天子英雄之戰龙珠 仙剑奇侠传火柴人 孤單車神 天天過馬路 賽車 機霸三國 戰龍 刀鋒無雙 爬坡賽 花花傳奇 七雄 守城 探險活寶 托蘭異世錄 靈狐仙境釣魚究極機甲獸 塔防武俠 五子棋 混沌與秩序 過馬路 戰爭 夢三國 火影忍者 俠盜獵車手 唯舞獨尊 永恆 惡女江湖 熊貓連連看 機器人 暗影格鬥卡片召喚師格鬥天王======故事簡介======下到凡間尋找混元乾坤鼎的碎片,實在不是一件容易事。這混元乾坤鼎的可是通天至寶,吸盡了天地之精華,日月之靈氣,光是區區的一片碎片,也是頂的上一般人修仙千百年了。正是如此,無數仙妖魔和修道之人對碎片趨之若鶩,這也使得尋找碎片的難度大大增加。小小神仙,需要你的幫助,快快指引他找到夥伴,打造神兵,恢復三界秩序吧======聯繫我們======玩家交流群:561030955注意: 遊客賬號僅供體驗,丟失無法找回,建議註冊賬號登錄玩遊戲。
狂斬三國-單機版 1.0.2
★「狂斬三國」萬千寵愛的 Android 單機版!2014年8月隆重上架。★「狂斬三國」三國題材不稀奇,稀奇的是動作、策略、操作同時體驗。★「狂斬三國」ios Appstore排行總榜 Top 1 單機遊戲。★「狂斬三國」Google play商店 台灣動作榜 Top 3單機遊戲!你值得入手!★ 不定期玩家活動請關注FB粉絲圈facebook專頁:遊戲系統✔ 一點寒芒先到,隨後槍出如龍三國名將——趙子龍!✔ 古風猶存,沉穩、小萌、有意思的將領風格,✔ 獨創劃屏狂斬玩法,斬攻擊敵方軍馬將領頭顱,✔ 手握將領兵權、多種軍隊、兵種,可帶領,可攻城!✔ 華麗技能特效,至炫擊打、多種五虎上將獨有の技能爆發!-------------------------------遊戲特色★大將技能——順勢一擊,雷霆踐踏,絕殺沖陣,劃屏狂斬展現華麗真實奧義。★升級進化——強化稀有武器,進化兵種軍隊,讓你所向無敵,享受奪下每一座敵城的榮譽感。★領兵系統——金槍兵,強弓兵,巨盾兵,虎錘兵,法師陣,術士群,衝鋒陷陣,由你統領指揮!★單機特色——網遊般的眾多內容、大Bossの副本,在單機遊戲中,您可以全部體驗!-------------------------------遊戲關卡《黃巾之亂》、《虎牢關之役》、《赤壁之戰》、《荊州爭奪戰》、《南蠻入侵》等二十多關卡,千萬城池!「三國演義」中的經典劇情都將躍然紙上。白袍將軍趙雲(字子龍)七進七出長阪坡,至今談來依然盪氣迴腸……你最值得擁有的單機遊戲!-------------------------------youtube遊戲視頻:還不能打動您的下載?玩給你看!看完視頻你就明白!狂斬三國單機版,值得你入手珍藏!
《萌斗Q傳》是一款3D動作Q萌動漫風戰鬥手游,讓玩家穿越熟悉的動漫世界,感受自己主宰命運的刺激。首創死亡躲避副本,讓遊戲更富挑戰,搭配酷炫的奧義終極技能,玩家的遊戲經歷將充滿未知和激情。1. 動漫元素 激情無限一個真實的死亡遊戲,弱者敗亡,勝者生存~在《萌斗Q傳》中完美重現,完美貼合遊戲進程感受一步步救贖的刺激。玩家可以在3D的世界中感受酷炫主城的震撼,體驗精細化操作的精準,享受華麗戰鬥的視覺衝擊。超強的劇情寫入讓所有動漫迷收穫一場親身穿越動漫世界的奇妙經歷。2. 挑戰世界 獨創競速死亡躲避不通關即死亡。《萌斗Q傳》業界首創“死亡躲避”副本玩法,與死亡展開競速,讓玩家親身感受死亡追逐的驚險刺激,在速度和激情的碰撞中收穫生存物資。更有鏡像挑戰玩法讓玩家直面自己的優勢和弱點,不斷突破自身極限,在自我救贖的道路上成長為終極王者!"Moe bucket QBiography"is a 3D action Q Moe anime style hand combat tour,allowing theplayer through the familiar cartoon world, feelthemselves mastersof our destiny stimulation. The first copy toescape death, thegame more challenging, with cool esoteric ultimateskill, theplayer's game experience will be filled with unknown andpassion.1. animation elements boundless passionA real game of death, the weak perish, the winner to survive -in"Moe bucket Q Biography" perfectly reproducible, perfect fitgameexperience step by step process of redemption stimulation.Playerscan feel the shock cool the main city in the 3D world,experiencefine precision operation, enjoy the gorgeous fightingvisualimpact. Super fans, the story is written so that all gainafirst-hand experience through the wonderful world ofanimation.2. Challenges to escape the world's original Death RaceClearing customs and death. "Moe bucket Q Biography"industry'sfirst "death to escape," a copy of the play, and death tostartracing, allowing the player to experience the thrills ofdeathchase, the collision speed and passion harvest survivalsupplies.Mirroring allows players to play more challenges to facetheir ownstrengths and weaknesses, and constantly break their ownlimits onthe growth of self-salvation as the ultimate king of theroad!
Garena 傳說對決:龍來新春版本
Garena Games Online
Legendary duel is the most exciting 5v5 team battle MOBAmobilegame. As the king dominate the battlefield, lead the wholearmy toattack the enemy and become the winner of the team battle!Thefairest battle and the fastest installation, download now andenteryour legendary realm!
盜夢英雄 2.3.0
FunApps Co., Ltd.
《盜夢英雄》是一款以中西方大亂鬥題材、日韓唯美畫風的3D動作卡牌遊戲,遊戲首創盜夢穿越概念,以眾多歷史神話人物為主要題材,集結東方仙班、西方眾神、歷史名將三大世界英雄,跨越不同時空,超越領域極限!《盜夢英雄》將展現跨越時空的戰鬥,超越想像的英雄組合,讓你領略動作手機遊戲的頂級體驗!粉絲專頁:回報通道: funapps.service@gmail.com客服電話: 0982-499-596【遊戲介紹】全新的視覺饗宴與獨特的英雄設計,你將體會到華麗酷炫的場景動作及靈活自由操控的即時對戰方式!透過360度的無死角操作,將能夠自由發揮並盡情的體驗遊戲。百種大招激情釋放,創造你最強的戰隊走向夢的彼岸!!新一代3D動作卡牌《盜夢英雄》即將到來!一起激戰無限夢境吧!【遊戲特色】 穿越時空的對決x東西方英雄組合搭配!遊戲內英雄來自東西方諸位歷史神仙與名將,每位英雄皆有自已的傳說,在《盜夢英雄》中,他們將齊聚一堂,創造出截然不同的羈絆!全然不同的組合配對,超越時空的世紀大戰,將帶給你全新的遊戲感受與樂趣! 自由操控遊戲走位x施放技能由你決定!《盜夢英雄》的最大特色就是擁可以自行控制英雄走位及任意控制技能發動的時機。與眾多遊戲不同,《盜夢英雄》無論在自動戰鬥或手動戰鬥情況下,皆可自由操控英雄走位與任意更換攻擊目標,同時,在自動戰鬥狀態下,系統也不會自動釋放大絕技能,而是能手動控制大絕釋放時機,讓你掌控全局,成就自已的戰神之路! 經典組合完美呈現x 經典覺醒戰力爆發《盜夢英雄》讓卡牌不再是單純收集,透過各路英雄組合加成,將能帶給戰隊屬性提升的效果。透過遊戲中獨特的系統更能,讓玩家能夠隨意搭配非先發的卡牌英雄加入。此外,《盜夢英雄》中的所有的英雄都能夠進行覺醒,除了能大幅提升能力,還會擁有獨特的外觀,讓你的英雄霸氣十足!【系統建議】支援設備:三星、HTC、Sony、小米等品牌、機型作業系統:Android 2.3及以上內存配置:建議1G以上存儲空間:推薦預留500MB剩餘空間依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔12級:12歲以上之人始得使用。本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲物品等付費服務。粉絲專頁:回報通道: funapps.service@gmail.com客服電話: 0982-499-596
馴龍寶貝 2.7.11
—遊戲介紹《馴龍寶貝》是8888Play首款3D飛龍空戰手遊大作,華麗畫面、炫酷飛龍、百變萌寵、史詩劇情、PK比拼、遠征挑戰,為您帶來全新飛行射擊遊戲體驗!—遊戲特點1. 騎龍射擊:首款3D飛龍空戰射擊手遊,開啟全民騎龍打飛機新時代!2. 酷炫彈幕:特色彈幕掃蕩群敵,給你帶來全新激爽感受!3. 特色飛龍:造型酷炫,技能各異,待你組建最強飛龍軍團!4. 飛龍成長:開啟飛龍進化之路,酷炫外形轉變,豪華彈幕進階,養成你的極品飛龍!5. 百變萌寵:強力萌寵助陣,可愛外表之下隱藏驚人實力,助你擊敗強敵!6. 強力boss:蝴蝶女王,邪惡法師等眾多強者,挑戰你的極限!—遊戲玩法飛龍系統:飛龍成長和好感度培養,和你的飛龍建立深厚感情!角色系統:選擇性格各異的龍騎士,構築最強戰力組合!寵物系統:Q萌寵物,小型BOSS的化身,助力戰鬥萌翻全場!裝備系統:特色神兵裝備系統,帶你戰力飛飛飛!闖關係統:魔幻史詩劇情加上百道關卡,等你細細體驗!試煉系統:開啟金礦和食物獵場,輕鬆獲取稀有資源!無盡系統:無盡闖關,挑戰極限,和好友大比拼!冒險系統:飛龍特色大冒險,體驗不一樣的冒險物語!遠征系統:極限遠征,高難度關卡等你來挑戰,贏取豐厚獎勵!
Stickman Ghost Warrior 1.3
Stick Ghost Studio
Become a mature bravo samurai like paladintorevenge stickman betrayed. With swords and bow he is goingtodefeat all monsters and bosses. Let’s upgrade and equipweapon,your kungfu skill and get the intervention help of fairyqueen andskyrim to fight demon, godzilla boss. Simple controls andhardcoregameplay with a lot of blood you can perform amazing stuntto killyour stalking enemy.Feature:- Realistic wobble, ragdoll physics.- Explore many different tight maps: canyon, Ha long bay, parisinworld war with increasing challenges and even big bosses withaloot of dmg.- Amazing hurt sound , slash effect, blood andhardcoregameplay.- Awesome kungfu combos with his equipment are shaolin prieststaff,clap, cross and swords.- The various continuous functions including choppy aircomboappear.Fight hard and help Stickman revenge warrior fight like astalkingninja to protect and revenge for his relatives and kingdombydestroy evil and monsters.If you like this game please rate and do not forget comments tousabout Stickman Ghost fighting game!