Top 50 Apps Similar to GoAuditing

DoliDroid for Dolibarr ERP-CRM DoliDroid Pro 3.0
DoliCloud team
DoliDroid, the Android frontend client for Dolibarr ERP &CRMweb software.
Assistant commercial pro 1.1.00
Karim Ferhani
Un outil commercial puissant et complet, facile etintuitifàutiliser, qui ne nécessite pas internet, offrantdenombreusesfonctionnalités utiles et performantes, allant delacréation etgestion du catalogue, jusqu'à la prise de commandeetl'impressiondes documents commerciaux (reçus , factures, bonsdecommande et delivraison, ...), en passant par l'élaborationdeportefeuilleclient, la gestion des abonnements souscrit etlaplanificationd'action en fonction d'événementsspécifiques.L'applicationconvient à de nombreux usages tels qu' unpoint devente fixe etambulant (pos), caisse enregistreuse complète,unsystème degestion de souscription d'abonnement (assurance, salledesport) etplein d'autres usages. Présentation desfonctionnalités:-Catalogue d'articles: Éditez et maintenez à jourvotre catalogueenincluant l'ensemble de vos produits, services etabonnements,enbénéficiant des outils fort utiles met à votredispositiontelqu'un lecteur de code-barres qui peut récupérer desinformationsàpropos de l'article scanner (photo, nom, ...) à partirdenotreimportante base de données produits internationales, unsuividesstocks et des réductions, le partage et publicationassistéssurles différents réseaux sociaux, pour chacun desarticles, ...-Portefeuille clients: Développez un portefeuilleclientsdequalité, segmenté en groupes pour améliorer le suiviclient,avecdes fiches clients complètes, contenant les commandesduclients,ainsi que toutes les informations que vous voulezrécoltermeme desphotos et des enregistrements vidéo et audio, aveclapossibilitéde récupérer dynamiquement certaines informations,soitenutilisant le lecteur de code QR, ou bien avec le GPS.-Impressionde documents commerciaux: Imprimer desdocumentsconformes auxréglementations de votre pays incluant touteslesinformationsrequises, générées et personnaliséesautomatiquementpour chaqueclient et commande et à tout moment;prends en chargeles documentssuivants: Tickets de caisse ( reçus),devis(pro-forma), bons decommande, bons de livraison, factures.-Gestionnaire descommandes: Suivez et gérez les commandes (venteetdevis)effectuées en détail, et procèder à de nouvellesventes,imprimezles documents dont vous avez besoin -Planificationd'action:Planifié des actions en fonction dedifférents événementstel quel'expiration d'un abonnement souscritou bien l'ajout d'unnouveauclient; utile pour rester en contactavec les clients etaméliorerl'expérience client - Gestionnaired'abonnement: Suivezl'état desabonnements souscrits et gérer les,restez en contactavec lesclients en utilisant les outils del'application pouraugmenter leschances de renouvellement. - systèmede sauvegardeExporter etimporter l'ensemble du contenu del'application de façonàrécupérer et préserver le fruit de vosefforts detouteséventualités de perte ou de problème matériel
M&M POS - Point Of Sale System 2.2.4
MM Wireless Tech
A Complete Business Starter Solution. Accept Payments In-StoreAndOnline
Corez Local Store (Offline) - Inventory & Sales 1.2.4
Corez Company
Unique with integrated keyboard specially designed toregisterproducts quickly, with which you can add or subtract unitsfromyour products intuitively. Completely offline, you will notneedinternet to carry out any action, which ensuresavailabilitywherever you are and shortens waiting times. Lowapplication weightand Material Design-oriented user interfacedesign. Features -Point of sale: Designed to register productsquickly andefficiently, which makes it a solution for small andlargecompanies. Compatible with search and registration withbarcode. -Inventory control: Manage your products in an easy way,know yourupdated stock and add variants for each product, enterpurchase andsale price to calculate your daily profits quickly. -Invoices:Generate detailed invoices of your daily sales, generatePDF filesfor your export or share the invoice directly in theapplication,search your receipts by filtering them for a period ofdates orcancel invoices to return the stock to your products. -Backup:Export your data in a secure file to safeguard yourinformation andrestore it later. - Configuration: Set the data ofyour company toappear on the invoices, establish taxes and how toapply it to theinvoices, correlative numbering and prefix of theinvoice numberand establish the currency symbol with which you wantto work (Morethan 100 currency symbols of all countries included).- Storages,Stock movement. And much more, new functions and newmodules willbe added periodically, to offer you the most completeandattractive app in the store.
Repsly 5.18.50
Repsly, Inc.
Repsly is the smartest way to grow sales & executeretailprograms in the field.
Onsight B2B Sales App 3.3.25
The Onsight B2B sales app for distributors, wholesalers&manufacturers helps improve sales performance by speeding uptheordering process. Use a mobile device to quickly create ordersandquotes whilst on the road or at a tradeshow, even when youareoffline. In addition, you can give your customers access toyourproduct catalogue so that they can conveniently self-order atanytime. With the Onsight sales app you can easily create your ownB2Bself-service sales channel and impress your customerswithhigh-quality product images and full product descriptions.Onsightis used by manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors withoutsidesales teams to make their outside sales reps moreproductive. Anychanges made to customer contact details get syncedand sharedautomatically. Product and pricing updates are pushed tothe reps'mobile devices. Most importantly, sales orders areinstantly sentto your office or warehouse for quick fulfillment.Industries thatuse Onsight include: food & beverage, homeware,furniture,decor, electronic goods, hygiene products, medicalproducts,clothing and clothing accessories. Onsight also offersBrandedApps. Contact us at Visit our websiteformore information:
Loc8 - The job management app for field service 1.7.13
Loc8 job scheduling ⏰ and team management app 😃 is the solutiontohelp you get your tradesmen, quotes and invoices sorted! ✅Thisin-field technician app and work schedule app for licensedusers ofLoc8, is a tightly integrated asset, field service andmaintenancemanagement system for small, medium, and enterprisebusinesses.Loc8 replaces your current paper or spreadsheet-basedjob sheetswith a highly usable, smart application that connectsyour Loc8managers, back office staff and field technicians,bringing themonto one comprehensive service app. In a sea of freeschedulingsoftware, Loc8 Mobile is an effective all-in-one solutionthatperforms the tasks of multiple small business apps, including ajobmanagement app, a team app and a scheduling app. Streamlineyourbusiness operations with a powerful, scalable work order andassetmaintenance management system that is enterprise proven, andveryeasy to use for small teams, making it one of the best appsforsmall business setups. Loc8 Mobile’s intuitive job schedulingappmakes it easier to manage your technicians’ timetables,allowingyou to make quick scheduling changes and accuratelymonitorworkflows. Manage everything from simple reactive workorders tocomplex scheduled maintenance on assets directly throughLoc8Mobile. No need to have a separate invoice app as Loc8integrateswith major financial systems allowing you to easily alignyouroperations and your cashflow. Loc8 Mobile is the field serviceappfor all service business owners and contractors eager toimproveprocesses. If you’re looking for a general tradesman apps,Loc8Mobile effectively works across all fields and can double upas: Acarpentry app A construction app A handyman app An electricalapp Afire app An HVAC app App Features: • Direct integration to theLoc8suite • Real time dispatch and notifications of new work ordersandupdates • Easy in-field management of dispatched work orders•Accurate daily summary on the work to be completed • Overviewofthe volume of work orders on a particular date thanks to theheatmaps on the calendar view • GPS location to see the closestjobs toyou • Allow technicians to view site safety notes for anyworkorder • Enable technicians to assign more assignees onto aworkorder • Offline functionality: technicians can use theapplicationwithout an internet connection. • Job status management:getreal-time updates from your technicians (en route, onsite,workdone). • Record inventory and labour to account for the partsandmaterials used and time spent on the work order •Appointmentsummaries and signature capture: show your clients yourdigital jobbook and get them to digitally sign off on work done •Add and viewattachments to tasks and assets to capture moreinformation aboutthe asset. • Powerful task and sub-task managementfor accuratein-field processes • Create quotes in-field via failedtasks •Simple asset management: create assets and perform tasksandsub-tasks directly on them • Quick filters and sorting ofworkorders Download today and discover why no other team managementappor tradies app can compare with Loc8 Mobile. IMPORTANT: Thisapprequires a Loc8 account.
Retail POS System - Point of Sale 7.9.0
W&O Retail POS - Point of Sale is a full featured, easytouseand affordable POS for any small or medium business.W&ORetailPOS - Point of Sale is perfect for storesofferingelectronics,clothing, toys, books, baby items, etc. Nomonthly orannual fee.One time cost. Key Features ★ Purchase order,payment ★Printreceipt, report ★ Various discount, surcharge and tax★Flexiblepermissions ★ Sales report ★ Pay in & pay out★Expensemanagement ★ Customer membership ★ Inventory management★Customerdisplay Printer Printersetupguide: 1. W&O POS Printer Adapter (Supportall kindofprinters) DownloadPC-PrinterAdapter USB (Support most thermal printers withESC/POSCommand)Bestsupportprinter:TSP143LAN( (Support specific printers with ESC/POSCommand)Best supportprinter:StarSM-L200( thehardware WorkwithCustomerFacingDisplay version devices taking order at same time, you willneedserverversion, you can download the trial version fromourwebsite. To getuserguide: To reportbugsor requestfeatures: ※ If you liketheapp, thenplease give us a good rating as the driving forcebehindourcontinued development, thank you. ※ If you have anysuggestionsorquestions please mail to our mailbox directly. Formarketreviews,please just leave your rating and cheers, thanksagain.Availablelanguages (more coming soon) English, 中文, Español(ManuelIraizos),Deutsch (SK.Aldein), Français (Jean-Marie),Italiano(Massimiliano),Ελληνικά (, Magyar (DanielBotka),Português do Brasil(Flávio Etrusco), Indonesia (RickyAlamsyah),Dansk, Suomi, Svenska,Norsk, 日本語, 한국어, Thai, Türkçe(Omer), Czech(Petr Komin), Nederlands,Pусский, Indonesian,Yкраїнська, TiếngViệt, Filipino(Max VA) RetailPOS - Point of Salecan be used aspet store POS (pet store point ofsale), pharmacy POS(pharmacypoint of sale), convenience store POS(convenience storepoint ofsale), salons & spas POS (salons& spas point ofsale),kiosk POS (kiosk point of sale), clothingstore POS (clothingstorepoint of sale) or any other point of sales.
Amway 1.2.9
Amway Corp.
With a modern look and easy-to-use navigation, the Amway™ appisdesigned to help Amway Independent Business Owners managetheirbusiness on the go. Check PV/BV status, register Customersandother IBOs, view downline volume, buy your favorite Amway™productsand more! *Please Note: •This app is only available forAmway NorthAmerican IBOs (Latin American IBOs should continue touse theBusiness Center app) •An Amway ID (email address) isrequired tosign in. • Using an Amway ID as a sign-on gives you moresecurityand personalization options. If you haven’t already doneso, createan Amway ID before downloading the Amway™ app. As newdigital toolsand apps are released they will also require an AmwayID. If youpreviously created one you can use it to sign in to theAmway™ app.For further assistance creating an Amway ID, pleasereference theAmway ID resource document on Amway Education. • Thisapplicationis only available to Amway Independent Business Owners.Customersshould go to the Amway™ website or reach out to theirAmwayIndependent Business Owner to place an order. • A Wi-Fi orMobileData connection is required for this application. •Thisapplication is not optimized for tablets. • By downloading thisappyou certify that you have read, understand and agree to thetermsset forth in the Amway Software License Agreement that isavailablevia the link provided on this page. *Features may vary bycountryof residence • For more information about Amway, pleaseaccess yourcountry’s Amway website or go to
FieldService App 1.4.3
Field Service Application is dedicated to technicians,handlingtheirdaily assignments while working at the customer'ssite. Alldatarelated to the onsite visit is entered in the form ofa reportandsynchronized on the back-end upon completion. Theapplicationenablesthe user to: - view a structured list of tasks -track theprogresswhen solving tasks - report task completion bycollectingallrelevant documentation Field Service Application issolely usedbythe permanent employees of one specific customer ofFieldcode.Itwill ask for the technician's permission to access thelocation(GPS)data with initial login. The technician's currentlocationdata isused to see their assigned jobs in the mapfunction. Thelatestlocation is also submitted while the app. isused in thebackgroundto plan the same day activities by the backoffice andto fulfil andmanage contractual obligations of thecustomers.
Vendis POS Point of Sale and I 1.04.51
Manage your Point of Sale Business, products, orders Sales andcashcontrol.
XProtect® Mobile Express & Pro 13.2b
Milestone Systems A/S
This free XProtect Mobile app gives you secure accesstoyourMilestone video surveillance system anytime, anywherefromyoursmartphone or tablet. Available in 30 languagestheapplicationlets you conveniently view live video, play backandexportrecorded video, listen to audio and speakthroughthecamera-connected speakers using the Push-To-Talkbutton.Compatiblewith XProtect Express and Professional, and theMilestoneHusky™NVR series*. (For use with XProtect Corporate,XProtectExpert,XProtect Professional+, XProtect Express+,XProtectEssential+,please download the "XProtect® Mobile" app)Additionalproducthighlights: • Document any event while it happensbystreamingvideo and audio from your mobile device’s cameradirectlyinto theMilestone solution • Get peace of mind and stayconstantlyon topof things by receiving push notifications based onalarmsdefinedin the Milestone solution Try it out Download the appandtake alook yourself. XProtect Mobile includes access to ademoserver soyou can explore the product even if you do not haveaMilestonesystem installed already. Getting started In ordertoconnect andview cameras from your Milestone system, you shouldhavethe latestversion of the Milestone surveillance system andtheXProtectMobile server for Express and Professional installed.Forfurtherdetails on getting started, distributes and sellsitsmarket-leading XProtect® VMSand the Milestone Husky NVRSeriesthrough an authorized partnerchannel of distributors andresellersin more than 115 countriesaround the world. Pleasegoto local authorized Milestone reseller ordistributor.*Users ofMilestone Arcus video surveillance productscan also useXProtectMobile. For details on specific applicationfunctionality,contact aMilestone Arcus partner
Myne Sales & Inventory Manager 1.15.4
Myne App
Manage your sales and inventory of products and services -viewamazing graphics
RetailCRM Mobile 3.6.2
RetailCRM — is more than just a database of orders and customers
IncoPOS - Point of Sale
Vladster Ltd.
Full POS system for your android device. Some of thegreatfeaturesinclude: - Registering of orders, sales,purchases,transfers andstock-takings. - Price checker mode toquickly findthe price of anitem using its barcode. - Support formultiple taxrates or VATgroups. - Support for multiple useraccounts.Permissions can beconfigured and set per user from IncoPOSondesktops. - Support forBluetooth fiscal and Epson devices.Supportfor Barcode scanners. -Custom locations layout for easy useinrestaurants. - Connect withother mobile devices viaIncoCloud( or byconnecting to a shared MySQLserver. -Connect with a full desktopfront and backoffice( with just a few steps.IncoPOS can runonWindows, Linux or Mac OS - Lookup salesstatistics for yourremoteemployees by connecting your databasesvia IncoCloud and usingthereports in IncoPOS. - Multi-languagesupport that can beconfiguredfrom the Settings menu. - Remotedatabase wipe isavailable forIncoCloud group administrators incase a device is lostor stolen. -Remote backup of all your salesdata is available viaIncoCloud.
Loyverse CDS Customer Display 1.0.9
Display order information at the time of purchase onthecustomer-facing display
Neat Bookkeeping and Scanning 1.0.20
The Neat Company
Neat’s mobile app is the perfect companion to yourNeatdesktopexperience. Invoicing on-the-go \ *NEW* All Neatcustomersnow havethe ability to manage invoices from the palm ofyour hand.-Quickly access all outstanding invoices - View pastdueandoutstanding invoice amounts - Send reminders with onetapReceiptCapture & Document Management Usingbest-in-classmobilecapture, the Neat mobile app makes it easy foryou to scan,uploadand organize your business’ most importantdocumentson-the-go, nomatter where your day takes you. MobileReconciliationIf you'remanaging your business's books with Neat,we've taken thenew Neatreconciliation experience one step further.Beyond beingable toeasily reconcile on one-screen and withinone-system onyourcomputer, you can now reconcile with Neat's MobileApp'two-tap'reconciliation experience, allowing you to reconcileinminutes permonth. Download today and take the next step tokeepyourdocuments, books, and your business frictionless andneat.NeatMobile Features - Get items in with ourbest-in-classmobilecapture - 'Two-tap' mobile reconciliation -Connect your bankorcredit card accounts - Neat will suggest matchesto yourimportantdocuments for easy reconciliation - Seamlesslysearch forthe itemsyou need with Neat’s quick reference search TheNeatMobile Apprequires an active Neat cloud subscription. This istheapp for TheNeat Company,
Showpad is a powerful yet easy-to-usesalesenablement platform that helps sales and marketingdeliveroutstanding buying experiences.Salespeople can discover, present and share the contentthatmatters, and stand out from the competition with a uniquebuyerexperience.• Discover, present and share all of your sales materials –evenwhen offline• Customize your presentations for any sales situation• Present using Showpad Experiences, a series of visual,dynamicpresentations• Get notified when prospects interact with yoursharedmaterials• Easily log all meetings and sharing activities toSalesforceMarketers can share their most effective content with salesthroughnew delightful, immersive environments.• Make it effortless for sales reps to find, present and sharethemost relevant marketing content in every situation• Build the buyer experiences your salespeople need• Ensure content in the field is always up-to-date andonbrand• Understand how and when content is being used• Measure the impact of marketing content on sales resultsSales can drive conversations based on insights to close moredeals,and marketing can understand which content is drivingsalessuccess.
Cashier/POS IREAP PRO 3.19
POS (Point of Sales) Cashier and Inventory Application forMultipleBranches
W&O Restaurant POS Pro 12.10.2
Over 500k users, easy to use, save time and money, no monthlyfee,must try.
Smart Inventory System - Mobil
Super simple inventory app for home, small to mid businessesandhobbyist.
Invoice Control 4.65
Gagosoto Factory
Invoice Control is an application that lets you createinvoicesinPDF format and send them to your customers by maildirectlyfromyour Android device. - The application is multiuser.-Providescustomer management, products and inventory control.-Theapplication allows you to generate quotes in pdf formatthatyoucan later convert to invoice. - Offers thepossibilityofgenerating partial invoices regarding a total bill. -Youcanchoose the color of the header of the invoice, andincludeyourlogo. - You can record the amount of an invoice inExpensesControlapp (of Gagosoto Factory), directly. - Allows you toimportto theapplication, the data of your customers and productdatathrough aspreadsheet, to make it easy to start using. - Youcanexport thedata of the invoices in spreadsheet format. - You candodatabackups. - You can send invoices through whatsapp or Line.-Youcan save your invoices in your dropbox account. - You canscanthebarcode of your products. - You can mark an invoice assentorpaid.
SalesPlay POS - Point of Sale 107.0
SalesPlay POS
Easy to manage POS app for your restaurant, cafe, food truck,andbeauty salon
OrangeHRM Advanced
OrangeHRM Inc
OrangeHRM is the world's most popular Open Source HR Software.
Receipt Generate Invoice Maker 5.1.1
Create invoice & estimate. Manage expenses & paymentsforbusinesses like a PRO.
finger POS(for Clothing Sales) 2.0.3
Use mobile phones to manage clothing stores. Applicable tosinglestorefront and single salesman. Clothing stores, shoestores,jewelry stores, bag stores and other types of stores,areapplicable. function: 1. Take a photo of the clothes, usethepicture to operate the system 2. Can operate the color and size3.Sales entry can use credit card or cash, automaticallyrecordcredit card fees 4. Query sales, which clothes to sell, howmanyare sold, which customers to sell, when to sell, etc..5.Customer's order and refund 6. Check inventory, Confirm thestatusof the store's clothes. 7. Use the purchase memo to querythereservation of the clothes 8. Automatic statistics and queryforeach customer's consumption and refund 9. Automatically countthesales performance of each vendor 10. Set income andexpenditurecategories, record revenue and expenditure details 11.Purchase,sales, Return to supplier, customer's credit card fees,etc.,Automatically record to revenue and expenses 12. Query salesprofitper month or day There are many features, waiting for youruse anddiscovery. Have found bugs, or suggestions, welcome topropose,continuously modify the system to perfection.
Barcode & POS #1 1.9
●You can report daily, weekly, monthly,yearlyprofit, cost, turnover and tax amount.●You can use this application regardless to the inches of yourphoneor tablet.●You can report the profit, cost and tax amount which wereobtainedfrom a product, a category or a sale.●There is no need for internet to run this application. Your dataisstored on the device.●This application can be used together with Bluetooth or USBbarcodereader on the tablets.●You do not need to install the USB barcode reader, when youplugthe USB it will work immediately. In addition, the barcodereadercan be connected to the tablet via OTG.●You can report the most profitable products.●3 different prices can be determined for the product and youcanswitch quickly between the prices during the sale. The pricesofall products which are for sale can be switched to second orthirdprice by a single tap.●You can report the best-selling and least-selling products.●Almost for all functions of the application you canspecifyexternal keyboard shortcuts. For instance; for save: Ctrl+Sor F2can be specified.●You can open more than one sales displays at the same time.Withoutwaiting for the completion of a customer’s purchase, a newsalesdisplay can be opened for a newcomer customer who is in ahurry andthen later you can continue the process of the previouscustomerwhere you stopped.●To read the barcode of the products you may use either thedevicecamera or the external barcode reader.●You can customize all lists. You can change font size, fontcolor,row height and background of the lists. Besides, you canalsochange column width or you can hide columns.●You can sale the products without barcode by clicking on them.Youcan speed up the process of choosing during the sale byseparatingthe products without barcode into categories.●QR code EAN-13, EAN-8, UPC-A, UPC-E and many other barcodetypesare supported.●You can make search according to the field you specified andfilterthe records.You can change the sort order by tapping thecolumnheaders.●You can display photo, name and price of the product largely onthescreen by the help of "show price" section as the barcode oftheproduct is read by device camera or by an external barcodereader orchose the product from the list.●You can use the application by connecting USB external keyboardormouse to tablets.●When you tap on sales total on sales screen, the sales totalwillappear on the screen largely. The change can be also seen incasethe amount of received money is written on the openedscreen.●When you wish, you can delete all sales by a single tab. Asaresult of this action, only the sales are deleted, recordsorproduct are not deleted.●You can classify the products in five different groups(Category,supplier, brand, department, rack). You can customize thelabels ofthe classification. For instance, you can rename Brand asColor.All the Brands in the application will be changed asColor.●You can duplicate saved products by copying them, by this wayyoucan save similar products rapidly.●You can set decimal places for sale price, purchase price,saleamount, discount rate and tax rate separately. You cancustomizedecimal symbol, digit grouping symbol and digit groupingsizesettings. According to the settings you have done the numbersareformatted as they are input and displayed.●You can specify discount rate for the whole sale.●You can specify automatic discount rate to products. Thespecifieddiscount rate will be applied during the sale.●You can add photos to products. You can add photos to productsbytaking photos with the device camera or chose from galleryaswell.●You can also save returned products.●You can export product lists, sale lists and reports to excel,csvand txt formats.●If you want to translate to your own language we can mailtheenglish language file.
Point of Sale Cash RegisterPRO 1.04
Point of Sale Cash RegisterPRO-------------------- no permissions- no advertising- support the developer-------------------Have you just founded a company and want to equip your PointofSale or a mobile booth with a cash register that is nottoocumbersome in purchase and installation? This applicationworksperfectly both in restaurants and smaller shops and itgetspredominantly good feedback by the users. What is the reasonforthis? Just have a look at some simple functions of theapplicationand its advantages:Use of a device and equipment that you are familiar withThe Point of Sale application is being installed on yourtabletcomputer which is why you do not have to get used to anew,unfamiliar device. The further advantage: having aprinterconnected via Bluetooth, you can easily print out statisticsorbills. Thus, you are ready to start immediately without anynewinstallations or cable tangle.Top quality statistics for planning your assortmentofgoodsMany traditional cash registers only offer the function ofenteringa price and the category of the product. Our POS-Point ofSaleApplication offers the possibility to define and name thesingleproducts (respectively food and drinks): consequently, youreceivea survey of the ongoing sales when just clicking on thebutton„statistics“- thereupon you can discover bestsellers and youcanreorder and plan your assortment of goods better thanever!Additionally, you discover the most popular products at aglance!Both for a fixed and mobile sales booth the right intentionforsale and necessary storage can save you a lot ofmoney:insufficient storage as well as a too much storage can costyou alot.Clearly arranged allocation of 300 buttons possible
Havinginstalled the Point of Sale App, you can arrange up to 300buttonsand thus can make cashing even easier in case you do notwant tomake use of bar codes. Especially in the gastronomy, orderscaneasily and intuitively be entered, which leaves more time fortheguest and the service.A well-tried allocation –as shown in our product’s illustration-isthe one using colours: choose different colours for softdrinks,food, alcoholic drinks and hot drinks. Thus, the entering oftheorder must only be clicked, and you still have a clearlyarrangedsystem even when providing a great assortment.Using the screen size and clear arrangement of yourtablet
ThePoint of Sale App uses the full screen size of the tabletso thatthe usability is getting much more clearly arranged andoffers manypossibilities of combination. Just think of the menu ora pricelist which is available at each work station. Besides, itispossible to switch between this app and further applicationsonyour tablet. You can access product information orillustrationsanytime.Have a look at the Point of Sale App and test some of thefunctions.You will be enthusiastic on recognizing how a normaltablet can turninto a fully-fledged cash register. 
Please notice that this application is in process of developmentandis an offer free of charge. It practically offers all functionsof acash register. However, we cannot guarantee a legallycompliantaccount at the moment since this would require a fullpermission oftax authorities. The cash register application is atool whichoffers a survey and helps accounting- it cannot replacethe fulllegal documentation though. Please mind your taxcomputation andadhere to deadlines on your own responsibility. Theprogrammer of„cash register for free“assumes no liability.
REKKI: ordering app for chefs 21.0.81
Browse distributors, find wholesale ingredients, make orders&pay - no sweat.
Sales Representative
Indispensable for manage customers and orders in a simpleandintuitive way.
Parsable 7.5.28
Parsable Inc
Connected Worker™
Loyverse POS - Point of Sale 2.28.3
Easy-to-use cash register app to manage retail stores,restaurants,and cafes.
Shopify Point of Sale (POS) 8.6.0
Shopify Inc.
Point of sale, inventory system and cash register.
OrderLord POS (Point of Sale, Orders, Receipts) 3.2.4
OrderLord POS (Point of Sale) app helps restaurants tomanagethewhole delivery process OrderLord POS brings TOP featuresforyou: •Multifunctional Point of Sale system • Delivery,collection,storeorders • Table management system - preview, fullyeditable,tabledetail, many options • SumUp payment terminalsupport•Implementation of Slovak, Czech, Italian,Russian,Bulgarian,Italian, Greek fiscalization system • Support ofmultiplebrandsunder the single restaurant • Map of orders +restaurants +drivers+ map layers • Orders history - searchingorders by ID,phonenumber or other filters • Caller ID functionality-dynamicallycreate orders for the customer, who are justcallinginto yourrestaurant • Creating deliveries, dispatch to thedriver •Cashoutfrom/to the driver, cash from/to the register •Creatingorders -many inputs, searching by address,postcode,addingfoods/deals/pizza deals, adding fees, discounts,filteringfoods byfood codes, and many more... • Multiple countriessupportforautocomplete purposes • Signing by password or PIN•Sorting,filtering of orders • Sound notifications for newincomingorders,deliveries, adding/removing food, and many more...•Manycustomization settings - more than 100 settings... • Parkingoftheorder, calculator, number formatting options,customizablesounds,notifications, change the text sizes •Application istranslatedinto multiple languages • Printing labels,receipts, andkitchenreceipts for orders - customize printingdepending on theordertype, by restaurants or brands, the number ofreprints,opening thecash drawer, cutting of the paper, and manyothers... •Printerssupported: Aures, Epson, USB printers, Atol,Datecs, Zebra,Star,Bixolon, Brother, Honeywell, Seiko, Citizen,Cashino,XPrinter,Bluetooth printers, Esc/POS • Support differenttabletresolutionsIf you are not using OrderLord and you would liketolearn more,check out toschedule a demo.
Opmetrix 8.5.3
Opmetrix Limited
Opmetrix is a cloud based consumer goods CRM solutiondesignedspecifically for mobile sales and merchandising teams. Notonlydoes it deliver quality CRM, Opmetrix includes everythingneeded tomake sales teams professional and ready to do business.Opmetrixreduces time spent on administrative tasks, increaseselling powerto sales teams and delivers key sales and activityreports tomanagement. Tap into success with Opmetrix: • CustomerManagementSystem – contacts, call notes, history • Sales Module –order,invoice, credit and quotes • Merchandising module -distributionand shelf checks • Survey module – multiple questiontypes •Promotions module – deals and compliance • Objectives module– setstore goals and monitor progress • Leave Planner module – sickdaysand annual leave entry and admin reporting • Image cataloguewithsearch, zoom and sales functions • Electronic signature capture•Photo capture • Printing to KitKat-compatible printers • ConnecttoBluetooth barcode scanners • Activity reporting based on time,callcoverage and location (GPS) • Analysis reporting – budgets,autoemail reports With the Opmetrix app, sales teams sell more andgainefficiencies in every call they make. Opmetrix is more thanjust anapp. We back our application with outstanding local supportand aconstant focus on innovation. Opmetrix requires a useraccountcreated by your Opmetrix administrator to sign in; contactyourhead office to set up a new account. A demo login isavailablein-app.
Outfield - Outside Sales & Field Marketing CRM 6.2.2
Managers: Outfield makes it easy to discover valuableinsightsaboutyour market, track + verify team activity,andcommunicateeffortlessly across all your devices. Outfield isthetop ratedfield sales & marketing solution. Field Reps:Outfieldis theultimate territory management solution. As a fieldrepyou’realways on-the-go. Outfield is a quick and simple way toplan&optimize your driving routes, organize contacts&accounts,keep track of whereabouts, and collaborate withothers.Whetheryour goal is to increase productivity, drive revenue,ormanageyour activities Outfield is your app. Features MarketInsightToomany companies make marketing decisions withlittleinformationabout their market. You don't have to be one ofthem.With powerfulanalytics & reporting to support your fieldsales&marketing programs, Outfield provides valuable dataaroundtrendsthat are taking place in your market domains, ensuringthatyou’remaking smarter business decisions. Team SynergyInmanagementsometimes it’s difficult to stay on top of theactivitiesof yourfield force. Outfield makes it easy to manage andviewemployeewhereabouts, account notes + photos, nightlysummaries,understandwhich markets are experiencing the mostpenetration, andmuch more.Now you can have peace of mind knowinghow your fieldreps areexecuting. Collaboration No sifting throughold emailchains tofind the information or contacts you want.Instead,providefeedback to activity photos, notes, visit updates,andreportsinstantly and effectively to increase the chances thatsetgoalsare reached. Collaborate, share best practices,events,results,and feedback with teammates to boost overallperformance.TerritoryManagement Account management should not betedious andtimeconsuming. Now managing your customers is madesimple. Youcanquickly create visit activity, attach notes &photos,usecustom forms for data collection, as well as maintainandaccesscritical information about your buyers in a fashionthatmeets yourworkflow patterns. Incredibly Intuitive Why wastetimewith poorlydesigned apps when you can do more faster! Outfieldisthe fastestand most intuitive outside sales app, period.Marketingand salesreps can get started instantly, perform likepros, andmake animpact in no time!
Shopping Lover - Shopping List shoppinglover-1.14
The best app for plan your shopping and grocery list. It'ssimpleand free!
SalesRabbit Mobile Sales Tool 6.26
We’ve got you covered from lead to close. SalesRabbit’sdigitalsales tools will accelerate your teams, optimize yoursalesprocess, and increase your overall sales performance.“Salesproduction has increased by 35%+ per year since we startedusingthe system.” - Marc Cram, Caliber Lead Management Keepingtrack ofyour leads is as important as keeping track of your reps.We’vegiven you the tools to do both, so it’s never been easier tomove alead through the sales funnel. Upload your own lead lists andmapthem out for your teams to work. Quickly assign leads andleadgroups to your reps. They can then use the routing feature tofindthe quickest path between all of their leads. These and othertoolshelp your teams work strategically and effectively moveleadsthrough your funnel. Team Management Staying organized is oneofthe biggest challenges that sales teams face, so we’ve madeiteasier than ever to track your reps, customers, andterritoriesgeospatially. These tools will ensure that your repssave time andstreamline your sales process. Our leaderboardsfeature will trackyour teams and provide you with up-to-date teamperformance data.Managing your reps will be easier than ever.Qualification Don'twaste time with unqualified leads. Know earlierin the salesprocess who is a good fit for your product and directyour efforttowards optimal prospects. Our DataGrid Residentialprovides youwith homeowner information-including income level,buyer/renterstatus, soft credit checks and more-for a fast, easyway toidentify your ideal lead. You can also use our creditchecksoftware to qualify your customers in as little as 15minutes.Business Search Working in B2B? Our DataGrid businesssearchprovides information—including address, phone number,website, andmore— for all the businesses within your area. You canuse keywordsto narrow your results, routing to find the best pathbetweendifferent locations, and our lead management to track yourprogresswith each of them. It’s the smartest and quickest way toprospectand sell. Presentation & Proposal Our digital salestools allowyou to upload your own presentations, videos, PDFs, andmore sothat they're accessible in the field. Use them to train yourrepsor to create a much more engaging presentation, proposal,andcustomer-creation process. It's a great way to standardizeyoursales process across your teams and more effectivelycommunicatewith your prospects. Forms & Contracts Finalizingyour sales isnow completely digital and hassle-free. Create yourown customforms and contracts to meet specific company needs.Customers canalso digitally sign the agreement, so you can closedeals quicklyin the field and head to the next prospect.Integrations Connectyour SalesRabbit account with hundreds ofpowerful web services.We'll do all the heavy lifting and keep yourdata connected, safe,and secure. We're constantly adding to ourlibrary of integrationsso you can enjoy increased functionality, nomatter what industryyou're in. “It is now the MOST important toolused by our salesteams. It has increased our efficiency, led tohigher sales, andallowed us to communicate nationwide with all ofour reps.” - EarlKoskie, Fuse “SalesRabbit has cut the timemanagers put into areamanagement by at least 50% and in a programwhere more time ismoney, the use of SalesRabbit literally pays foritself.” - ErickDemarco, Satellite Guru “As a salesman, it’s soimportant that youknow your leads and where you have knocked, etc.SalesRabbit is theULTIMATE solution for this. I got many salesbecause of it and wasable to truly feel organized.” Brian B,G2Crowd Not part of a team?Use SalesRabbit Lite and benefit fromusing a free door to doorsales app. Download this app and click the"Register for Lite"button.
ChartBills - Bills Reminder 2.2.7
The Fin App
Keep track your bills faster and easier
Vendus - Faturação POS 1.8.1
Invoicing POS software that records and controls its salesinseconds.
Mobilebiz Co: Invoice Maker 1.6.0
Mobilebiz Systems
Invoice app for small business: create invoices and estimates,quickand easy.
POS & Stock Inventory Tracker 0.33.5
Tiny Baobab
Retail and restaurant POS
ForceManager mobile CRM 3.59.2
Work from anywhere with CRM, Sales and Leads from ForceManager
Restaupos Point of Sale - POS System 18.4.2
RESTAUPOS POS – Restaurant Point of Sale RESTAUPOS POS pointofsalesystem instead of a cash register is a full-featured InFlightpointof Sale Device, affordable Point of Sale withBusinessManagementtools - saving time and money & StockControl.ANDROIDSimplicity+ WIRELESS technologies + INTUITIVEinterface =easiest tolearn, most powerful POS available. - FullFeaturedBusiness Tools,Designed to accommodate restaurant chains aswellas individualmobile food trucks, nightclubs and coffee shopsorpizzeria ,RESTAUPOS POS IS full-featured restaurant POS Appandcontinues tolead the revolution in innovation andintegration.With detailedreports, wireless printing , RESTAUPOS POSis muchmore than an App.It is a smart, complete solution thatfulfills awide range of Pointof Sale needs. - BENEFITS of usingRESTAUPOSPOS - • Easy to Learn –simple, intuitive interface • NoContracts– • Language Packs –translations available • Mobile andWireless -Increased efficiencyand sales Using this App, yourRestaurantstaff can place orders,perform customer checkouts, emailreceiptsand more. The sleek anduser-friendly interface allows youto takeand send orders andperform guest checkouts wirelesslythroughoutthe restaurant or yourcoffee shop. This eliminates theneed to runtickets to the kitchenwhich allows for more server timeat thetable – which leads tohigher sales RESTAUPOS POS allows youtoturn your tablet orSmartphone POS, Mobile POS as aaffordablepoint of Sale system.FEATURES - Work in offline mode -Managetable, categories, item andkitchen note . - Multi kind oftaxes -Synchronization you backup onor cloud secure server with oneclick- Dine in, takeout anddelivery -Split or Transfer order -Createan order and Complete atlater time -Number of people - Ordersavedautomatically - Assigntaxes on items - the possibility ofpartialpayment by cash or card-Split Payment - multiple tax options-register a sale withouttyping a single word - Email Text Receipts-Work with most printersPRINTING Supports an unlimited numberofreceipt or kitchenprinters,This feature lets you define attheitem-level whichstation it gets routed to .Submit order , andfoodorders go to thekitchen, drink orders go to the bar. Send anyitemto anywhere,automatically REPORT * Payment Report * PeriodSales *Daily TimeClock Details * Employee Revenue Summary * salesreportsbycategories ,users ; sequence * Category Amount Report *sendreportAt the end of a working day the last thing you want to doissitdown with all your paper bills and calculateyourbusinessperformance Restaupos offers a comprehensivereportingthrough theback office to instantly generate report inreal time.You alsohave the ability to filter and analyseindividualperformanceRestaupos is a pos system :Easy,simple,fast,No cloudand no lockin your data is private.-----RESTAUPOS is also referredas NoCloud Point of sale system (formerlyCash Register) RestaurantPOSpoint of sale app Affordable as BarPoint of Sale, CafePOS,Restaurant POS , Bakeshop Point of Sale ,Truck food POS,Pizzeria or PIZZA POS, Tablet POS or Mobile POSSystem Youdon’tneed to be an IT guy to get started with Restauposthe easycashregister for restaurant bar or pos system for foodtruck Dowhatyou’re passionate about and leave the rest to us Cashregisteriseasy to Setup your Menu items in the pos systemforrestaurant(Point of Sale application ) , Organize productsbycategory,youcan Update menu at Anytime. Restaupos is arestaurantbusiness possystem android solution is for restaurantowners byrestaurantowners so you end up with the best dynamic pointof salesystem andflexible solution for cash register and pos systemIf youlike theapp then please give us a good rating.
Pipeliner CRM 4.15.1
Pipeliner CRM - The Most Vital Mobile CRM Features,Anytime,Anywhere
Loyverse KDS - Kitchen Display 1.09
Use KDS in a cafe or restaurant to inform staff what to preparefroman order.
PoS Cash Register
PoS Cash Register is a modern application, designed foruseinrestaurants, shops or events. You can easily set upalltheproducts you offer, and, if necessary, you can easilyshareyourset-up to multiple devices within your organization. Thismeansyouonly have to set-up your products once, and they willbeavailableon all your devices. To keep all your productsorganized,you candivide them into categories. Like products, youcan alsogive thiscategory a color. Once you are completely set-up,you canbegintaking orders. This can be done by either tapping on abuttontoadd a product to the order (and long pressing to remove ifyoumadea mistake), or, if preferred, you can scan the barcodeoftheproduct. For a complete overview of the order, simply clickonthe"Checkout" button. This will show a list of alltheorderedproducts, sorted by category. Once the order iscompleted,click on"Complete order". This will save the order intothe"Orderhistory", where it will always be available. If you wanttogetinsights on the most profitable products, you can do sointhe"Stats" screen. All of the features work completeleoffline(exceptfor sharing buttons to other devices). Theapplication isstill inan early access phase and feedback is morethan welcome.
Corrigo Enterprise
Corrigo Incorporated
Corrigo Enterprise is the world’s most easy, powerful, andprovenmobile CMMS.
Sales Manager 7.3.0
Vanguard Software
The Sales Manager is a powerful tool for producing salesinvoicesinthe field. It is a cloud based, multi-user client serversystem,andVanguard Software provides various server options. Theclientcanrun on an Android or iOS phone or tablet, and it alsorunsonChromebooks. The apps are free. They are not trialversions,andthey have no expiry date. They fully functional, thoughthereare anumber of paid extras. They can also be used as standaloneapps,though various restrictions apply. The Sales Manager isfasterandmore accurate than traditional paper-based methods, andcanhandlelarge amounts of data. Invoices can be printed on aWi-Fiprinter,and barcodes can be scanned from any Android devicewith abuilt incamera. The salesman does not have to lug around aheavylaptop –he only needs the phone that he already carries. TheSalesManageris designed to run on just about any iPhone orAndroidphone, andcan be used even on devices with small screens. Ithas arichgraphical user interface, which makes it easy to learn andtouse.The application uses a highly scalable SQLite database,andallqueries are indexed. It can handle large numbers ofcustomersandproducts, with little or no loss of performance. TheSalesManagercan adapt to match most business situations,andautomaticallyformats dates and prices according to thecurrentlocale. It alsohas a flexible business model that includessupportfor multipleprice lists and variable tax rates. It can beused forreturns andrefunds, as well as invoices. KEY FEATURES •Fastresponse to userinput • Highly scalable database • Easy tolearn •Simple userinterface • Barcode scanning • Invoice printing •Webservices •Multiple price lists • Variable tax rates