Top 19 Apps Similar to GPS Navigation for Cars

GPS Navigation Live Street View
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ROUTE FINDER GPS NAVIGATION helps you in travel and places finder.
Gps Navigation 3.0
Travelling across cities, new placesorexploring new routes has become easy with help ofGPSNavigation,The chances of getting lost in the big world isreduced.GPSNavigation navigates the users to their destinations. Itenableseasy travelling even at unknown or new places.This is an appwhichcan be easily installed in any smartphone.With Many details onFreeMapping & Routing Define Real-time Traffic, SmarterDestinationSearch,Quick & Intelligent Routing &Re-routing,Autotraffic.This will help you can to travel yourdestinations isbetter way.
Download Free GPS Navigation 1.0
Easy GPS Navigation app is easily tosetupandreasonable fees, Mobile Phone Tracking has becomepopularamongparents,spouses, and anyone else who wants to keeptabsonsomeone.The GPS Mobile phone tracking units embedded inmoderncellphonesuse satellites in geosynchronous orbit toprovidepreciselocations.Ordinarily, people use this to get turn-by-turn directionsorfigureout where they are.GPS tracking can also be used to locate someone if you havetherightinformation and show real time Location map live.The new tool which lets us access all importantsettingsduringour driving is free easy gps navigation. It has suchaneasyinterface where you'll find easy what to do* SELECT THE NAVIGATOR: Quick access to Google Maps service.* PHONE YOUR CONTACTS: Open the dial without having anaccidentordistractions.* MUSIC ACCESS: Quickly access to your music. Soconnectyourmobile easily to your car speakers.* FIND YOUR CAR LAST LOCATION: After each driving,saveyourlocation, you'll be saving your current location toeasyrememberthe place where you last parked your car.You canalternatebetween3 different searching modes: Google Maps, RadarView and3Daugmented Reality View easy gps navigation free.Thank you for downloading this app.Enjoy the app, and rate us to make us improve.
GPS Navigation Best Tips 1.0
9 Top Best Free App
Navigating from one place to theotherhasbecome easy with the help of GPS devices that getsitsinformationdirectly from satellites. This interesting AndroidappGPSNavigation help users to get access to links thatconnecttowebsites that provide them with live maps of locationstheyintendto navigate to. Users can download softwares that canprovidethemwith the correct directions along with accuratelandmarks astheyreceive live information from satellites. One canuse thisappwhile driving and it will automatically direct tothedesiredlocation.feather*How to Find the Right GPS App for Your PhoneThe Best GPS DevicesGarmin vs. TomTom: Which GPS Should I Buy?How to Buy a GPSWhy Buy a Navigation GPS Device?GPS buying guideFix and Set GPS Navigation
GPS Navigation Offline 1.0
Future Smile Media
Sure we have some great navigation apps these days but noteveryonehas the fastest internet connection. Thankfully we can nowinstallan offline GPS app and never get lost again. The offline GPSappswill make sure you get to exactly where you need to be. Thesegreatapps are your ticket to freedom. Maps work everywhere,anytime.Internet connection isn’t required.Contents in GPS Navigation Offline app:- GPS Navigation & Maps by Sygic- NavFree- MapFactor- OsmAnd
GPS Warning - Map & Navigation v2.170205
Nguyen Duc Du
GPS Warning is an application supportyouduring the move, search for places, routes. Is a tool that hasmanyfeatures: address search, find a way, find a location,warningspeed & location, draw route, share information, manageroute& location and multi languages: English, Vietnamese,Japanese,Korean, Chinese, Swahili… moreover, with theinformation-sharingfeature, you can easily share to your friends,your relativesfavorite places, travels and your road, give you atour easy andsafe.The details main functions of GPS Warning:- Tracking: tracking mode with more information, ex: Speed,Time,Turn, Warning, Point, Route.. and Voice Navigation. You canchangeview mode, camera mode, type of map.. All service base onGPSsignal and google maps API.- Warning: warning speed, warning location when you wrongway,warning turn on Route when you are tracking. If you go thewrongroute, the application will support you to automatically finditsway back.- Draw Route: when you save the Route to your device, youcanupdate, redraw and copy it when you want to change.GPS Warning allows you to build your own route, you can addsitesthat you are interested in the route, and reuse as you moveback onthat route, it will give you a roadmap safety and moreactive.Moreover you can use it to develop a roadmap for moving to ayourtravel, the route goes into every corner that you want. Andmakesure that you will no longer worry astray.- Sync with Cloud: you can sync Point, Route to the Cloud; youcanrollback when you delete it or change your device.- Moving Team: share your group along the route and move, we willnolonger fears losing friends, the software will help you do it,youcan see all your friend move on the Route together. Now,install GPSWarning, share the Route and GO TOGETHER!!!- Share information: you can share the Location, the Routetoanother people and you can send location via SMS. When you shareaRoute for a group of friends, they may jointly buildsufficientRoute more information.- Record the Route: GPS Warning auto record your moving whenyoustart tracking mode, and you can review it after it is savedtoyour device. Moreover, you can actively record the path youtravelto reuse next time.- Management: with Point and Route. You can add, delete, updatethePoint and Route, sync it with the Cloud...- Search: you can search an address on the map and searchnearPlaces from the Location.- History: You can review your entire journey, at least it helpsyouremember your entire itinerary.- Setting: you can change some configuration on the application,ex:you can change color of the Route, you can change unit ofspeed,distance…- User: when you register one account on the application thenyoucan use more functions on it, ex: you can share to anotherpeople,you can sync with the Cloud…- Permission: you can login to use application and moreinformationprivately and only you can view and use it.- Multi language: the application supports severallanguages:English, Vietnamese, Japanese, Chinese, Korean,Swahili- Help: the application have guideline to use it, with eachfunctionyou don't understand you can read it and use. You can readit onyour mobile or on the Website.I hope you will find interesting with GPS Warning, please respondtous so that we increasingly make GPS Warning better.Thanks All./.
Navigation GPS, Maps & Traffic 1.0
NaviGou Navigation
NaviGou GPS Navigation, Maps andrealtimeTraffic turn every drive into a game. Navigate for freewithOnlineMaps and Offline Maps in 220 countries. Earnpointsforkilometres/miles driven, win prizes and compete withyourfriendsevery day. Check weekly and overall leaderboard and findoutwhichof your friends was best. Win it yourself and get asweetbonus!Drive, navigate for free and earn driver titles likeNinjaDriver,Dangerous Grandma, King of the Roads… DrivingwithNavigation hasnever been so much fun. NaviGou is the onlyfreenavigation thatrewards you for the kilometres you drive.Join your driver friends in your area who sharereal-timetrafficand road information, saving everyone time and fuelontheir dailycommute.NaviGou GPS Navigation and Maps speeds up and simplifieshowyouorient yourself in your world. Find the best places in townandtheinformation you need to get there.With the Waze Maps and Google Maps you can activelyreportandreceive information on accidents, hazards, police trapsandotherevents seen on the road.- Live, real-time route suggestions based on trafficandroadconditions- Precise, detailed maps in 220 countries- Find the cheapest fuel in the area based on prices thatareupdateddaily- Alerts for accidents, hazards, police traps, road closures- Turn-by-turn voice navigation in numerous languages- Automatic route change when the traffic situation changes- Set up shortcut keys for navigating to work and home- Find the best places to eat and drink and the best lodgingonyourtrip- Compete with your Facebook friends- Earn points for your kilometres and unlock driverlevelsthateveryone will envyWarning: Running navigation continuously can drainyourbatterysignificantly faster, so NaviGou GPS Navigationshutsoffautomatically when running in the background and youhaven’tbeendriving for a while.• Not all functions are available in all countries
OWIRO GPS navigation 5.0.211
OWIRO group s.r.o.
Our Way Is the Right One - naše cesta jetasprávnáGPS navigace OWIRO promění Vaše Android zařízení naplnohodnotnouGPS navigaci. Veškeré mapy jsou on-board pro použitíoffline, díkyčemuž Vám odpadnou starosti s přenosem dat prozobrazení mapy,výpočet trasy apod.Velice komplexní a uživatelsky jednoduše spracovanáGPSnavigace.ALL-IN-ONE - navigace je určená jak pro profesionály, tak iproběžné použití v automobilu, lze si tedy zvolit mezi verzí TRUCK-BUS - CARMapy jsou uloženy přímo v zařízení pro použití bez připojeníkinternetu.Jak samotná aplikace, tak mapy jsou aktualizovány ZDARMA.Navigace je kompatibilní s více než 300 Android smartphonyatablety.Po vypršení zušební licence si můžete zakoupit licencisbezplatnou doživotní aktualizací a používat tak Vaši GPSnavigacibez jakéhokoliv omezení.RYCHLÁ, CHYTRÁ A NENÁROČNÁ▪ Populární placená GPS navigace s rostoucím počtemspokojenýchuživatelů.▪ On-board navigace – mapy jsou uloženy přímo ve Vašem smartphonučitabletu, díky čemuž zabráníte zbytečným nákladům zapřenosdat.▪ Aplikace je schopna navigovat na PSČ, popisné číslo či adresuvseznamu kontaktů.▪ Rozsáhlá databáze vysoce kvalitních map.▪ Hlasové navádění krok po kroku a široký seznam jazyků prohlasovounavigaci.UŽIVATELSKY PŘÍJEMNÁ▪ Zjednodušení složitých křižovatek pomocí označeníjízdníchpruhů šipkami a silničními ukazateli.▪ Alternativní trasy.▪ Výkonné plánování a optimalizace cest s několikazastávkami.▪ Oblíbené – jednoduché navigování na adresu domova, práce čijinýchoblíbených míst.▪ Určení adresy poklepáním na mapu.BEZPEČNÁ▪ Upozornění na radary.▪ Ukazatel rychlosti s varováním při jejím překročení.▪ Automatické režimy pro den a noc.ŠIKOVNÁ▪ Navigace najde nejrychlejší trasu na základěaktuálníhodopravního provozu.▪ Při zpoždění vzniklém dopravním provozem najdeaplikaceautomaticky novou trasu.▪ Barevně rozlišená mapa dopravního provozu včetněstavovéhořádku.PLUS VŠECHNY FUNKCE, KTERÉ OČEKÁVÁTE OD NAVIGACE.TRUCK a BUS VERZE:Truck a Bus OWIRO GPS navigation je navigační systémurčenýspeciálně pro řidiče nákladních vozidel a autobusů, kterýposkytujebezpečné a spolehlivé směrování na silnicích.Řidiči kamionů a autobusů vědí, že výběr špatné cesty vedekplýtvání paliva, zbytečným kilometrům navíc, ztrátě času a penězav některých případech i k ohrožení života.Na rozdíl od standardních navigačních systémů proosobníautomobily, Truck a Bus GPS Navigation vždy nalezne efektivnícestuzaloženou na informacích o profilu vozidla, směrovýchparametrech atypu zatížení včetně nebezpečných látek.Řidič si může vybrat konfiguraci profilu založenou nadélce,výšce, šířce a váze nákladního vozidla, maximální hmotnostinanápravu, a jestli převáží nějaké nebezpečné látky.Mapy v aplikaci jsou offline, což znamená, že jsou uloženypřímov zařízení pro použití bez nutnosti připojení k internetu.Zároveňlze jak mapy, tak samotnou aplikaci jednoduše aktualizovatzcelazdarma!VYZKOUŠEJTE SI APLIKACI ZDARMA!Vedle funkcí, které mají u našich uživatelů kladný ohlas –např.možnost použití navigace bez připojení k internetu,bezplatnáaktualizace map i samotné aplikace či příjemné uživatelskérozhraní– vznikla řada funkcí nových:• Možnost přepnutí vzhledu menu ze seznamu na dlaždice.• Boční menu aplikace lze během navigování schovat.• Redesign grafiky v aplikaci:▪ Pro lepší zobrazení jsme k ikoně autíčka přidaliistínování.▪ Vzhled vyskakovacích oken (u operačního systému Android sedajízavřít stisknutím tlačítka Zpět).▪ Nové ikony ve spodní části navigační obrazovky.▪ Změna vzhledu ikon POI & Oblíbených.▪ Změna vzhledu značek ohlašujících událost v dopravě.▪ Změna značek omezení rychlosti.Verze TRUCK a BUS má vždy zdarma již možnost nastavit sidalšírežimy a to auto, chodec a vrtulník. Lze ji tedy kroměaktivovanéhorežimu BUS nebo TRUCK plnohodnotně používat i jakořidič osobníhoautomobilu, chodec či v letadle.Our Way Is the Right One-our way is the right oneOWIRO GPS turns your Android device into a fully fledgedGPSnavigation. All of the maps are on-board for offline use,allowingyou no trouble with data transmission to the map display,routecalculation, etc.Very comprehensive and user easily treated with GPS navigation.ALL-IN-ONE - navigation is designed both for professionalsandfor everyday use in the car, you can then choose between aversionTRUCK - BUS - CARMaps are stored directly on the device for use withoutanInternet connection.As the application itself, and the maps are updated FREE.Navigation is compatible with more than 300 Android smartphonesandtablets.Zušební after the expiration of the license, you can purchasealicense with free lifetime updates and then use your GPStonavigate without any restrictions.Fast, smart and unpretentious▪ popular paid GPS navigation with a growing number ofsatisfiedusers.▪ On-board navigation - maps are stored directly to yoursmartphoneor tablet, allowing avoid unnecessary costs fordatatransfer.▪ The application is able to navigate to a postcode, streetnumberor address in the contact list.▪ extensive database of high-quality maps.▪ Voice guidance, step by step, and a broad list of languages​​forvoice guidance.user-friendly▪ Simplify complex junctions using arrows lane markings androadindicators.▪ Alternative routes.▪ Powerful planning and optimizing routes withmultipledestinations.▪ Favourites - easy navigation to your home address, work andotherfavorite places.▪ Determining addresses by tapping the map.SAFE▪ warning radars.▪ Speedometer warning if exceeded.▪ Automatic modes for day and night.handy▪ Navigation finds the fastest route based on currenttrafficconditions.▪ When the delay resulting traffic app automatically finds anewroute.▪ color resolution mapa traffic, including the status bar.Plus all the features you expect from a navigation.TRUCK and BUS VERSION:Truck and Bus OWIRO GPS navigation is a navigationsystemdesigned specifically for drivers of trucks and buses,whichprovides safe and reliable routing on roads.Drivers of trucks and buses know that choosing the wrong pathleadsto wasted fuel, unnecessary extra kilometers, loss of timeandmoney, and in some cases life-threatening.Unlike standard navigation systems for cars, Truck and BusGPSNavigation always finds an effective way, based oninformationabout the vehicle profile, directional parameters andload type,including hazardous substances.The driver can select the configuration profile, based onlength,height, width and weight of the truck, the maximum axleload andwhether outweighs any dangerous substances.Maps in the offline, which means they are stored directly onthedevice for use without an Internet connection. Additionally,youcan both maps, and the application itself simply updatecompletelyfree!TRY APPLYING FOR FREE!Besides the features that our users have with a positiveresponse- eg. The possibility of using navigation without internetaccess,free map updates and the applications themselves or auser-friendlyinterface - created a number of new features:• Switchable appearance of the menu listed on the tiles.• Side menu while navigating applications can hide.• Redesign graphics in:▪ For a better view, we have added to the icon carsandshading.▪ Appearance popups (for the Android operating system can beclosedby pressing the Back button).▪ New icons at the bottom of the navigation screen.▪ Changing the appearance of icons POI & Favorites.▪ Changing the appearance of signs announcing the eventintransport.▪ A change of speed limit signs.Version TRUCK and BUS has always been free option tosetadditional modes namely auto, pedestrian and helicopter. It canbein addition to the active mode, or BUS TRUCK fully employed asadriver of a passenger car, pedestrian or on a plane.
Car GPS Navigation Services 1.0
Car GPS Navigation Services help you tofindcar services like gas stations, auto mechanic, Car rental,Dealers,car Wash.All Maps are availables in Car GPS Navigation Services, justrunyour GPS and the app will detect your location and give youthenearest services that you looking for.with Car GPS Navigation Services, you can get Servicesaddress,Make direct phone call, connect to service website, getalldirections instructions.Car GPS Navigation Services, work everywhere in the worldwhereGPS is available.
GPS Navigation Optimized route 1.0.1
GPS Navigation Optimized route is best appforNavigation around the world. We included GPS navigation forUSA,navigation for Canada, navigation for Australia , navigationforEngland , navigation for Germany , navigation for India,navigation for Pakistan, navigation for UAE, navigation forDubai,navigation for Ireland, navigation for Switzerland ,navigation forPhilippines and much more.We have included offline navigation with offline maps where youcanuse your saved offline maps. GPS Navigation Optimized route isbestapp to find short and optimized route to your destination, nowyoucan also avoid traffic jams and road blockages with this app.WithOffline navigation you can enjoy unlimited freedom withoutinternetwith offline maps saved on your phone memory but first youhave todownload the maps time by time. This app includesGlobalpositioning system for accurate positioning of users. You canfindoptimized route to save your time by this app and you can enjoythe3D maps by OSMdroid for best experience, OSMdroid is Openstreetmaps used in this app because they are good maps. You canview youraccurate gps location in this app. GPS navigationOptimized routeis recommended for all
GPS Navigation Map Free Guide 1.3
The abundance of great GPS and navigationappsout there means that paper maps are mostly a thing of the past.Buteven among navigation apps, there are better and worse ones,sowe've picked out best Android GPS and navigation apps, justforyou.Do you want to change your android device into a navigationaltool?If you are one of the Android users who don’t find the defaultmapapp sufficient, there are a lot of cool and feature-packedGPSnavigation apps waiting for you at the Google Play Store. Thankstothe creative developers behind these free and paid apps,drivingand travelling nowadays won’t be as difficult andproblematic. Ifonly Alice in Wonderland had an Android phone. Theapps in the listhave paid and free versions. This application guideyou for androidapps includes, How to Find the Right GPS App andguide you for buythe best GPS Devices and buying guide. Users canget information onhow to download the navigation system onto theirsystems or smartphones and use them in the days when required. Thisapp also givesusers sample information on the need of GPS in car,cyclists andhow it helps to locate places and addresses of theunknown placesthey intend to visit.This app guide you to find the roads or paths availablefrominterest gps directions apps. Traffic congestion andalternativeroutes is important for you to find destination. You canenjoy freenavigation, gps, offline tomtom maps,Sygic GPS, POIs,Satellite MAProute planning & free map update. The location ofairports,restaurant(food), hotels, banks, fuel or other places ofinterestsis best for you to share local in social cansave thetime by find shortest route between the two locations.youcan getdifferent options to drive on highway or back roads.This app is an unofficial guide only. If you feel there is adirectcopyright or trademark violation that doesn't follow withinthefair use guidelines, please contact us directly by e-mail.Thisthis app work fine offline so read guide and let's try besttopface call apps now.
GPS My Phone Free 1.0
GPS Navigation and maps is The World’sMostInstalled online turn-by-turn GPS navigation applicationforAndroid phone powered by google maps.GPS Navigation and maps are installed on the online so there isneedfor an Internet connection when navigating. Map andapplicationupdates are FREE All lifetime. Our application canroute you aroundaccidents, help with multi-stop directions andeven has alternaterouting capabilities, robust bookmarkingoptions, and handy sharingfeatures. Map quest is here to help getyou where you need to go,wherever life takes you. Is your go-toapp for live maps , GPS , andlive traffic updates. Whether you’rerunning a quick errand acrosstown or taking a road trip across thecountry, map quest has thetrusted directions and traffic info youneed for stress-freenavigation.GPS Navigation Features :- Usability simple and easy to use.- GPS Accuracy gives you very accurate GPS location.- Have peace of mind knowing we’re using the latest trafficdata.Live traffic updates and automatic re-routing will help yougetthere on time.- Quickly search for nearby points of interest in yourfavoritecategories like coffee, restaurants, gas, and more withourindustry-first layers bar!- Choose from up to three different driving routes (whenavailable)to get you to your destination most efficiently. We’lltaketraffic, road closures, and more into account so you can choosethemost optimal route.- Navigate get accurate driving route for wherever you wanttogo.- Driving speed you can get very accurate speed through ourcompasspage.- Find a place to rest your head. Explore the area and book anearbyhotel directly from the application !- Speed cameras directions.- Routing modes for car, pedestrian, truck.- Map rotates in driving direction, or north up.- Add your own favourite locations and routes.- GPS satellite navigation.
GPS Navigation Guide 1.0.1
Do you want to change your android deviceintoanavigational tool? If you are one of the Android users whodon’tfindthe default map app sufficient, there are a lot of coolandfeaturepacked GPS navigation apps waiting for you. Thanks tothecreativedevelopers behind these free and paid apps, drivingandtravellingnowadays won’t be as difficult and problematic.Userscan getinformation on how to download the navigation systemontotheirsystems or smart phones and use them in the dayswhenrequired. Thisapp also gives users sample information on theneedof GPS in cars,cyclists and how it helps to locate placesandaddresses of theunknown places they intend to visit.Thisapplication guide you forandroid apps includes, How to findtheright App and guide you forbuy the best GPS devices andbuyingguide.So, Why you must have device or aplication for GPS?Thisappadvise you to find the roads or paths available frominterestgpsapps. Traffic congestion and alternative routes isimportantforyou to find destination. You can enjoy freenavigation,gps,offline tomtom maps, POIs, route planning & freemapupdate.The location of airports, restaurant(food), hotels,banks,fuel orother places of interests is best for you to sharelocal can save the time by find shortest routebetweenthe can get different options to drive onhighwayor backroads.The apps in the list have paid versions. However, youcanstillexperience the wonders of each of the featured appwithoutspendingby using the trial version for free. To make itworkoffline, youhave to download a map at a cost. GPS Navigationappcan work withdata connection or with GPS alone. Navigator has inaway improvedthe lifestyles of people by making travellingeasyespecially tounknown places. This android app contains contentthatprovideusers with information on GPS navigation and itsuses.Appdevelopers are exerting effort to provide users withanamazingarray of features. OpenStreetMap support, turn byturnvoiceguidance, high quality map, 3D views, precisionpositioning,andintegrated social media are just some of theamazingfeatures.This app is an unofficial guide only. If you feel thereisadirect copyright or trademark violation that doesn'tfollowwithinthe fair use guidelines, please contact us directlybye-mail. Thisthis app work fine offline so read guide and let'strybest topface call apps now.
GPS Navigation 1.0.0
Lois Undis
If you're in the center of nowhere andalsoyouhave no idea which approach to take, how would youreact?Wouldrequest someone for directions? Speaking to other peopleisawkwardhowever, you can’t avoid this if you're within thistypeofsituation as you have no choice. It’s either speakwithsomeonestranger or stay where you stand forever. Obviously,thefinal onewon't be your chosen choice which means you needtorequest someoneto obtain from that place.That's of you aren't into technology. You will find numerouswaysatthis time regarding how to achieve your destinationwithoutaskingsomeone to provide you with directions. Downloadthisapplicationnow. It will help you get the best GPSnavigationnavigationapplication buy supplying user review foryou.
GPS Navigation 1.0
GPS Navigation and maps is The World’sMostInstalled online turn-by-turn GPS navigation applicationforAndroid phone powered by google maps.GPS Navigation and maps are installed on the online so there isneedfor an Internet connection when navigating. Map andapplicationupdates are FREE All lifetime. Our application canroute you aroundaccidents, help with multi-stop directions andeven has alternaterouting capabilities, robust bookmarkingoptions, and handy sharingfeatures. Map quest is here to help getyou where you need to go,wherever life takes you. Is your go-toapp for live maps , GPS , andlive traffic updates. Whether you’rerunning a quick errand acrosstown or taking a road trip across thecountry, map quest has thetrusted directions and traffic info youneed for stress-freenavigation.GPS Navigation Features :- Usability simple and easy to use.- GPS Accuracy gives you very accurate GPS location.- Have peace of mind knowing we’re using the latest trafficdata.Live traffic updates and automatic re-routing will help yougetthere on time.- Quickly search for nearby points of interest in yourfavoritecategories like coffee, restaurants, gas, and more withourindustry-first layers bar!- Choose from up to three different driving routes (whenavailable)to get you to your destination most efficiently. We’lltaketraffic, road closures, and more into account so you can choosethemost optimal route.- Navigate get accurate driving route for wherever you wanttogo.- Driving speed you can get very accurate speed through ourcompasspage.- Find a place to rest your head. Explore the area and book anearbyhotel directly from the application !- Speed cameras directions.- Routing modes for car, pedestrian, truck.- Map rotates in driving direction, or north up.- Add your own favourite locations and routes.- GPS satellite navigation.
GPS Navigation 2.0
Shadow Dev 007
GPS Navigation & Maps is TheWorld’sMostInstalled Offline turn-by-turn GPS navigation AppforAndroidpowered by TomTom Maps. Navigation and Maps are installedonthephone or SD card so there is no need for anInternetconnectionwhen navigating. Map and app updates are FREEevery 3months.DISCLAIMER: The content provided in this applicationiscollectedusing Feeds and Videos are hosted by You Tube andisavailable inpublic domain.
Hound Dog Route Tracker - Free 1.1
AppFan LLC
Have you ever asked yourself? Wouldn’t itbenice if I had a GPS Navigation system that gives voice guidanceona route I built myself?Reliable navigation that sticks to the route and guidesbackafter taking an unplanned detour instead of erasing the routebyrecalculating. A trustworthy system that voice-prompts foreveryturn when following a custom crafted route. No need to look atamap screen while driving.Build routes ahead of time (using a desktop or notebookcomputer)and follow along as GPS navigation (running on a phone ortablet)guides all the way (exactly your way). Share cool routeswithfriends. Imagine the possibilities for delivery routes, nottomention motorcycle riders.All this and more is possible right now with Hound DogRouteTracker!Please try the free version of Hound Dog Route Trackerbeforepurchasing the paid version to see if it's right for you. Besureto read the in-app FAQs before purchasing.Hound Dog Route Tracker will teach you how to use:1. Google My Maps* - to create your customcraftedroute2. GPS Visualizer* - to convert route exported from GoogleMyMaps to be compatible with OsmAnd Maps3. Google Drive* - to transport a custom routefromcomputer/notebook to Android device4. OsmAnd Maps app on Android to run voice-guidednavigation(Apple iOS version in the works now)* For best results, use a desktop or notebook computer forthesesteps. A mouse equipped with a scroll wheel isrecommended.AppFan LLC, an independently operated company and hasnoaffiliation with:Google Inc., GPS Visualizer, OsmAnd Maps, RideWithGPSThe above-listed apps are all free or have free versions.Thefree versions are fully functional and won’t bother you withads.The OsmAnd Maps free version is limited to a maximum tenmapdownloads. This limitation won’t be a problem unless youaretaking a very long trip.There are ways to support OsmAnd Maps and GPSVisualizerfinancially if you wish. Purchasing the paid version ofOsmAnd Mapsand donating to GPS Visualizer are some options.So what does this app do?Nothing, other than showing you in detail exactly how to make itallwork. There are narrated video examples summarized withseparatewritten instructions. You will see step-by-step how to usethe toolsfrom Google Maps and the others.Some reasons we have taken this pieced-together approachratherthan building a stand-alone app:1. It’s difficult to build a route using an app on a smalltouchscreen, even if you have a stylis.2. We will consider building an app if we see the opportunitytoimprove the experience.What you will needA desktop or notebook computer running Microsoft Windows 8.1 willbeused to build the route and is recommended. Older versionsofWindows and Windows Tablets should also work but have notbeentested using this method.Be sure the desktop or notebook computer is equipped with amousethat includes a scroll wheel. The scroll wheel will allow youtoquickly zoom the map in and out while building the route.There'slots of zooming in and out involved in route building.A GPS equipped phone or tablet running Android v2.3orgreater.Typical storage requirements for OsmAnd Maps running on aphoneor tablet:• World Overview Map 200MB (required for all installations)• Ohio Map 157MB• Michigan map 157MBTotal Maps (offline) Storage Used = 514MB(The above figures will vary based on your location and rangeoftravel)The Hound Dog Route Tracker app connects to the Internet toplayvideo tutorials. The video downloads may cause data chargestooccur. To avoid data charges, play videos when connectedviaWifi. For details, see the in-app FAQ mediaplayerinstructions.An Internet connection is required for steps using GoogleDrive.The amount of data used with Google Drive is minimal due tothesmall size of custom route files.
GPS Navigation Places Near Me 1.0
App Drive Apps
Places Around You is a brilliant applicationtosearch places or stores around you. Places Around You detectsyourlocation using GPS as well as address and you can easilysearch anyplace like hotel, restaurant, banks, spa, ATM, foodpoints, clubs,gym, hospitals or any place which you want tosearch.Places Around You works intelligently and gives youappropriatesearch results near your current location, helps you tonavigate toselected place.* Places Around You provides you the complete details of anyplacelike complete address, route contact number.* Places Around You is easy to use, safe for searching any kindofplaces.* Places Around You helps you to find any kind of place likefoodpoints, banks, ATM, pizza or burgers points, swimming,clubs,sports complex, shopping complex, medical store, hospitals,metrostations, airport, fuel stations, beauty points or saloon,coffeeshop, pet shop, doctor, bar, disco, movies, cinemas,zoo,entertainment zone and many more...Places Around You helps you to find near by places like* Restaurants & Coffee Shops around you* Best Spa around you* Local Beauty saloons around you* Local Shopping centers around you* Local Movies, Theaters around you* Local ATM's and banks around youmany more...
GPS Navigation Trucks 1.0
The world's most versatile anduser-friendlyGPSnavigation for truck drivers.Truck GPS Navigation is a truck-specific navigationsystemdesignedto provide safe and reliable routing on truck-legalroads.Truckdrivers know that choosing the wrong route leads towastedfuel,out-of-route kilometers, lost time and money and in somecasesalsosafety issues.Unlike standard car navigation systems,truck routenavigationgpsefficient routes based on the vehicle profileinformation,routingparameters and load type, includinghazardousmaterials.The driver can choose a profile configuration basedonlength,height, width, weight, max. axle load, and whether heiscarryinghazardous goods.The maps are on-board, which means they are stored directlyonthedevice At the same time both the maps and the applicationcanbeeasily updated free of charge.