Top 11 Apps Similar to Anorexia Carer

Eating D 1.0.1
Learn skills to resist your eating disorder (such asanorexianervosaor bulimia nervosa). All material was written byalicensedpsychotherapist (LCSW) with twenty-five yearsofcounselingexperience. You first rate the frequency and intensityoftheeating disorder thoughts on a color coded scale of1(fleeting,able to resist) to 10 (continual, very difficulttoresist). Youmove on to the first set of skills, where youwillselect one often ways to change your thoughts. Changingyourthoughts to changeyour feelings is the basis ofcognitivebehavioral psychotherapy,the most widely practicedevidenced basedform of psychotherapy.After utilizing one of thethought changers,you proceed toselecting one method for makinglifestyle changes forpromotingyour recovery. After following theinstructions for thelifestylechanges, you then move on to the thirdset of skills,where youwill select one of ten different relaxationstrategies formanagingstress. After implementing those skills, yourate the levelof theeating disorder thoughts again to determine ifthe skills youchosewere effective for you. If the intensity orfrequency of theeatingdisorder thoughts have not reducedsufficiently, you will begiventhe opportunity to try again,selecting a different skill set.Thecontent presented is for yourinformation only. If you haveaneating disorder, it is important toget treatment from atrainedprofessional. Extreme weight controlbehaviors such aspurging,rapid weight loss, or being at anunhealthily low weightcancompromise your health and cause death.Please consultyourhealthcare provider or a counselor if you haveany questionsorconcerns. *** Tested on a Nexus One phone.
Weight Loss Hypnosis 1.0
Turnt Apps LLC
The SECRET to Gaining Control ofyourFoodCravings and Lose Weight Using Cutting Edge HypnosisWeight Loss Hypnosis – Burn Belly Fat, Stop BingeEating,GainMotivation and Stop Junk Food Cravings______________________________________________________________"I recommend this app to any dieter out there that'sseriousaboutlosing weight."Jacob S."This is a great compliment to my diet & exerciseprogram.Abig part of losing weight is mental."-Teresa S."I swear I'm addicted to chocolate and it was out ofcontrol.Thisapp helped me learn how to enjoy it inmoderation."Tina A.______________________________________________________________*GAIN CONTROL OF YOUR CRAVINGS*BURN FAT*CRAVE THE HEALTHY FOODS*LIVE A HEALTHIER LIFE_____________________________________________________________Craving food is a natural and instinctual feeling thathelpsmakesure human beings eat enough to function. Thesecravingsarenecessary in moderation, but unfortunately manypeopleexperiencethem in excess. Often times these cravings are notonlyin excess,but also aimed at foods that do not supporthealthyfunctioning ofthe body. If you are overweight, or arelooking totake yourphysique to the next level it is imperative thatyou gaincontrolover these cravings. Through the techniques in thissessionyouwill learn how to control your cravings and besatisfiedwitheating the foods that will help you reach your fatlossgoals.
JustKeepCalm: On a Plane 1.0.2
A unique professional app developedandtailoredby clinical psychologists and psychotherapists willhelpyou overcomefears and phobias associated with air travel. Allyouhave to do isput on your earphones and follow theinstructionsthat you will hear.A pleasant voice, with relaxingmusic in thebackground, will guideyou through the training inrelaxationtechniques and specificbreathing techniques primarilybased on theprinciples of cognitivebehavioural therapy. You willno longerhave to steal sips from thebottle of whisky bought intheduty-free shop or increase the dosesof anti-anxiety drugs, orevencombine both!
Discover inner peace and emotional freedomwithAWARENESS, a revolutionary new application that helps youlearn tobe grounded and peaceful in your day to day life.Developed by NYPsychotherapist Ronit Herzfeld, it builds on 25years of clinicalpsychological experience, modern advances inneuroscience, andancient spiritual learning, packaged into amobile tool that goeswith you wherever you are."What are you feeling right now?"With this simple question, AWARENESS ushers in a new era intheway individuals can use technology to change their ownfeelings,attitudes and behavior in an empowering way.“Leave it to Ronit Herzfeld, massive-hearted, creativeinnovator,lover of humanity, to find wisdom in the simple: a wayfor humanityto wake up, a little bit every day, to their feelings,thoughts,sensations, to who they are, through the use of theubiquitousiPhone app. It’s nothing short of brilliant, and has thepotentialto take humanity to the evolutionary place it’s goinganyway, butpossibly a good deal faster, possibly creating aquantum leap…”-- Mitchell J. Rabin, M.A., L.AC., holisticpsychotherapist,educator, eco-entrepreneurA Better World, Founder, PresidentA Better World Radio & TV Host, ProducerThe AWARENESS application is the first tool to usemobiletechnology to randomly intercept your daily routine, andprompt youto get in touch with what you are feeling; taking you outof yourworries and bringing you to the present moment. Throughoutthe day,on a schedule you configure, a gentle "gong" will go offand thephone will prompt you to record what you are feeling in thecurrentmoment. It will then lead you in a brief meditative exercisethatyou can do wherever you are, to bring you back to thepresentmoment. It will ask you to record what you were doing whenyouexperienced the feeling, and then leave you with aninspirationalquote that relates to the feeling you recorded.AWARENESS is easy to use, and includes some great features:- Ability to configure the alert frequency, sound, start andendtimes- Avoids interrupting your meetings- 20 brief meditative video clips guide you back to thepresentmoment- 400 inspirational quotes- Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly reports give you insightintoyour moods, feelings and associated activities- Tracks your "escape" activities that distract you fromunpleasantfeelings- Works with or without a network connection- No advertisements- All data is kept private and stored on your device"To really feel your own power and abilities, you must beginbyspending time with yourself. But time can be scarce. TheAWARENESSiPhone application creates a small space, wherever you areandwhatever you are doing, to stop, feel and breathe — usually,justwhen you most need it. This ingenious little helper is likeanangel sitting on your shoulder, encouraging you to be thepersonyou truly are. "-- Evan BailynAuthor, Entrepreneur and Founder of The Evan Bailyn FoundationForEmotional AwarenessWhether you know it or not, your emotional world runs you.Themore aware you are of your feelings, the more you can harnessthemto your benefit. You can be a prisoner of your emotions, or youcanmaster them.AWARENESS help you become aware of your emotions and howtheyaffect your thoughts and actions in ways that don’t work foryou;preventing you from living your life fully and authentically.Afterjust a few weeks of practice, users have found that:- They are more present, more relaxed, and more comfortableintheir skin.- They are more harmonious in relationships- They are less stressful and more peaceful at work andathome- They are more energetic during the day- They are better able to focus on their goals- They are less distracted, impatient, forgetful or tiredWe look forward to hearing your personal story oftransformationthrough AWARENESS!
Terapia de la Memoria Celular, grabadaenelvientre materno, en donde se graban,lasEnfermedadesPsicosomaticas y las Psicopatologias, cambiandolainformación dela Corteza Cerebral, que es el disco duro querigelas funcionescorporales, emocionales y mentales.Con la Biomnemica("Referente a las Memorias deVida"),sedescondiciona el organismo de las sensacionesnegativasquequedaron plasmadas a nivel celular, cuando segrabolamemoria.Los eventos que representaban un peligro biológico, dejandeserloalrevivir la Memoria Celular,"aquí y ahora"y se cambia la información que representabauna"situacióncatastrófica"Sanación de Ansiedad, Depresión, Fobias, Miedos,Migraña,Anorexia,Bulimia, etcCellularMemorytherapy,recorded in the womb, where it is recorded,psychosomaticillnessand psychopathology, changing the informationof thecerebralcortex, which is the hard disk governing body,emotionaland mentalfunctions.With Biomnemica ("Concerning the Memoirs of Life"), the bodyofthenegative feelings were reflected at the cellular levelwhenthememory is descondiciona was recorded.Events representing a biohazard, cease to be the Cellular Memory revive the "here and now"and information representing a "catastrophicsituation"ischangedHealing Anxiety, depression, phobias, fears,pains,anorexia,bulimia, etc.
St-Amour Troubles Alimentaires 1.1
Christian Desjardins
An application to help you if you suffer from an eating disorder.
BMI Calculator 1.2.2
Creative Symbol
Do you want to follow a diet? Do you want to lose some weight?
IAmAwareNow Therapy Reminder 1.0.3
How would you like to get friendlyreminderstodo personal wellness practices so you can becomehappier, healthier and calmer? IAmAwareNow sends alertstoyourmobile device to do just that! You can alsodirect IAmAwareNow to sound a beautiful ring tone toaccompanyyouralerts. You select the number andfrequency of alerts, and can cancel the alerts at will. Youcanalsostore practice sessions for later use.The free basic version provides four wellness practices foryoutochoose from. The premium version hasa custom feature that allows you to personalizeyourpractices.There are four Basic Practices in IAmAwareNow:• Belly Breaths• I Am Grateful For...• Stop And Take A Break• Think A Kind Thought About MeHow To Use IAmAwareNow:1. Select a Basic Practice.2. Select “Start” in the upper right hand corner.3. Choose How Many Reminders? (1-20)4. Choose to Remind Me Every (Number) of (Minutes or Hours).Then Select Start or Select Save and enter a Descriptionofyourpractice in the dialogue box. Enter OKand your alerts will start.You can cancel your Practice session by returning tothePracticescheduling screen and selecting Cancel.IAmAwareNow was created by Karen Caffrey, LPC,JD,apsychotherapist with over twenty years of experienceinhelpingpeople create better, healthier and happier lives.NOTE: This is only an App! It does not providepsychotherapy,butyou may find it to be a useful self-help tool to supplement either your therapy oryourpersonalgrowth.DOWNLOAD NOW to start receiving your practice reminders!
Cartella Clinica Psicologo 1.0.3
APP OTTIMIZZATA PER TABLET.Applicazione per gestire in modo semplice edintuitivol'emissione di una cartella clinica psicologica conl'archivio deidati clinici dei propri pazienti. L'applicativopermette di gestirecomodamente un diario clinico psicologico e lacartella clinicapsicologica per il paziente in cura.Ottimizzata per gli Studi di Psicologia e i medicispecialisticiche hanno la necessità di avere sempre a portata dimano tutti idati dei propri pazienti e del proprio studio, l'apppermette diannotare agevolmente una cartella clinica psicologica etutte levisite effettuate ai propri pazienti.Utile per specialisti e Studi e Specialisti inPsicologia,Psicoterapia, Psicoanalisi e Psichiatria.Dopo aver emesso una cartella clinica, è possibile esportarlasianel formato "Microsoft Word" che nel formato "HTML". E'possibileleggere questi formati standard con app di terze parti. IFilegenerati sono disponibili nella cartella donwload delpropriosistema android e possono essere inviati tramite email otrasferitisul proprio pc.==============================SEZIONI DELL'APPLICAZIONE==============================Gestione elementi variabili (area amministrativa)> Gestione dati dello studio o dello specialista, chesarannovisualizzati in fase di stampa dei documenti.Gestione Pazienti> Aggiunta dati anagrafici nuovo paziente.> Modifica dati anagrafici paziente.> Ricerca paziente per la modifica dei dati anagrafici.DIARIO CLINICO - VISITE EFFETTUATE> Aggiunta nuovi dati in riferimento ad unavisitaeffettuata.> Visualizza e salvataggio dati Diario Clinico.> Gestione dati Diario Clinico.CARTELLA CLINICA> Gestione Anamnesi Familiare> Gestione Problemi Giuridici> Gestione Sostanze d'abuso> Gestione Esame Psichico> Gestione Obiettivi> Gestione Interventi> Gestione Difficoltà> Gestione Tempi Previsti> Gestione Verifiche> Gestione Figure Familiari di Riferimento> Gestione RisultatiAPP OPTIMIZED FOR TABLET.Application to manage in a simple and intuitive to issueaclinical psychology with the archive of clinical data oftheirpatients. The application allows you to conveniently manage adiaryclinical psychological and psychological medical recordsforpatient care.Optimized for the Study of Psychology and medical specialistswhohave the need to always have at hand all the data of theirpatientsand their own study, the app allows you to easily record aclinicalpsychological and all visits to their patients .Useful for specialists and studies and specialists inpsychology,Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry.After issuing a medical record, you can export it in theformat"Microsoft Word" in the format that "HTML". E 'can readtheseformats with standard third-party app. The generated files areinthe folder donwload your system Android and can be sent viaemailor transferred to your PC.==============================SECTIONS OF THE APPLICATION==============================Management variable (administrative area)> Data of the study or specialist, that will be displayedwhenprinting documents.Patient Management> Adding personal data between patients.> Edit personal data patient.> Search patient for editing data.DIARY CLINICAL - VISITS MADE> Adding new data in relation to a visit made.> View and save data Clinical Diary.> Data Management Clinical Diary.CLINICAL RECORD> Management Family History> Managing Legal Issues> Management of Substance Abuse> Management Test Psychic> Management Objectives> Management Interventions> Management Difficulties> Time Management Expected> Management Audits> Management Figures Family Reference> Management Results
Human Resource Associates 1.3
Human Resource Associates (HRA)andPsychotherapy Associates is a full service professionalBehavioralHealth/ EAP Service Provider.The multi disciplined team of Licensed Psychologists, MentalHealthCounselors, Social Workers, and Consultants has providedacomprehensive array of services throughout the Capital Districtandbeyond for over 35 years. It's founder Dr. Bob Wishnoff, apioneerin the EAP and Counseling Profession in the Capital Districtispleased to have a group of other professionals involved inthehighest level of personal, confidential and sensitivelypricedservices for those who deserve only the best in care. We alsoworkclosely with the Legal, Probation, NYS DMV, & DOT andotherprofessions and organizations to provide DWI, Substance Abuseandany other Forensic Assessments and Evaluations forIndividuals,Couples and Families. Please contact any of our teamfor anopportunity to discuss your personal situation, and work withus toreach your personal and clinical goals. In many cases you maybeable to use your health insurance for certain clinicalservices.Like us on Facebook, link with us on LinkedIn, and followus onTwitter to learn more about the newest services we willbeproviding.
NoMad Diet 2016 4.0
NoMad Diet - pour être mieux au justepoids!Créée par un psychiatre spécialisé dans les troubles ducomportementalimentaire, le Dr Loïc Brillaud, cette méthode permeten moins de 2semaines de se sentir mieux (moins d'anxiété,meilleur moral, bonnehumeur, gain de vitalité) et deprogressivement récupérer son poidsd'origine. Sa structure enmille-feuille anti "yoyo", son plongeonen pleine préhistoire, sasimplicité d'utilisation, son esthétique…en font jour après jourun objet numérique ludique et nomade quichangera votre vie.Une méthode à vivre• Chaque jour, un conseil• Chaque semaine, un thème• Un tableau de bord personnel avec votre suivi etvotrejournal• Des amis avec qui échanger• Chaque semaine, un conseil culinaire• Des surprises à découvrir• Une application esthétique et facile à l'emploiPourquoi NoMad Diet ?Parce que nous avons été Nomades durant 4,5 millions d'années.Amarcher tous les jours pour trouver des baies, chasser,affronterle froid… Le problème n'était pas de maigrir ! Seuls lesêtressédentarisés dans la vie moderne peuvent avoir besoin demaigrir.Avez-vous déjà vu un animal sauvage souffrant d'obésité?Bref, encore aujourd'hui la régulation de notre masse graisseuseetde notre humeur reste totalement liée à ces conditionsd'origine.Trop de régimes fous (les "Mad Diets") l'ont perdu devue. Et s'ilsfont maigrir rapidement, ils font reprendre ce poids(et même plus)tout aussi rapidement dans l'immense majorité des cas(effetyoyo).C'est pourquoi NoMad Diet vous aide à sortir du modetropsédentarisé et de l'alimentation dénaturée pour revenir aurégimedes origines. Mais n'ayez crainte, il ne s'agit pas derevêtir despeaux de bêtes et de renoncer à vos douces conditions dela viemoderne…De plus, NoMad Diet ne se contente pas de cela.NoMad Diet vous aide aussi à mieux gérer vos émotions etvotrestress. A découvrir votre satiété chimique. A mieuxcomprendrecomment fonctionne votre organisme. A améliorer votreconfiance envous. A réinvestir votre corps. NoMad Diet s'adapte àvotremorphologie. Favorise votre développement personnel… Autantdemoyens pour vous aider à maigrir durablement.NoMad Diet - Les OriginesC'est en écoutant des patients dans des centresd'amaigrissementmédicaux et chirurgicaux*, et en les aidant à soncabinet depuisplus de 15 ans, que le docteur Loïc Brillaud,psychiatre spécialisédans les addictions et troubles ducomportement alimentaire, a misau point NoMad Diet.Cette méthode est fondée sur son expérience et sa conviction quelebiologique et le psychologique sont indissociables. Sinousmangeons trop, mal, c'est entre autre parce que cela nouspermet deréguler notre humeur. Quand le fait de trop mal mangerfinit parprécisément déréguler notre humeur…Prendre trop de poids n'est pas le fait d'un seul facteur, maisd'unensemble, variable selon les individus.C'est pourquoi le Dr Brillaud a fondé ses recherches surplusieursdisciplines : la médecine, la diététique, la psychologie,lapsychiatrie, la psychanalyse, mais aussi la relaxation etlesactivités sportives.Fort de ces champs explorés et mis en œuvre dans la pratique detousles jours, il nous offre avec NoMad Diet toutes les clés deréussitepour que nous retrouvions durablement notre équilibrecorporel etpsychique.- Membre fondateur du Réseau d'études et de soins desdésordresalimentaires boulimiques et anorexiques en terroiraquitain en1999.- Membre de l'unité de soins de l'obésité de la polyclinique delacôte basque.*(cures hypocaloriques, régimes hyper protéinés… anneauxgastriques,By pass, Sleeve)NoMad Diet - to bebetterat the right weight!Created by a psychiatrist specializing in eating disorders, Dr.LoïcBrillaud, this method in less than two weeks to feel better(lessanxiety, better morale, good mood, vitality gain) andgraduallyrecover its original weight. Its structure in anti yarrow"yoyo",his dip in full prehistory, its ease of use, aesthetics ...makeevery day a fun and nomadic digital object that will changeyourlife.One way to live• A daily board• Each week a theme• A personal dashboard with your monitor and your journal• Friends who exchange• Each week a culinary council• Surprises discover• An aesthetic and easy application to useWhy NoMad Diet?Because we have been nomads for 4.5 million years. A walk everydayto find berries, hunt, face the cold ... The problem was nottolose weight! Only beings settled in modern life may need toloseweight. Have you ever seen a wild animal with obesity?In short, today regulating our fat and our mood is totallyrelatedto the original conditions. Too many crazy diets (the "MadDiets")have lost. And if they do lose weight quickly, they takethatweight (and more) just as quickly in the vast majority ofcases(yoyo effect).Therefore NoMad Diet helps you get out of the way too sedentaryandunnatural feeding regime to return to the origins. But fear not,itis not to wear animal skins and give up your mild conditionsofmodern life ...Moreover, NoMad Diet is not content with that.NoMad Diet also helps you better manage your emotions and stress.Tofind your chemical satiety. To better understand how your body.Toimprove your confidence. A reinvest your body. NoMad Diet fitsyourmorphology. Promotes personal development ... So many ways tohelpyou lose weight permanently.NoMad Diet - OriginsBy listening to patients in medical and surgical weight losscenters*, and helping them to his office for more than 15 yearsthat Dr.Loïc Brillaud, a psychiatrist specializing in eatingdisorders andaddictions, has developed NoMad Diet.This method is based on his experience and his belief thatthebiological and the psychological are inseparable. If we eattoomuch, wrong is among others because it allows us to regulateourmood. When done too badly eat ends up precisely deregulate ourmood...Taking too much weight is not the act of a single factor but awholevariable among individuals.That's why Dr. Brillaud based its research on severaldisciplines:medicine, dietetics, psychology, psychiatry,psychoanalysis, butalso relaxation and sports activities.With these fields explored and implemented in practice every day,itprovides us with all NoMad Diet success key for ussustainablyregain our physical and mental balance. - Founding member of the Network of study and care of bulimiceatingdisorders and anorexia in Aquitaine soil in 1999.- Member of the obesity care unit of the polyclinic of theBasquecoast.* (Cures calorie, high-protein diets ... gastric bands,Bypass,Sleeve)