Top 18 Apps Similar to Psicología Positiva Práctica

Simple Positive Psychology 1.3
3Temes Publishers
Articles on positive psychology.Positive psychology is a new approach within psychologythattakes into account the positive aspects of human emotionsandbehavior. Twentieth-century classical psychology hasfocusedprimarily on the treatment of mental illness. In contrast,positivepsychology aims to focus on improving quality of lifeandwell-being; studying the qualities, attitudes and positiveemotionsof human beings; and applying this knowledge in ascientificmanner.The most important positive states are optimism,hope,perseverance, humor, flow, resilience, creativity,happiness,courage, love, caring, self-esteem, assertiveness,empathy, etc.Experiencing positive emotions leads to mental states,cognitiveprocesses and behaviors that prepare us to successfullyface thechallenges that life brings as well as augment ourwell-being andhappiness.
Psicologia online - Dr.Romeu 1.0
En nuestra APP podrás disfrutar delmejorasesoramiento en psicologia online de internet. Te ofrecemoslassiguientes opciones para disfrutar de la psicologia:- Frases de psicologia- Psicologia Online- Ayuda con la depresión- Superar una ruptura amorosa- Noticias sobre psicologia- Contacto con el mejor bufete psicologico de Barcelona¿Qué es la psicologia online?¿Qué es Terapia Online?Es el tratamiento resultante entre la psicoterapia convencionalylas nuevas tecnologías informáticas.En nuestro centro hemos detectado una demanda crecientedeclientes que desearían beneficiarse de nuestros servicios, peroquepor circunstancias determinadas no pueden hacerlo. Con lanecesidadde cubrir estas solicitudes, hemos decidido ofrecer unserviciopsicoterapéutico online.Somos conscientes que la terapia presencial ofreceunascondiciones evidentes que no pueden ser substituidas a travésde laterapia por internet. De todas formas y basándonos ennuestrapropia experiencia, consideramos que el tratamientopsicológico através de videoconferencia, puede obtener resultadosaltamentesatisfactorios.¿A quién va dirigido Terapia Online?Terapia Online va dirigido a clientes que desean realizaruntratamiento psicológico en nuestro centro, y que pordeterminadascircunstancias no es posible hacerlo de formapresencial: personascon movilidad reducida, personas que residen enEspaña o en otrospaíses, y que por cuestiones geográficas no puedendirigirse deforma regular a nuestro centro en Barcelona.Terapia OnlineEl Gabinete Médico y Psicológico Dr. Romeu y Asociadas, conunahistoria de 40 años y dedicado a la salud médica y psicológicadelas personas, está formado por un equipo deprofesionalesespecializados en diferentes materias. Lo conformanPsiquiatras,Psicólogos, Neuropsicólogos y Sexólogos.El área de Psicología trabaja realizando terapiasindividuales(con niños, adolescentes y adultos), terapias de parejay terapiasfamiliares.El presente texto se centra en la especialidad de TerapiadePareja. Esperamos que sea de su agrado y que le sea útilparaentender en qué consiste dicho tipo de terapia y qué tipodesituaciones trabaja.In our APP you canenjoythe best online counseling psychology Internet. We offerthefollowing options to enjoy psychology:- Phrases psychology- Psychology Online- Help with depression- Overcome a breakup- News about psychology- Contact with the best psychological law Barcelona http://www.drromeu.netWhat is online psychology?What is Online Therapy?It is the resulting treatment between conventionalpsychotherapyand new information technologies.In our center we have detected a growing demand for customerswhowould like to benefit from our services, but undercertaincircumstances they can not. With the need to meet theserequests,we decided to offer an online psychotherapeuticservice.We are aware that face therapy offers obvious conditions thatcannot be replaced by online therapy. Anyway and based on ourownexperience, we believe that psychological treatmentthroughvideoconferencing can obtain highly satisfactoryresults.Who is it for Online Therapy?Online therapy is aimed at customers who want to makeapsychological treatment at our center, which undercertaincircumstances can not be done in person: the disabled,personsresiding in Spain or in other countries and geographicalissues notThey can go regularly to our center in Barcelona.Online TherapyThe Medical and Psychological Associates Dr. Romeu andCabinet,with a history of 40 years and dedicated to medicalandpsychological health of individuals, is formed by a teamofprofessionals specializing in different areas. TheyconformPsychiatrists, psychologists, neuropsychologistsandsexologists.The area of ​​psychology works doing individual therapy(withchildren, adolescents and adults), couples therapy andfamilytherapy.This text focuses on the specialty of Family Therapy. We hopeyouwill enjoy and that will be useful to understand what is saidandwhat type of therapy works such situations.
Emotion Test - Psychology Test 3.4.8
iCare Fit Studio
iCare Emotion Test could test your emotionandAutism-spectrum only by mobile!MAIN FEATURES:► Emotion Test► Autism-spectrum Test► Depression test► Psychology data management and analysis► Psychology Workout and CareiCare Emotion Test is the emotion reading engine, which aimsatproviding accurate, smooth, powerful and easy accessibleemotionrecognizing and content matching services.  every one of us is generating more and more physiologicaldataevery minute, like pace, heart rate, breath, voice, etc.Therefore,iCare Emotion Test is dedicated to analyzing megaphysiologicaldata generated by users, determining emotionsaccording to theanalyzing reports and connecting them with relevantInternetcontent.  iCare Emotion Test focuses on developing the best emotionreadingtechnology and the universal content matching algorithm intheworld. We are committed to providing the emotion reading enginefordevelopers and users by integrating the technologies ofphysicalsign analyzing, Human nerve science, DM(DataMining),machinelearning, physical analysis, etc.
Guia Rápido Psicologia 2.0
MNS Desenvolvimento
Elaborado por Paula Oliveira - Psicóloga Clínica, EspecialistaemPsicologia da Saúde/HospitalarEste material é puramente informativo. Objetiva esclarecerasprincipais dúvidas em relação aos mais diversosdiagnósticosclínicos em Psicologia.O diagnóstico, bem como o tratamento só poderá ser realizadoporprofissional qualificado para tal.Consulte um Psicólogo.Consultório Particular de PsicologiaPaula Oliveira - Psicologia ClínicaDesenvolvendo o que há de melhor em você!Atendimento Psicológico de qualidade e rigor éticoTratamento Psicológico Infantil e AdultoLargo Marechal Deodoro – Centro – Edifício Mário Vitoretti –Sala324/3º andarBarbacena-MGPsicóloga Responsável - Paula Oliveira. CRP-04/35404Entre em contato através do telefone (32)8803-2012, peloe-mailpaulaa.oliveirapsi@gmail.comouatravés do site“Há 4 anos promovendo saúde e oferecendo qualidade de vidaàpopulação de Barbacena e região.”Faça-nos uma visita. Marque sua consulta.PreparedbyPaula Oliveira - Clinical Psychologist, Specialist inHealthPsychology / HospitalThis material is purely informative. It aims to clarify themainquestions regarding various clinical diagnoses inPsychology.The diagnosis and treatment can only be performed by aqualifiedprofessional to do so.Consult a psychologist.Private office of PsychologyPaula Oliveira - Clinical PsychologyDeveloping what is best in you!Psychological care quality and ethical rigorPsychological Treatment Child and AdultLargo Marechal Deodoro - Center - Building Mario Vitoretti -Room324 / 3rd floorBarbacena-MGPsychologist Responsible - Paula Oliveira. CRP-04/35404Contact by phone (32) 8803-2012, by e-mail or through"There are four years promoting health and providing qualityoflife for the people of Barbacena and region."Pay us a visit. Mark your query.
Test and psychological help 9.0.9
Rubén Nieto Pérez
Do you have any trouble? You can make our tests or seek helpourpsychologist
Psicología Práctica 7.7.5
Magzter Inc.
PSICOLOGÍA PRÁCTICA es la revista que ayuda a desarrollarunapersonalidad rica y positiva. PSICOLOGÍA PRÁCTICA facilitaeldesarrollo personal y el conocimiento de la persona como baseparatener una vida más equilibrada y completa.
Psicologia de la Depresión 1.9
Learn more about this psychological disorder with PsychologyofDepression
Psicología - Ansiedad y estrés 1.0.43
Contact a psychologist and find help to improve youremotionalwell-being
Psicología controle su ira 5.0.0
Recuperar contraseña
Una aplicación que le permitirá, desdelapsicología, entender qué es la ira y que leproporcionaráherramientas e ideas prácticas para poder manejarla.También puedeshacer consultas a nuestro equipo psicológico y sepondrán encontacto una profesional de Psicología controle suira.An application thatwillallow, from psychology, to understand what anger is and thatwillprovide tools and practical ideas to handle. You can alsomakeinquiries to our psychological team and they will contactaprofessional psychology control your anger.
Aquí podrás obtener información sobrenosotros,concertar cita previa en nuestra consulta de psicologíaclínica,comprar nuestros productos, acceder a ofertas, y ennuestra secciónde "Atención al Cliente" podrás realizarnosconsultas puntualessobre nuestros productos y servicios en tiemporeal.Here you cangetinformation about us, arrange an appointment in ourpracticeclinical psychology, buy our products, access to offers,and our"Customer" you can realize ourselves specific queries aboutourproducts and services in real time.
Rubén Casado Hidalga
App dedicated to the treatment and disclosure of anxiety disorders.
Natural Remedies: healthy life
Kaleidos Studio
Health tips for every day. App for your healthy lifestyle,beautyand recipes.
Psicólogo crecimiento personal 1.6
Encuentra aquí los mejores consejosparasuperartus miedos, momentos de crisis o simplemente paraayudartea sentirtemejor. Si quieres, puedes enviarnos por e-mailtus dudasypreocupaciones, nuestro psicólogo hará una seleccióndiariayofrecerá sus consejos de ayuda de forma personalizada.También encontrarás explicaciones claras y brevessobretemaspsicológicos, mensajes de superación, frasesdeautoayuda,crecimiento personal y mucho más… Todo para queconsigaspensar enpositivo y lograr la felicidad interior. Construyeelcamino de unavida más plena a partir de hoy mismo conestafantástica ayudaprofesional.Find here the besttipstoovercome your fears, moments of crisis or simply to helpyoufeelbetter. If you want, you can send by e-mail yourquestionsandconcerns, our psychologist will make a daily selectionandoffertheir advice in a personalized support.You'll also find clear explanations andbriefpsychologicalissues, overcoming messages, quotes selfhelp,personal growth andmore ... All for you to get positivethinkingand achieve innerhappiness. Build the road to a morefulfillinglife from today withthis fantastic professional help.
MenteSana Revista 7.6.5
Mentesana, la revista de psicología que te acompaña entucrecimiento personal. Te ayudamos a cuidar tu salud mental deformaconsciente, con artículos de los mejores autores, los expertosmásprestigiosos y testimonios reales valientes.
iCare Health Monitor (BP & HR) 3.6.0
iCare Fit Studio
iCare Health Monitor could measurebloodpressure,heart rate,vision,hearing,SpO2,breath rate bythephone.MAIN FEATURES:► Blood pressure measurement► Heart rate measurement► Blood oxygen measurement► Respiratory rate measurement► Vision measurement / Eye Test► Hearing measurement / Hearing Test► Lung capacity measurement► Real-time photoplethysmogram (PPG) graph► Autism-spectrum Test► Pedometer► Vision Care► HIIT Workout► ABS workout► Leg workout► Butt workout► Unlimited data storage and tags► Export data for registered usersEASY TO USE:1. Pressing the screen with your finger.2. Lightly place your index finger on the rear camera. Make surethecamera is fully covered.3. Hold until the measurement is complete.NOTE:1. Do not press too hard, otherwise blood circulation willbealtered and the results could beaffected2. When using a smartphone or tablet without a LED flashlight,besure to take the measurement in a well-lit area (brightdaylightworks best)3. Remain calm and try not to move too much during themeasurement,as this can compromise measurement accuracy4. Since the camera and flash are not professionalacquisitionequipment, We recommend that you measure more thanonce.No extra devices needed, iCare Health Monitor is designed forpeopleto measure the following physiological parameters: bloodpressure,respiratory rate, heart rate, oxygen, vision, hearing,lungcapacity, emotion, Autism-spectrum, color blindness, pulsewave,Psychology and other physical data.✓ The world's 1st blood pressure measurement APP✓ The world's 1st continuous heart rate measurement APP✓ The world's 1st blood lipid measurements APP✓ The world's 1st pulse wave acquisition and analysissoftware✓ The world's most functional examination APPCollected by a photoelectric pulse wave signal stability,iCareHealth Monitor could get heart rate, blood pressure, bloodlipids,blood oxygen and other physical parameters of the pulsewaveanalysis.Reliable data:A large number of user authentication;1. Heart rate error : Within plus or minus 3, Validrange:50~1502. For more than 95% of users, blood pressure error:Within plusorminus 123. For more than 92% of users, blood Oxygen error:Within plusorminus 24. Identification and accuracy of high blood cholesterol morethan80%The pulse wave can reflect the dynamic changes of bloodpressurewell, but there is certain deviation while indicatingprecise valueof blood pressure. Input calibration value caneffectively reducethe errors.The more you test, the more precise the result will be.Features:1.Measure the user's blood pressure, heart rate, blood lipids,bloodoxygen, vision, color blindness, hearing, Lung capacity,breathrate, psychological index and other physical data throughthephone.2.Measure Physical data by Bluetooth Sphygmomanometer,Bluetoothwristband, Bluetooth body fat scales, Bluetooth ECGinstrument.3.Statistics daily health data and make statistics andtrendanalysis.4.Based on the user's health data and trends, to providehealthalert service.5.Without wearable device, super-convenient pedometer.6.Games and interactive training programs, statistics andmanagedaily physical activity and sport type.7.HIIT Workout:Scientifically proven to assist weight lossandimprove cardiovascular function.8.ABS workout:Get sexy, flat and firm abdominal musclesusingeffective abs training methods.9.Butt workout:In only 7 minutes, these 12 typical exerciseswillgive you the tight butt you've always dreamed of.10.Leg workout:Want slim and sexy legs? Strengthen and tightenyourlower body now!
Health & Fitness Tracker 2.0.90
Weight Tracker, Calorie Counter, Sleep Tracker, Step Counter,HeartRate & more!
Plantas Medicinales
Medicinal plants are the most effective natural cureagainstdiseases.
Consejos Saludables 1.1.45
Consejos Saludables es unaaplicaciónquecontiene miles de consejos para tu salud.Tantoconsejosalimenticios como remedios naturales que podes hacerconlas cosasque tienes en tu hogar. Si la medicina natural y lavidasana es lotuyo, deberias darle una oportunidad a esta app.Notearrepentirás.Healthy Tipsisanapplication that contains thousands of tips for yourhealth.Botheating tips and natural remedies that you prune to dowiththethings you have in your home. If natural medicineandhealthyliving is your thing, you should give it a try this app.Youwillnot regret.