Top 1 Apps Similar to OM Chants - 4 Voices

Global Om 1.0
Global Om Gurus
GLOBAL OM DESCRIPTION AND INSTRUCTIONSGlobal Om is a network of people from all aroundtheglobe,connecting via Phone App Technology, thatfacilitatesthesynchronisation of Om Mantra Chanting also calledOming!Ominggenerates a local resonance field of healing soundwhiletheSynchronized Global Oming Events will generate a broaderfieldofconscious awareness and intention. We aim to create aunifiedfieldof thousands if not millions of peopleconnectingsimultaneously inChant of the Om Mantra, which withfocused intent,will promoteworld peace and healing! We hope thiswill create thelargestsynchronised sound event to ever take placeand assist inraisingthe vibrational resonance of globalconsciousness andthusfacilitate global transition into a marvelousnew age oflight,healing and conscious awareness creating peace onearth!HOW IT WORKSOnce you install the Global Om App, open the timeschedulerandselect the times you'd like to Om (There are GlobalOmshappeningevery 3 hours). You will receive a notification 3minutesbeforeyour Om Events start. If you open the notification,theGlobal OmApp will open up and display a 3 minute count down totheOm Eventon which que the App will play a sound recordingconsistingofthree consecutive, deep and peaceful, Om Mantra Chants.Use theOmsound recording as a que and a guide for your ownOming!The best part is the Global Om App automaticallycountsanddisplays the number of people participating in each OmEvent soyoualways know how many people you are connecting with!Don't worry if you have not done any Om Chanting before,youwillpick it up very easily as the Om sound recording willguidetheway.The App will automatically adjust the times of theOmsdependingon your time zone location around the globe. It hasbeencoded tosynchronise across various global time zones. TheOmshappen atdifferent times depending on where you are located.With 8Omshappening every 24 hours there is sure to be numeroustimesthatsuit your timetable.SOCIAL NETWORKINGPlease visit Global Om on Facebook groups fordiscussionandfeedback and our Facebook Community page forannouncements. Wewillbe sure to share relevant informationalvideos, articlesandupdates.BACKGROUNDHindu and Buddhists have been chanting Om for millennia.Onlynowstudies in Parapsychology have begun to prove thehealthandspiritual benefits of Om Mantra Chanting andothermeditationpractices on individuals and groups. In this ageofinformation andinstant communication, as never before, humanityisable toconnect, share and learn. We believe that thisrenaissancewill notbe just a technological transformation, but isan epicopportunityfor humanity to return to equilibrium with themotherearth,connect us all to the truth and power of spiritualitythroughthefield of unified consciousness and create worldpeaceandprosperity!VISIONWe have vision to expand the Global Om to incorporatemanyotherawesome futures like weekly Synchronized Meditations,weeklyEpicOms and Synchronised Focused Prayer events. Thiswouldfurtherconnect and put to use the growing network communityofGlobal Om.It would also be great to have other features suchas,chat,forums, user input etc. Stay tuned we have many otherideasforfurther development of the App. We have set up a donatebuttononthe webpage Please donate to helpusmakeGlobal Om better. With your support we believe Global Omcanbecomenot only an incredibly fun and rewarding network to bepartof, buta world first with essentially limitless potential toaidhumanityin the necessary transformation and shiftofconsciousness.- Oming for World Peace and Healing -- Connecting with a World Wide Community -- Strengthening the Unified Field and RaisingGlobalConsciousness-- Breaking up your day with Focused Spiritual andHarmonicResonance-