Top 14 Apps Similar to PubliCar

ZVV-Tickets 13.2.1
The ticket machine for your pocket.
Mobilitat Andorra 1.5.9
The app allows you to plan your trips across the country
MySwisscare 1.2.1
MySwisscare provides a wide range of services to manageyourinsurance policies
Mobility Swiss 123.9.3782
Your key to 3’120 vehicles throughout Switzerland
TravelMate 6.1.2
MyWoWo s.r.l.
The App is specially designed to help you explore the wonders ofthecities!
Tribune de Genève 11.11.11
Les dernieres nouvelles de Genève et le monde.
ZVV-Timetable 6.1.0 (48)
This Android app provided by theZurichTransport Authority (ZVV) offers you a useful tool foryourjourneys within the ZVV network.New Features:• To buy tickets you will be redirected to the ZVV ticketapp.Timetable information:• Door-to-door timetable throughout Switzerland• Favourites and the „last query“ enable you to quicklyinsertplaces and connections• Queried connections can be accessed later offline• Integrated real-time information for all trains, buses andtramswithin the ZVV network as well as for trains throughoutSwitzerland(local traffic outside ZVV excluded)• Push notifications about delays, platform changes andtrafficinformation for user-specified connections• Latest traffic information including a search option• Tab “Traffic Info” with line-specific overview of allcurrenttraffic information and line-specific pushnotifications• Function “Barrier Free Access” (, in German)• Easy-to-understand symbols (in green, orange and red)indicatewhether or not a planned connection can be maintained• Alternative connections in case of incidents (red symbol) onthesame route• The option «Query according to current traffic situation»findsconnections on alternate routes in case of incidents• Real-time arrivals and departures for specific stops (e.g. in3’or 15:34 +2’)• Information about disruptions of service(maintenance,constructions, events etc.)• Possibility to add a customized connection or timetable tothehomescreenTicket information / purchase:• The ZVV timetable app provides simplified access to ZVVticketsvia the ZVV ticket app. The purchasing process is startedwithinthe ZVV timetable app and completed in the ZVV ticket app. Totakeadvantage of this service, the ZVV ticket app must alsobeinstalled• Fast and simple selection within the ZVV timetable app throughitstopseller list and via the button «Price/Buy» in thejourneyplanner• Transfer of choice of class (1st or 2nd), reduction (adult or½)and validity (single ticket or day pass) to the ZVVticketapp• Choice of number of additional zones for extension ticketsOther features:• Practical display of route network and fare zone maps• Favourites function for tickets, destinations andconnections(«Take me home», «Take me to work», etc.). Favouriteswill not bedeleted after update• Display of the nearest stops based on the user’scurrentposition• Search for stops, addresses and points of interest• Simple display of local area maps and pedestrian routes withintheapplication• Interface to calendar to save individual connections• Low-floor service information for trams and buses(timetabledata)• Customize your home screenFurther or contact our customer center ZVV-Contactat0848 988 988.For feedback contact us on Twitter wishes you a pleasant journey!Note:You can grant the application access to your calendar, contactandlocation information. You can change these settings atanytimeData privacy policy:The ZVV only analyses data regarding connection queries andpushnotifications. The evalu-ation of this data will beconductedwithout personal references and for statisticalpurposesonly.All information is subject to change.© ZVV 2016
Sicilia Travel Guide in Englis 6.9.17
Sicilia Travel Guide in English with map, offline listsandrecommendations
Swiss-German English Dict. 3.10
Peter Schorn
Comprehensive dictionary for English to Swiss-German and vice versa
Rother Touren Guides 28.07.2022
Hol Dir die beliebten Rother Wanderführer alsinteraktiveGuides.Jeder Guide enthält rund 50 geprüfte TourenvonausgewiesenenGebietskennern. Du hast schon ein Buch von uns?Dannkannst dukostenlos die GPS-Daten in die App importieren, abernichtdenentsprechenden Guide Bereits über180 Guides zudenschönsten Wanderregionen weltweit sind verfügbar –auch fürdenJakobsweg und Fernwanderwege sowie für denWinter(Skitouren,Rodeln, Schneeschuhtouren). GPS-NAVIGATION BeimWandernsiehst Dujederzeit deinen Standort und den Verlauf derTour.WANDERKARTENTopografische Karten in vielen ZoomstufenOFFLINENUTZUNG LadeGuides oder einzelne Touren inkl. Kartenherunter undgeh ohneInternetverbindung wandern. HIGHLIGHTSENTDECKEN Fotosundzusätzliche Informationen zu bedeutendenPunktenWEGBESCHREIBUNGENZuverlässige Tourenbeschreibungen und alleInfoszu Anforderungen,Einkehr etc. In einer Slideshow mit Fotos derToursiehst Du, wasDich erwartet. HÖHENPROFIL UND TACHODetaillierteHöhenprofilezeigen Dir Auf- und Abstiege, derTachoGeschwindigkeit, Entfernungund Zeit. GEBIETS-INFOS JederGuideenthält wichtige Infos undWissenswertes zur Region.EINFACHETOURENWAHL Sortiere Wanderungennach Entfernung,Dauer,Schwierigkeit oder von A-Z und schau Dirdie Lage aufderÜbersichtskarte an. GRATIS TESTEN Bis zu 5 Tourenpro GuidekannstDu kostenlos und unbegrenzt testen. Den gesamtenGuideschaltest Duper In-App-Kauf frei. ÜBER DEN BERGVERLAG ROTHERDerBergverlagRother ist einer der ältesten und mit über 600lieferbarenBüchernder bedeutendste alpine Verlag Europas. Er istweit über dieGrenzender Alpen hinaus für seine unumstritteneKompetenz imBereichWanderführer und Outdoor-Guides bekannt. DieAutorensindausgewiesene Gebietskenner, die für eine überlegteTourenauswahlundhöchste inhaltliche Qualität stehen. DieseQualitätundVerlässlichkeit stehen allen Outdoor-Freunden auch alsTourenAppzur Verfügung.
FCplus 1.9.1
Fleet Complete Europe
The app is only available for Fleet Complete customers.Pleaseonlydownload and install this app if you have a validFleetCompleteaccount. The app consists of individual modules.Mainfeatures:Supervision - View vehicle's location and trackinghistoryon mapin real-time • Vehicle quicksearch • A selection ofqualitymaps •Addresses are retrieved on demand - Complete vehiclelocationinfo:address, coordinates, speed, heading Personal drivingscore •Anoverall safety and economy index, based ondifferentdiverbehaviour metrics, such as braking, accelerating,cornering,idlingand driver's resting hours Tracking - Turn yourhandhelddeviceinto portable tracker. You can create your own fleetbyusingandroid devices instead of dedicated GPS controllers.Withthisapp, tablets and smartphones can be used asdedicatedportabletracking devices. To do so, please register yourdevicesbypressing 'Start Tracking' button in the homescreen.Taskmanagement - Assign tasks directly from web applicationtofieldworker's smartphone or tablet. - Create and edit tasks onthefly -View and manage customer-specific data -Launchthird-partynavigation application - Add photos andattachments totask - Viewroute to task location on map - Signabledata forms •Mileagecalculation and reporting • Signableuser-defined forms•Notifications and messaging • Photos • Traveltime estimationAssetmanagement - Pick up and drop QR coded assets •Barcodescannerintegration 19 languages are currently supportedFormoreinformation, please visit
Holte Time 4.0.36
Having control on the hour used in your projects is crucialtoensurethat the project stays within agreed limits. Withthiseasy-to-useapp from Holte it is easy to register thehoursexpended on eachproject. For each project, you can easilyregisterhours on differentactivities and later retrieve reports onhoursper project andactivity. You will need an internet connectiontouse thisapplication.
tpgPreview 29.0.2
Your trips on Greater Geneva with the Léman Express with you
WarmShowers 1.3.3
Warmshowers LLC
Access your Warmshowers account as a cyclist or host, fromyourmobile device.