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Python Programming Tutorial 3.0
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Python is a widely usedgeneral-purpose,high-level programming language. Its designphilosophy emphasizescode readability, and its syntax allowsprogrammers to expressconcepts in fewer lines of code than would bepossible in languagessuch as C++ or Java. The language providesconstructs intended toenable clear programs on both a small andlarge scale.Python supports multiple programming paradigms,includingobject-oriented, imperative and functional programmingorprocedural styles. It features a dynamic type system andautomaticmemory management and has a large and comprehensivestandardlibrary.Python interpreters are available for installation onmanyoperating systems, allowing Python code execution on a widevarietyof systems. Using third-party tools, such as Py2exe orPyinstaller,Python code can be packaged into stand-alone executableprogramsfor some of the most popular operating systems, allowingthedistribution of Python-based software for use on thoseenvironmentswithout requiring the installation of a Pythoninterpreter.
Python Exercises 2.1.6
This guide instructs you in Python byslowlybuilding and establishing skills through techniques likepracticeand memorization, then applying them to increasinglydifficultproblems. By the end of the guide you will have the toolsneeded tobegin learning more complex programming topics. You willknow thebasics well enough to now start learning programming.