Top 8 Games Similar to Flappy Yanuk

Симулятор Овоща 1.0.12
Hohol Soft
Интерактивная история Украины впериодправленияЯнуковича.Особенности:- вы – Янукович!- воруйте деньги!- нанимайте армии титушек!- разгоняйте протестующих!- покупайте недвижимость!- нарушайте закон!InteractivehistoryofUkraine during the reign of Yanukovych.Features:- You - Yanukovych!- Steal money!- Hire titushek army!- Rev the protesters!- Buy real estate!- Legally!
Run, Yanukovych, Run! 1.2
Timeidea Studio
Oops. It's time to escape! Allgoldenloavesfell into the Black Sea, return them! But remember thatevilriotswait to assail you!LITE VERSION WITH ADS.
Избей Политика 1.3
Hohol Soft
Все играли в "БОСС" и "Избей Януковича",теперьвы можете избить больше политиков! Встречайте главных героеввсегомира, на главной аренах для пыток. Янукович уже тут, скоро ивсеостальные будут на своем месте! Политики, президенты, министрыввашей власти - мучайте избивайте и пытайте их. Онизаслужили!▶ Избей кучей оружия!▶ Пытай в разных комнатах!▶ Выбери своего подопытного!Авторитетные мнения, Авторитетных изданий:...◈◈◈ Потрясающе! Я набрал 3 кило мышечной массы во времяигры!10/10◈◈◈-Рязанцев Иван, журнал "FAT GYM"...◈◈◈ Через два часа игры из моих глаз текла кровь! ОпределенноИГРАГОДА! 9/10 ◈◈◈-Мартин Клещ "DICK-GAMES"...◈◈◈ Я думаю ИНДИ разработчики должны умереть! И эти тоже8/10◈◈◈-Леонидас Сирота "GAME OUTSIDE"...PS: Из Украины с любовью!All played in "BOSS"and"Izbey Yanukovych", now you can beat more politicians! Meetthemain characters of the world, the main arenas fortorture.Yanukovych has already here, and soon everyone else will bein theright place! Politicians, presidents, ministers in your power-torment beaten and tortured them. They deserve it!▶ Izbey lots of weapons!▶ tries in different rooms!▶ Choose your guinea!Authoritative opinions, reputable publications:...◈ ◈ ◈ Awesome! I gained 3 pounds of muscle during the game! 10/10◈◈ ◈-Ivan Ryazancev magazine "FAT GYM"...◈ ◈ ◈ After two hours of play out of my eyes bled! Definitelygameof the year! 9/10 ◈ ◈ ◈Martin Mite "DICK-GAMES"...◈ ◈ ◈ INDI I think developers should die! And these, too, 8/10 ◈◈◈Leonidas-orphan "GAME OUTSIDE"...PS: From Ukraine with love!
The Night Flier 3.2.3
The night comes, the city is sleeping –it’shigh time you took an incredible journey over the roofs!Spreadyour wings and hit the sky! Snick past wild hungry cats,avoidmeeting blown-up hammers and heavy bricks, fly up to thecloudsdodging wild planes. Adventures are waiting; hurry to seewhatwaits your on the other side of the next roof!The Night Flier is a new funny arcade game for kids,amazingtap'n'play free app on the android market. No matter how onespellsit, The Night Flier or Flyer, play it now!______________________________________Game features:- due to the combination of rich graphics and fascinatinggameplayyou can’t pry yourself from the game- amazing music background creates unique atmosphereofadventure- each of several unique locations contains 10 levels- levels differing in complexity and objects involved won’t letyouget bored- the game store provides you with a great variety ofnecessaryequipment: skins, rockets, magnets, masks______________________________________Gameplay:It's so easy to play therefore it's one of the best games forkids.You simply tap and hold a finger to the screen to ascend andremoveit to descend. Move over the rooftops among variousobstacles, popair-balloons, and eat midges to increase bat'shealth. The levelsare gradually getting more difficult but it can’tstop a realadventurer! Kids will absolutely love this game!
Спроси Кличко 1.0
** ВНИМАНИЕ! Данная игра не несёт всебеникаких политических предпочтений или оскорблений! **Известный на весь мир спортсмен, украинский политик илюбимецпублики. Узнаёте? Встречайте - Виталий Кличко! Теперь у Васестьневероятная возможность спросить совета не только уПрезидентаРоссии Владимира Владимировича Путина, но и ВиталияКличко.Он без труда ответит на все Ваши не только лишь вопросы изавтрашниепросьбы, используя при этом свои уникальные, всемизвестныевыражения.Не можете узнать, что делать в сложившейся ситуации?СпроситеВиталия! Поехать отдыхать в Кипр или Грецию? СпроситеВиталю!Поиграть или Hook? Спросите Виталика, и он попроситзадатьвопрос ещё раз!P.S.: помните, что это всего лишь шутка. Отнеситесь к игресюмором и пониманием. :)** ATTENTION! Thisgamedoes not carry any political preference or insults! **World famous athlete, Ukrainian politicians and thepublic'sfavorite. Do you recognize? Meet - Vitali Klitschko! Nowyou havethe incredible opportunity to ask the Board not only ofRussianPresident Vladimir Putin, but Vitali Klitschko.It is easy to answer all your questions are not onlytomorrow'srequests and, using its unique and remarkableexpression.Can not find what to do in this situation? Ask Vitaly! To gofora vacation in Cyprus or Greece? Ask Vital! Play orHook?Ask Vitaly, and he will ask ask again!PS: remember that this is just a joke. Take the game withhumorand understanding. :)
Dragonflies: Rescue challenge 1.3.0
Marada Software
Rescue the dragonflies! Draw clever pathstoavoid enemies and obstacles.Dragonflies is an innovative and challenging retro stylepuzzlegame, packed with arcade action and lots of tricky levels.Drawpaths to safety through mazes full of evil enemies anddeadlyobstacles before time runs out.Warning! Dragonflies is insanely difficult! Thedeceptivelysimple path drawing mechanics can only be masteredthrough acombination of quick thinking, accuracy, split vision andperfecttiming. Whatever you do, don't lose focus! One small mistakeandthey are all dead.Features===========• Completely free to play! In-app purchases are availabletofurther enhance your gaming experience• Easy and intuitive to start playing, but very difficulttomaster to perfection• Innovative, fun and challenging path drawing mechanics• Captivating and addictive gameplay that will give youthatspecial "just one more time" feeling• A quick, playable in-game tutorial will help you get startedonyour adventure• Brings you hours of fun spread across a large numberofwell-designed, hand crafted levels, perfectly sized forshortergame sessions• Cute and colorful retro style graphics accompanied by acatchy16-bit soundtrack• Several types of helpful power-ups for the little flierstopick up on their adventure• Two difficulty modes including a Normal Mode and an ExpertModefor hardcore gamers• Log on to Google Play Game Services to earn achievementsandcompete for high scores on global leaderboards• Can be played on most devices. A large and crisp displayislikely to give you a prettier and more inspiringgamingexperienceFree vs Premium================• Yes, it's free! You can play the entire game from starttofinish without spending a single cent if you don't mindwatchingsome ads.• The Premium version is 100% ad-free and brings you anevenbetter gaming experience by introducing frequent checkpointlevelsas well as extensive game statistics. It also includes aone-timebonus of 5,000 dragonfly eggs that will help you out if yougetstuck. Premium is available as an in-app purchase.Contact and Support================Questions and feedback will be gratefully received at are valuable!
The Night Flier 2 1.1.7
The night comes, the city is sleeping –it’shigh time you took an incredible journey over the roofs!Spreadyour wings and hit the sky! Snick past wild hungry cats,avoidmeeting blown-up hammers and heavy bricks, fly up to thecloudsdodging wild planes. Adventures are waiting; hurry to seewhatwaits your on the other side of the next roof!The Night Flier is a new funny arcade game for kids,amazingtap'n'play free app on the android market. No matter how onespellsit, The Night Flier or Flyer, play it now!Game features:- due to the combination of rich graphics and fascinatinggameplayyou can’t pry yourself from the game- amazing music background creates unique atmosphereofadventure- each of several unique locations contains 10 levels- levels differing in complexity and objects involved won’t letyouget bored- the game store provides you with a great variety ofnecessaryequipment: skins, rockets, magnets, masksGameplay:It's so easy to play therefore it's one of the best games forkids.You simply tap and hold a finger to the screen to ascend andremoveit to descend. Move over the rooftops among variousobstacles, popair-balloons, and eat midges to increase bat'shealth. The levelsare gradually getting more difficult but it can’tstop a realadventurer! Kids will absolutely love this game!
Angry Ukrainians 1.1.7
Greenbar dev.
Завантажуйте другу частину гритапідтримуйтенаше військо!Допоможи українським протестувальникам у важкійсправіреволюції!►22 ЦІКАВИХ РІВНІВідчуй атмосферу революції!►3 РІЗНОВИДИ ВОРОГІВ►ЗНАЙОМІ МОМЕНТИ РЕВОЛЮЦІЇЗгадай як це було.►ВЕСЕЛИЙ ГУМОРЙдемо до бою і сміємося.Завантажуйте і на Майдан!Група у ВК:Група у Фейсбуці:Усі співпадіння з реальними людьми іподіямивипадковіабсолютно!Download the secondpartofthe game and support our troops! Ukrainian protesters in heavy to the revolution!►22 interesting levelsFeel the atmosphere of the revolution!►3 VARIETY enemies►ZNAYOMI MOMENTS OF REVOLUTIONRemember how it was.►VESELYY HUMORGo to battle and laugh.Download and Square! Group in the VC: in Facebook: resemblance to real people and events completely random!