Top 31 Apps Similar to Esdb - Estudo de Bolso

Mural Virtual Estácio - FIB 1.1
Mural Virtual da EstácioFIBdisponibilizainformações e avisos aos alunos, professoresecolaboradores dainstituição.Virtual WallEstácioFIBprovides information and notices to students,teachersandemployees of the institution.
e-Lei 4.1.0
Access to legislation, simulated, document templates and newsoflaw.
Acentuando 2.0.4
How about training your knowledge accent this fun game?
Quiz de Português 3.0.1
How is your grammar knowledge and study of the text?
Atena 3.1.1
UOL Edtech_
Enjoy the features of your learning portal where and when you want.
Biblioteca Virtual Universitár
A Biblioteca Virtual Universitária (BVU) éumainiciativa pioneira de acervo de livros digital, compostapormilhares de títulos em mais de 40 áreas do conhecimento,comoadministração, marketing, engenharia, direito, letras,economia,computação, educação, medicina, enfermagem,psiquiatria,gastronomia, turismo, entre outras.Por meio do novo App BVU, o usuário de instituiçõesconveniadascontinua com acesso a títulos de editoras como Pearson,Manole,Contexto, Intersaberes, Papirus, Casa do Psicólogo,Ática,Scipione, Companhia das Letras, Educs, Rideel, JaypeeBrothers,Aleph, Lexikon, Callis, Summus e Interciência, e agora,matriculadoou não a uma instituição conveniada, tem a opção decomprarcapítulos do acervo disponível para leitura off-line.
Passei Direto - App de Estudos 6.29.0
Passei Direto S/A
Materials for enem, contest, graduation and post, high schoolandfundamental
Psicologia de Bolso 1.0.18
Kids Tecnologia
The pocket psychology is a simple guide with basic informationaboutthe area.
Jornais do Brasil e do mundo 3.0.1
Jornais é um aplicativo criado pelaEstácioparaacesso aos principais jornais do Brasil e do mundo.Nele, vocêpodefiltrar por continente, país e, no Brasil, buscarpor regiãoeestado.Novos jornais são adicionados periodicamente.Newspapersisanapplication created by Estacio for access to the mainBrazilandthe world's newspapers. In it, you can filterbycontinent,country, and in Brazil, search by region and state.New newspapers are added periodically.
Enfermagem 2.0.19
Thiago Pacheco
O aplicativo enfermagem indexa as melhores informaçõesencontradasna web em um único lugar. Aqui você encontra: -Dicionário determos técnicos; - Dicionário de abreviações; -Dicionário dedoenças; - CID 10 - Calculo de gotejamentosimplificado; - Calculode BPM; - As principais noticias da saúde; -Vídeos interessantes ecanais de saúde do Youtube. Para algunsserviços é necessário terconexão da dados WiFi.
Meu Bebê 2.0.0
Aplicativo desenvolvido paraSMARTPHONE,apartir do Caderno de Saúde da Criança, do Ministério daSaúde,comdiversas funcionalidades essenciais para a mãe! Sejaumaagendainterna de contatos importantes, seja a explicação eamarcaçãopara cada vacina, seja a agenda interna paralembretesenotificações (via push)... Além disso, vocêencontrarádicas,noções sobre aleitamento, desenvolvimento dacriança, saúde,quizetc.Vale lembrar que a Estácio é pioneira na distribuiçãodematerialdidático para os alunos, bem como na adoção emescaladedispositivos móveis para uso acadêmico e na produçãodeconteúdoacadêmico interativo multiplataforma. Visite o sitedainstituiçãopara saber mais sobre a Estácio!           Sinta-se à vontade para entrar em contato com a equipeEstáciodedesenvolvedores e colaboradores alocados no projeto.DevelopedforSMARTPHONEapplication from the Notebook of Child Health,Ministryof Health,with several key features for mom! Be it adomesticagenda ofimportant contacts, is the explanation and markupfor eachvaccine,either the internal agenda for reminders andnotifications(viapush) ... In addition, you'll find tips,notionsaboutbreastfeeding, child development, health, quizetc.            Remember that the Estacio is a pioneer in thedistributionofeducational material for students, as well as scaleadoptionofmobile devices for academic use and productionofmultiplatforminteractive academic content. Visit the institutiontolearn moreabout Estacio!Feel free to contact Estacio team of developersandcontributorsallocated to the project.
Student Agenda 2.5.17
Developed by students, with the goal ofbeingsimple and lightweight, the Student Agenda was made tohelpstudents organize themselves and have, consequently,betterperformance in studies.The objective of using this app is to perform tasks withinthecombined deadlines, divide better the time between academicandpersonal life, conduct the day-to-day with more calmnessandless stress.On Student Agenda, important information about tests,homeworks,appointments and timetable will always be available onyoursmartphone to checks and new schedulings, wherever you are. Averyuseful feature are the reminders, that will help youdon'tforget important activities.These features are adequate for school, for college, foryourday-to-day... The goal is to make student life moreorganized,managing appointments that can't be forgotten.The app was developed to be simple and easy to use. To start,youcan simply add your subjects and then your timetable.Main features:• Simplicity and lightweightness;• Timetable;• Scheduling of events (exams, homeworks/tasks, activitiesandreturning books to the library);• Add photo to increase the description of events;• Notification schedule (reminder) for events;• Check events as "completed";• Events ordered by day, week and month;• Timetable of the day;• Timetable of the week;• Calendar;• Management of marks;• Timetable and events widgets;• Share events with your friends.If you have any problem or suggestion, please send usaemail!support@appsbuyout.vcIntelligent Caller ID functionality added. Caller ID now helpsyouidentify callers - even the ones not in your contact list.Thisfeature is optional and you can adjust or disable Caller ID atanytime in the settings menu.Thank you!
ISS Detector Satellite Tracker 2.04.15
Have you seen the International SpaceStation?It is visible with the naked eye!This is the easiest way to spot the station.ISS Detector will tell you when and where to look fortheInternational Space Station or Iridium flares. You get an alarmafew minutes before a pass. You will never miss a pass oftheInternational Space Station and you will never miss thebrightflashes of the iridium communication satellites. ISS Detectorwillalso check if the weather conditions are right. A clear skyisperfect for spotting.Extensions will enhance the functionality of ISS Detector. Withanin-app purchase you can add comets and planets, amateurradiosatellites and famous objects, like the Hubble space telescopeorthe Chinese space station Tiangong.• Overview of the coming passes• Weather conditions for perfect sightings• Radar screen with path indication• Current location on a map• Detection of Iridium flares• Notifications and Alarms• Share sightings with whatsapp, twitter, gmail, email etc.• Automatic location and timezone detection• Widget• Dedicated tablet layoutAvailable Extensions (in-app purchase):Radio Amateur SatellitesTrack dozens of ham and weather satellitesFamous ObjectsTrack Hubble, X-37B, Fitsat, Tiangong and moreComets and PlanetsTrack planet and track comets as they come closer to earth.Perfectfor C/2011 L4 Panstarrs in March 2013 or C/2012 S1 ISON inNovember2013.ISS Detector combines data from Nasa,, and weather
Portal Estudantil IFTM 1.0.2
Governo do Brasil
Portal para os estudantes do Instituto Federal de Educação,Ciênciae Tecnologia do Triângulo Mineiro. Com este aplicativo vocêpodefazer consultas de informações acadêmicas como: - Notas-Frequências - Horário - Histórico Escolar - Disco Virtual -Muralde Recados Além disso, pode receber notificações do muralderecados. * Para acessar o aplicativo é necessário jár terumusuário e senha cadastrado no Virtualif.
Vade Mecum Juridico - Legis
. Iúri Batista Teles
Vade mecum Jurídico Eletrônico. Ideal para consulta e estudo.
Dicionário Jurídico Lite
Olimpo Sistemas
Desenvolvido para aparelhos com poucosrecursosde memória e processamento, é a versão rápida esimplificada doDicionário gratuito de termos jurídicos e latinosoffline da OlimpoSistemas, contendo mais de 10.000 termos eexpressões jurídicas nalíngua portuguesa e mais de 2.000 verbetese expressões em latim,diretamente no seu aparelho, sem necessidadede conexão à internet!Possui busca avançada e diversas opções deexibição, inseridos numlayout interativo e amigável. Umaferramenta excelente paraestudantes de direito, 'concurseiros',pesquisadores e operadores dodireito. Caso tenha dificuldades coma instalação ou visualização noseu aparelho, contate-nos noendereço Nesta versão gratuita o conteúdo do dicionário écompleto,entretanto, algumas propagandas e mensagens são exibidas.Paradesativar as propagandas e mensagens iniciais, adquira aversãopaga, disponível em:ções:1-Busca de verbetes em três modalidades: pelos caracteresiniciais;em qualquer parte da palavra e dentro dos significadosdosverbetes;2-Alternar entre modo dicionário jurídico e mododicionáriolatim;3-Marcar termos como favoritos;4-Editar comentários personalizados nos termos;5-Painel de leitura para significados extensos;6-Compartilhar termos e significados em redes sociais, por smseemail;7-Atualizações on line e revisões de termos periodicamentepelaequipe de desenvolvimento (versão paga);8-Novo layout intuitivo, leve e personalizável, aperfeiçoadocomcorreções que causavam travamentos;9-Redução do tamanho (2.2 Mb);10-Instalação no cartão SD;11 - Ouça a leitura dos termos e significados em português(estafunção requer a instalação do app conv. de texto em faladoGoogle).Palavras-chave: dicionário, direito, advogado, latim,jurídico,significados, grátis, olimpo, 3d, concursos, operadordireito,busca.Designed for deviceswithlimited memory and processing resources is the quick andsimplifiedversion of the Free Dictionary of legal terms and LatinosofOlympus offline systems, containing more than 10,000 legaltermsand expressions in the English language and more than 2,000entriesand phrases in Latin , directly on your device, without theneedfor internet connection! Advanced search features andvariousdisplay options, set in an interactive and user friendlylayout. Anexcellent tool for law students, 'concurseiros',researchers andlegal practitioners. If you have difficultiesinstalling or viewingon your device, please contact us address.Note: This free version content of the dictionary is full,however,some advertisements and messages are displayed. To disableinitialmessages and advertisements, get the paid version,availableat: entries in three ways: by the leading characters, inanypart of the word and within the meaning of the entries;2-Switch between legal dictionary and Latin dictionary mode;3-Mark terms as favorites;4-Edit your own comments under;5-Panel extensive reading for meaning;6-Share terms and meanings in social networks, SMS and email;7-Online Updates and revisions terms periodically by thedevelopmentteam (paid version);New 8-intuitive, lightweight and customizable layout, optimizedwithcorrections that caused crashes;9 Reduced-size (2.2 Mb);10-Install to SD card;11 - Listen to the reading of terms and meanings in Portuguese(thisfeature requires the installation of con text to speech appfromGoogle.).Keywords: dictionary, law, lawyer, latin, legal, meanings,Free,Olympus, 3d, contests, right operator search.
Math Tricks
Antoni soft group
This program is dedicated to showing you a variety ofinterestingmath tricks.
Adobe Create magazine 2.0.4
Adobe Create magazine is by,for,andaboutcreative people. We bring you video and textprofilesofinnovativecreative professionals working ingraphicdesign,illustration,photography, film and video, type, andmore.Weexplore theirprocesses and show you how they make amazingwork.Wealso ventureinto the wild side of creativity with contentlikeourWTFITcolumn. An Adobe publication.
Adobe Christian Center 1.3
Teachings of Pastor Bill Funk of Adobe Christian Center
Google Classroom
Google Inc.
Classroom is a free service forschools,non-profits, and anyone with a personal Google account.Classroommakes it easy for learners and instructors toconnect—inside andoutside of schools. Classroom saves time andpaper, and makes iteasy to create classes, distribute assignments,communicate, andstay organized.There are many benefits to using Classroom:• Easy to set up – Teachers can add students directly or shareacode with their class to join. It takes just minutes tosetup.• Saves time – The simple, paperless assignment workflowallowsteachers to create, review and mark assignments quickly, allin oneplace.• Improves organization – Students can see all of theirassignmentson an assignments page, and all class materials (e.g.,documents,photos, and videos) are automatically filed into foldersin GoogleDrive.• Enhances communication – Classroom allows teachers tosendannouncements and start class discussions instantly. Studentscanshare resources with each other or provide answers to questionsonthe stream.• Affordable and secure – Like the rest of G Suite forEducationservices, Classroom contains no ads, never uses yourcontent orstudent data for advertising purposes, and is free.Permissions Notice:Camera: Needed to allow the user to take photos or videos andpostthem to Classroom.Storage: Needed to allow the user to attach photos, videos,andlocal files to Classroom. It's also needed to enableofflinesupport.Accounts: Needed to allow the user to choose which account to useinClassroom.
Adobe Learning Manager 4.0.3
With Adobe Learning Manager App, take your learning withyou,wherever you go.
School Planner 6.7.0
Andrea Dal Cin
School Planner has arrived! Are you ready to throw away yourpaperdiary?
Dicionário de Português Dicio 2.2.0
The best offline dictionary of the Portuguese language now inthepalm of your hand.
Portal Aluno UFRJ 1.30.27
official application UFRJ Student Portal
Simulados Detran - Provas CNH 1.3.5
Study doing simulated DMV's evidence and take your driver's license
Descomplica: Enem Vestibulares 149.0
Classes and exercises for Enem 2022 and Vestibular in additiontoPostgraduate courses
iTrackMood 1.1.1
Note: Please install Adobe Air on yourdevicebefore launching the app. You can download the latest versionofAdobe Air from below link. is all about moods! This app helps monitor andtrackmoods. One can rate, record, retrieve and analyze mooddata.You can start using the app as soon as you install it. The Appisspecifically useful for individuals who need assistance inmanagingtheir mood swings. If you are taking professionalassistance thenyou may be enrolled by your professionaladvisor.An individual can rate mood as – Excellent, Good, Neutral,Poorand Very Poor. One can elaborate moods using textnotes.Interestingly, you can save audio notes with each mood!Mood statistics helps one track and analyze moods over time.Youcan even share your mood trends with your dear onesusingemails.The mood charts along with notes gives precise information toyouand clinicians or professional advisors. This helps you remaininbest of moods most of the times and ask for assistance whenyouneed.Alarms can be set to remind one to rate moods. Alerts pop upincase one has forgotten to rate moods.The app is developed by WebTeam Corporation in collaborationwithEvolibri Consulting.*** About Evolibri Consulting ***EvoLibri Consulting is a socially-responsible,fee-for-serviceagency serving teens and adults with specificchallenges which --without targeted services -- keep them fromreaching their fullpotential. Founded in 2007, it has served over300 clients andtheir families.Evolibri is dedicated to enriching the lives of itsneurodiverseclientele. Their mission is “to provide comprehensiveserviceswhich enrich the lives of neurodiverse individualsthroughout theirlifetime.”*** About WebTeam Corporation ***WebTeam Corporation (WTC) is a technology-driven company basedinSomerset, NJ, working in areas of special education,staffaugmentation and customized software development. Founded in2006,WTC specializes in leveraging the potential oftouchscreentechnology to improve the lives of children with autism.SHANESHCOLORS – the company's patent pending technology – offersacost-efficient supplemental intervention option toparents,teachers and professionals involved with the autismcommunityworldwide.WebTeam Corporation has been working closely with topindustryexperts and service providers, and is constantly on thelookout forbreakthrough autism research. The goal of the company isto developan affordable, holistic, synchronized and consistenteducationmodel capable of tapping the latest mobile technology tomake theoverall experience of learning and developmentstimulating,enjoyable and effective for special children.WebTeam offers Shanesh COLORS program and iLearnNEarn seriesofmobile Apps.
Registro Académico UFG 1.0
Registro Académico
Learn from your Academic Record from your mobile device.
My Study Life - School Planner 6.2.8
My Study Life, Ltd.
Organize and get reminders of your class schedule,homework,studying and exams.
Offline English Dictionary 1.1.0
Offline English Dictionary application explains the meaningofEnglish words