Top 17 Apps Similar to KAWRUH BASA JAWA 1

Pepak Basa Jawa 2.1
Irwana Studio
Pepak means knowledge
Kawruh Basa Jawa Pepak 1.0
Aplikasi Kawruh Basa Jawa Pepakmerupakanaplikasi sederhana tentang pepak bahasa jawa.Di dalam aplikasi ini terdapat uraian mengenai nama buah,pohon,daun, hewan, suara hewan, pewayangan dan juga disertaitampilangambar dan suara.Disamping itu terdapat pula menu quiz disertai dengan nilaisetelahuser menjawab pertanyaan - pertanyaan yang tercantum didalamaplikasi.Applications KawruhBasaJawa Pepak a simple application of pepak Java language.In this application there is a description of the name of thefruit,trees, leaves, animals, animal sounds, puppetry and alsowithdisplay pictures and sound.Besides, there is also a quiz menu accompanied with a valueafteranswering user questions - questions that are listed intheapplication.
Kawruh Basa Jawa 2.8
Kawruh Basa Jawa : Knowledge of Javanese language culture
Kawruh Basa Jawa 2 1.0.0
Berkah Ria
Kawruh basa jawa, dibuat agar kitabisabelajarlagi beberapa hal tentang istilah dalam bahasajawa.Istilah-istilahdalam apps untuk melengkapi Kawruh BasaJawasebelumnya. Dan untukseri 2 ini berikutnya. SalamKawruh base Java,wasmadeso that we can learn a few more things about the terms intheJavalanguage. Terms in apps for complete Kawruh BasaJawapreviously.And for this next series 2. Greeting
Translator Jawa 1.0
Aplikasi Translator Jawa membantuuntukmenerjemahkan bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa jawa kasar (ngoko),danjawa alus (krama inggil).
Aksara Jawa - Nulis Aksara Jaw 4.0.10
Learn Javanese Script on HP: Convert writing to Javanese scriptandtype Javanese script
Learn Java 3.8.2
We're moving to our new free All-in-One app! Get ithere: in a greatly improved learning environment with morelessons,real practice opportunity, and community support.SoloLearn's LearnJava is a comprehensive guide to one of the mostpopularprogramming languages in the world. And here's a bonus:Learn Javais FREE! The lessons in Learn Java lessons are fast,easy, andeffective; the app is set up to be completed in less thanthreehours. No prior programming experience is needed. With LearnJava,you’ll learn object-oriented Java programming and have theabilityto write clear and valid code in almost no time at all. Sodon'thesitate. Begin our step-by-step tutorial today, and learn anewskill! The app's 64 lessons cover the following topics: •JavaBasics: Variables, Operators, etc. • Conditional StatementsandLoops • Arrays • Classes and Objects • Encapsulation,Polymorphism,and Inheritance • Abstract Classes and Interfaces •Anonymous andInner Classes • Exception Handling • Lists • HashMaps• Sets •Threads • Working with Files • And Much More! Become aJavadeveloper – start SoloLearn's FREE tutorial today!! Unlocklevels,collect points, and compete with your peers around theworld. Learnand have fun with SoloLearn!
Kawruh Basa 1.4
Kawruh Bases are applications that are usedtolearn the Java language. In the application there is adictionaryBasa Basa Kawruh Ngoko, Kromo, and Inggil along with thenames ofanimals and flowers or tree complete with additional JavalanguageJava Parikan bases.Basa Jawa Kawruh application is complete with a descriptionofthe name of the fruit, trees, leaves, animals.In this application there is an update java script menus thatareuseful for learning the letters of Java or Java script as wellas towrite java script using this application. Because the Javalanguageis very important to us. By learning the Java languagefrom an earlyage with Java applications Bases Kawruh android basisof this, wecan preserve the art and culture of the Java languagein ourcountry. Do not let cultural fade because of foreign cultureintoIndonesiaWe hope to give ratings and comments well in order forthedevelopment of these applications better.Thank you
Javanese Dictionary 1.0
Rischan Mafrur
Javanese to Indonesian Dictionary and Indonesian toJavaneseDictionary.Javanese to Indonesian, Type of Javanese translate : JawaNgoko,Jawa Krama Alus, and Jawa Krama InggilDue to of many requests to add more vocabulary so I throwthisapplication to open source. I hope someone who knowaboutindonesian and javanese (ngoko, ngoko madya, and krama inggil)cancontributes to this project. To contribute to this applicationoradding more vocabularies, you can visit this page
Marbel Hanacaraka Gim Edukasi 5.0.7
Educa Studio
★★★★★ Let's together preserve culture, introduce Javanesecharacters
Mini Pepak 1.0
This application is useful for learning Javanese language(BasaJawa), which is divided into 3 categories language level;"Ngoko"is normally used by peers or younger, "Krama Madya" is usedbypeers or slightly older and "Krama Inggil" is used by personwhoseage is much older than us."Arane Anak Kewan" is menu to determine the terms of babyanimalsin the Javanese language . "Paribasan" is proverbs in theJavaneselanguage that we pack with the support of pictures thatillustratethe meaning of the proverb. "Parikan" is pantun indifferentJava-rhymes with Indonesian's rhymes well known. "AraneTanduran" isthe menu to find out the names of plants in variousparts of theJavanese language. These parts are Woh (fruit), Isi(Seeds), Godhong(Leaf), Kembang (Flower). The last menu is "AksaraJawa" is menu tofind Javanese letter and manner of writing usingJavaneseletter.For the best resolution for a device with a resolution of 320x480Best device is tested on:- Samsung: Galaxy Ace Plus, Galaxy Fame, Galaxy Gio,- Sony: Xperia Miro
Kamus Ngapak 2.1
Binariva Software
Set of words / terms and their meanings ngapak
Learn Java 7.3.0
Thiyagaraaj M
🌷End to End Java Programming Language Concepts - Offline🌷
Nemo Indonesian 1.5.0
Nemo Apps LLC
Speak the most useful words in Indonesian immediatelyandconfidently
Basa Jawa Pepak 1.1.1
Sweet Smile Studio
Budaya berbahasa Jawa kini telahtersisihkanakibat dampak globalisasi, pemuda dan pemudi sebagaipemegangtongkat estafet generasi dan penerus budaya merupakan asetnegarayang sangat vital. Kini sudah saatnya pemuda dan pemudikembalibelajar sebagai wujud tanggung jawab mereka terhadap bumipertiwi.Aplikasi sederhana ini akan membantu untuk kembalimengingatkanbudaya bahasa Jawa yang telah dipelajari semasa kecildahulu,memberikan contoh kepada adik-adik mereka tentangpentingnyamenjaga budaya berbahasa.
Cerita Anak: Kota Surabaya
Educa Studio
Hai... RIRI (Cerita Anak Interaktif &GameEdukasi) hadir dengan kisah baru : RIRI - ASAL USUL KOTASURABAYA.Saat ini, Bagi adek-adek yang pernah berkunjung keSurabaya, pastisudah tau tentang patung Buaya dan Ikan Hiu yangmenjadi simbolKota Surabaya. Menurut masyarakat, Ikan Hiu dan Buayaitu dulunyamemang ada lho. Dan mereka suka sekali berkelahi. Persissepertiyang digambarkan dalam patung. Bagaimana kisah mereka? Danbenarkahnama Surabaya di ambil dari kisah itu? Semua ada di RIRI -ASALUSUL KOTA SURABAYA.RIRI (Cerita Anak Interaktif) berusaha menghadirkan sebuahaplikasibuku cerita anak dan dongeng yang menarik dan interaktif.Dikemasmenggunakan bahasa yang ringan, sehingga mudah dimengertiolehanak-anak. Aplikasi ini dilengkapi dengan animasi, suarasertamusik pendukung yang menjadikan lebih menarik.POINT KHUSUS-----------------------------------------1. Buku Cerita dengan Narasi Otomatis2. Buku Cerita dengan mode Baca Sendiri3. Animasi yang menarik4. Permainan edukasi yang mendidik (belajar warna,berhitung,puzzle)5. Musik dan Audio yang membuat cerita menjadi lebih hidup6. Cocok untuk anak-anakAplikasi ini dapat digolongkan ke dalam aplikasi DongengAnak,Cerita Anak Interaktif, Cerita Rakyat, Asal Usul Daerah,CeritaDaerah. Sangat cocok untuk anak-anak :)Mengenai RIRI------------------------------------------RIRI merupakan serial buku cerita anak interaktif yangmengusungtema cerita-cerita rakyat asli dari Indonesia sertadongeng dariseluruh dunia. Semua cerita rakyat dan dongeng inidikemas secarainteraktif, disuguhkan dengan nuansa khas Indonesia.Buku ceritaanak ini dapat digunakan oleh anak-anak yang belum bisamembacamelalui narasi dan animasi otomatis. Untuk anak-anak yangsudahbisa membaca dapat menggunakan mode Baca Sendiri. SelainBukuCerita Anak Interaktif, setiap seri disediakan permainanedukatifuntuk anak yang mendidik seperti Warna, Angka, Berhitungdan masihbanyak lagi yang lainnya.Kami mengharapkan kritik dan saran dari anda, jangan raguuntukmengirimkannya ke :support@educastudio.comInformasi lebih lanjut mengenai Buku Cerita AnakInteraktif(RIRI):Website: www.educastudio.comFacebook: @educastudioRiri (Certita Anak Interaktif) Asal Usul Kota Surabayamenyuguhkankualitas gambar yang bagus dan bernuansa asli Indonesia.Sehinggamembantu anak-anak untuk mengenal budaya bangsa.Hi ... RIRI(InteractiveChildren's Story & Game Education) comes with a newstory: RIRI- ORIGIN SURABAYA. Currently, those adek-adek who'vebeen toSurabaya, must already know about the statue crocodile andsharkwhich became a symbol of the city of Surabaya. According tothesociety, shark and crocodile that once was there you know. Andtheylove to fight. Exactly as depicted in the statue. How istheirstory? And is it true Surabaya name is taken from the story?Allare in RIRI - ORIGIN SURABAYA.RIRI (Interactive Children's Story) trying to present anapplicationand a children's storybook fairy tale interesting andinteractive.Packaged using mild language, so easily understood bychildren. Theapplication comes with animation, sound and musicsupport that makesit more interesting.SPECIAL POINT-----------------------------------------1. Story Book with Automatic Narration2. Story Books to Read mode Alone3. Animation of interest4. The game educates education (learning colors,counting,puzzles)5. Music and Audio that makes the story come alive6. Suitable for childrenThis application can be classified into application Tale Kids,KidsStory Interactive, Folklore, Origins of Regional, LocalStories. Itis suitable for children :)Regarding RIRI------------------------------------------RIRI an interactive children's book series on the theme offolklorenative of Indonesia and fairy tales from around the world.All offolklore and fairy tales packed interactively, presentedwithnuance Indonesia. A children's book can be used by children whocannot read through the narration and animation automatically.Forchildren who can read can use the Read Alone mode. In additiontothe Interactive Children's Story Book, each series is providedforeducational games that educate children like Colors,Numbers,Counting and many others.We expect criticism and suggestions from you, please do nothesitateto send it to:support@educastudio.comMore information about the Interactive Children's StoryBook(RIRI):Website: www.educastudio.comFacebook: (Certita Child Interactive) Origins of Surabaya delivergoodimage quality and original nuances Indonesia. Thus helpingthechildren to get to know the culture of the nation.
Kamus Istilah (Jawa-Indonesia) 1.1.0
Kamus istilah (Jawa-Indonesia)merupakansebuahaplikasi translator bahasa Jawa ke bahasaIndonesiaberbasisandroid. Aplikasi ini menyediakan lebih dari 2000kosakata. Cocokbagi anda yang ingin belajar dan memperbanyak kosakatadalambahasa Jawa. Aplikasi Kamus Istilah Jawa inisangatmudahdigunakan, tampilan nya cukup menarik dan simpel.Dictionaryofterms(Java-Indonesia) is a Java language translatorapplicationtoIndonesian based on Android. This application providesmorethan2000 vocabulary. Suitable for those of you who want tolearnandexpand vocabulary in Javanese. Dictionary of TermsofJavaapplications is very easy to use, its appearanceisquiteattractive and simple.