Top 21 Apps Similar to 龙易风水

FengShui Compass 2.6.0
First Bird Technology
a app for Feng Shui beginner to analyse the good or badlocationsinside a house
Ncc Feng Shui Compass 1.9.5
NccSoft Inc.
Compass tool for numerology and feng shui masters
智能風水羅盤 (專業版) 2016.11.26
智能風水羅盤「專業版」提供「家居」、「辦公室」及「商業」風水佈局分析及建議,最適合各行各業的「老闆和員工」及「專業風水師」使用,其流年飛星佈局亦著重於催財旺運,升職加薪之功能。「專業版」其他功能包括︰「五運」至「九運」、「三元九運」、「八宅法」、「流年飛星」及「九宮飛星」的分析及建議佈局,「專業版」的收入主要使這項目能夠長期發展,因此希望大眾能多多支持。基本原理:本軟件是基於「三元九運」、「八宅法」和「九宮飛星」這三套相當有系統的理氣風水原理而設計。根據電子羅盤或輸入的大門方向,程序先使用「三元九運」確定這居室的整體吉凶性質如「旺財旺丁」、「損財傷丁」等等而提供風水指數。同時程序亦以「八宅法」找出居室內之吉凶位置如「財位」、「凶位」等等,從而提供建議讓用戶決定室內房間及家俱之最佳位置。最後本程序還使用每年的「流年飛星圖」找出當年之病位、桃花位、財位及文昌位,作催財、化病、催桃花或人緣、和旺考試及讀書之用,而「九宮飛星」功能是根據「玄空紫白訣」理論進一步詳細地分析家居與及辦公室的風水佈局。「專業版」主要功能:01. 電子羅盤02. 十字線、水平及準確度測量功能03. 支援手動輸入大門度數04. 支援五運、六運、七運、八運及九運 ***05.「格局分析」根據「三元九運法 」及「命格」06.「八宅法」之詳細解釋及佈局建議07.「流年飛星」之詳細解釋及佈局建議08.「九宮飛星」之詳細解釋及佈局建議09. 風水紀錄10. 風水錦囊11. 新增各式各樣家居平面圖選擇,使分析更易上手12. 相機佈局功能免責聲明:此軟件建議的風水布局只作參考,內容及程序都可能有所不足,惟彼等並不擔保這軟件產生的資料之準確性及可靠性,且概不會就因有關資料之任何不確或遺漏而引致之任何損失或損害承擔任何責任。大眾亦應明白玄學命理並非精密科學,命運總要靠自己掌握。
风水大师 2.0.0
现在大家茶余饭后的谈资是什么?无非就是房子,可是买了房子并不代表事情就完了,房子的风水布局也很重要,中国人压箱底的宝贝,风水大师,教你怎么摆家具,摆好风水,受用无穷啊~~~快来试试吧~~Now wetalkof gossip is what? Nothing more than a house, but bought ahousedoes not mean that things would be finished, the house fengshuilayout is also very important to Chinese people pressurebottom ofthe baby, feng shui master, teach you how to putfurniture,gracefully feng shui, good enough for endless ah ~ ~ ~ ~~ Come andtry it
PBF 風水羅庚 1.0
八宅風水,是風水學中最古老的一門流派。風水分為:龍、穴、砂、水、向、意、形等幾種相法;《八宅》屬於其中“向”的理氣部分,由後天八卦(洛書)發展而成;八宅主要把家宅按'坐'和'向',分為東四宅和西四宅;同樣把人分為東四命和西四命;再由屋子正中,將它們分(計算)四吉位和四凶位;主要是用飛星斷事;八宅在民間的判斷方法較為常規,但八宅更高層次的應用只在極少數人秘傳。可以簡單找出四吉位和四凶位,方便佈局。四吉位:天醫位,延年位,生氣位,伏位四凶位:五鬼位,絕命位,禍害位,六煞位查出四吉位和四凶位後,可按每個方位查看解釋。Eight MansionsFengShui,Feng Shui is the oldest one genre. Feng shui isdividedinto:dragon, cave, sand, water, direction, meaning, form,suchasseveral phase method; "Eight Mansions" belongs to them "to"theqipart, by the acquired gossip (Luoshu) evolved; eightmajorhouseThe family home, according to 'sit' and 'to', dividedintoEast andWest four four residential house; same people into EastandWestfour four lives life; then by the middle of the room,theyareseparated (computing) four Gigabit and four fierce bit;mainlyusedmeteor breaking things; eight house in popular method tojudgemoreconventional, but the Eight Mansions higher levelapplicationsonlya handful of people in secret.can easily find four Gigabit and Sixiongbit,convenientlayout.Four Gigabit:Tian Yi bit, sickness bit, angry bit, V-bitSixiong bits:Goki bit, swan-bit, scourge bit, six evil bitIdentified four Gigabit and Sixiong bit, can explaineachazimuthview.
FengShui Compass 2.5.5
First Bird Technology
an easy to use FengShui Compass app
feng shui compass 4.0
This APP is useing Feng Shui compass forexpert* develop company :(c)soulringE-mail : soulring0802@gmail.comhomepage :
風水コンパス 1.0
This is the only compass in order to check the feng shuiofdirection.
Feng Shui Direction 2.0
Thai Dang
Do you know, the direction of house isveryvery important for everyone in Feng Shui science. Each personwillhave lucky direction and unlucky direction depend on the lunaryearbirthday. "Feng Shui Direction" is software for you to findluckydirection for you. You can choose the your lucky directionforchoose house, choose direction in office,...Features of software Feng Shui Direction:- Use as normal compass- Feng Shui Compass for your lucky direction- Check directions depend on lunar year birthday- Information of each directions- Help you choose lucky direction and avoid unlucky direction- Understand 1 basic feng shui in choose direction- Investigate Feng Shui
Feng Shui Compass (Lite) 2016.12.05
Feng Shui is very popular in theChinesecommunity, whether businessman or building owners hope toapplyFeng Shui theory in designing their office or home as well astodetermine the location of the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, orbed.Although there are a lot of Feng Shui books, but most ofthereaders feel difficult in understanding and learning how touseFeng Shui Compass to measure the household azimuth. Sincethesmartphone contains embedded electronic compass, and we knewthatFeng Shui "Qi" theory can be achieve by a computer program, sowestarted to design a smart Feng Shui compass application since2009on the smartphone platform in order to measure the azimuth ofthemain door and provide analysis of the good or badofresidential/office location by artificial intelligence ofthecomputer program, and the software based on the Feng Shuitheorycan provide the Feng Shui layout recommendations to theusers.Basic principle:There are two versions, which are the "Basic Edition”,and"Professional:• "Basic Edition" provides only general "home" and "office"FengShui analysis and layout recommendations, suitable for houseowner,residential leaseholder and while-collar worker. The annualflyingstar layout suggestions mainly focus on improving yourprosperity,luck and health."Basic Edition" provides Period-7 to Period-9,8-Mansionfunctions.* "Professional Edition" provide powerful functions, suchas"home", "office", and "commercial" Feng Shui layout analysisandrecommendations for many industries. The analysis andsuggestionsare provided to the boss, employees and the"professional Feng Shuimaster”, the annual flying star layoutsuggestions mainly focus onimproving your prosperity, promotion incareer, luck and health.Professional version features include -"Period-5" to "Period-9",the "3-Cycle and nine period", "Eight-Mansion, "the Annual FlyingStar" and "the Flying star"analysis and the layout suggestions,the income from theprofessional version of this app is used forsustainabledevelopment, therefore, we hope the public can supportus.
海岸風水師 2.92
為確保至花東海域遊憩之民眾生命安全,東部地區巡防局推出本軟體(海岸風水師),提供東部地區相關危險海域區域、潮汐、沿海海象、射擊通報、颱風警報及即時救生救難等資訊查詢。本軟體採線上即時更新並結合GPS定位(或網路)方式實施,且安裝Android4.0或以上版本之智慧型手機,及具備行動上網功能(GPRS、3G、3.5G) 或使用Wifi連結網際網路。透過行動上網(GPRS、3G、3.5G)進行線上資料更新功能,將產生數據傳輸的費用,費用依照各家電信業者收費標準由電信業者收取,本軟體並不需要另外支付資料使用費用。開發人員:林家弘。
Kanji Compass 1.0.0
It is a simple compass expressed bytheJapanese Kanji.This is a cool design and you can know the directionyou'refacing.
La Kinh - La ban phong thuy 1.4.0
TDM Apps
Xem phong thủy phòng khách, xem phong thủy phòng ngủ, hướngnhà,hướng cửa, cầu thang, tính toán phong thủy, … 1 cách dễ dàngnhấtvới La ban phong thuy Viet Nam 2015.Là ứng dụng tinh hoa của triết học phương Đông do hiệp hộiphongthủy dịch học thế giới phân hội tại Việt Nam cùng công ty ThủĐôMultimedia thiết kế ứng dụng La kinh – La ban phong thuyonline2015 để phục vụ cho việc đo đạc, tính toán của quý khách hàng1cách dễ dàng, thuận tiện nhất. Ngoài ra, bạn cũng có thể dùngnhưla bàn số thông thường.Đặc biệt La kinh – La ban phong thuy có tích hợp GPS, tíchhợpcảnh báo từ trường giúp bạn có thể đo rất chính xác. Ngoài raLakinh – La ban phong thuy 2015 còn cho phép bạn lưu hình ảnh vàomáyđể dễ dàng xem lại.Bổ sung camera: bạn có thể xem hình ảnh la ban phong thuytừcamera, la bàn sẽ nhúng trên ảnh:• Bát Quái Tiền thiên• Bát quái Hậu thiên• Đo hướng 24 sơn chính châm• Đo hướng 24 sơn nhân bàn trung châm• Đo hướng 24 sơn Thiên bàn phùng trâm• Đo 60 mạch long thấu địa• Đo 72 mạch long xuyên sơn• 120 Phân kim thừa khí• Tùy chọn hiển thị bằng chức năng khóa để định vịKhi hướng hiển thị sai so với thực tế bạn vui lòng sử dụngchứcnăng hiệu chỉnh: Menu -> Hiệu chỉnh la bàn.VD: 1 số điện thoại và MTB chỉ hướng Đông ->Bắc, bạn cầnchọnhiệu chỉnh 90°Hỗ trợ: 1900585868Email: living room, bedroom feng shui view, the direction,towardsthe door, stairs, calculate feng shui, ... 1 easiest way toLa banphong thuy Viet Nam in 2015.Application is the essence of Eastern philosophy by studyingtheassociation feng shui world VPS service in Vietnam with thecompanyMultimedia Design Capital business applications La - La banphongthuy online in 2015 to serve the measurement calculation of1customers easy and convenient as possible. In addition, youcanalso use as a standard digital compass.Especially business - Feng Shui compass integratedGPS,integrated warning from the help you can measure veryaccurately.Also La doing - La ban phong thuy 2015 also allows youto savephotos on your computer to easily review.Additional camera: you can see the original image la phongthuyfrom the camera, compass embedded in the image:• Natural Bagua Money• Late natural Bagua• Measure the direction of the magnet 24 paint• Measure the user's desk painted 24 middle magnet• Measure the table towards 24 God puff paint brooch• Long Lens Measuring 60 local circuit• Measure 72 vessels frequently painted dragon• 120 Gas Distribution excess metal• Optional display with lock function to locateWhen displaying the wrong direction than the fact that youpleaseuse the editing functions: Menu -> Edit compass.VD: 1 phone number and just east MTB -> North, you needtoselect the adjustment 90 °Support: 1900585868Email:
Feng Shui Compass (Pro) 2016.12.26
Feng Shui is very popular in theChinesecommunity, whether businessman or building owners hope toapplyFeng Shui theory in designing their office or home as well astodetermine the location of the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, orbed.Although there are a lot of Feng Shui books, but most ofthereaders feel difficult in understanding and learning how touseFeng Shui Compass to measure the household azimuth.This professional version of Feng Shui compass providespowerfulfunctions, such as "home", "office", and "commercial" FengShuilayout analysis and recommendations for many industries.Theanalysis and suggestions are provided to the boss, employeesandthe "professional Feng Shui master”, the annual flying starlayoutsuggestions mainly focus on improving your prosperity,promotion incareer, luck and health. Professional version featuresinclude -"Period-5" to "Period-9", the "3-Cycle and nine period","Eight-Mansion, "the Annual Flying Star" and "the Flyingstar"analysis and the layout suggestions, the income fromtheprofessional version of this app is used forsustainabledevelopment, therefore, we hope the public can supportus.
La ban Phong thuy - Compass 2.0.4
IC Community
Feng shui compass is a FREE application that supportsconvenientmeasurement of home, door, kitchen ...
tra cứu PHONG THỦY 1.4
Phần mềm trình bày khá toàn diện và đầy đủ các tri thức cơ bảnvềPhong Thủy giúp cho người sử dụng có cái nhìn đầy đủ hơn vềkhoaPhong thủy. Với nhiều tiện ích mở rộng như thước Lỗ Ban, tracứumàu sắc theo ngũ hành và nhiều thông tin cơ bản cho người muốntìmhiểu về Phong Thủy…Thesoftware presents a comprehensive and full basic knowledge ofFengShui to help users get a more complete view about the scienceofFeng Shui. With extensions such as Lu Ban size, colorlookupaccording to the five elements and the basic information forpeoplewho want to learn more about Feng Shui ...
地質羅盤 2.3.10
Geological compass is best to use, record, display, upload,share,once done!
風水玄空飛星盤(試用版) 1.2
La bàn phong thủy
Feng Shui Compass see the direction, location and direction ofthekitchen par homeowners
La Bàn Phong Thủy 2.5
BAP Studio
La bàn phong thủy cho phép bạn xem các loại phong thủy,cáchướngđông tây nam bắc, cảm đoài v.v.v. Có nhiều loại la bànphongthủyphong phú cho từng trường hợp bạn muốn xem phong thủy Hãythửvàtrải nghiệm Mình sẽ cố gắng cung cấp thêm nhiều loại la bànhơnchongười dùng lựa chọn