Top 13 Games Similar to Matching Meher Cute

Wallpaper Meher Cute 1.0
Wallpaper meher cute is puzzle wallpapergame,finish the puzzle and set the meher image to your wallpaper.Enjoythe game with baal veer song title.
Dongeng Putri dan Peri 1
Holiday Studio
Dalam dongeng anak sebelum tidur dimanaSangPutri mengalami kesulitan, selalu ada Peri yang siapmembantudengan tongkat ajaib untuk menolong Kerajaan. Sang Perisiapmelawan segala kejahatan dari Sang Penyihir jahat agar mahkotadansinggasana tetap pada tempatnya.Dongeng Putri Dan Peri adalah game seru untuk anak-anak yangakanmengajarkan bagaimana menyusun puzzle dan teka-teki dengankarakterkartun.Tugas dalam game ini sangat sederhana yaitu menyusunkembaligambar-gambar kartun yang berantakan agar menjadi gambaryangutuh.Anak-anak pasti suka cerita putri, dongeng peri, filmkartunpenyihir jahat.Anak-anak pasti senang untuk me-make-up, menyiapkanpakaianpernikahan dan memasak dan membuat kue untuk sangputri.Anak-anak pasti senang cerita tentang dongeng binatangbuas,cinderella, bal veer, barbie, istana, mahkota, pangeran,sayapterbang dan kuda terbang dalam kisah Putri dan Peri.Aplikasi ini berisi semua karakter-karakter diatas yangpastidisukai oleh semuaAyo download aplikasi iniIn the children'sbedtimefairy tale where the princess had difficulty, there isalways afairy who are ready to help with a magic wand to help theKingdom.The fairy is ready to fight all the evil of the evilSorcerer thatthe crown and throne in place.And fairy princess fairy tale is a fun game for kids thatwillteach you how to arrange the puzzle and puzzles withcartooncharacters.Task in this game is very simple: rearrange cartoons messy to beacomplete picture.Children will like tale princess, fairy tale, cartoonevilwizard.The kids would have been happy for me-make-up, preparing theweddingclothes and cooking and baking for the princess.Children would love the story of the fabled beasts, cinderella,veerbal, barbie, castle, crown, prince, flying wings and fly horseinthe story of the Princess and Fairy.This application contains all the characters above arecertainlyfavored by allCome download this application
Cute Meher Puzzle 1.0
Who does not know a pair of meher ,behaviorshe is very cute and adorable, Let's play and enjoy thegame puzzlemeher with friends.The game consists of 25 high quality images of meher baalveerand other comrades , in every picture puzzle in select thereare 3levels of difficulty , easy , medium and hard levels . Whenhavedifficulty in completing the puzzles in each level , it couldusesome help " Hint" that exist so the order completion becomeseasy.
Joshi Match Games 1.0
Can you remember well?If you want to checkyourmemory, let's play!!! Do you like connect games? Then you willloveMatching dev joshi Game Awesome graphics and difficultpuzzles! Thiswill be a difficult adventure and a strain on yournerves!Fun with joshi matching game is a great way to improveyourretention, memory skills like visual retention, mnemonicskills,concentration and cognitive skills! It is not only capableof beingchallenging enough for adults but also as easy as for kidsandtoddlers to play. This game adds a level of cute toeverydaymatching baalveer games, by using colorful and vividgraphics foreach card.
Match Meher Games 1.0
Can you remember well?If you want to checkyourmemory, let's play!!! Do you like connect games? Then you willloveMatching anushka sen Game Awesome graphics and difficultpuzzles!This will be a difficult adventure and a strain on yournerves!Fun with meher matching game is a great way to improveyourretention, memory skills like visual retention, mnemonicskills,concentration and cognitive skills! It is not only capableof beingchallenging enough for adults but also as easy as for kidsandtoddlers to play. This game adds a level of cute toeverydaymatching balveer games, by using colorful and vividgraphics foreach card.
GGS Shooter 1.0
Arya Soft
GGS Shooter atau Ganteng-GantengSerigalaShooter adalah game dengan tampilan wajah-wajah parapemainGanteng-Ganteng Serigala yang sangat populer di kalanganremaja.Kalau dikalangan anak-anak yang populer biasanyaUpin-Ipin,BoboiBoy, Ksatria Garuda atau Bima X, Baalveer atau BaalVeer ataumungkin juga Sopo Jarwo atau Bang Jarwo.Game ini sangat mudah dan bisa dimainkan siapa saja dan terdiridaribanyak level hampir lebih 25 leveljadi kamu akan merasa tertantang terus untuk menyelesaikanlevelselanjutnya.GGS Shooter ini sangat mudah dimainkan karena hanyadenganmencocokkan wajah-wajah dari Aliando Syarief, PrillyLatuconsina,Kevin Julio dan teman-teman lainnya. Namun ingat,setiap levelmemiliki kesulitan yang berbeda-beda dengan waktu yangsemakin lamasemakin cepat.GGS Shooter ini cocok untuk dimainkan oleh semua umur dantidakperlu berpikir keras untuk memainkan permainan ini, jaditungguapalagi.GGS Shooterorhandsome-handsome wolf Shooter is a game with the look of thefacesof the players Hunk-Hunk Wolves are very popular amongteenagers.If among the popular children usually Upin-Ipin,BoBoiBoy, KnightGaruda or Milky X, Baalveer or Baal Veer or mayalso Sopo Jarwo orBang Jarwo.This game is very easy and can be played by anyone and iscomposedof many levels almost over 25 levelsso you will feel challenged to continue to finish thenextlevel.Shooter GGS is very easy to play because it just by matchingthefaces of Aliando Syarief, Prilly Latuconsina, Kevin Julio andmorefriends. But remember, every level has a different difficultywithtime more and more quickly.Shooter GGS is suitable to be played by all ages and do notneedto think hard to play this game, so what are you waiting.
Matching Joshi Games 1.0
Can you remember well?If you want to checkyourmemory, let's play!!! Do you like connect games? Then you willloveMatching dev joshi Game Awesome graphics and difficultpuzzles! Thiswill be a difficult adventure and a strain on yournerves!Fun with joshi matching game is a great way to improveyourretention, memory skills like visual retention, mnemonicskills,concentration and cognitive skills! It is not only capableof beingchallenging enough for adults but also as easy as for kidsandtoddlers to play. This game adds a level of cute toeverydaymatching baalveer games, by using colorful and vividgraphics foreach card.
Beenteha Bubble 2.1
The Creatif
Beenteha Bubble adalah gamedengantampilanwajah-wajah para pemain Beintehaa serial film dariIndiayangsangat populer di kalangan remaja selainGanteng-GantengSerigala /GGS, Anak Jalanan, Asoka, Pangeran,Baalveer atau BaalVeer ataumungkin juga Sopo Jarwo atau BangJarwo.Beenteha Bubble Game bisa dimainkan oleh siapa saja dansangatmudahdimainkan dan terdiri dari banyak level hampir lebihdari100level,jadi kamu akan merasa tertantang terusuntukmenyelesaikanlevel selanjutnya.Cara memainkan game ini yaitu dencocokkan wajah-wajahdaripemainBeintehaa. Namun ingat, setiap level memilikikesulitanyangberbeda-beda dengan waktu yang semakin lamasemakincepat.Beenteha Bubble ini cocok untuk dimainkan oleh semua umurdantidakperlu berpikir keras untuk memainkan permainan inikarenasangatmudah memainkannya, jadi tunggu apalagi ayomainkansekarang.Beenteha Bubble isagameto see the faces of the players Beintehaa series offilmsfromIndia are very popular among teenagersbesideshandsome-handsomewolf / GGS, Street Children, Asoka,Prince,Baalveer or Baal Veeror may also Sopo Jarwo or BangJarwo.Beenteha Bubble Game can be played by anyone and is very easytoplayand consists of many levels nearly more than 100 levels,soyou willfeel challenged to continue to finish thenextlevel.How to play this game is dencocokkan the faces oftheplayersBeintehaa. But remember, each level has adifferentdifficulty withtime faster and faster.Bubble Beenteha is suitable to be played by all ages anddoesnotneed to think hard to play this game because it is veryeasytoplay, so what are you waiting let's play now.
GO..GO..BMX 1.0
The Creatif
GO..GO..BMX adalah game dari sinetron GOBMXyang disiarkan di MNCTV yang sangat populer saat ini. Selain GOBMXbanyak juga sinetron yang disiarkan di televisi sepertiAnakJalanan, Ganteng Ganteng Serigala GGS, Uttaran, Pangeran,SopoJarwo, Baintehaa.GO BMX mengisahkan tentang cara memainkan sepeda BMX trik-trikyangsangat menakjubkan dengan menggunakan sepeda BMX.GO..GO..BMX game sangat mudah dimainkan kalian tinggalmencocokkanwajah-wajah para pemain GO BMX kemudian menembakkannya.Jika semuawajah diatas telah habis jatuh berarti anda menang danlanjut kelevel berikutnya. Game ini berisi lebih dari 75 level dansetiaplevel memiliki kesulitan yang berbeda sehingga kaliansemakintertantang untuk memainkannya. Jangan ngaku penggemar BMXkalaubelum mainkan game ini...GO..GO..BMX is the gameofGO BMX soap opera which aired in MNCTV very popular today.Inaddition to GO BMX many televised soap operas such asstreetchildren, Gant Gant Wolves GGS, Uttaran, Prince, SopoJarwo,Baintehaa.GO tells about how to play BMX bike BMX tricks are amazing usingBMXbikes.GO..GO..BMX game very easy to play you stay match the faces oftheplayers GO BMX then fired. If all of the above have beenexhaustedface fall means you win and go to the next level. Thisgamecontains over 75 levels and each level has a differentdifficultyso you are increasingly challenged to play it. Do notadmit BMXfans if you do not play this game ...
Ica Sweet Uttaran Games 1.0
halo faans fanatik senetron uttaran,pastinyakamu penggemar icha kan, ya ya ya ini adalah game yangserupastinya, diperlukan ketelitian dalam setiapmenyelesaikanlevelnya. uttaran games ini diadopsi dari sinetronuttaran antevyang pastinya tidak kalah seru dengan go.bmx, tukangojek top, danlain2 pokoknya.yaaa.... mari selesaikan misinya, berikut saya jelaskancarabermainnya.- susun dan geser2 balok2 yang ada seehingga membentuk fotoyangsempurna, tenang nantinya juga bisa kamu simpan kokfotonya.- ada 3 level yaitu mudah, sedang dan susahSedikit ulasan tentang uttaran ya. Uttaran yangmengisahkanpersahabatan dua gadis kecil, Ichcha dan Tapasya,ceritanya kiniloncat saat keduanya telah remaja. Intrik percintaanpun mewarnaikehidupan Ichcha dan Tapasya.hello faansfanaticsenetron Uttaran, of course you're a fan icha right, yes yesyesthis is an exciting game for sure, the required accuracy ineverycompleted level. Uttaran games adopted from soap Uttaranantevwhich certainly no less exciting with go.bmx, motorcycle taxitop,and lain2 anyway.yaaa .... let's complete the mission, here I explain how to play.- Stacking and existing balok2 geser2 seehingga formingtheperfect photo, quiet later you can also save thepictureanyway.- There are 3 levels are easy, medium and hardSlightly reviews Uttaran yes. Uttaran which tells ofthefriendship of two little girls, Ichcha and Tapasya, the storynowjump when both been teenagers. Romance intrigue alsocharacterizesthe lives of Ichcha and Tapasya.
Anak Raja Paangeraan Game 1.0
The Creatif
Anak Raja Paangeraan Game adalahgametembak-tembakan wajah para pemain Pangeran yang sangat populersaatini. Serial sinetron masih sangat di gandrungi olehmasyarakatsampai saat ini seperti Pangeran, Ganteng-GantengSerigala, Madun,Tukang Ojek Pengkolan, Tukang Bubur Naik Haji atauserial dariIndia seperti Uttaran, Beintehaa, Baalveer.Game inin sangat mudah dimainkan kalian tinggal mencocokkantampilanwajah-wajah kemudian menembakkannya sampai tampilan wajahyangdiatas habis itu artinya anda menang.Game ini memiliki banyak level sehingga kalian sangattertantanguntuk terus memainkannya dan tentunya setiap levelmemilikikesulitan yang berbeda.Jangan ngaku penggemar Pangeran kalau belum mainkan game ini.Son of KingPaangeraanGame is a shooting game, the players face the Prince verypopulartoday. Serial soap operas still in gandrungi by the publicuntiltoday as Prince, handsome-handsome wolf, Madun, OjekPengkolan,Plumbers Porridge Pilgrimage or serial from India likeUttaran,Beintehaa, Baalveer.Inin game very easy to play you guys live match faces of thedisplayand then fired up the look-out face above it means youwin.This game has many levels that you are very challenged tocontinueto play and of course, each level has a differentdifficulty.Do not admit Prince fan if you do not play this game.
Sab Ke Bubbles 1.0
Sab ke Bubbles features highlyaddictivegameplay, super-sharp HD graphics, 25+ levels ofbubble-shootingfun and tons of exciting new bubbles and power upsnever seenbefore!Sab ke Bubbles features:6 worlds of your favorite SabTv serials and 25+ levels ofawesomebubble shooting fun!Super-sharp HD graphicsBreathtaking visual effectsTons of exciting new bubbles and power upsRealistic game physicsAccurate controls, with two ways to shootExcellent replay valueColorblind supportand much much more...The game is easy to play - shoot bubbles, clear the marblesandbust the hidden achievement bubble - yet amazingly funandchallenging!WE WOULD LOVE TO GET YOUR FEEDBACK!Your reviews/ratings are very important to us, and they’ll helpusbring you free updates with more great features and excitingnewgames!
LazyLinkr 1.4.3
LazyLinkr is a casual animal linking puzzle game! Findmatchinganimals and connect them to clear! Let's have a great timewithfunny and cute animals! * 3 modes to challenge: Easy / Normal/Hard. * Fast matching for combo scores. * Double score inFEVERtime! * 3 Useful tools for puzzle solving! * Quests&Achievements for lots of rewards. * More than 40 kinds ofanimalavailable for unlocking!