Top 10 Apps Similar to Свадебный Портал

Vipshop95 2.0
Mobile Constructor
Первый Электронный супермаркет Вип-Шоп95Самая удобная и быстрая система доставки продуктов. Всеоченьпросто.Заходите на сайт. Добавляете продукты в корзину.Выбираетеспособдоставки. И все. Забудьте про магазины и рынки.Заказыватьможно все.От бытовой химии до итальянской пиццы. БыстраяДоставкав любую точкуЧеченской Республики в удобное для Вас время.Первыйэлектронныйсупермаркет твоего города. www.vipshop95.ruThefirstelectronicsupermarket VIP-Shop 95  The most convenient and quick deliverysystemproducts.Everything is very simple. Go to the site. Addproducts tocart.You choose the delivery method. That's all. Forgetthe shopsandmarkets. To order all possible. From householdchemicals toItalianpizza. Fast delivery to anywhere in the ChechenRepublic ata timeconvenient for you. The first electronicsupermarket
Discounts, sales 4.4
LTD GoldMediaGroup
Our app will help you to buy the usual goods and services atareasonable price
Rendez-Vous 2.29.2
Shoes, clothing, bags and accessories store
Интернет магазин МН-одежда 3.0.10103
Mobium Trade
Купите постельное белье иодеждуроссийскогопроизводства по низким ценам в интернетмагазинеМН-одеждаBuy bedding andclothingofRussian production at low prices in the onlinestoreMNClothing
Online Shopping Center 1.0.1
Do you have the time to compare andlookthrough ALL the international online shopping sites to findthebest merchandise for you ?Don't you wish there was one place for all of yourfavoritee-commerce sites to browse through in seconds?********* NOW YOU CAN *********You can do your online shopping, buying at from a Biggest shopsitesand marketplaces in the world in seconds !We give you one place that allows you to see all of yourfavoriteshopping sites, chinese sites & other marketplaces withonetouch!​Search & Browse all at once, get product details andreadreviewsQuickly manage your orders from anywhere anytimeIf you love to shop, we have a digital "online shopping center"justfor you and you want to find low price gifts in time for+chrismas,from your mobile tablet android device than this easy touseapplication is just for you... +light projectorMove up and down to find the most suitable item or left andrightfor the most suitable marketplace to purchase fromIts Easy, if you're looking for a specific item just type inthedesired purchase on the top, mark the sites you wish to see,pressgo and all options will be at your fingertips...If you just feel like browsing the homepages, no problem, justmarkthe home box on the right and go!This is the Center for all the different marketplaces andOnlineshopping websites to search and choose from the biggestselectionof low price Video Games, music, electronics, computers,software,wholesale fashion clothing, smartphone, handcraftedgifts,accessories, magazines, shoes, jewelry, Sports goods,kindle,books, beauty products, Gadgets and more.A huge collection for 500 millions of products from theBiggestshops sites and marketplaces in the web You can shop in onesingleappThe Products to buy in the Stores for low price:Accessories, wholesale fashion clothing, Sports goods,Jewelry,beauty products, handcrafted gifts, Electronics, homeGadgets,smartphone etc.Low price marketplaces just in time for christmas offer toyou:wholesale fashion clothing, beauty products, Accessories,Jewelry,smartphone, Gadgets, Electronics, handmade, handcraftedgifts,Sports goods and more...Saves storage space on your device and time from your busyscheduleto get the best gifts for this holiday season Suitable formobileand android tabletBrowsing stores and create your wishlist for a discount dealsaleand best buy purchasing you can track order from the ourshopingappImportant information:We have asked permission from respective websites to reproducetheircontent in our apps through email / telephone / 3rd partytrademark(Intellectual property) / affiliate managementservice.But if you (respective website's owner) notice anythingwhichviolates your terms and conditions, please inform us throughemail,we will immediately take action to follow your terms.!OS Requirements: Requires Android OS 4.0 or higher. App storeforsmartphone and Tablets is available on Google Play. Searchfor"Online Shopping Center" to install the app andbeginshoppingDont forget you can get special deals from the biggest shopingsite,best buy shope sites and every other website!
China Shopping 1.7.1
China Shopping
Nowadays a great share of goods that we buy–electronics, clothing, home and garden items and many more,areproduced in China. There is a wide range of China shoppingwebsitesthat sell a massive assortment of goods without recurringtomediators, and thus offering lower prices. It is no wondermanycustomers all over the world have already made their choiceandswitched over to online shopping.Chinese stores are extremely popular among online shoppers, whohavecome to a realization that Chinese clothes, shoes, electronicsorgadgets may be of high quality and no worse than Western ones.Evenwell-known international brands and European fashion housesopentheir factories in China, and some Chinese shoppingcompaniescooperate with factories that produce famous brandsproviding bestbargains for their customers.Certainly, even the best Chinese shops have their advantagesandcertain risks. No doubt, free shipping in most of the shops aswellas low prices, discounts and offers topped by an amazingvariety ofall product categories imaginable attract thousands ofcustomersdaily to Chinese shops. However, you should keep in mindthat somee-commerce marketplaces serve as platforms for a multitudeofsellers, and it is essential to check their ratings andusers'feedback before order placement.All in all, Chinese shopping websites may definitely save you alotof money. Fierce competition makes both the top Chineseonlineshops and new emerging stores fight tooth and nail fortheircustomers by means of fresh promotions, coupons, deals andservice.Whether you are planning to update your wardrobe withChineseclothes or buy a latest gadget, Chinese stores will be happytooffer you good value for money.Clothes unquestionably are the bestselling product overtheinternet. When looking for a good value / quality ratio feelfreeto check online clothing stores from China. Most of them offerfreeshipping.People, regardless of their age, social status, place ofresidencebuys online everything. Some of them might need newshirts, otherslook for original jeans or sweaters. Some years agoonline storeshad little trust and clothes were bought rarely, butnow shoppingonline is becoming more and more secure. This resultedto appearmore reliable online stores with decreased price andincreasedquality. Nowadays more and more people afford to purchaseexpensiveand high quality clothes online.As the internet has became an opportunity to buy everything youneedthere is no more need to go to the ordinary local store anymore. Ifyou prefer any particular clothing store or brand, youwill easilyfind your favorite clothes online. Finding yourpreferred brandclothes will be even easier. Just use the rightkeywords or filtersand clothes will be few clicks away. Please becareful to choose theright size as sizes differ from country tocountry. Chinese sizesare way much smaller compared to sizes in USor Europe. Make sure toalways check seller’s descriptions and sizemeasurements thoroughlybefore purchasing online.Top Chinese online shopping,,,,,,,,,,,BuyInCoins,,,,,,,,,,,,
iG-Store 1.3
iG-store — это инновации на расстоянииодногоклика. На "полках" нашего магазина собраны невероятныеразработки,удивительные устройства и высокотехнологичные продуктысо всегомира. Возможно, о некоторых предметах вы пока даже неслышали, ноони уже существуют, и вы легко можете получить их. ВiG-Storeтолько то, что искренне нравится нам самим. Мы создаемколлекциюинноваций для жизни и делимся ею с вами.iG-store - thisinnovationjust a click away. On the "shelves" of our shopassembled anincredible development, amazing devices and high-techproducts fromaround the world. Perhaps, some of things you havenot even heardyet, but they already exist, and you can easily getthem. TheiG-Store only what is truly like ourselves. We arecreating acollection of innovations to life and share it withyou.
Агрегатор доставок 2.1.6
UniMart – это онлайн-гипермаркет,которыйобъединяет десятки ваших любимых магазинов в одномприложении.Через UniMart вы получаете быстрый доступ к сотням тысячтоваров запару кликов. Находите и заказывайте нужные товары сдоставкой надом, будь то 5 кг картофеля, детский надувной батут илилыжныйкостюм.- Выбирайте товары из огромного ассортимента в категорияхПродукты,Одежда и обувь, Детские товары, Товары для дома, Техника,Хоз.товары, Все для офиса, Авто, Спорт и отдых, Красота издоровье,Зоотовары, Подарки и цветы, Украшения и часы;- Сортируйте товары по категориям, характеристикамимагазинам;- Выбирайте лучшие цены и условия доставки;- Сохраняйте интересные товары в Избранном;- Будьте в курсе всех акций и распродаж;- Наслаждайтесь отличным сервисом и быстрой доставкой.Установите UniMart на свой смартфон – начните экономитьвремя,деньги и бензин.UniMart - anonlinesupermarket, which unites dozens of your favorite stores inoneapplication. Through UniMart you get quick access to hundredsofthousands of products in a couple of clicks. Find and ordertheright products delivered to your door, whether it be 5 kgofpotatoes, children's inflatable trampoline or ski suit.- Choose from a huge range of products in the categories ofFood,Fashion, Baby, Household, Appliances, Balcony. goods,officesupplies, Auto, Sports & Leisure, Health and Beauty, Pet,Giftsand flowers, jewelry and watches;- Sort items by categories, characteristics and shops;- Choose the best price and delivery terms;- Save interesting products in elected;- Be aware of all the shares and sales;- Enjoy excellent service and fast delivery.Set UniMart on your smartphone - start saving time, moneyandgasoline.
One Faith Boutique 5.7.0
Shopgate Inc.
24-HOUR SHIPPING! EXCELLENT CUSTOMER REVIEWS!One Faith Boutique is an online women's clothingboutique,offering stylish dresses, tops, bottoms, jewelry, andaccessoriesin Sizes 4-24 with ridiculously low prices!Our mission is to bless other people by donating bibles andotheritems that meet the physical needs of those struggling intheircircumstances.We pride ourselves in super-fast shipping and excellentcustomerservice/experience. This app makes it even easier for youto SHOP!Download our FREE APP and find out why women across theU.S. areraving about One Faith Boutique!
Online Shopping Philippines 1.0.97
Philippines No.1 Shopping Resource to enjoy Online ShoppinginPhilippines