Top 21 Apps Similar to 心灵法门佛教念诵合集

随身佛經 9.2.0
請注意:為了讓擁有舊手機的用戶可以觀看到更新錯別字後的經文,後學開發了另一個加強版來讓使用最新Android操作系統的手機可以享用新功能及用戶界面。隨身佛經提供一系列普遍世界各地佛教徒所常用的佛经。- 大悲咒- 佛說阿彌陀經- 佛說無量壽經- 大佛頂首楞嚴經- 佛說四十二章經- 佛說觀無量壽經- 文殊師利發願經- 般若波羅蜜多心經- 大勢至菩薩念佛圓通章- 藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經- 大方廣佛華嚴經·普賢行願品- 妙法蓮華經觀世音菩薩普門品由於各宗派的儀軌有所不相同, 隨身佛經的經文是不加入儀軌的。如果您在經文中發現錯別字或有提升隨身佛經的建議,歡迎您電郵通知。為了確保經文没錯別字,隨身佛經將自动連接互聯網检查更新和下载佛經。願以此功德,迴向法界一切眾生,聞法得度,離苦得樂,往生淨土。Please note:To allow the user to have the old phone can watch scripturesupdatedtypos after another after school to develop an enhancedversion tomake use of the latest Android operating system formobile phonescan enjoy new features and user interface.Buddhist Sutra offers a range of portable universalmantracommonly used around the world.- Compassion- Amitabha Sutra- Buddha Wuliangshoujing- Big Shurangama- Buddha 四十二章经- Buddha View Wuliangshoujing- Manjushri vow by- Heart Sutra- Other Bodhisattvas Buddha tact chapter- Pharmacists glass light Tathagata by virtue of the willing- Avatamsaka Sutra · Samantabhadra vows goods- Lotus Sutra Bodhisattva Universal DoorDue to various denominations have different rituals,carryBuddhist scriptures are not joined rituals.If you find typos in the text or upgrade carryBuddhistsuggestions, please e-mail notification. To ensure thatthescriptures did not typos, carry Buddhist scriptureswillautomatically connect to the Internet to check for updatesanddownload the Buddhist scriptures.Would like to take this merit, back to the Dharma of allbeings,the smell of the law was, from suffering, reborn in thePureLand.
Heart Sutra 3.2
The Paradiso
The Heart Sūtra (Sanskrit: प्रज्ञापारमिताहृदय) is a famous sūtra.
隨身佛經 6.1
The Buddhist scriptures provide you with a series ofBuddhistscriptures commonly used by Buddhists all over the world.
般若波罗蜜多心经 1.4
Han Academy Limited
Great Compassion Mantra 3.1.1
The Paradiso
The Nīlakaṇṭha Dhāraṇī also known as Mahā Karuṇā Dhāraṇī.
Pure Land Rebirth Dhāraṇī 3.1.2
The Paradiso
Pure Land Rebirth Mantra (Sanskrit:सुखावती व्यूह धरणी |Sukhāvatīvyūha dharaṇī)
般若波羅蜜多心經-佛教佛經祈福健康保平安 1.0.5
常讀心經,可念經祈福求健康保平安《般若波羅蜜多心經》,又稱《摩訶般若波羅蜜多心經》,簡稱《般若心經》或《心經》,是般若經系列中一部言簡義豐、博大精深、提綱挈領、極為重要的經典,為大乘佛教出家及在家佛教徒日常背誦的佛經。現以唐代三藏法師玄奘譯本為最流行。功能特點:1、特色的一日禪功能,領略更多佛教智慧2、支持字體、亮度、書簽、跳轉等多重功能3、最齊全、最專業的、畫面精美,是讀經愛好者的不二之選Often read theHeartSutra, chanting and praying can seek health security and peace"Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra", also known as "MahaPrajnaParamita Heart Sutra", referred to as "Wisdom Heart Sutra"or"Heart Sutra" is a sutra series in a statement Jane YiFeng,profound, focused on the vital, extremely important classics,asMahayana Buddhism Buddhist monks and home daily recitationofBuddhist scriptures. Tang Dynasty Tripitaka Master Xuanzang nowthemost popular translations.Features:1 day Zen Features, and enjoy more of Buddhist wisdom2, support for fonts, brightness, bookmarks, jumps andothermultiple functions3, the most complete, most professional, beautiful screen,isread by enthusiasts choice
《心經》詳解 1.7
佛教大悲咒-念佛經祈福健康保平安 1.0.5
常念大悲咒,可念佛經祈福健康保平安《大悲咒》出自“伽梵達摩”所譯的《千手千眼觀世音菩薩廣大圓滿無礙大悲心陀羅尼經》,全名為《廣大圓滿無礙大悲心陀羅尼》。按照內容文字的多少,《大悲咒》有廣、中、略三種不同的版本。現今通行的“伽梵達摩”84句《大悲咒》,其經本以《大正藏》的底本為依據,是一個變化差異較大的晚期增改本,并非“伽梵達摩”譯本的原始面貌。除此類藏經外,還有一些很重要且更準確的可參考文獻。如與譯經年代較接近的敦煌抄本、房山石經,以及與漢譯本多有一致的西藏大藏經等。功能特點:1、特色的一日禪功能,領略更多佛教智慧2、支持字體、亮度、書簽、跳轉等多重功能3、最齊全、最專業的、畫面精美,是讀經愛好者的不二之選Often read Compassion,canrecite the blessing of health security and peace through"Compassion" from "gamma Brahma Dharma," the translationof"Thousand Bodhisattva successful affect the majority ofgreatcompassion Dharani Sutra", the full name is "not affectthemajority of successful Dharani great compassion." According tohowmuch text, "Compassion" There is broad, in three slightlydifferentversions. Now prevailing "gamma Sanskrit dharma" 84"Compassion",which by this order, "Thirteen Confucian" master copyas the basis,the difference is a change in the larger of the lateadditions andchanges, not "gamma Sanskrit dharma 'translation ofthe originallook. In addition to these Scriptures, there are someveryimportant and more accurate to refer to the literature. Asthescriptures's closer to Dunhuang manuscripts, room by rocks, aswellas more than a Chinese translation of the Tibetan Tripitaka andsoconsistent.Features:1 day Zen Features, and enjoy more of Buddhist wisdom2, support for fonts, brightness, bookmarks, jumps andothermultiple functions3, the most complete, most professional, beautiful screen,isread by enthusiasts choice
生活佛教 2.0
Dharma Drum Mountain
好讀佛經 1.7
閱讀中文電子佛經當然是直讀好,好讀佛經主要提供:- 中文佛經直讀- 閱讀環境設置, 包括亮度,字體顏色,背景顏色 ,行間距離,字體距離,字體大小及 夜間模式.- 書籤管理 : 長按任何行可以添加新的書籤.-預設全螢幕, 閱讀時按中間彈出功能表,點選兩邊至上下頁.-音量按鈕轉頁模式-可選擇字形, 需要下載字形檔案到SDCard, 每個約10MB.- 支援語音廣播引擎 (SVOX), 需要獨立下載- 允許按百分比前往書頁Reading Chineseelectronicdirect reading Buddhist scriptures certainly good, goodreadingBuddhist scriptures main provider:- Chinese Buddhist direct reading- Read the environment settings, including brightness, fontcolor,background color, distance between rows, font distance, fontsize,and night mode.- Bookmarks: long press any row can add new bookmarks.- Default full screen, press the middle when reading pop-upmenu,tap on both sides to the top and bottom.- The volume buttons turn page mode- Select font, you need to download font files to SDCard, eachabout10MB.- Support Voice Broadcast engines (SVOX), requires aseparatedownload- Go to a page by percentage allowed
综合佛经大全 1.0
Jing Wen
佛經在手(朗誦版) 2.0
智慧寶庫超實用「佛經在手」隆重推出!!!(推廣說明)1、無廣告、沒閃影,不會突然出現廣告大畫面,我們讓您靜心禮佛研經。2、大小字隨你意手指輕鬆拉放,年長者也能夠看清楚,終身受用。3、好佛經方便法,隨手積小功德大回向(禮佛>>誦持>>回向)。4、「影音輔助」輕鬆參照影音跟讀,還可以唱唱歌開心學佛。5、「經文解析」大德者細說明了解佛法深藏奧妙(彩色字清楚明暸)。6、「心靈療癒」以功德做回向懺悔、祈求、消災延壽都可以,隨你挑,歡喜就好。7、常用經文都選好,免得您四處尋覓在尋找。8、另外加裝「訊飛語音+」及Audio TTS之APP軟體還可提供朗讀功能。9、最重要全免費,只需您發心無畏施分享與通告。閱讀說明1、本程式並無任何廣告,讓您可以靜心閱讀,祝您法喜充滿。2、更多資訊與版本,歡迎至「智慧寶庫」 網站善書區下載。(PDF繁簡、EPUB繁簡、APK等)3、【本書乃網友分享重編製作如有侵犯,敬請來信告知改善,感謝慈悲造福人群】4、「紅紫邊框」程式具記憶位置功能,「紅綠邊框」者具朗讀、彩字或重點整理或影音連網功能。(本書所造功德迴向原作及十方大德,功德無量)恭錄佛經如下01.般若波羅蜜多心經02.佛說八大人覺經03.大悲咒04.佛說阿彌陀佛經05.佛說父母恩重難報經06.佛說四十二章經07.金剛經08.地藏王本願經09.大方廣圓覺修多羅了義經10.藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經11.妙法蓮華經觀世音菩薩普門品祝大家法喜充滿
我佛慈悲(佛經集) 1.8.2
為服務廣大的佛教信徒, 決定出版佛經手機版希望將來把佛經完整保留, 也希望能加入誦經功能如果想要任何經典, 可以請朋友們要到承光的臉書加加油, 按個讚, 宣傳一下喔關鍵字( polosoft )To serve themajorityofBuddhists, decided to publish Buddhist MobileversionHope that the Buddhist intact, also hope to jointhechantingfunctionIf you want any of the classic, you can go to face book friends bearing light plus fuel,accordingtoa praise, publicity about oh 89% E9% 99% 90% E5% 85% AC% E5% 8F% B8 /399730390055119Keyword (polosoft)
Buddhist Fables 3.8.32
Mark App Design
Collect Buddhist fables,contain a lot ofinteresting,meaningfultale.
學佛入門 2.0
Dharma Drum Mountain
禪修入門 2.0
Dharma Drum Mountain
佛教入門叢書 1.7
你想認識佛教嗎?你想了解佛法嗎? 有了它們,即使是佛教門外漢,也能一窺佛門堂奧。 通曉佛學的教材,了解佛法的資糧。
Dharma Drum Collection 1.2
"The Complete Collection of Dharma Drum" by Master Sheng Yen
臨終關懷 2.0
Dharma Drum Mountain
The Heart Sutra Reader 1.1.0
Lithos Co., Ltd
“The Heart Sutra Reader” is the firstsmartphone application for Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism(JOKB),developed mutually by the Propagation Center of JOKB andLithos CoLtd.“The Heart Sutra Reader” is a media-mixed scriptureapplicationwhich users can meditate on the clear chanting andBuddhist imagesprovided by the Korean Buddhism Culture AgencyThis application will help tired people restore stability oftheirbodies and minds.*** Major functions of “The Heart Sutra Reader” ***▶ Listening to the Chinese-character chant- Select the menu to listen to the Chinese-character chant andviewthe image- Function includes the display of the original/Korean scriptof“Heart Sutra”▶ Listening to the Korean chant- Select the menu to listen to the Korean chant and viewtheimage- Function includes the display of the Korean script▶ Looking at the full text of “Heart Sutra”- Select the menu to look at the full text(Chinese-character,Korean and meaning) of “Heart Sutra”- Function includes the play function where users can view thefulltext while listening to the chant