Top 31 Apps Similar to Book of Enoch

The Book of Enoch 3.0.0
Complete e-book: "The Book of Enoch tr. by R.H. Charles" from 1917
Book of Enoch 4.0
Igor Apps
Book of Enoch - an ancient Jewish religious work, ascribedbytradition to Enoch
Lost Books of the Bible 3.0
Igor Apps
"The Lost Books of the Bible" and "The Forgotten Books of Eden"Free
The Book of Jasher 3.2
Bible apps for spirit
The Book of Jasher. Referred to in Joshua and Second Samuel.Withthe Holy Bible
Lost Books of the Bible 1.0
Fifth Estate
Lost Books of the Bible is committedtobringingancient knowledge to the modern reader. Oncesuchknowledge wasaccessible to only a few scholars and kept withinasmall communityof researchers. Now, we presented these textsinclear andunderstandable language, bringing a higher path toall.This Appconnects you to catalogs, information, Books,E-Books,Facebook,Twitter, and Blogs regarding ancient texts,books, andapocryphalwritings, as well as thoughts on the subjectsof theLost Books ofthe Bible, The Books of Enoch, Jubilees,Jasher,angels, watchers,Nephilim, Grigori, and otherfascinatingsubjects.
The Book of Jubilees 3.0
Igor Apps
The Book of Jubilees - translated by R. H. Charles. And KingJamesVersion Bible
El Libro de Enoc 5.0.0
Interesante y desconocido libroparaampliarconocimientosEl Libro de Enoc (o Libro de Henoc, abreviado 1 Enoc) esunlibrointertestamentario, que forma parte del canon de la BibliadelaIglesia ortodoxa etíope pero no es aceptado como canónicoporlasdemás iglesias cristianas,a pesar de haber sidoencontradoenalgunos de los códices de la Septuaginta (CódiceVaticano yPapirosChester Beatty). Los Beta Israel (judíos etíopes)loincluyen en laTanaj, a diferencia de los demás judíosactuales,que loexcluyen.Se conocen otros tres Libros de Enoc: el Segundo Libro deEnoc(2Enoc), escrito a finales del siglo I o después yconservadoeneslavo eclesiástico; el más tardío (de composiciónposterioralsiglo V), Tercer Libro de Enoc (3 Enoc), en hebreo; y elEnoccopto(4 Enoc), que data del siglo V y del cual apenas sehanencontradopartes.Los primeros cristianos tuvieron gran aprecio por el LibrodeEnoc,como lo atestiguan las epístolas canónicas de Judas (6y14-16) y 2Pedro (2:4), así como la no canónica de Bernabé ylosescritos deJustino Mártir (100-165), Atenágoras (170);Tatiano(110-172);Irineo, Obispo de Lyon (115-185); Clemente deAlejandría(150-220);Tertuliano (160-230); Lactantio (260-325) yademás los deMetodiode Filipo, Minucius Felix, Comodiano yPrisciliano (m.385).Para cumplir la normativa de las autoridades de proteccióndedatoscomunicamos:En este sítio se usan identificadores dedispositivoparapersonalizar el contenido y los anuncios, con el findeofreceranuncios de medios y para analizar el tráfico.Ademáscompartimosesos identificadores y otra información deldispositivoconpartners de medios sociales de publicidad y análisisweb.Másdetalles en: and unknown book to expand knowledgeThe Book of Enoch (or Book of Enoch, abbreviated 1 Enoch)isaintertestamental book, which is part of the canon of theBibleofthe Ethiopian Orthodox Church but is not accepted ascanonicalbyother Christian churches, despite having been found insome ofthecodices of the Septuagint (Codex Vatican andChesterBeattyPapyri). The Beta Israel (Ethiopian Jews) include itin theTanakh,unlike other Jews today, it excluded.three books of Enoch are known: the Second Book of Enoch(2Enoch),written in the late first century or later and preservedinChurchSlavonic; the later (post-V century composition), ThirdBookofEnoch (3 Enoch), in Hebrew; and Coptic Enoch (4 Enoc),datingfromthe V century and which only found parts.The first Christians had great appreciation for the Book ofEnoch,asattested by the canonical epistles of Judas (6 and 14-16)and 2Peter(2: 4) and non-canonical writings of Barnabas andJustinMartyr (100-165), Athenagoras (170); Tatian (110-172);Irenaeus,Bishop ofLyon (115-185); Clement of Alexandria(150-220);Tertullian(160-230); Lactantius (260-325) and also thoseofMethodius ofPhilippi, Minucius Felix, Commodian andPrisciliano(m. 385).To comply with the rules of the dataprotectionauthoritiescommunicate:On this site device identifiers are used to personalizecontentandads, in order to provide media ads and to analyzetraffic. Wealsoshare those identifiers and other device informationwithpartnerssocial media advertising and web analytics. Moredetailsat:
Gospel Of Mary Magdalene 2.1
Spirit Apps
Gospel Of Mary Magdalene discourses about Christianity
KJV Bible with Apocrypha Audio 5.6.0
Igor Apps
King James Bible with Apocrypha with Book of Enoch, JasherandJubilees!
Book of Enoch 1.0
Classic Books
Book of Enoch is an ancientreligiouswork,traditionally ascribed to Enoch, thegreat-grandfather ofNoah. KeyFeatures: This app allows you to usebookmarks! Also, youhave theoption to read in day or night mode!The Book of Enoch consists of 5 major sections:The Book of the Watchers (Chap. 1 – 36)The Book of Parables of Enoch (Chap. 37 – 70) (alsocalledtheSimilitudes of Enoch)The Astronomical Book (Chap. 71 – 81) (also called the BookoftheHeavenly Luminaries or Book of Luminaries)The Book of Dream Visions (Chap. 82 – 91) (also called theBookofDreams)The Epistle of Enoch (Chap. 92 – 105)
Book of Enoch 2.1
These writings are attributed to Enoch,theseventh from Adam, the father of Methuselah and thegreatgrandfather of Noah.From the falling of Angels to the prophecy's of Christ's comingandend times to come. You will find this fascinating reading.Translated from Ethiopicby Richard Laurence,London, 1883.rodev books are edited and formatted for readability andandnavigational ease on Android handheld and tablet devices.They download to your sd card for easy backup and or transfertoanother device.
The Urantia Book 1.1
The_Family of Heaven
presented by celestial beings as a revelation to our planet,Urantia
1611 King James Bible, KJV 5.9.0
Igor Apps
This is the original 1611 King James Bible with Apocrypha
The Lost Books of the Bible 3.0.0
This App contains the ebook with Illustrations of The Lost Booksofthe Bible
Dead Sea Scrolls 1.0
The Dead Sea Scrolls are a great part ofourancestral heritage. This application is a Glossary of theDeadScrolls. This Glossary will give you a comprehensive outlook oftheterminology and descriptions of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Forthestudent or scholar this app gives you insight into theseimportantdocuments.
The book of Enoch is an apocryphal text that is mentionedNewTestament
Sacred Scriptures 1.2
Cindy Oakes
Do DeepDive Bible Studies With Sacred Scriptures Anywhere Now!
Apocrypha, King James Version, Easy Bible -OFFLINE 1.0.8
Easy Books
The apocrypha is a selection of bookswhichwere published in the original 1611 King James Bible.Theseapocryphal books were positioned between the Old and NewTestament(it also contained maps and geneologies). The apocryphawas a partof the KJV for 274 years until being removed in 1885 A.D.A portionof these books were called deuterocanonical books by someentities,such as the Catholic church.FEATURES:• A new innovated design—a single page for each bookwithauto-scrolling allows for the best reading experience. NootherApocrypha app is designed this way.• All Free, it is 100% free to download and to use. There is alsoNOin-app purchase.• All OFFLINE! This FREE Apocrypha app is all offline, there isnoneed for an internet connection.• Auto-Scrolling to scroll through the entire book.• A single page for each book, so there is no hassle of keeponflipping pages to change chapters.• Notepad: one click on any verse number to copy and pastethatverse into the notepad.• Notes can be saved and transferred.• Highlight: 4 different shades and 3 different levels ofintensityto choose from.• There are 12 different fonts to choose from.• Quick and easy navigation thanks to intuitive andorganizednavigation.• Searchable keywords within each book.• Font, font size, verse number, and chapter index number canbechanged to meet your needs.• 3 verse layout modes.• Resume button that allows you to resume where you lastleftoff.• Landscape or portrait orientation available.• Many more features!Many claim the apocrypha should never have been included inthefirst place, raising doubt about its validity and believing itwasnot God-inspired (for instance, a reference about magicseemsinconsistent with the rest of the Bible: Tobit chapter 6,verses5-8). Others believe it is valid and that it should neverhave beenremoved- that it was considered part of the Bible fornearly 2,000years before it was recently removed a little more than100 yearsago. Some say it was removed because of not finding thebooks inthe original Hebrew manuscripts. Others claim it wasn'tremoved bythe church, but by printers to cut costs in distributingBibles inthe United States. Both sides tend to cite the same versesthatwarn against adding or subtracting from the Bible:Revelation22:18. The word 'apocrypha' means 'hidden.' Fragments ofDead SeaScrolls dating back to before 70 A.D. contained parts oftheapocrypha books in Hebrew, including Sirach and Tobit.
Bible KJV with Apocrypha 5.8.1
Igor Apps
King James Bible Version with Apocrypha, Book of Enoch, JasherandJubilees!
Deuterocanonical Apocrypha 1.0
This App includes the complete ebook oftheDeuterocanonicalApocrypha Books of the Bible The Apocrypha refertotexts which areleft out of officially sanctioned versions('canon')of the Bible.The term means 'things hidden away,' whichimpliessecret oresoteric literature. However, none of these textswereeverconsidered secret. In some Protestant Bibles, theyareplacedbetween the New and Old Testament. In the RomanCatholicBibles thebooks are interspersed with the rest of the text.Thetext versionis available as a HTML files (no ebook readerneeded)and isoptimized for use on any mobile device. This is aFREEad-supportedapp. Disclaimer: These bible verses are outofcopyright and inpublic domain. The scriptures are translatedfromancient Greek andHebrew manuscripts and therefore publishedbefore1923.
KJV Bible with Apocrypha 1.17
Yasiga ICTHub
King James Bible Version with Apocrypha
Biblical Apocrypha KJV 1.0
«Biblical apocrypha» is the applicationthatallows us to get acquainted with the stories that can not beseeneither in the New or in the Old Testament. These stories canbefound in the Bible King James and they will be instructive forbothchildren and adults. It is very simple and the mostconvenientprogram for reading texts from Biblical apocrypha. Inthisapplication, ease of use coupled with a beautiful interface.Thesetwo features allow you to read the stories from the BibleKingJames without distracting for anything else. The«Biblicalapocrypha» includes a number of categories, which arebrieflydescribed below.The first chapter is devoted to Esdras - the Jewish highpriest,returned after the Babylonian captivity to recreate a Jewishstateon the basis of the law of the Torah. Esdras tells you aboutthoseevents that occurred in the period between the V and VIcenturiesBC.The Book of Tobit tells about the blind Tobit and his sonTobias,whose guide was the angel Raphael. The Book of Tobit waswritten inthe second century BC.The book of Judith tells of a Jewish widow who saved her nativecityfrom invasion of the Assyrians. The text of the Book of Judithwaswritten on the basis of earlier oral traditions in the middleof theII century BC.Additions to the Book of Esther is the stories which werenotincluded in the canonical Bible. However, these additions totheBook of Esther survived and you can read them thanks toourapplication.The Book of Wisdom of Solomon contains ancient didacticallywisesayings. The author of the Wisdom of Solomon is presumed toKingSolomon.The total content of Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach ancientlywasconsidered as deeply instructive book for those seeking lessonsofwisdom and piety. Fathers of the Church often used theexpressionsfrom the Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach as confirmationof theirdidactic thoughts.Prologue to Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach was written bythegrandson of the author of Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach.Prologueto Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach gives some explanationsthatrelate to this book.The Book of Baruch was written to show the Jews that alltheirdisasters, such as the Babylonian captivity and the burningofJerusalem, were sent to them for their sins and theirfathers’sins, to encourage them to repent and promise to consolebytemporal and eternal freedom. The book of Baruchcontainsremarkable prophecy about the new spiritual glory ofJerusalem,whose children will be gathered from the west unto theeast by theword of the Holy.The Letter of Jeremiah ironically describes how to create idols,howto maintain it, including removal of dust, and tells aboutpriests,benefiting from all this. As a result, the author of theLetter ofJeremiah comes to the idea that good people will notengage in sucha vain thing.One of the most interesting sections of our application isthePrayer of Azariah. The Prayer of Azariah is the meaning oftheprayer of the Jewish people, punished and penitent.The legend tells of how during the Babylonian captivity abeautifulJewess Susanna was falsely accused by two senior horny oldmen,peeping at her. However Susanna was justified because ofthediscrepancies in the testimonies of the elders.In the first chapter of the book of Bel and the Dragon Danielbyingenious way opens deception by which the priests of Belwereforcing to think that the idol devours food and drinks broughttohim. In the second part of the book of Bel and the Dragon,Danielkills the dragon, throwing him dough consisting of resin,fat, andhair into the jaws; after swallowing of this dough thedragonbursts.Prayer of Manasseh glorified Lord's omnipotence, His mercy tothepatriarchs of the Jewish people and to all the repentantpeople.Also Prayer of Manasseh reminds Manasseh’s own excessivesins andhis remorse.Books of the Maccabees tell us about the Maccabees - leaders oftherevolt of the Jews against the Seleucid dynasty.
Apocrypha Deuterocanonicals 1.0
Apocrypha - The Deuterocanonical Books of the Bible
NRSV Bible Apocrypha 5.0 5.5
NRSV Bible With Apocrypha
Amharic Holy Bible (Ethiopian) 1.8
nSource Lab
Ethiopia Holy Bible. All Testaments.
La Bible. Apocryphes 4.10
La Sainte Bible. Apocryphes Les apocryphes sont précieuxpourétudierles formes littéraires comme le contexte de productiondesœuvrescanoniques et pour connaître les mouvementsreligieuxdissidents dujudaïsme et du christianisme anciens.Livresdeutérocanoniques(apocryphes dans leprotestantisme)Deutérocanonique (du grecδευτερος, deuxième)signifie « entrésecondairement dans le canon »,ce qui n'impliquepas unehiérarchisation du degré d'inspiration.L'Église catholiquenommeapocryphes les textes qu'elle n'a pasretenus dans son canontandisque les Églises issues de la Réformeles nommentpseudépigraphes.En ce qui concerne les écrits del'AncienTestament, elle nommedeutérocanoniques ceux que lesÉglisesprotestantes nommentapocryphes. Cette différence tient aufait quele christianisme ad'abord tenu pour inspirée la Septantequicontient de nombreuxlivres qui n'étaient pas dans laBibleHébraïque. Au XVIe siècle,les humanistes comme Didier ÉrasmeetJacques Lefèvre d'Étaples,ainsi que les protestants reviennentautexte hébreu là où Jérômeavait compilé les sources grecquesethébraïques. Catholiques etorthodoxes font valoir que lecanoncourt, retenu par les Églisesréformées, a été fixé par desdocteursjuifs au synode de Jamnia,après l'apparition duchristianisme et enréaction contre lui. Leslivres deutérocanoniquesdu NouveauTestament sont trèsgénéralement acceptés par lesÉgliseschrétiennes.Deutérocanoniques de l'Ancien Testament - LivredeJudith - Livrede Tobie - Passages grecs du Livre d'Esther : «Songede Mardochée» et « Complot contre le roi » (début), «Éditd'Ataxersès » (après3, 13), « Mardochée à Esther » (ap. 4, 8),«Prière de Mardochée »et « Prière d'Esther » (ap. 4, 17),«Rencontre d'Esther et du roi» (ap. 5, 5), « Nouvel éditd'Ataxersès» (ap. 8, 12), «Explication du songe de Mardochée » (ap.10, 3), «Conclusion de laversion grecque ». - Premier livre desMacchabéeset Deuxième livredes Macchabées - Livre de la Sagesse-Ecclésiastique ou Siracide -Passages grecs du Livre de Baruch:chapitre 6 (Lettre de Jérémie).- Passages grecs du Livre deDaniel: chapitre 13 (« Suzanne »),chapitre 14 (« Bel et le dragon»).
LDS Daily Audio 1.11
Enoch Apps
Open the app and it will begin playingaudiofrom the LDS standard works. Today's audio is listed on thescreenalong with the total listening time and the time for eachchapter.Requires a data connection (cell or Wifi, until youdownload audioto device from the menu). Tap the screen to pause andresume audio.No more having to figure out what to read today!Plays the Book of Mormon twice a year, Old and New Testament onceayear, Doctrine & Covenants and Pearl of Great Price twiceayear.
Political Books 1.0.2
Zebra Group
Political Books
Sacred books 80.91.30
Kirill Sidorov
Directory of the sacred books
Quotes Collection 6.7.9
Quotes Collection is of quotes that belongstofamiliarpersonalities.