Top 20 Apps Similar to eikaiwaNOW|英会話の先生を簡単予約でカフェレッスン

英会話実用フレーズ100 0.0.3
Izumi Higa
英会話で使える100のフレーズを、シャドーイングによって身に付けるための英語学習アプリです。■ 特徴●シャドーイング:シャドーイングとは、聞いた英語の音声をできるだけ正確に復唱する英語の学習方法です。実用的なフレーズが使われた英文を繰り返しシャドーイングすることにより、英会話で実際に使えるフレーズが自分の表現として徐々に身についていきます。●音声録音機能:英語の音声とシャドーイングした自分の音声を比較し、発音の弱点やイントネーションの違いを認識することで、発音をレベルアップしていきましょう。●豊富な問題数:100のフレーズのそれぞれに3つ以上の問題が収録されており、総問題数は393とボリューム満点です。各問題に日本語訳と単語/熟語リストがついています。■ サンプルフレーズ- I’d like you to… 「あなたに…してもらいたいです」- Did you use to…? 「以前…でしたか?」- I can't wait to… 「…したくてたまりません」- I’m not really happy with… 「…に不満があります」- What do you mean by…? 「…はどういう意味ですか?」- What I’m trying to say is… 「私が言おうとしているのは…ということです」- It’s not that… but… 「…なのではなく…なのです」- You only have to… in order to… 「…するには…さえすれば良いです」■ 注意事項-本アプリは、英会話のスキルアップを目的としており、英文法に関する解説などはありません。一部、英語学習初級者には難しい内容が含まれています。100 phrases thatcanbeused in English, it is English learning app for wearbyshadowing.■ Features● shadowing: The shadowing, it is the English way oflearningtorecite the English voice heard as accurately aspossible.Byrepeatedly shadowing a practical phrase has been usedinEnglish,actually can be used phrase in English conversationwillcontinuewith the gradually seen as their ownrepresentation.● voice recording function: English is compared withvoiceandshadowing was his voice, it is possible to recognizethedifferencebetween weakness and the intonation ofpronunciation,let'scontinue to level up the pronunciation.● rich issue number: 100 have been recorded three or moreofaproblem in each of the phrase, the total number of questionsis393and hearty. In each issue comes with a Japanesetranslationandword / phrase list.■ sample phrase- I'd like you to ... "I want you to ... to"-? Did you use to ... and "In the past ... was it?"- And I can not wait to ... "... irresistible to want to."- I'm not really happy with ... "... there is adissatisfactionwiththe"-? What do you mean by ... "... What does that mean?"- What I'm trying to say is ... "I trying to say is...isthat"- It's not that ... but ... it "... rather than a ... that I"- The only have to ... in order to ... "... To is the ...mayevenbe"■ Notes- This application is for the purpose of skills of English,thereisno such discussion of English grammar. Part, containsthedifficultcontent in English learning beginners.
英会話フレーズ1600 リスニング&聞き流し対応の英語アプリ 4.98.2
Flipout LLC
The definitive English conversation app! Includes 1610 phrases.Youcan also practice listening/listening/pronunciation for free!AllEnglish conversation phrases with English voice!
スタディサプリENGLISH(日常英会話から海外旅行英語) 1.27.0
Recruit Co.,Ltd.
Study Supplement ENGLISH is an app that allows you toacquireEnglish proficiency in the shortest possible time. You canenjoystudying from beginner English conversation to overseastravelEnglish conversation.
VoiceTube - Fun ENG Learning
As easy and natural as can be. Memorize phrases and vocabulary innotime.
ECC 英会話 1.1.0
ECC Co., Ltd.
絶対話せる!英会話 1.90
Yuko Kubota
It is an application for learning "English" actually used intheUnited States. I will explain in Japanese how thatEnglishexpression was used.
Study Japanese with Comic Book 1.3.12
You can study English with comic books.
DMM 英会話
iKnow! is a personalized language learningtoolbased on advanced learning algorithms designed to help youlearnfaster and more efficiently.The mobile app is a companion study tool to the iKnow!website( With this app, you can enjoy the iKnow!experience onyour phone or tablet.Your iKnow! study progress on your Android device isautomaticallysynched to your PC account, so you can study in theway that bestmatches your needs and lifestyle.“Japanese, Chinese, and English”Official courses are offered for studying Japanese, Chinese, andSATEnglish. The Japanese Core 6000 covers the 6,000 most commonlyusedwords in Japanese, and the Chinese Core 2000 covers the 2,000mostcommonly used words in Chinese. All words have samplesentences andaudio.“Spaced rehearsal learning”iKnow! presents items in a spaced rehearsal pattern optimizedforefficient learning. iKnow! calculates an optimal moment toreviewwhat you have learned so that you can learn moreeffectively.“Guided study”iKnow! tells you what to study and when. Based on your targetsandperformance, iKnow! manages your study for you.**************Features:- Four study applications: iKnow!, Sentence Trainer, Brainspeed,andListening.- iKnow!: Master words and phrases with our patentedlearningalgorithms.- Sentence Trainer: Master sentence patternsandconstructions.- Brainspeed: Fast-paced quizzing and review.- Listening: Listen to content on the go. You can slow down,loop,and favorite any audio.- Study progress synched across Android, iOS and PC accounts
英会話サプリ - オンとすぐ学習 3.2.2
Is an app that is wearing the shortest of the Englishonlinelessons.
NativeCamp. - English Online
【English’s communication practicability】 ・One good thing aboutthisapp is that you can have video calls with your English teacher!・Noappointments required. Book your lessons! ・Book as many lessonsyouwant anytime 【English Communication lessons using the App】・Whentalking about current English lessons, the setting isthesame—lessons conducted in a classroom. There’s practicallylittledifference from taking classes in a train-station locatedschool.・Though the fees is slightly large, one may not be abletoimmediately attend. ・That’s why we designed an app that fitsyourneeds! ・ Studying English has completely change fromthetraditional classroom setting. Now all you need is a smartphoneandthis app! ・Surprise! With just your smartphone, you can tohaveEnglish lessons anytime, anywhere. ・Other company’ssmartphone’sEnglish teaching services will require you to use aSkype app. ・Notwith the NativeCamp.’s app. from the time you enterthe companyuntil the English Communication lessons, you are able todo all!・It is practical! 【You are able to do this now?】 ・In theusual“Online English” (English lessons conducted online), you mustmakereservations with the instructor beforehand. ・However, therearetimes that we have other appointments, right? ・Conversely,thereare also times when we suddenly have free time, right?・ForNativeCamp. app, prior appointments is unnecessary. ・Why?Yourteachers/instructors are on standby 24-7. ・With your preferredtimeor timing, let’s have an English lesson. ・It’s fast.It’sconvenient. ・It is practical! 【It’s OK, no matter how manytimes wewant to have lessons?】 ・Usually, concerns like「How manytimes I canhave lessons each day is a valid concern because thenumber oflessons you can take were limited. ・However, NativeCamp.isdifferent! ・Every day, you can have as many lessons as youwant.・In regards to being able to speak English, increasing the useandexposure to English during a study session is vital!・NativeCamp.assures you of this. We guarantee it! ・It is practical!【Theservice’s details】 Number of lessons : No limit 1 lesson :25Minutes Availability: open 24 hours ※Maintenance:AM2:00-5:00(UTC+9:00 Tokyo) every Monday 【Privacypolicy】 【Terms ofuse】
TerraTalk 4.0.3
Joyz, Inc.
The fastest way to learn English is to use it. LearnpracticalEnglish.
RightNow English Conversation 1.4.1
A total of 30,000 phrases in 12 categories
アルクオンライン英会話 1.0
Learn English Conversation - Learning & Speaking 4.3.1
★ Learn English Conversation - Listening&Speaking is the best program to learn english. LearningEnglish isa department of the World Service devoted to Englishlanguageteaching.★ Learn English Conversation - Listening & Speaking willhelpyou to improve your English Listening, English Grammar andEnglishSpeaking.★ This app support you with add-on English dictionary andautoscroll transcript.♦ LEARNING ENGLISH• Learn English through simple English Conversations: 6MinuteEnglish, English At Work, The English We Speak...• Each lesson comes with audio, transcript and vocabularylist,which help you to improve your English Grammar, EnglishSpeakingand expand your English Vocabulary.♦ PRACTICE ENGLISH• Test your English through fun English Quiz and Test.• Learn English by chatting with other English learners. Youcanlearn about English Grammar, practice your English SpeakingbyVoice Recognition when chatting.♦ FEATURES• 8 categories with audio, transcript, exercise and quiz.• Free download to use when you're offline.• Support English Dictionary.• Chat with other English learners from all around the world.• Auto update new lessons.Let's improve all of your English skills: English Listening,EnglishGrammar and English Speaking right now with LearnEnglishConversation - Listening & Speaking.
英語クイズ ネイティブとペラペラ英語 日常英会話  1.0.1
あなたの英語は大丈夫ですか?あなたが日常で何気なく使っている英語は意外にも、ネイティブには全く違うように聞こえているかもしれません。☆誰もが中学・高校で習う簡単な英語を収録♪☆☆より身近な日常英会話集です( ^ω^ )簡単なフレーズでも、意図したこととまったく違うニュアンスで受け取られているかも?日本語でもありますよね?外国人が使う日本語で、なんかおかしいなって思うこと。英語もまったく同じです。現地の人と、うまく英語でコミュニケーションをとり、海外ライフをエンジョイするためにも、ぜひこのアプリを参考に勉強してみてください!ちょっとしたエクササイズとして最適です^^★こんな人にオススメ高校・大学受験対策に英語初心者の方英語をペラペラに話せるようになりたい方海外旅行に行きたい方外国人のお友達をたくさん作りたい方留学をしたい方英語を勉強中の方英語に興味がある方【アプリの説明】
English Listening Player 1.2.10
Listen to hundreds of English conversations and improve yourEnglishlistening
英会話の基礎パターン (English Pattern) 1.02
Thinking Center
スピーキングとリスニング能力は明示の記憶よりも暗黙の記憶がはるかに重要な役割を果たしている。人々は話をするとき、「次にどんな言葉をすべき!」と意識していなくても、適切なものを言う。これは、言語の暗黙の記憶が発達したためである。長い期間英語を勉強ても英語を流暢に話さないのは、暗黙の記憶よりもテスト駆動の明示の記憶を中心に勉強した理由である。暗黙の記憶である言語を習得するためには、学習の順序が重要である。シナプスが形成されている順序でその効果が大きく違ってくる。  語学を学ぶ最も効率的な方法は、赤ちゃんが母国語を学習する方式である。その過程は、単語ずつオウムのように続いて、下手間違って多くの繰り返しになって矯正していく。その次は、二つの単語や文章、三つの言葉や文章で繰り返し繰り返しを重ねて成長していく。この時の特徴は、数百個の単語と簡単な文の構造である。  リスニングスピーキング能力を向上させるには、簡単な言葉でされた単純な文を自在に駆使する能力を最初にマスターすることである。一度簡単な言葉でされた単純な文を自在に駆使できるようにされた後、簡単な単語の代わりに、自分が知っている難しい単語を代入することはあまり難しいことではない。そして接続詞などに接続すると、単純な文が複雑になるが、これもあまり難しいことではない。1. Are you ~?2. Are you going to/gonna ~?3. Are you interested in ~?4. Are you sure ~?5. Can you ~?6. Do I have to ~?7. Do you have any ~?8. Do you mind if I ~?9. Do you think (that) ~?10. Do you want to ∼?11. Have you ever + P.P. ∼?12. How about ~?13. How can I ∼?14. How do you like + Noun / ~ing?15. How long have you ∼?16. How would you like ∼?17. I can`t afford to ~18. I can`t believe ~19. I have to ~20. I heard (that) ~21. I like ∼22. I need to ~23. I should have ~24. I think (that) ~勉強は「科目」がなく、1つの「方法」で、水泳や運転のように誰でも努力すれば学ぶことができる。一日が遠いし勉強法に関する本があふれ出ている。しかし、人間が持っている精神的特質と心理的変化、感性的転移、脳が持つ特別なメカニズムに基づいて設計されてはいない。強圧的な技術や理解と洞察だけを強調しながら、楽しく勉強するように自由放任的な方法で葬儀場の調和のように表面だけ派手だ。  このアプリでは、人文主義的な勉強方法を実現しようとしました。学生は自分のプライドと成就欲を自ら盛り上げながら勉強する方法を体得しなければならない。ここで主張している学習の哲学は、ヒューマニズムである。  ここで学習方法は、誰もが知っているが、誰も意識していなかったのだ。この方法はあまりにもやすく、その信じられないほどの成果が信じられない。  100時間で英語で言いたいですか? 挑戦してください。Speakingandlisteningability of the storage of implicit than the storageofexplicitplays a far more important role. When people talk, evenifthey arenot aware of the "then should any words!", Referstoappropriate.This is because the memory of the language ofimplicitdeveloped.The do not speak English fluently even study thelongperiodEnglish, which is why than the storage of implicitstudiedaroundthe storage of test-driven explicitly. In order tolearnthelanguage, which is a storage of implicit, the order oflearningisimportant. The effect in the order in which synapsesareformedwill differ greatly.The most efficient way to learn a language is a method ofbabytolearn their native language. The process is followed likeaparrotevery word, continue to correction made to a numberofrepeatedwrong poor. The next, two of the words and sentences,andgrow byrepeated again and again in three wordsandsentences.Characterized at this time, the structure ofseveralhundred wordsand simple sentences.In order to improve the listening speaking ability is thefirsttomaster the ability to make full use of a simple statementthathasbeen in simple terms freely. After being a simplestatementthathas been at once simple words to be able to fullusefreely,instead of a simple word, not that much difficult toassignthedifficult words that I know. Then, when you connectsuchasconjunctions, but a simple statement becomes complicated,thisisnot that much harder.1. Are you ~?2. Are you going to / gonna ~?3. Are you interested in ~?4. Are you sure ~?5. Can you ~?6. Do I have to ~?7. Do you have any ~?8. Do you mind if I ~?9. Do you think (that) ~?10. Do you want to ~?11. Have you ever + P.P. ~?12. How about ~?13. How can I ~?14. How do you like + Noun / ~ ing?15. How long have you ~?16. How would you like ~?17. I can`t afford to ~18. I can`t believe ~19. I have to ~20. I heard (that) ~21. I like ~22. I need to ~23. I should have ~24. I think (that) ~Study has no "subjects", the one in the "method", it ispossibletolearn if anyone effort as swimming or driving. Bookisoverflowingon to the day is long study skills. However,mentaltraits andpsychological changes that humans have,emotionaltransition, arenot designed based on a particularmechanism withthe brain. Whileemphasizing the only insight andcoercivetechniques andunderstanding, it is flashy only on thesurface likethe harmony ofthe funeral home in a laissez-faireapproach to studyfun.In this app, attempt was made to achieve a humanisticstudymethod.Students must be mastered how to study whileenliventhemselves thefulfillment greed and their own pride.Philosophy oflearning thathas claimed here is a humanism.Here, learning methods, Everyone knows, everyone I wasnotconscious.This method is too easy, I can not believe theresultsof the morenot that hard to believe.Do you want to say in English 100 hours? Please challenge.
熊本 英会話 ~Go English School~
熊本英会話TOEIC音読英会話専門スクール「Go EnglishSchool」の公式アプリが登場!!アプリを通して新着情報や生の英会話を動画で配信します!
英会話の達人(プロ版) 1.5.1
Studyplus(スタディプラス) 勉強記録・学習管理 7.6.10
Studyplus Inc
Cumulative number of members exceeded 7 million! Studyplus isalearning habituation app that motivates you by recordingandvisualizing your daily study time. We support you who donotcontinue studying.