Top 38 Apps Similar to Calculator Begins

Solo Scientific Calculator V1.1.3
Scientific Calculator application with latestfeatures!GreatScientific Calculator supporting Matrix Operations!Features:★Result history ★ Traditional algebraic or RPN operation★Unitconversions ★ Percentages ★ Physical constants table ★10memories★ General Arithmetic Functions ★ Trigonometric Functions-radians,degrees & gradients - including hyperbolic option★Power &Root Functions ★ Binary, octal, and hexadecimal (canbeenabled inSettings) ★ Scientific, engineering andfixed-pointdisplay modes ★Configurable digit grouping and decimalpoint ★Fractioncalculations and conversion to/fromdecimal★Degrees/minutes/seconds calculations and conversion★Landscapemode ★ User-customizable unit conversions★User-customizableconstants ★ Log Functions ★ Modulus Function★Random NumberFunctions ★ Permutations (nPr) &Combinations(nCr) ★ HighestCommon Factor & Lowest CommonMultiple ★Statistics Functions -Statistics Summary (returns thecount (n),sum, product, sum ofsquares, minimum, maximum, median,mean,geometric mean, variance,coefficient of variation &standarddeviation of a series ofnumbers), Confidence Interval,DigammaFunction, ExponentialDensity, Gamma Function,HypergeometricDistribution, NormalDistribution, PoissonDistribution ★ ConversionFunctions: area,distance, volume, weight,density, speed, pressure,energy, power,frequency, magnetic fluxdensity, dynamic viscosity,temperature,heat transfer coefficient,time, angles, data size,fuel efficiency& exchange rates
Scientific Calculator 7.0.1
Scientific Calculator with Fractions, Complex Numbers andRPNSupport
Graphing Calculator Plus (X84) 2.3.1
Inception Mobile.
Designed for Calculator 84 users
Balls Calculator 2.0.1
A genetic calculator and gene catalog for ball pythons.
RubikCalc Ultra Calculator 2.2.5
Wisebay Solutions
Programmable calculator like no other !
King Calculator 2.2.5
Calculator Inc
Simple to use calculator, with all the functionality you need.
MathsApp Scientific Calculator 1.3.8
Meet MathsApp, the most user-friendly and time-savingscientificcalculator app.
Scientific Calculator Plus 7.0.1
Programmer and Scientific Calculator with Fractions andComplexNumbers
Champ Calc Pro 6.26
Bens Apps
High-performance and arbitrary precision scientific calculator
Calculator² 1.17
Richard Walters
Calculators: basic, scientific, financial, programmer, currencyandunits.
MC50 Programmable Calculator 3.02A
Walter Stubbs
-Programmable Calculator: -No programming knowledgerequired:startprogramming and learn its basic concepts. -Create andstoreyourown programs, that can be stored as external files ofyourdevice.-Edit your programs using the built-in or an externaltexteditor.-Optionally save your programs as standard textfiles.-Built-in"sample" programs (examples) ready to use andcustomize(edit) thatinclude: -Financial mathematics. -Prime numbers-Mathseries-Matrices. -Games. -Program commands are easy to entertoimplementalgorithms with loops, conditional testsetc.-Structuredprogramming language (MPL). -Data structures:Processingof listsand matrices. -Subroutines, local variables.-Programmablekeys:assign user programs to keys and convert thecalculator intoacustom calculator. -Complete User's guide.(available inEnglishand Spanish) -Input methods: -Algebraicwithimpliedmultiplication. -RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) -Retrievethelast30 results and math expressions. -Complex numbers(rectangularandpolar form), fractions -Binary, octal andhexadecimalnumbers.-Degrees, Radians and Gradians, ScientificandEngineeringnotation, fixed number of decimals and floatingpoint,sexagesimalsystem. -Several keyboard configurations.-Customizedkeys. -Copy,cut and paste edit tools. -Built-infunctions:Logarithms,trigonometric and hyperbolic functions,exponential,factorial,combinations, permutations, greatest commondivisor,least commonmultiple, absolute value, modulus, complexnumbers,prime andrandom numbers, determinants, vectors ( norm,dotproduct). -Storeresults in memories and/or user definedvariables.-21 built-inconstants. -Unit converter: 120 predefinedMeasurementUnits. -Userdefined functions using: -Programs. -Mathexpressions.User definedconstants. -User defined formulas:Evaluateautomatically your ownformulas. -Greek alphabet. -Functionsandderivatives graphing.(upto 3 functions). Tables. -Zerosoffunctions, maxima and minima. -Matrix operations(addition,subtraction, multiplication,transpose, inverse). -Solvedirectlysystems of linear equations upto a size of 7 x 7 usingCramer'srule. -Vector operations(addition, subtraction, crossproduct).-Statistical Calculations:mean, standard deviation,linearregression. -Backup of all theuser formulas, variables,functionsand constants.
Scientific Calculator 1.6.103
Do your calculations without getting disturbed - PowerfulAndroidCalculator
Champ Scientific Calculator 6.32
Bens Apps
High-performance and arbitrary precision scientific calculator
One Scientific Calculator 3.0.22
Calculator, Graphing calculator, Converter and Matrixcalculator:all in one app
Graphing calculator plus 84 83
Robust graphing calculator 84, 83, equation solver, algebra,mathand fractions
TechCalc+ Calculator 5.0.9
Scientific calculator with graphs, equations, calculus,formulas,finance, etc.
Calculator N+ - Math Solver 5.0.9
Equation, Systems Equations, Derivative, Integral, Limit,LinearAlgebra
15C Scientific Calculator 2.24
Vicinno Soft LLC
As a powerful emulator of HP 15C Scientific Calculator,Vicinno15CScientific Calculator provides all functions oftheworld-renownedHP 15C RPN high-end scientificprogrammablecalculator for Android.It uses the identicalmathematics andcalculations with theoriginal to give you the sameprecision andaccuracy. It canperform numerical integration andsolve the rootsof equations inaddition to supporting complexnumbers and matrixcalculations.**** Cool Tip: click the upper rightlogo to see thesettings pagefor more options. **** **** Please benoted: the f (i)in our appworks a little differently from the realcalculator:instead ofhold and release, just click the f (i), thedisplay willshow theimaginary part for a second, then switch torealpartautomatically. ***** ★ Features include: • Root finder•Numericintegration • Complex numbers • Matrix operations•Hyperbolic andinverse hyperbolic trig functions •Probability(combinations andpermutations) • Factorial, % change,and absolutevalue • Randomnumber generator • RPN entry •Programmable •enable/disable keyclick sound • Comma as decimalpoint option •Automaticallysave/restore settings • Touch logo tosee all settings• Directaccess to support forum from app • SupportAndroid Tablet •More ★Support: Feel free to contact us ★Demo:Try the demo version beforeyoubuy:market://details?id=com.vicinno.sci15clite ★ Stay tuned:Likeus: See moreappsat:
Scientific Calculator Pro 16.3.1
Philip Stephens
A powerful scientific and graphing calculator with matricesandcomplex numbers.
Scientific Calculator 3 1.8
Martin Nathansen
Scientific Calculator 3 is an easy to useuniversalscientificcalculator app for smartphones, tablets orotherAndroidtouchscreen devices. It evaluates mathematicalexpressionsunderconsideration of the algebraic convention "bracketsbeforepowerbefore point before line calculation". The rounding ofresultsisadjustable between 5 and 15 digits. Available notationsarenormalnotation (NORM), scientific notation (SCI) andengineeringnotation(ENG). Trigonometric calculations optionally inDegrees(DEG:1°=PI/180) or Radians (RAD: 1rad=180°/PI).ScientificCalculator 3provides a large history display, where allinputs andresults canbe checked easily. This calculation history iskeptuntil explicitdeletion. For devices without menu button:pleasetouch the screenlonger than 3sec to invoke the setup/optionsmenu!Functions onmain display: * calc operators: + - × ÷ *parentheses:( ) * squareroot and power of 2: sqrt x² * permutation:n! (inlandscape formatonly or on tablets) * reciprocal: 1/x *percentage:% * plus minussign: ± * memory: MR MS M+ * exponent(optional): ExpScientificfunctions via "sci" button and on largedisplays: * poweroperator:^ 2^ e^ 10^ * square and cube root: sqrtcbrt * naturallogarithmand logarithms of 10: ln lg * constants: pi2pi e 1/e*trigonometric, inverse trigonometric and hyperbolicfunctions:sinasin sinh asinh, cos...., tan.... **Notice:ScientificCalculator 3is based on the Open Source SoftwareArity-2.1.6"Arithmetic Enginefor Java" (Copyright © 2007-2009 MihaiPreda),which is licensedunder the Apache license 2.0.
FX-602P scientific calculator
Martin Krischik
FX-602P Simulator is a very precisesimulationof the classic FX-602P programmable calculator and andall it'saccessories. This simulation is not a toy but but a fullfeaturessimulations of almost functionality of the originalcalculator andit can be used as a full featured and fullyprogrammable scientificcalculator.Used as a calculator the FX-602P simulator will exceed mostothercalculator available. The FX-602P simulator supportsallarithmetic, trigonometric, logarithmic, hyperbolic,statisticalfunctions and all alphanumeric display options of theoriginalcalculator.And last not least the FX-602P simulator is fully programmable.Youcan write up to 10 programs, using 110 registers.With the build in FA-2 cassette interface simulation you cansaveand load programs and data to your thump drive for later use.Orprintout results with the FP-10 thermal printer simulation andthencopy / paste them to other applications.Do visit our FX-602P website or blog where you can downloadtheoriginal Manual of the Calculator. Remember thattheMarket-Comments have no answer function and I can't help you ifyoupost there.SUPPORTED ANDROID FUNCTIONS:• Calculation results can be copies to the clipboard.• Can be installed on the SD-Card.• Participates in Androids build in backup and restore.• Honeycomb Tablet compatible.• Extra Printer for Honeycomb Tablets (visit our web-page forscreenshot).BASIC FEATURES:• Specification:Arithmetic operations (addition,subtraction,multiplication and division, raising to power and root– alljudging the priority of operations) negative umbers, exponent,33parentheses at 11 levels and constant operations.• Scientific Functions: Trigonometric and inversetrigonometricfunctions (with angle in degrees, radians orgradients), hyperbolicand inverse hyperbolic functions, logarithmicand exponentialfunctions. inverse. Factorial, square root, square,decimal ⇔ Hour,Minute, Second conversion, coordinatetransformation, absolutevalue, removing integer part, removingfaction part, percentage,random numbers, π.• Statistical functions Standard deviation (2 kinds), mean,sum,square sum, number of data.• Memory: 5 key independent memory 11 ~ 110register(non-volatile).• Range of number: ± 1 × 10⁻⁹⁹ to ± 9.999999999 × 10⁹⁹ and0,internal operations use 18 digits mantissa.• Decimal Point Full decimal floating point arithmeticwithunderflow (possible display of engineering decimals).PROGRAMMING FEATURES:• Number of Steps: 999 steps (non-volatile)• Jumps: Unconditional jump (GOTO), up to 10 pairs, conditionjump(x=0, x≥0, x=F, x≥F), count jump (ISZ, DSZ), subroutine (GSP)up to9 subroutines, up to 9 depths.• Number of programs storable: Up to 10 (P0 to P9)• Checking and Editing Functions Check, debug, deletionaddition,etc.• Indirect addressing for M-register, destination of jump,callingsubroutines.• Miscellaneous functions: Manual Jump (GOTO), temporarysuspensionof execution (PAUSE), command code and step numberdisplayed duringcheck, Simulated FA-2 adaptor for Record and FileI/O (please notethat the later needs Java securityauthorisation).DEVICE COMPATIBILITY:The application in written in device independent and should runonmost Android devices. There is also a desktop version availableonrequest (please include your purchasing informations).PERMISSIONS:• WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Used to save and load programm state.Onlythe directory set in the preferences is accessed.
Graphing Calculator + Math PRO 2023.07.165
Mathlab Apps, LLC
Graphing calculator with algebra. Essential tool for schoolandcollege.
Graphing Calculator Pro 3.4.1
Philip Stephens
A powerful graphing calculator and scientific calculator.
TechCalc Scientific Calculator 5.0.9
Scientific calculator with graphs, equations, calculus,formulas,finance, etc.
Multi Calculator 2.9.12
Blue Group
A easy-to-use calculator, can also help you inscientificcalculations
handyCalc Calculator 0.63
Simple yet powerful
Calculator Pro - All-in-one 3.1.2
Gigantic Apps
The Perfect Scientific Calculator with Currency, UnitConverter& Math tools.
Grapher Pro - Equation Plotter
Basile Van Hoorick
An extensive yet lightweight math graphing calculator andequationsolver.
Full Scientific Calculator 1.9.2
A professional & feature-rich scientific supercalculator—packaged into an app.
Calculator 3.3.7
Anton Tkachenko Apps
The best colorful calculator! Choose your style!
Total Calculator-Paid 10.6
Convenient and smart calculator that provides manyadditionalfunctions
Calculator Pro 1.11.0
Simple calculator, ideal for everyday calculations
Scalar Pro — Most Advanced Scientific Calculator 1.1.22
Scalar Math
📗📙📘 Click and see the user guide in PDF 🥇 Extremely Flexible&Very Advanced Scientific Calculator with User ArgumentsDefinition,User Functions Definition, Functions Graphs, ScriptsProgrammingand many other features. Scalar is much more than acalculator.Scalar is a powerful math engine and math scriptinglanguage, thatcombines the simplicity of standard calculators withtheflexibility of scripting. Thanks to Scalar, defining argumentsandfunctions, as well as using them in subsequentcalculations,expressions and functions graphs, has never beeneasier. You willsee it shortly after getting familiar withavailable screens andoptions. 🎯 Main features: 🔹 Standard &Advanced ScientificCalculator 🔹 Extremely convenient calculatorkeyboard 🔹 Re-usage ofprevious calculations, just reference aconstant that was createdfor your convenience 🔹 User definedarguments, as simple as x = 2 🔹User defined functions, as simple asf(x) = x^2, f(x,y,…)=2*x+y 🔹User defined random variables, assimple as rand X = rNor(0,1)+1 🔹Beautiful function graphs, setvariables, range, expression,interact with the chart! 🔹 Scriptswriting, personalize andautomate you work! 🔹 Rich set of examplesbuilt-in in the app! 🔹Work saving and results sharing 👌 Thedefinition of user elementshas never been easier! Using Scalar youcan easily create userelements, below are examples of the naturalmathematical syntax: ▶scalar > x = 2 ▶ scalar > y = 2 * x ▶scalar > y ➥ e1 =4.0 ▶ scalar > x = 3 ▶ scalar > y ➥ e2 =6.0 👌 There is noneed to save the results! In Scalar, each resultis assigned to anautomatically created constant, see example: ▶scalar > 2 + 3 ➥e1 = 5.0 ▶ scalar > 4 + 6 ➥ e2 = 10.0 ▶scalar > e1 + e2 ✪ ➥e3 = 15.0 👌 User functions give hugepossibilities ofpersonalization! Defining user functions is just assimple aswriting a formula ▶ scalar > f (x, y) = sqrt (x ^ 2 + y^ 2) ▶scalar > f (3,4) ➥ e1 = 5.0 👩‍🏫 Scalar was created byamathematician, therefore it has built-in summation andproductoperators! Scalar also supports summation and productoperators,for example the number of prime numbers in the range of 2to 1000 ▶scalar > sum ( i, 2, 10000, ispr (i) ) ➥ e1 = 1229.0 ⚡️This isonly a tiny part of available options! It is only apresentation ofa small part of the available mathematicalfunctions. Allimplemented math elements exceeds several hundred.👩🏻‍💻 At Scalar,you can write scripts! 🔹 The ability to writescripts is a uniquefeature among scientific calculators. 🔹 We allknow how scriptssignificantly accelerate work. 🔹 Scalar provides anice scripteditor with syntax highlighting & syntax hints. 🔹Scripts canbe saved and/or shared (pro version). 🔹 Start-up scriptis alsosupported (pro version). 📈 At Scalar you can createbeautifulfunction graphs! 🔹 Visualization is important - no doubts!🔹 Scalarprovides the ability to create highly personalized functioncharts.🔹 Functions graphs are fully interactive: values reading,scaling,zooming. 🔹 Function charts can be saved or shared (proversion). 📳 More details on: 👌 Enjoyusing ScalarScientific Calculator!
Symbolab Graphing Calculator 2.9.4
Interactive Graphing Calculator, graph any function with steps!
Scientific Calculator Pro 2.7.5
RealMax LK
Scientific Calculator for your mathematics. EspeciallyforEngineering students.
Scientific Calculator Pro 6.9.1
Scientific Software
Quick and easy scientific calculator with graphs - PRO version
Calculator app 2.4.20
The best calculator software, simple and stylish. Ideal fordailyuse.
StyleNote Pro 2.2.4
  This is the Pro version of StyleNote which has evenmorefeaturesand is ad-free. StyleNote's Key Features: - Powerfulnoteeditorwith rich text formatting styles (bold, italic,underline,andstrikethrough) - Highly customizable note text sizesand colors-Semi-transparent memo widgets for putting your notesonyourhomescreen - Sync and backup with cloud storage usingyourownDropbox account (free and optional; StyleNote does notdependonany online service) - Bullet-point list / todo-list/checklistsupport - Flow view of all your notes: an overview ofallnotes inone place - more than just a list of note titles(optional)- Noteorganization with custom notebooks / folders -Custom-scopenotesearch - Optional date/time display - Custom noteordering (youcanmove any note up / down and have your own orderingof notes)-Automatic note sorting by note title, last modifiedtime,orcreation time - Easy note sharing / sending - Passwordlockforyour private notebooks - Automatic regular backupforyourimportant notebooks PRO features: - Extra customizationpowertogive different notebooks different background colors-Advancednote list customizations including spacing betweennotesand notehighlighting border size/color options - 15 styletemplatesavingslots (if you need more, just let me know) -Automaticnotebooksorting by name or creation time - Regularautomatic backupto yourDropbox account - Adjustable automaticbackup frequency(e.g. onceper day) - Word / character / paragraphcount - Ad-free *Easyupgrade from free to pro * When you launchStyleNote Pro forthefirst time, you will be asked whether you wanttoautomaticallytransfer all the notes and settings from StyleNotetoStyleNotePro. Just click "Yes" and all will be doneautomatically.If youneed help with StyleNote, you can check the FAQand askquestionsin our user forums. You are also welcome to suggestnewfeaturesand talk about anything there: