Top 14 Apps Similar to Торты рецепты

Рецепты десертов и выпечки
1000 recipes of desserts, cakes, pastries and baked disheswithphotos
Cake recipes 6.9
Welcome! In this application, you will have: - 145 tastyrecipeswith photos
Выпечка рецепты с фото домашние торт и печенье 2.0
Наше приложение "Выпечка рецепты с фото домашние тортипеченье"помогут вам приготовить вкусную еду на своей кухне.Изделиясмагазинного прилавка не всегда оправдывают ожидания:тослишкоммало начинки, то слишком много разрыхлителя… Взявпроцессполностьюпод свой контроль, вы сможете создать именнотакойаппетитныйшедевр, которым хотели бы побаловать себя исвоихблизких. А еще -запах свежей выпечки приносит в домощущениепраздника и уюта! Нашеприложение с выпечкой представляетсобойбогатый и удобный виспользовании каталог рецептов.Основнойрубрикатор включает в себянаиболее общее категории выпечки:торты,пироги, блины, пирожки,оладьи, хлеб, печенье и так далее.Если выпредпочитаете полагатьсяна спонтанное вдохновение, естьвозможностьпросмотреть веськаталог без сортировки. В единой лентевыдачи вамбудут предложенырецепты шоколадного торта с орехами,пирога с сыроми мясом, блиновс икрой - и так далее, пока вы необнаружите именнотот рецепт,которого душа просит. Когда речьзаходит о настолькоделикатномделе, как выпечка, рецепты с фотонепременно должныбытьпошаговыми. Открыв избранный рецепт в нашемприложении, высначалаувидите список необходимых ингредиентов и фотоготовогоблюда.Пролистывая вперед шаг за шагом, вы ознакомитесь сточнойидетальной последовательностью приготовления блюда.Такаяформаподачи информации удобна и для опытных поваров, идляначинающихкулинаров. “Выпечка рецепты с фото” - один изсамыхпопулярныхзапросов на кулинарную тематику в поисковыхсистемах.Этонеудивительно: пироги, булочки, печенья, пирожные идомашнийхлебнравятся всем без исключения. Приятного аппетита! Также у насвысможете найти: Выпечка рецепты с фото домашние тортипеченьевыпечка рецепты шоколадных кексов без яиц быстраявыпечкабулочеквыпечка в духовке и в микроволновке десерты идомашняявыпечкавыпечка из слоеного теста и из творога выпечкалучшиерецепты безинтернета
Baking recipes 6.4
Cook with love! In this application, you will have: - 1912tastyrecipes with photos Contents: * Bagels( 10 ) * Bakery( 224 )*Baking( 84 ) * Baklava( 1 ) * Belyashi( 5 ) * Biscuit( 284 )*Biscuits( 240 ) * Bread( 109 ) * Browne( 4 ) * Brownie( 20 )*Buns( 96 ) * Cake( 224 ) * Cakes( 30 ) * Charlotte( 19 )*Chebureks( 10 ) * Cheesecake( 23 ) * Cheesecakes( 8 ) *Chocolatebrownie( 8 ) * Clafoutis( 5 ) * Cookies( 34 ) * Crackers(3 ) *Croissant( 5 ) * Crumble( 8 ) * Cupcake( 19 ) * Cupcakes( 6 )*Curd fritters( 1 ) * Dough( 43 ) * Doughnuts( 7 ) * Eclairs( 1 )*Empanadas( 2 ) * Fiadone( 1 ) * Gingerbread( 11 ) * Khachapuri( 7)* Khichin( 1 ) * Kish( 1 ) * Kulich( 20 ) * Lekach( 1 ) * Manna(12) * Marshmallow( 4 ) * Meringue( 7 ) * Muffins( 87 ) * Pancake(10) * Pancakes( 9 ) * Panforte( 1 ) * Patties( 6 ) * Pies( 443 )*Pita( 10 ) * Pita-Brot( 1 ) * Placindes( 2 ) * Profiteroles( 5 )*Pudding( 18 ) * Puffs( 14 ) * Roll( 29 ) * Roulade( 8 ) * Samsa(3) * Scones( 15 ) * Sponge cake( 3 ) * Strudel( 15 ) * Syrniki( 2)* Tartlets( 7 ) * Tiramisu( 2 ) * Waffles( 17 ) * Сroissant( 3 )Weare ready to listen to your ideas and suggestions forfurtherdevelopment of the application. You can contact and we will respond to all yourquestionsand comments. Bon appetit!
Dessert recipes 6.8
All recipes with step by step photos
Кулинарная книга. Рецепты 1.6.7
Кулинарная книга - это сборник рецептов, также отличныйпомощникдлявсех, кто любит приготовить что-нибудь вкусненькое инеобычноедлясебя и близких людей. В книге вы найдете многоразныхрецептов,начиная от первых блюд и заканчиваядесертами.Особенности: •Избранное – вы можете добавить рецепт всписокизбранного, нажавиконку “сердечка”. • Шейринг – вы можетеделитьсялюбимымирецептами в социальных сетях. • В графе поиска выможетенайтирецепт не только по названию блюд, но и поназваниюингредиентов.Каждый рецепт сопровождается подробнойинструкцией,как поингредиентам, так и этапом самого приготовления.• Бросьтесебевызов! Пройдите путь от легких рецептов до изысканныхблюд.
Holiday Recipes Cookbook 6.07
DIL Studio
Holiday recipes: appetizers, holiday salads, main dishesforholidays, desserts
Новогодние салаты 1.0.6
Салаты на Новый год – это неотъемлемый атрибутновогоднегопразднования. Новый год с детства буквально у каждогоассоциируетсясо сказкой, в которой немалое место занимают не толькоподарки, нои, конечно же, вкусная еда. Для многих поколений,классическимновогодним салатом, стал давно известный нам салат«Оливье» ,естественно, хозяйки стараются разнообразить своёновогоднее меню,но без этого салата не может обойтись ни одинновогодний стол. Мыпредлагаем вам великое множество ярких инезабываемых рецептоввкуснейших салатов на Новый год!
Salad Recipes 5.04
DIL Studio
We offer to you a lot of free salad recipes: pasta saladrecipes,meat and fish salad recipes, vegetable salad recipes, fruitsaladrecipes, potato salad recipes, tuna salad recipes, chickensaladrecipes, easy salad recipes, mushroom salad recipes, macaronisaladrecipes, egg salad recipes and other tasty salad recipes.Recipeapp works offline. In this app you could enjoy: • All saladrecipeswith photo and simple detailed instructions • All freesaladrecipes are divided into the categories • Simple searching intheapp by the name or by the ingredients • You can choose therecipesyou liked and keep them in your favorites. You can savecookedrecipes • You can use a shopping list. Just add the desiredproductdirectly from the recipe to the shopping list • You canshare yourown delicious recipes and you can leave feedback aboutotherrecipes • There is a table of caloricity • Recipe app worksofflineand your favorite recipes will always be with you, even whenyouhave no Internet connection! We offer to you lot recipes of:•Delicious cooking fast recipes of salad for every day: easyrecipesof meat salads, fish salad recipes, tasty recipes ofvegetablesalads, homemade recipes of cold and warm salads, saladwithmayonnaise recipes, recipes of salads without mayonnaise,saladrecipes with yogurt dressings, Mayo-Less Pasta Salad, MexicanCornSalad, Raw Beet, Carrot and Cabbage Coleslaw with Onions,AvocadoCilantro Salad, Pasta Salad with Pesto and Mozzarella,JicamaSalad, Cajun Pasta Salad, Zucchini Slaw, Citrus and SpinachSalad,Classic French Green Salad, Diabetic Special Seven LayerSalad,Southern Caviar or Black Eyed Pea Salad, Egg Salad forSandwiches,Potluck Spaghetti Salad, Avocado Strawberry Salad withPoppy SeedDressing, Muffaletta Tortellini Salad, Quinoa, Avocado,TomatoBlack Bean Salad, Tomato & Cucumber Salad, etc.; •Tastyrecipes of salads with chicken: salad recipes with chickenandpineapples, salad recipes with chicken and croutons, saladrecipeswith chicken and carrot, salad recipes with cabbage andchicken,Cucumber Chickpea Salad, The Great Caesar Salad, BlueberryChickenSalad, Venezuelan Chicken Salad Sandwich, Orange ChickenSalad,Chicken Pasta Salad, Chicken Nuggets Salad, Tea Room ChickenSalad,etc.; • A lot of homemade recipes of salads with seafood:crabsalad recipes, salad recipes with cabbage, salad recipeswithsquid, shrimp salad recipes, recipes of spicy salad, ricesaladrecipes with seafood, Shrimp Salad, Grilled Shrimp Salad,ShrimpSalad with Feta Cheese and Candied Garlic, Shrimp EggSalad,Shrimp, Avocado, and Grapefruit Salad, etc.; • Easy recipesof fishsalads: cold salad recipes, salad recipes with canned fish,recipesof cold salads with tuna, salad recipes with red fish,recipes offish salad with crackers, etc.; • Yummy recipes of puffsalad; •Simple salad recipes with mushrooms; • Delicious recipes ofsaladswith ham; • Cooking recipe of Taco Bag; • Candy Salad; •Tastyrecipe of Oriental Salad; • Amish Broccoli Salad; • Homemaderecipeof Cucumber Salad; • Macaroni Salad; • Seven-Layer Salad; •JicamaSalad with Cilantro and Lime; • Lime Shrimp and AvocadoSalad; •Delicious recipes of salads with bacon; • Recipesofbeautifully-decorated salads; • Recipes of sweet salads andquicksalads, and much more! Cook with pleasure!
Recipes with cottage cheese 6.01
DIL Studio
Cottage cheese recipes: cheesecakes, desserts, casseroles,fruitcottage cheese!
Рецепты пирогов 2.0.3
Trading Platforms
Every day cake recipes with photos, favorites, search and ashoppingcart.
Cake Recipes 5.06
DIL Studio
Offline recipes app. We offer to you a lot of free cakerecipes:birthday cake, chocolate cake recipes, carrot cake, fruitcakerecipes, banana cake recipes, easy cake recipes, cake recipeswithcream and other delicious cake cooking recipes. Recipe appworksoffline. All cake recipes with photo and simple instructions.Youcan choose your liked recipes and keep them in your favorites.Youalso can use a shopping list. Just add the desired productdirectlyfrom the recipe to the shopping list. In this applicationyou canshare your own delicious recipes and you can leave feedbackaboutother recipes! The application does not require the Internetandyour favorite recipes will always be with you, even when youhavenot Internet connection! All cake recipes are divided intothecategories for easy use. We offer to you lot recipes of:•Delicious cooking recipes of chocolate cakes: cake recipeswithchocolate frosting, cake recipes with chocolate shortcakes,tastycake recipes based on cocoa, recipes of homemade chocolatecakes,recipes of biscuit chocolate cakes, homrmade recipesofbanana-chocolate cakes, easy cake recipes with chocolatecream,recipes of chocolate cakes with cherry, Chocolate EclairCake,Chocolate Buttermilk Quick Cake, Chocolate Cherry Nougat MudCake,Baked Chocolate Chip Cheesecake, Eggless PerfectlyPerfectChocolate Cake, Double Chocolate Cake, etc.; • Tasty recipesoffruit and berry cake: easy recipes of cakes with apple,cherry,banana, cranberry, cake recipes with pineapple, cake recipeswithstrawberries, blackberries, blueberries, cooking recipesofcurrants cakes, recipes of fruit cake with sour cream, recipesofberry cakes with jelly, recipes of fruit cake with jelly, cakewithberry recipes without baking, Layered Banana Ice Cream Cake,OldOrange Jello Cake, Pineapple & Cream Cheese Upside DownCake,Buko Pandan Cake, Healthy Carrot Cake, Grapefruit YogurtCake,Pineapple Upside Down Cake, etc.; • A lot of cooking recipesofcream cake: cream recipes of light cakes, wedding cakecreamrecipes, recipes of biscuit and cream cakes, recipes of two-andmulti-tiered cream cake, recipes of cream cake brightest, IceCreamCake, Vanilla Candy Cane Butter Cake, Lemon Layer Cake withWhippedCream, Red Velvet Cheesecake Swirl Cake, Brown Sugar CaramelPoundCake, Cherry Cheese Coffee Cake, etc.; • Yummy recipes ofsimpleand fast cakes: delicious easy recipes of cakes with milk,cakerecipes without flour, easy recipes of cheese based cakes,cakerecipes with a variety of powder, etc.; • Recipes of cakeswithoutbaking; • Banana Pudding Cake; • Crack Cake; • Very TastyCake; •Southern Strawberry Punch Bowl Cake; • Apple Fritter Cake•Blueberry Snack Cake; • Miracle Whip Chocolate Cake; •DreamsicleLovers Cake; • Cheesecake recipes with various fillings;• Recipesof cakes with coconut; • Recipes of simple tasty cakes,and muchmore cooking cake recipes! Cook with pleasure!
Pastry Dough Crust Recipes 5.06
DIL Studio
We offer to you a lot of free pastry recipes: tasty pastryrecipes,puff pastry recipes, simple crust recipes, easy pizzadoughrecipes, sweet dough recipes, delicious biscuit doughrecipes,homemade pastry pie recipes, cake dough recipes and otherpastryrecipes, etc. In this app you could enjoy: • All pastryrecipeswith photo and simple and detailed instructions • Allpastryrecipes are divided into the categories for easy use •Simplesearching in the app by the name or by the ingredients • Youcanchoose the recipes you liked and keep them in your favorites.Youcan save cooked recipes • You can use a shopping list. Just addthedesired product directly from the recipe to the shopping list •Youcan share your own delicious recipes and you can leavefeedbackabout other recipes • There is a table of caloricity •Recipe appworks offline and your favorite recipes will always bewith you,even when you have no Internet connection! We offer toyou: • Tastypastry recipes: Custard Tart Pastry, Lemon Juice SaltPastry, TartPastry, Pastry For Quiche Lorraine, French Tart Pastry,Pastry for"Pop Tarts", Tasty Pastry for Pies, Gluten Free PiePastry, VeryEasy Cornish Pasty, Scottish Tart Pastry, Cream PuffPastry,Coconut Pastry Cream, Sweet Shortcrust Pastry, PiePastry,Vegetable Pie Pastry, Filo Pastry, etc. • Delicious crustrecipes:Lemon Crust for Pie, Easy Pie Crust, Perfect Pie Crust,VanillaCrust for Cheesecake, Crust for Tart Old School Version,Graham /Oats Crust, Crust for No Bake Cheesecakes, CrustDelight,Impossible Coconut Custard Crust For Pie, Crust for CookieBars,Not Sweet Crust, Chocolate Biscuit Crust, Zucchini PizzaCrustBase, Crust for Cake, Crust for Quiche, Crust and Crumb,LemonSwirl Crust, Hazelnut Crust for Cheesecakes, Crust forCheesecakes,Crust for Peanut Butter Pie, Granola Pie Crust, OreoCrust, SaltedChocolate Crust, Homemade Pie Crust, Crust for Bars,Crust forPecan Cake Bars, Classic Southern Caramel Crust, etc. •Sweet doughrecipes: Chewy Chocolate Cookie Dough, Gluten FreeMousse MuffinsDough, Bread and Butter Pudding Dough, PancakesDough,Ginger-Orange Irish Soda Bread Dough for Muffins, ChocolateCakeDough, Homemade Donut Dough, Old-Fashioned Doughnuts, 3IngredientPineapple Cake Dough, Banana Cake Dough, Chocolate SliceDough,Shortbread Biscuit Dough, Brownie Cookie Dough, Golden RollDough,Mum's Best Profiteroles Dough, Buttermilk Biscuit Dough,BasicBiscuit Dough, Flaky Buttery Biscuit Base, Empire BiscuitsBase,etc. • Pizza, pancake and other dough recipes: Fail-ProofPizzaDough, Hot Dog Dough, 2 Ingredient Pizza Dough, Pizza Dough,ThreeCheese Dough, Home Made Flour Tortillas, Easy Big Fat Dough,FluffyAmerican Pancake Dough, Fluffiest Pancake Dough, BiggestLoserPancake Dough, Eggless Pancake Dough, Gluten-Free BananaOatPancake Dough, Buttermilk Bran Pancake Dough, Old FashionedPancakeDough, Elvis Pancake Dough, Cinnamon Applesauce PancakeDough, etc.Cook with pleasure!
Delicious recipes 6.8
All recipes with step by step photos