Top 23 Games Similar to Varianki Flashcards

AnkiDroid Flashcards
Memorize anything with AnkiDroid!AnkiDroid lets you learn flashcards very efficiently by showingthemjust before you would forget. It is fully compatible with thespacedrepetition software Anki (including synchronization), whichisavailable for Windows/Mac/Linux/ChromeOS.Study all sorts of things wherever and whenever you want. Makegooduse of idle times on bus trips, in supermarket queues or anyotherwaiting situation!Create your own flashcard decks or download free decks compiledformany languages and topics (more than 6000 available).Add material through the desktop application Anki ordirectlythrough Ankidroid. The application even supports addingmaterialautomatically from a dictionary!★ Key features:• supported flashcard contents: text, images, sounds, LaTeX• spaced repetition (supermemo 2 algorithm)• text-to-speech integration• more than 6000 premade decks• progress widget• detailed statistics• syncing with AnkiWeb• open source★ Additional features:• write answers (optional)• whiteboard• card editor/adder• card browser• tablet layout• import existing collection files (via Anki Desktop)• dictionary integration (ColorDict, GoldenDict,,Aedict,diverse web dictionaries)• add cards by intent from other applicationslikedictionaries• custom font support• full backup system• navigation by swipe, tap, shake• fully customisable• dynamic deck handling• night mode• 27 localisations• All previous AnkiDroid versions can be downloaded fromthewebsite
암기왕 1.0
암기를 하는 가장 좋은 방법은 무엇일까요?틀린 내용만 추려내서 계속 반복 학습하는 것입니다.이 간단한 루틴은 가히 암기의 왕도라 불리만큼 탁월한 학습 효과가 있습니다.저는 이 방법을 저는 암기카드이론이라고 부릅니다.암기왕은 암기카드이론이 적용된, 오직 "암기"를 서포트하기 위해 만들어진 앱입니다.암기왕은에는2015년9월10일 현재- 일반상식 3000여개- 영어 중고교 필수 단어 3000여개 및 독해 문장 2000여개- 일본어 능력시험 1급~5급 필수 단어 8000여개가 등록되어 있습니다.그리고 앞으로 자격증과 중/고교 중간고사 기말고사 대비 암기과목 위주의 카테고리가 추가될 예정입니다.암기왕이 여러분의 학습 진전에 조금이나마 도움이 되길 진심으로 바랍니다.What is the best waytomemorize?False information will only continue to cull up torepeatlearning.This simple routine is called as an excellent learningdisadvantagesof the royal memorize notch.I call, I memorized card theory this method.King flashcards to memorize the theory has been applied, theappis designed to support only the "memorize".The king has memorized September 10, 2015 Current- 3,000 common senseEnglish secondary schools 3,000 essential words andsentencecomprehension 2,000Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 1 ~ Level 5 over8000essential words are registered.And the future qualifications and mid / high school midtermexamwill be added to the category of memorization intensive finalexampreparation courses.I am sincerely want to memorize king a little bit to helpyourlearning progress.
redfox, Inc.
暗記学習の定番アプリ「i暗記+」が全面リニューアル!さらに使いやすくなりました。★大学受験、資格試験、合格者の声★「テストに出てくる用語をもとにカードデッキを作成し、通勤の電車で暗記し見事合格しました。」「電車の空き時間など、隙間時間を有効に使い特別な時間を確保することなく効率的に定着できました。」「受験も近く時間がない中スマホを移動中や寝る前の少しの間などに見て勉強をしていました。スマホで使えるため場所を選ばず短い時間で手軽にそして、暗記カードのようなタイプなので必要な事を的確に覚える事が出来、模試などで非常に役立ち目に見える効果を得る事が出来ました。本当に感謝感謝です!」=WHAT'S NEW=【i暗記でガンバレ!受験生】キャンペーン! 大学受験に最適なカードデッキ紹介など、試験に役立つ情報をお届け♪全国の受験生を応援します!★デザイン一新!!ディテールまでスタイリッシュに。カード表示面はより広く、機能アイコンも見やすくなりました。★i暗記マーケット がより便利に!!カードデッキの一覧も見やすくなって欲しい単語帳がすぐに見つかります。■ちょっとのスキマ時間を有効に使いたい!■面倒な暗記、できるだけラクに覚えたい!■暗記帳も一緒にダウンロードできたら!その希望、「i暗記」が叶えます!「なぜ、i暗記だと記憶がススムのか?」▽脳科学に基づく、最強の暗記カードだからです▽東京大学の 池谷裕二准教授 の監修により、脳科学に基づく、記憶アルゴリズム(効率の良い出題の仕組み)を実現し、より記憶しやすい方法で学習できます。「なぜ、i暗記はお買い得なのか?」▽選べる単語帳が2500タイトル以上、公式サイトに公開中▽カードデッキ(単語帳教材)を自分で作れるのは当たり前!ユーザー同士でシェア(共有)できるのがi暗記のスゴイところ。すでに2500以上のカードデッキが[有料/無料]で公開中です。英単語、難読漢字、数学の公式、資格試験対策からダジャレ辞典まで!アナタの欲しい単語帳もきっと見つかる♪「なぜ、i暗記が手離せなくなるのか?」▽片手で使うことを考えぬいたカンタン操作▽i暗記の操作は指一本のカンタン操作!電車の中やベッドに寝ながらなど、どんな場所でも片手でラクラク、学習できます。もう暗記はこれしかあり得ない。_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/i暗記の中の人がつぶやきます。 @project_iAnkiご意見・ご要望などもtwitterへ!_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/【ポイント1】Webで作って、スマホで覚えて!公式サイトを利用するとパソコンからカードの編集ができちゃいます。スマホで手軽に作るもヨシ。パソコンでじっくり作るもヨシ。【ポイント2】Twitterでつぶやけばやる気も100倍!自分の学習状況をカンタンにTwitterでつぶやけます。暗記は一人じゃなくみんなでやった方が上手くいく♪【ポイント3】考えるな、感じろ!学習モード、一夜漬けモード、スライドショーからお好みの方法を選んで反復練習。あなたの記憶はカラダに染み込むはず!"+ Memorize i"classicrote learning app is completely renewed!I have become easier to use.★ college entrance exam, exam, the voice of those whopass★. "To create a card deck based on the terms that come to the test,Ipassed brilliantly to memorize the train commuting""Spare time, such as the train. Fixing made efficientlywithoutspecial time to ensure the effective use of the timegap"And easily in a short time in any place for that can be usedin.Smartphone had been studying to see such a little while beforeyougo to bed or while moving the smartphone in no time alsocloseexamination ", such as flash cards I was able to can remembertheexact type that you need it to obtain a visible effect veryuseful,such as mock. I thank very much! "= WHAT'S NEW =ガンバレ in memorization [i! Students] campaign!♪ delivery, introduction card deck ideal for college entranceexams,the exam information to helpI will support students across the country!★ redesigned! !To detail and stylish.Display surface is wider card was easy to see theiconfunction.★ i can memorize more convenient market! !Quickly find the word you want the book easier to see acompletelist of the card deck.■ I want to use time effectively little gap!■ tedious memorization, I want to learn as much as possibletoease!■ I can be downloaded along with the book by heart!"Memorization i", hope that come true!"Why, whether the storage and forward it by heart i?"▽ based on brain science, because it is the strongestcardmemorization ▽The supervision of Associate Professor at the University ofTokyoYuji Ikeya, you can learn based on brain science, in a waytoachieve (efficient mechanism of questions) memory algorithm,andmore easy to remember."Why is affordable memorization i?"▽ wordbook choice is more than 2500 titles, published intheofficial site ▽Can make your own (word book materials) card deck can(share)share with each other! User naturally places greatmemorizationi.I have more than 25 card deck is being published [Free /Paid]already. To official dictionary puns, from qualificationexamwords, kanji obfuscation, of Math!♪ surely find the book you want or word"Why, what have i no longer memorize Hanase hand?"▽ easy operation with one hand carefully consider using ▽i easily memorize the operation of the operation of asinglefinger!Easy, you can learn in one hand while lying on a bed, such as inthetrain or, at any place. This can not only memorize anymore._ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ /_/ _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ /i have people in the memorization muttered. @ Project_iAnkiTo twitter as well as opinions and requests!_ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _/_ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ /The point made in [1] Web, remember smartphone!Cha can edit the card from your computer and use theofficialwebsite.Yoshi is also made easy with smartphone. Yoshi also carefullymadeon a computer.If you tweet 100 times motivated [2] point Twitter!Twitter to tweet their own learning situation easily.♪memorization is good to go with everyone who did not thinkoneperson[3] Do not think point, feel!Repeated practice Choose your preferred method of learningmode,CRAM mode, from the slide show. Your memory should penetratethebody!
Flashcards Deluxe 4.63
An easy to use yet powerful and full-featured flashcard study app.
Simple Word Book 1.7.0
Word book app to manage your word books and test your vocabulary
My memorization card 1.19.17
It can use for memorizing short texts, suchasa word.With a version [1.6.0],It created so that it could do instead of a memorizationcard.Let's add an easy word and problem and test every day.All should be able to memorize by repeating.He can do his best! -It could be made to carry out e-mail transmission of the datasothat it could use, even if it carried out model conversion ofthedata.It may be good also for data exchange with a friend.* The item of the same name as the already registered item cannotbetaken in.* Create the item for trials and carry out the recommendationofwhether its own terminal can perform transmission and taking inandtrying.* version [1.17.1]I came to be able to take in the CSV data which made data withaPC.You save it in "Download" folder of the phone, and pleasestartapplication.** file namedata_of_problem.csv** DetailsA:item name , B:problem , C:answer , D:check , E:memo , F-K:0,L:sort number==============================item :must 30 charctorproblem :must 100 charactoranswer :must 100 charactorcheck :0 or 1 (1 = check on)memo :under 100 charactorsort number : Inport dataA B C D E F G H I J K L1 French good morning Bonjour 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 French thanks C'est très gentil de votre part. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0013 French await Bonne nuit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-- Attention --# When you store CSV which you input, please store an encodingformin "Unicode(UTF-8)".# Extension is [.csv]. -> It is not ".xlsx" and ".xls".# Please back up the data of the learning by heart cardbeforeworking.I'm sorry, but the person who doesn't know the meaningprefersthe one which doesn't do problem making by a PC.It can't be secured, so self-responsibility, please.
i-Memorize Sheet 2.1.3
"i-Memorize Sheet" is a rote learning app which enables you tohidewords.
Smart Card 1.30.0
Graceful Garden
♪Examinee support application!♪You can use the learning by heart card of necessities free.♪You can test only the difficult question for a correctanswerrate.【Japanese Version Only】
Workbook Maker 7.11.3
Create your original workbook in your smartphone.Memorizeeverything you need. Flashcards 1.6.11
Cram, LLC.
Memorize anything and improve grades with the officialCram.comflashcard app!
GRE Vocabulary Flashcards 3.6.1
Master 1000 key GRE vocabulary words with Magoosh's free examprepflashcards
iAnki - Concierge of Memory - 2.0.3
redfox, Inc.
*** No.1 Index Card App in Japan ***this is the SimpleIndex Card App for Android.Wave goodbye to your flashcard and take iAnki with youeverywhereyou go. iAnki helps you memorize all kinds of facts.Split cards into ones you know and ones you don't, andjustconcentrate on studying the cards you're unfamiliar with.Supervising Editor Professor Yuji Ikegaya of the UniversityofTokyoUseful for- Preparing for school tests.- Exam prep for difficult qualifications.- Remembering names and faces at work.- And pretty much anything else you need to remember !Main Features- Rote memorization system incorporating learning algorithmdevisedby Professor Yuji Ikegaya.- Cram Mode for last-minutes study before tests.- Handwriting feature helps you learn information bywritingit.- Slideshow mode cycles through cards automatically.- iAnki Market ( website lets you createyourown decks online with ease.- Online backupiAnki MarketThe iAnki Market website ( makes it easy to createyourown decks on the Web and gives you access to hundreds morethroughthe iAnki online store.Naturally, you can download decks directly to your Androiddevicefor use with iAnki.Fore more details, visit the official iAnki site.> Check out the iAnki promotional video. Just Searchfor"iAnki" on YouTube.-> iAnki is on Twitter too. Follow us @project_ianki【Available Devices・OS】NTT DoCoMo- Xperia SO-01B- Xperia arc- GALAXY S SC-02B- LYNX 3D SH-03C- REGZA Phone T-01Cau- IS03Softbank- GALAPAGOS 003SHAndroid 2.1Android 2.2Android 2.3
마약 영어 단어 암기게임. 단어에 중독 (공부의신) 0.91
영어 단어 암기 게임! 공부의신 공신닷컴 대표 강성태와 최고의 공신 멘토들이직접기획과 제작에 참여하였습니다.이것은 단순히 영어 단어 암기 앱이 아닙니다. 게임입니다!중고생은 물론 수험생, 대학생, 직장인, 선생님, 취업준비생 모두가 활용할 수 있습니다.수능 영어, 토익, 토플, 텝스, GRE, 영어 회화 등에 활용되는 모든 영어 단어 암기 걱정 끝!공신닷컴 멘토 1,000명의 공부법을 분석한 베스트셀러 401명의 공신 멘토들이 자신의 영어 공부의 비결을'영어단어 암기' 라 답했습니다.하지만 영어 단어 암기는 지루하고 고됩니다.이제 걱정하지 마세요. 영어 단어 암기가 공부가 아닌 게임이 됩니다.이 앱을 설치하는 순간 여러분의 영어 단어 암기 인생이 달라질 것입니다단순하면서도 빠져드는 영어 단어 암기 게임이 게임을 즐기기만 해도 영어 단어 걱정이 없어집니다.기존의 영어 단어 암기 앱, 암기 카드, 플래시 카드 앱과는 차원이 다릅니다.따로 영어 단어를 외울 필요 없이 즐기는 과정에서 자연스럽게 복습이 되고 암기가 됩니다.영어 단어는 여러 퀘스트로 나누어져 있으며 하나의 퀘스트를 달성하면 다음 퀘스트를 열 수 있는 열쇠를얻게됩니다.퀘스트를 정복하려면 최소 3번 이상 해당 영어 단어를 맞춰야 합니다.정해진 시간 3초 안에 영어 단어를 맞추지 않으면 답이 제공됩니다.3초안에 암기한 영어 단어를 바로 떠올릴 수 없다면 해당 영어 단어는 계속해서 게임에 등장하게 됩니다.전혀 모르는 영어 단어를 만나게 되면 물음표를 누르세요.펜을 들고 영어 단어를 긴 시간 쓰면서 외울 필요가 없습니다.물음표를 누르고 있는 동안 머리 속에 입력된 영어 단어는 게임하는 과정에서 자연스럽게 암기됩니다.영어 단어 암기에 새로운 장을 연 공부의신 영어 단어 암기 게임! 지금 시작해보세요!키워드 : 영어, 단어, 암기The Englishwordmemorization games! New gongsin dot represents thebestgangseongtae gongsin mentors participated in the study weredirectplanning and production.This is simply not an English word memorization app. Games!Junior and senior high school students can take thecourse,students, college students, office workers, teachers,employmentjunbisaeng all.SAT English, TOEIC, TOEFL, TEPS, GRE, English All the Englishwordmemorization Worry utilized painting, etc.!Analysis of the dot-com mentors gongsin 1,000gongbubeopbestseller 401 gongsin mentors who have answered thesecret of hisstudy English as' memorizing English words.But the English word memorization and boring is.Now, do not worry. This is the English word memorizationratherthan learning the game.The moment you install this app, this is your lifedifferentmemorize English wordsSimple but addictive game to memorize English wordsEven if only to enjoy the game, no English word worry.Old English word memorization app, flashcards, flash cardsappand have different dimensions.This review process, enjoying naturally without the need tomemorizeEnglish words, and will be memorized.English words are divided into various quests and quests yougetwhen you achieve one of the keys to open the next quest.To conquer the quests you should arrange for at leastthreecorresponding English words.If you keep up with English words within a certain time 3secondsprovided the answer.The English word memorization 3 seconds left that you can notjustput the English words will continue in the game.If you do not know the English word never met, press thequestionmark.Holding a pen and writing English words no longer needtomemorize.English words entered in your head while you click thequestionmark is memorized naturally in the course of thegame.New English word memorization games opened a new chapter inthestudy of the English word memorization! Get started now!Keywords: English, vocabulary, memorizing
Quizlet: Learn Languages & Vocab with Flashcards
Quizlet Inc.
Quizlet is the easiest way to practiceandmaster what you’re learning. Create your own flashcards andstudysets or choose from millions created by other students — it’sup toyou. More than 30 million students study with Quizlet eachmonthbecause it’s the leading education and flashcard app, thatmakesstudying languages, history, vocab and science simpleandeffective. And it's free!NEW! See what you're learning in a whole new way with diagramsonQuizlet! Study charts, maps, images and figures with LearnandMatch. Explore diagrams on Quizlet and find the perfect oneforyou.On Quizlet you can:- Get test-day ready with Learn- Put your memory to the test with Write- Race against the clock in a game of Match- Share flashcards with classmates (if you're a student) oryourstudents (if you're a teacher)- Listen to your material pronounced correctly in 18languages- Enhance your studying with custom images and audioWhether you're doing standardized test prep for big exams liketheSAT or ACT, studying for an upcoming midterm or test in schoolorare learning new concepts, Quizlet’s learning app can helpyoulearn with confidence. Use the Quizlet learning app foranysubject, including vocabulary, biology, chemistry, socialstudies,AP, GRE and more. Learn foreign languages more effectivelywithstudy modes that allow you to memorize vocabulary,learnpronunciation and test yourself in more than 18 foreignlanguages,including Spanish, French, German and Chinese.Upgrade to Quizlet Plus so you can upload your own images,getfaster help from the Quizlet team, study ad-free and more.Or,unlock ad-free studying with Quizlet Go.*We love feedback! Please email us at orfindus on Twitter or Instagram @quizlet.If you enjoy the app, please leave a review. It means a lot!*The Fine Print:Quizlet Plus and Quizlet Go subscriptions will be charged toyourcredit card through your Google Play account. Yoursubscriptionwill renew automatically unless cancelled at least 24hours beforethe end of the current period. Subscriptioncancellations will takeeffect following the current active year.You can manage yoursubscription in the Google Play Store.
ZuKnow - Social Flashcards 3.2.2
ZuKnow is a social memorization appthatmotivates continual learning. Set study goals; receive study reminders; tracklearningprogress; compete with friends; unlock badges and create ahabit ofcontinual study - all for free.• Learn a new language!Study content from Official ZuKnow Classes to learnlanguagesranging from Spanish to Chinese. Each language hasbeginner,intermediate and advanced levels. All content focuses onrealconversation. Use the Text-to-Speech function to learnbylistening.• Create your own flashcards!Use your phone to create flashcards with words and pics. Makegreatstudy sets and share them with friends!• Quiz yourself daily!ZuKnow helps you create better study habits with PushQuizzes.Receive short, daily quizzes from any sets you arestudying. Stayon track, see your progress, and really learn!• Compete with friends!See how you rank among your friends by viewing individual andgroupprogress. Share in groups, be the first to master your studiesandfeel free to brag.• Earn badges!Continual study unlocks a variety of badges. Learn, collectandshare them with your friends!Learning should be fun. Learn together with ZuKnow!Features: • Free Official ZuKnow Foreign Language Studies• New Official Content added regularly • Set Goals and receive Push Quiz study reminders• Track learning progress• Create and share your own flashcard content• Create and join study groups • Fully integrated with the ZuKnow web service • Extensive library of material created byeducationprofessionals • Ever-growing library of user-generated material • Instant mobile app and web synching • Learn anything, anywhere, with anyone for free!
絶対暗記モバイル 3.1.3
塾用暗記ソフト既存の問題の他、塾で問題を作り、生徒に課題として設定できます。カード式暗記とキー入力で英単語や国語、社会の語句を暗記するソフト4択、5択では本当に覚えたことにはなりません。キー入力で練習します。実行するには塾の会員登録が事前に必要です。会員塾の生徒さんは塾からID、パスワードをもらって下さい。School formemorizationsoftwareAddition to the existing problems,To create a problem in the school, you can set as a challenge tothestudent.Software to memorize English words or phrases language,ofsociety and key-card memorizationIt does not mean that you were really remember 択 4, is 5 択.I will practice in the key input.Membership of the school is required in advance to run.Students of member school should get ID, and password fromtheschool.
Brain exercise for study 1.9.2
Memory improvement techniques and tricks. Mnemonics. Brainexercisefor study.
Flashcard Maker 2.5
Imad K
Flashcard Maker is a simple andeasy-to-useapplication that assists studying and memorization ofterms. Thisapplication allows for the manual creation of unlimitedsets offlashcards within your device AND importation of existingflashcardsets from Quizlet! Have any doubts about how well you'vemastered adeck? Try one of the three excellent quiz modes!Strongerpreparation for courses is guaranteed with thisapplication. Theapplication's features allow for maximum studyingefficiency withminimal time investment. Application featuresinclude:-Ability to create a set for any subject or test necessary.Allcards are separated into their own unique sets.- A View-Only mode which displays all the cards in the orderthatthey were created in. Users can freely maneuver throughout thedeckand shuffle it.-A Review Mode which first shuffles the set and displays thecards.Users can run through the deck and mark the terms that areeasilyrecognizable. At the end of the deck, they will be promptedtocreate a new deck containing only the terms that werenotmarked.-A multiple choice Quiz Mode-A matching Quiz Mode-A fill-in-the-blank Quiz Mode-Ability to import existing flashcard sets from Quizlet's websitebysimply copying and pasting the set's Quizlet URL and enteringacorresponding set name of your choice.-Ability to share and exchange flashcards with others.-Ability to go back and update the set to edit or deleteanyexisting cards (or the entire set).-A shuffle button to diversify the order and truly mastereachset.-A set of fixed instructions within the application, guidinganydifficulties one may encounter while using it.
Flashcards Deluxe Lite 4.58
An easy to use yet powerful and full-featured flashcard study app.
Biscuit 4.0.4
EVERNOTE DEVCUP 2013 BRONZE AWARDBiscuit has been featured in the App Store's "Best New Apps”for30 different countries!Biscuit is the ultimate language learning tool.• Faster than a dictionary: create your own beautifullydesignedword list in seconds using simple gestures• Unique approach to flashcards: translate vocab from whateveryouare reading and use study alerts or audio pronunciationstoeffortlessly review• Never leaves your side: syncs across all your mobile devicesandcomputers
必勝!暗記 1.0.4
atStage Inc.
「必勝!暗記」は、スマートフォンを暗記帳に早変わりさせる暗記問題集作成アプリです。ノートやプリント、教科書や参考書などの覚えたいところをマーカーやペンでチェックし、スマホで撮影するだけで自動的にマスキング(覆い隠し)した暗記ノート(書類画像)を作成します。マスクした箇所はタップして表示を切り替えられ、何度でも正解を確認できるのでテスト勉強には最適です。従来の暗記シート(色つきの透明下敷き)やかさばる教科書・参考書を持ち歩かずに済み、覚えたいところだけを効率良く学習することができます。テストや受験に備える小学生から中学生、高校生、大学生、資格試験を控える社会人まで、幅広くご利用いただけます。<主な機能と特徴>自動マスキング機能:市販のマーカーやペンでチェックした教科書や参考書等を撮影するだけで、その部分を認識し、自動的にマスキングした暗記ノートを作成します。マーカー(蛍光ペン)は黄、緑、青、ピンクなど色を選びません。また、赤ボールペンで文字を囲んでも、マーカーと同じようにマスキングできます。手動マスキング機能:マーカーやペンでチェックしていない場合でも、撮影後に画面上で手動でマスキングできます。画像は拡大できるので、細かい文章でも楽にマスキングができます。もとの本を汚したくない人にオススメです。切り替え表示機能:正解の知りたいところはタップをすれば、表示が切り替わり何度でも繰り返し確認することができます。また画面は、縦・横の両表示に対応しています。タイトル&タグ付機能:暗記ノートはタイトルやタグを付けて分類できます。国語、英語、日本史、世界史、数学、物理、化学…など、科目ごとに整理すると便利です。メモ機能:それぞれの暗記ノートごとに、メモをとることもできます。(済)マーク機能:覚えた暗記ノートには(済)マークを付けられるので、達成感が味わえます。リスト管理機能:優先的に覚えたい暗記ノートを並び替えたり、要らなくなった暗記ノートを削除できます。覚えたいところ、まだ覚えていないところだけに集中して、効率的に学習できます。バックアップ機能:作成した暗記ノートはSDカードに保存し、データをバックアップできます。シンプル設計:シンプルなデザイン・設計で、アプリ初心者でも直感的にすぐに使えます。< 対応端末 >AndroidOSのバージョン2.2以上の搭載の端末(タブレットを除く)でご利用頂けます。 <動作確認端末>GalaxyS2(SC-02C)、MEDIAS X(N-04E)、ARROWS Z(ISW11F)、GoogleNexus 4<注意事項 >※市販されている本などの著作権物をコンテンツとして使用する際は、著作権侵害にならないように十分注意して下さい。
Gambit Flashcards
Artur Dryomov
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Baby FlashCards for Kids 2.0
Penguin Apps
Flashcards for children and parents. Letters, Words and Colorsforkids.