Top 16 Apps Similar to Frases de cumpleaños

Best Happy birthday wishes 7.1
Best Happy birthday wishes
Happy Birthday Music & Sounds 3.7
Music and Sounds to congratulate the Birthday of original form.
Happy birthday with name
Create personalized happy birthday cardsinjust 3 easy steps:1. Write the name of the person you want to congratulate andthenumber of birthdays.2. Enter your name to be displayed as the signature.3. Choose the image or animation you want to appear on the cardorupload a photo and select a phrase or write your ownphrase.Ready is finished!Now you can send via a link, sharing for Whatsapp, Facebook, mailorinternet platform ...You can also send the birthday wishes via SMS to any mobilephone.With reminders Facebook letting you know when is the birthdayofyour family or friends, you have no excuse not to congratulate,andwhat better way also easily and quickly be sent a greetingcardbirthday , which can customize without having to buy one, youcannow design it yourself, because in our application can selectavariety of images and phrases birthday.Have sentences for each type of person, whether your raw /os,brothers / sisters, friends / spouses, parents,grandparents,children or your partner find an appropriate messageto them.And in less than one minute, you get a nice greeting to sendtofriends or family.So simple and quick to create your own personalized card thatwillsurprise you is the one who send.We hope you enjoy this application to create birthday cards andwewould like valorases us if you liked.This application is on theweb
Happy Birthday quotes 171127
Happy Birthday quotes is an app that allows you to sendbirthdaycards to all your relatives and friends. We have preparedacomplete collection of birthday invitations, you will findclassicbirthday wishes, tender ones for your girlfriend orboyfriend andmost important, tons of funny and entertaining happybirthdayimages to congratulate your loved ones. - For yourrelatives: Ifyou want to say “Happy Birthday” to your mom, dad,sister, brother,uncle, aunt, grandparents, etc., just download thisapp now to doit in an easy and quick way. - For your couple: Ifinstead, whatyou’d like to send are birthday cards to congratulateyour couple,call it boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife, thisprogramfeatures one of the best and most interesting ideas tocomplimentyour couple. - For your friends: If you are looking forthe besthappy birthday messages for your friends, this app willdefinitelyhelp you out with this task as you’ll be able tocongratulate themfrom your cell phone in a very original and funnyway. Do you havea notification of someone’s birthday on your socialnetwork? Inthis case you can use this app with the best happybirthday quotesto wish that person the very best on this specialday. And if youforgot to send your greetings to someone the day ofher/hisbirthday, ¿what better way to do it than sending them avirtualcard to say “congratulations” in an amusing way? With thisapp, youcan send your best wishes through any instant messageprogram. Thefeatures don’t end up here though, bear in mind thatall images orcards that you’ll find can be shared via socialnetworks. Also, youcan send a birthday SMS or just use any otherapp on your cel phoneor tablet. You can send birthday Greetings toall those you careabout the most with this incredible app. We aresure you will loveit. Best of all is that you don’t even have tothink on how tocongratulate that person or which words you must useas we’vecreated some of the most charming happy birthday cards soyou justhave to send them out. We hope you enjoy this funnybirthday wishesapp, if you liked it, please leave a positivecomment in order tohelp us adding new birthday cards to cheer yourfriends. Legalnotice: All birthday pictures included in this apphave beenexclusively created by designers for MuchoApps, therefore,thecomercial use of any image within the app is prohibited withouttheprior consent of MuchoApps. Images from public domain havebeenused for some photomontages, as they are not identified in anywaythat states the reserved exploitation of such. Any natural orlegalperson, who appears to be the owner of any imagescontainedtherein, may accredit it via email,committing ourselves to the immediate withdrawalof the image afterverification of the protected photo ownership.
Happy Birthday with Music 2.8
Congratulates the Birthday day with customized music.
Talking Ginger 2
Outfit7 Limited
It’s time for some birthday fun!
Musical Happy Birthday Sounds 2.4
Congratulate the Birthday of yours from this original way
Felicitaciones De Cumpleaños 2
¡Cumplir un año más de vida!Esteacontecimientoes un regalo divino de nuestro creador celestialyes el momento másoportuno, para que puedas expresar losmásprofundos sentimientos atus familiares y amigos, con losmáshermosos mensajes y deseos decumpleaños y muchas cosas más, queteofrece esta maravillosa app“felicitaciones de cumpleaños”.En esta atractiva aplicación, hemos creado una grancoleccióndefrases y carteles (invitaciones de cumpleaños) asícomotambiéndetalles ocurrentes y tiernas para tunovio,osencillamentepara enviar tarjetas de felicitacionesclásicasa algúnconocido que no quieras dejar pasar poralto.vPARA UNA AMIGA: Una amiga es un tesoromuyapreciadoporque siempre nos ofrece su amistadincondicional.Puedeshomenajear el nacimiento de tu querida amiga,enviándole conestaapp, hermosas tarjetas de cumpleaños, queexpresen tuintensoagradecimiento por ofrecerte su bellaamistadvPARA UN AMIGO: A través de esta fantásticaapp,podrássaludar de forma original y divertida a ese ser aquientantoaprecias y por ende tu quieres manifestarle toda tualegría ydichapor estas acompañándolo en el dia de suonomásticovFELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS AMOR: De una forma muysencillayeficaz, puedes hacer este día de cumpleaños inolvidableparatuamada pareja, gracias a nuestra apps dondeencontraraspreciosaspostales y tarjetas de cumpleaños parafelicitar atuencantadora pareja, y demostrarle de una forma muyoriginal,tumás profundo amor.vPARA PAPÁ: A esa figura tan especial, querepresentaentu vida una combinación de razón y sentimientos, conestagenialapp, puedes hacerle llegar una hermosa tarjetavirtualdefelicitaciones para decirle en palabras, cuanto lo quieresensudía onomástico. No lo pienses mas y envía una denuestrosbellosmensajes para saludar a tu padre cpm muestras bellasfrasesparacumpleaños que hemos preparado para tivPARA MAMÁ:Demuéstrale a mami que la quieresmuchoconeste textos bonitos y originales para festejar a tu mami.Deseguroencontraras el pensamiento que tanto has estadobuscandoparadedicárselovPARA NIÑOS: SI lo que buscas son tarjetas para niñosde1año, 3 años, etc pues no dudes en usar nuestras tarjetasconimágenesdivertidas, ideales para homenajear anuestrosencantadores niños conestas bellas y hermosas frasesdededicatorias para saludarlo perosobretodo para festejarlovDIVERTIDOS Y ALEGRES: Para homenajear lasfechasdenacimiento de tus familiares, allegados y amigos,muchaspostales,así como tarjetas de cumpleaños divertidasyalegres; yagasajar a esos seres tan importantes en tuvida.Encuentra en estaaplicación, distintas formas para desearles,quetengan uncumpleaños feliz.No esperes y descarga ya esta divertida aplicación ycomienzaacompartir a través de las redes sociales,esosdistinguidosmensajes de “Feliz cumpleaños” en español, conimágenesy/otarjetas divertidas, con todos aquéllos seres que dealgunaformaestán presentes en tu vida. Esta herramienta teresultarásúperútil también, para felicitar instantáneamente a laspersonas,cadavez que recibas notificaciones de facebook de quealguienseencuentra de cumpleaños.¡Enhorabuena¡ ha llegado esta aplicación“Felicitacionesdecumpleaños” para hacerte la vida máspráctica cuandoquierasdesearle un feliz cumpleaños a algún serespecial, ya quecadamensaje y diseño de sus tarjetas, están llenosdeoriginalidad,sentimiento, diversión y mucha alegríaparacompartir.One Year Meetmorethanlife! This event is a divine gift from our heavenly creatorandisthe most opportune time, so you can express the deepestfeelingstoyour family and friends with the most beautifulmessagesandbirthday wishes and much more, offering you thiswonderfulapp"birthday greetings".This attractive application, we have created a largecollectionofphrases and posters (birthday invitations) as well aswittyandtender details for your boyfriend , or simply tosendcardclassic congratulations to a colleague you do notwanttooverlook.v TO A FRIEND: A friend is atreasureappreciatedbecause it always offers his unconditionalfriendship.You canhonor the birth of your dear friend, sending himwith thisapp,beautiful birthday cards that express your deepappreciationforyour beautiful friendshipofferv TO A FRIEND: Through this fantastic app,yougreetoriginal and fun way to that being who bothappreciateandtherefore you want to express all your joy and blissbytheseaccompanying him in the dayofhisbirthdayv HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE: In a very simpleandeffectiveway, can make this day unforgettable birthday foryourbelovedpartner, thanks to our apps where you will findpreciouscardsand birthday cards to congratulate your lovelycouple , andshow avery original way, yourdeepestlove.v FOR DAD: that special figure which representsinyourlife a combination of reason and feelings, with thisgreatapp, canbringing you a beautiful virtual greetings card totell inwords ,as you want in your nameday. Do not hesitate and sendoneof ourbeautiful messages to greet your father cpmbeautifulexamplessentences for birthdays we havepreparedforyouv FOR MOM: Mommy Show him that you love a lotwiththisbeautiful and original texts to celebrate your mom. Surelyyoufindthe thought that both have beenlookingtodevotev FOR CHILDREN: If you are looking for arecardsforchildren 1 year, 3 years, etc. then feel free to use ourcardswithfunny images, ideal to honor our lovely childrenwiththesebeautiful and beautiful phrases dedications to greet himbutaboveall to celebratev fun and upbeat: To honor the birthdatesofyourfamily, relatives and friends, many postcards andfunnybirthdaycards and cheerful ; and entertain those importantthingsin yourlife. Find in this application, different ways towish, haveaHappy Birthday .Do not wait and download now this fun app and startsharingthroughsocial networks, those distinguished messages"HappyBirthday" inSpanish, with images and / or funny cards, withallthose thingsthat somehow are present in your lifetime. Thistoolwill find itsuper useful too, to congratulate peopleinstantly,every time youreceive notifications of facebook issomeonebirthday.Enhorabuena¡ arrived this application "CongratulationsBirthday"tomake life more convenient when you want to wish a happybirthdaytoa special one, as each message and design your cards, arefulloforiginality , feeling, fun andjoytoshare.
Birthday wishes 6.0.2007.2
Always be able to send your friends best birthday wishes withoutapp!
Birthday Cards 3.0
Happy Birthday Ecards is an app designedtosend e-cards in an easy and free.We have prepared a complete collection with best wishes andimagesin English and Spanish on her birthday to surprise yourfriends.You can forward your own pictures with the bestquotes.With this app, you can surprise your loved ones throughanyapplication messaging or social networks.♥ Images: Choose the card you like for your social networks.♥ Your Image + Wishes: Select the image or photo fromyourgallery you prefer and add the desire to spend more like yousharein your social networks and greet friends.With this app, you can celebrate the birthday of yourfriends,family or couple through any application messaging orsocialnetworks.If you liked help us by giving us a good opinion. Thank you.Note: The images and wishes are selected from opensourcesdistribution, if you believe that any of the contents shownyoubelong or have copyright, please let us know kidssmile4apps@gmail.compledgingto withdraw immediately once proven. Thank you.In summary:It is a simple, easy and intuitive app.It allows sharing phrases and images with your loved ones.It's free.This app contains advertisingThis application works even without Internet connection *.* Except for sending images and phrases that have remainedslowuntil connection available.
Feliz Cumpleaños
Fonti Apps
Feliz CumpleañosLas Frases y tarjetas mas increíbles para alegrar cumpleañosycelebraciones.Hermosas frases y dedicatorias para felicitar a nuestrosseresqueridos.Y puedes compartirlas por tu red social favoritaPuedes enviar tu imagen o postal de feliz cumpleaños por turedsocial favorita a quién quieras felicitar en su día con unabonitatarjeta de felicitación.Algo que nunca debe faltar es un buen saludo decumpleañospersonalizado con las opciones que te brinda estaaplicación" Novedad:"Ahora puedes crear tus propios diseños tienes un potente editoratu disposición, añadir textos, crear frases divertidas odefelicitación es muy fácil, además tienes unos alegres yestupendosstikers o pegatinas para completar tus creaciones, y todoesto deuna manera sencilla rápida e intuitiva.Solo tienes que ir a las sección hazlo tú mismo escoger el fondoquemás te guste, escribe tu texto, coloca tus stikers guarda yenvíaasí de fácil.- Sencillo, rápido, intuitivo, elegir y compartir.- Envía gratis a tus amigos, contactos y familiares.- La aplicación permite la instalación en la SD.- Podrás guardar tus imágenes favoritas en la tarjeta SD.- Pulsa sobre el icono compartir para enviar la postal a travésdecualquier red social.- Establece como fondo de escritorio la imagen que mas te gusteconun solo clic.- Esta aplicación contiene publicidad.- Esta aplicación es Totalmente gratis.- Esta aplicación necesita de conexión a InternetHappy BirthdayPhrases and most incredible birthday celebrations tocheercards.Beautiful phrases and dedications to congratulate ourlovedones.And you can share them on your favorite social networkYou can send your picture or postcard happy birthday foryourfavorite social network who want to congratulate you on yourdaywith a nice greeting card.Something that should never miss is a good personalizedbirthdaygreeting with options that gives you this application"New"Now you can create your own designs you have a powerfuleditorat your disposal, add text, create fun phrases or card isvery easy,you have a happy and great stikers or stickers tocomplete yourcreations, and all this in a simple fast way andintuitive.Just go to the section it yourself choose the background youlike,write your text, place your stikers stores and sosendseasy.- Simple, fast, intuitive, choose and share.- Send free your friends, contacts and family.- The application allows installation on SD.- You can save your favorite images on the SD card.- Click on the icon to send the postcard to share via anysocialnetwork.- Set as wallpaper image that you like with one click.- This application contains advertising.- This application is totally free.- This application requires Internet connection
Name On Birthday Cake & Photo 16.5
Galaxy Launcher
Make Every Birthday Special with Our Name On Birthday Cake&Photo App
Happy Birthday Greeting Cards - Stickers 1540 v3
Juvasal Apps
Are you looking for a fun and creative way to celebrateyourfriendsor family’s birthday? We offer you the best way tosay‘HappyBirthday’. Design custom birthday cards with lovelymessagesandstickers on them. Add your personal messages and winyourfriend’sheart! Make your birthday wish to be memorable. Weoffer abigcollection of backgrounds, wallpapers and stickers todecoratethepictures of your good memories with your friends orfamily onyourbirthday. A quick and easy way to create acustomizedlovelybirthday greeting cards and write on your photos; •Upload animagefrom your gallery or take a new photo • Select fromourhighquality ‘Happy Birthday’ gallery backgrounds • Choosefromourlovely birthday party stickers • Write on your photosoraddmessages with our text editor and generate yourcustomizedbirthdaygreeting card • Set as wallpaper or background
Happy Birthday Cards 3.0
Create your own personalized birthday greetings
Feliz Cumpleaños 2.3
Happy Birthday Free. Birthday images ready to send 🎁
Frases de Feliz Cumpleaños 1.1
Frases de Cumpleaños, es una aplicaciónquecontiene frases con felicitaciones de cumple para tu amor,amigos,papa, mamá, hijo, hija, sobrino, sobrina, cuñado, cuñada,abuelo,abuela, yerno, nuera, suegro, suegra, y para todas laspersonas quetu quieras dar un mensaje en su cumpleaños.Además que puedes ingresar a Facebook ahí mismo, tiene unjuego,un chat, donde puedes chatear con otros usuarios quedescarguen laaplicación, puedes calcular cuántos días estásviviendo desde quenaciste y cuántos falta para tu próximocumpleaños.Diviértete con esta aplicación y déjame tus comentarios!Birthday phrases, isanapplication that contains phrases complies with congratulationsforyour love, friends, father, mother, son, daughter, nephew,niece,brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, son, daughter,father,mother, and all the people you want to give a message onhisbirthday.In addition you can access Facebook right there is a game, achatwhere you can chat with other users to download theapplication, youcan calculate how many days you are living sinceyou were born andhow many take to your next birthday.Have fun with this app and leave me your comments!