Top 14 Games Similar to Musto Speed Challenge

Vendée Globe 2016 2.1.7
Netco Sports Group
Thanks to the official Vendée Globe2016application, prepare yourself to follow the mostimpressivesingle-handed non-stop round-the-world race with noassistance forall skippers.This app allows you to:- Follow all the news on the Vendée Globe preparation- Access to the skippers info, attendees and preregistered- Get information on the previous editions of the race- Connect yourself to the eshop- Prepare your venue at Les Sables d’Olonne- Share your feelings thanks to the official social networks(FB,Twitter, Instagram) of Vendée Globe.
The Ocean Race 3.0
The Ocean Race
The Ocean Race – the leading round-the-world sailing race
RaceTac Trial Version 2.77
Hubbard Software
30 day trial version of RaceTac for Sailboat Racing
JP Dick 0.1.6
Absolute Dreamer
Suivez les actualités dunavigateurJean-PierreDick, skipper de l’Imoca StMichel-Virbac lorsde sesparticipationsaux courses comme la Transat Jacques Vabre 2015(leHavre – Itajai)et le Vendée Globe 2016 (tour du mondeensolitaire, sans escale audépart des Sables d’Olonne).Retrouvez l'ensemble des photos, vidéos, tweets deJean-Pierreainsique ses positions lors de ses courses au large.Originaire deNice,Jean-Pierre Dick est un skipper atypique.Vétérinaire deformationet diplômé du 3ème cycle d'HEC, Jean-Pierrea changé devie à 36 anspour se consacrer à sa passion de la courseau large.En 10 ans, leskipper a remporté 5 épreuves majeures enImoca :triple vainqueurde la Transat Jacques Vabre, doublevainqueur dela Barcelona WorldRace, champion du monde Imoca 2010.Lenavigateur a aussi été éluMarin de l'année 2011. En2013,Jean-Pierre termine 4ème du VendéeGlobe après plus de 2643millesparcourus sans quille. Le 6 Novembre2016, Jean-Pierreparticiperaà son 4ème Vendée Globe à bord de sonnouvel ImocaStMichel-Virbac(construit en 2014 – 2015) il espèreque « ce VendéeGlobe seracelui de la vague parfaite ».Follow thebrowserNewsJean-Pierre Dick, skipper of the IMOCA stmichel-Virbacduringhisparticipation in races such as the Transat Jacques Vabre2015(LeHavre - Itajai) and the Vendée Globe, 2016 (round theworldsolonon-stop from Les Sables d'Olonne).Find all the photos, videos, tweets Jean-Pierre and itspositionsinits offshore races. A native of Nice, Jean-Pierre Dickisanatypical skipper. Veterinary training and a graduate ofthe3rdcycle of HEC, Jean-Pierre has changed life at age 36todevotehimself to his passion for racing. In 10 years, theskipperhas won5 major events in Imoca: triple winner of theTransatJacquesVabre, twice winner of the Barcelona World Race,IMOCAWorldChampion 2010. The browser was also elected Sailor oftheYear2011. 2013, Jean-Pierre finished 4th in the Vendée Globeaftermorethan 2,643 miles covered without keel. On November6,2016,Jean-Pierre will make his fourth Vendée Globe on boardhisnewImoca stmichel-Virbac (built in 2014-2015) he hopesthat"thisVendée Globe will be that of the perfect wave."
PRB Voile - Vincent Riou 20
Sidunis - Groupe FBO
Consacrée au projet de Vincent RiouvainqueurduVendée Globe 2004-2005. Le skipper participe àl'édition 2014 deLaRoute du Rhum au départ de Saint-Malo (France).Retrouver touteslesactualités, les positions et vacations deVincent.On the projectforVincentRiou winner of the Vendée Globe 2004-2005. Theskippertakes part inthe 2014 edition of the Route du Rhum fromSaint-Malo(France). Findall news, positions and hours ofVincent.
OGC Nice (Officiel) 1.2.27
There she is! Highly anticipated, this is the newofficialapplication of OGC Nice!
スマホでヨットレース NetLogger 2.52
It is an application for yacht racing on a smartphone. This isanapp for sending ship positions, so you don't need it to watchracesand wakes.
AS Monaco 4.13.40
AS Monaco FC SA
The fans for AS Monaco!
Sailing Regatta CantieRIuniti 2.00020
The application tracks your sailingperformancesailing and manages social regatta.Management to real and compensated time (rating).Challenge other sailors and compete against yourself withrealsocial regattas.The application uses GPS technology to track and measure yourraces(speed, time, edges, turns, etc.), helping you to improveyoursailing performance. The application allows you to define yourownregatta fileds, monitoring the performance ofallparticipants.Each perfromance is communicated to other participants via emailandtelephone notifications in order to stimulatefurtherimprovements.The application provides its own performances and theoverallranking of all participants. This ranking results can beincludedwithin any website through a simple direct link.
Regatta basic & start timer 1.20
Regatta Tactic Compass displaystherelevantinformation that helps you to optimize the sailing routetothetarget waypoint.The new release adds many features for optimal approachingtothestart line.A minimun display resolution 400*240 is required.The following information are provided in a glance.1) When navigating to the next waypoint (see figure 1):- target waypoint bearing (orange point)- target waypoint air distance (orange number on top right)- real boat speed (red number on top right)- real wind direction (blue arrow)- layline position (green line)- distance to layline (red number on top left)- distance along layline (green number)- total distance to target waypoint (red number onbottom=distanceto layline + distance along layline)- effective speed to target (red number on bottom)- polar diagram of effective speed2) When approaching the start line (see figure 2):-start line position as bearing of right and left ends(greenarcand red and green points)-boat route and its intersection with start line(reddottedline)-distance to the nearest point of start line (orange numberontopleft)-distance to the start line along current route (green numberonthetop left)-time to start line with current route and speed (green numberonthebottom center)-time to the nearest point of start line with currentspeed(orangenumber on the bottom center)-count down timer (blue number on the bottom center)All you have to do is to insert the waypoint positionandwinddirection then Regatta will display the route totargetwithlayline and polar diagram of effective boat speed.The polar diagram is not the usual polar diagram that isaboatintrinsic. The effective speed is the airline distancetotargetdivided by the estimated time to target, given thecurrentroutegoing to layline and then to target along thelayline.Theeffective speed is an index of effectiveness of routeandvarieswith the route angle. The polar diagram shows you whichistheroute angle that optimizes the time to targetandcompareseffective speeds for different angles.There are many ways to insert waypoints. You can do itmanuallyorusing a map or using Regatta as a bearing compass.You can find moreinfohere: Regatta Basic is a demonstration version limited in thenumberofwaypoints that can be memorized in the same time (max4including 2for start line) and in total number of waypoints(max30).Please leave your feedbacks and suggestions
Sailing Right of Way
Top Gallant
Avoid those embarrassing collisions with this simple drill !
Etape du Tour 1.3.0
Download the official 2017 Etape duTourapp!The Etape du Tour will take place on 16th July 2017.Get training, get motivated, compare your stats, the Etape duTourstarts here!Thanks to the official app, access loads of exclusivecontent:- Unprecedented comparative statistics with others registeredforthe race by age, sex and country- Motivational challenges to be accepted and great prizes tobewon- Training stats of your favourite riders- Share your preparation on social networks with#LEtapeDuTour It couldn’t be easier to join in: connect your usual riding apptoretrieve your training sessions, the system will do allthecalculations. All you need to do is play around withthedifferent screens!You are not a rider? Be a supporter!With the official app you can followand support yourfavourite riders during theirtraining.
FFTT 163
The official app for everything about the French Table Tennis
マークはどこだ!? ヨットレースナビ 1.0.0
FLEET Co.,Ltd.
ヨットレースや船舶でのクルージングに便利なナビアプリあらかじめ目的地(経由地)の緯度経度を入力するだけで距離(マイル)と方角を表示します。目視できないマークや遥か彼方の目的地へ正確にアプローチ!スマホ・アプリなので、操船中でも片手で操作や確認がカンタン♪オフショアレースに、クルージングに大変役立ちます!■かんたん操作 あらかじめ目的地(経由地)の緯度経度を入力するだけ 3種類(DMS,DMM,DEG)対応なので、面倒な計算は不要 現在地の登録はボタン押下だけでカンタンに登録■すぐれた視認性 表示させたい座標を拡大表示できます。 操船中で手が離せない時でも片手で瞬時に確認できます。■複数の目的地(経由地)登録 複数の目的地(経由地)を登録できるのでオフショアレースに最適!※1.距離は海里(nautical mile 1852 m)表示※2.緯度経度は北緯、西経のみ対応(南緯、西経には対応してません)※3.GPSからの電波受信が不安定な場合、目的地への距離と方角が正しく表示されないことがあります。  その場合は「更新」ボタンをお使いください。