Top 11 Apps Similar to My bbf

Prostate Aerobics 1.5
BEST PC MUSCLE WORKOUT EVERPROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT-QUICKER RECOVERY FROM POST SURGICALERECTILEDYSFUNCTION (ED) AND LOSS OF BLADDER CONTROLELIMINATE FREQUENT SLEEP TIME URINATION *REDUCE YOURENLARGEDPROSTATE (BPH)* ENJOY STRONGER ERECTIONS-MORE POWERFULORGASMSGentleman, are you losing your sex drive? it’s time to MANUP.TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR FAMILY JEWELS.400,000 prostate cancer surgeries performed in the USA, 100millionmen worldwide facing prostate cancer, incontinence &loss oflibido.Surgeons recommend PC Muscle Exercises (Kegels) before &aftersurgery. PC muscle exercises keeps your prostate healthy,yourlibido strong & supports prostate cancer surgical patientstorecover more quickly from Erectile Dysfunction andIncontinence.START THESE POWERFUL PC MUSCLE EXERCISES RIGHT NOW!RESULTS IN FOURWEEKS, WE GUARANTEE IT!
Kegel Workout: Exerciser 1.6
Tung SuperBird
★★★The most complete yet easy to use Kegel exercisesapparound★★★Ultimate Kegel trainer program that help you to doyourKegelexercises like a Pro! The most effective andscientificprovenexercise to make your pelvic floor muscle stronger.Strongpelvicfloor muscle is vital for well-being and health of menandwomenand Kegel exercise will help you to achieve that.Kegelexercisehowever can be confusing for some people and very easytoforget todo. And that's why this app is for: to help you to doyourKegelexercise correctly and remind you to do it. Topfeatures:★Workoutscreen with timer, text instruction, visual guideand/orvibrate toguide you to do Kegels exercise properly ★Preloadedwith4 rocksolid daily reminder programs that remind you to doyourkegelworkout wherever you are, waiting at bank, atofficehavingbusiness meeting, lunch or dinner at restaurant, homeorgarden, inthe car... ★You can change & set anyspecifictime(e.g. 2:15PM)you want to do your kegel workout ★Trackyourprogress, show youdetailed statistic and your improvement
PC-Muskel-Workout 1.1
Jahns and Friends AG
Ein trainierter Beckenboden ist auch für Männer eine gute Sache:DieDurchblutung im Penis wird gefördert sowie StandfestigkeitundAusdauer der Erektion erhöht. Sogar unfreiwilligerHarnverlustlässt sich damit reduzieren und wieder in den Griffbekommen.Einfach Anspannen! In der neuen PCW-App ("PC-Workout") vonTENA MENzeigt Sportmediziner Prof. Dr. Thomas Kurscheid, wie sichdiePC-Muskeln gezielt kräftigen lassen. Die Übungen sind einfachundkönnen überall, jederzeit und unbemerkt durchgeführt werden.AufWunsch erinnert die App täglich an die Übungen. Denn dasAnspannenund Entspannen der PC-Muskeln ist für Männer der besteWeg, zueinem Beckenboden aus Stahl.
*BLADDER CONTROL*BEST SEXUAL MUSCLE EXERCISE* INCREASESEXUALDESIRE* STOP LEAKING*NO MORE LINERS* *RESTORE VAGINALINTEGRITYThis APP is your personal trainer, physiotherapist, coach givingyoucertainty that you can be in control and take charge of yoursexualand urinary functions..It is completely private. She willremind youup to 3 times a day. She will put you through a completePC Workout.She does not allow you to forget, and she will motivateyou. Everywoman needs Kegel Girl. Ask yourself, are you reallygetting acomplete PC workout doing them anywhere, anytime,anyplace? Do youget distracted? Do you forget? Give yourself aKegel Girl gift Youwill have the Kegel habit and use it for therest of your life.Bladder control, we guarantee it.
Pelvic Floor First 1.2
ABOUT USThe Continence Foundation of Australia is the peak nationalbodyrepresenting the interests of the one in four Australiansaffectedby incontinence, their carers, families and clinicians.TheFoundation is a not-for-profit organisation, supported bytheAustralian Government under the National Continence Program,anddedicated to preventing incontinence and improving the qualityoflife of those affected by bladder and bowel controlproblems.Incontinence can be prevented, cured or better managed byfollowingthe right advice. To combat the large numbers ofpeopleexperiencing urinary leakage during exercise, theContinenceFoundation created the Pelvic Floor First program toeducateconsumers and fitness professionals about how to avoidpelvic floorproblems.Given research shows a strong link between certain kindsofexercises and pelvic floor problems, Pelvic Floor First aimstoencourage pelvic floor safe exercises to reduce the risk ofbladderand bowel problems. Exercises contained in this app are allpelvicfloor safe.Common signs that can indicate a pelvic floor probleminclude:• leaking urine when you exercise, laugh, cough or sneeze• needing to hurry to the toilet or not making it thereintime• constantly needing to go to the toilet• finding it difficult to empty your bladder or bowel• accidentally losing control of your bladder or bowel• a prolapse• pain in your pelvic area, or• painful sexAnyone experiencing any of these symptoms should seek advice fromahealth professional or phone the Continence Foundation’sNationalContinence Helpline 1800 33 00 66 to speak with acontinence nurseadvisor.The Continence Foundation recommends people embarking on anexerciseprogram should first consult with a healthprofessional.For more information about pelvic floor health, risk factorsandpelvic floor safe exercises, go to information about bladder and bowel health, or phone the National Continence Helpline 18003300 66. The Helpline is staffed 8am-8pm (AEST) Monday-Fridaybycontinence nurse advisors who provide advice, referralsandresources about incontinence to consumers and healthprofessionals.It is a free and confidential service managed by theContinenceFoundation of Australia on behalf of the AustralianGovernment.
Ejercicios de Kegel
sk10 Apps
Los ejercicios de Kegel se utilizanparacombatir la pérdida involuntaria de orina, tanto en hombrescomo enlas mujeres, para tonificar y fortalecer el músculollamadoPubiococcígeo, ubicado en el suelo pélvico.Otros beneficios de los ejercicios de Kegel son la mejoradelcontacto íntimo, ya que aumentan la circulación sanguínea yayuda alas mujeres a identificar los músculos implicados encontactoíntimo, y la lucha contra el vaginismo, que ocurre cuandouna mujercontrae los músculos de la vagina involuntariamente,evitandopenetración.Los ejercicios de Kegel durante el embarazo se utilizanparaprevenir o problemas tales como la incontinencia urinaria, quesonmuy comunes en este periodo debido al crecimiento del útero yelestiramiento del perineo durante la fase de expansión departonormal de combate también ser útil para facilitar la salida debebédurante el parto vaginal.En los hombres, los ejercicios de Kegel también sirven paracombatirla eyaculación precoz y para el tratamiento de ladisfuncióneréctil.Estos ejercicios fortalecen los músculos para que vuelvanafuncionar bien. Cuanto más trabajado , más fuertes serán.Vale la pena empezar a practicar en el embarazo. Es muchomásdifícil de aprender después del parto.El fortalecimiento de los músculos del suelo pélvicoproporcionamejor soportar el peso adicional del embarazo , ayudaráen lasegunda etapa del trabajo de parto y para aumentar lacirculación ,ayuda a la recuperación del perineo ( área entre lavagina y el ano) después del nacimiento del bebé por parto vaginal.Cuando se hace regularmente , estos ejercicios ayudan a prevenirlala incontinencia urinaria y prolapso.Otro de los beneficios para las mujeres es que cuando sefortalecenlos músculos del piso pélvico , hay una mayor oportunidaddealcanzar el orgasmo y tener una vida sexual mássatisfactoria.Los ejercicios de Kegel pueden realizarse de manera diferente,conla progresión y con la ayuda de equipos de fisioterapia, peroeneste caso un fisioterapeuta deben guiar losdetallespersonalmente.Espero haberos ayudado y que os sirvan de ayuda tanto como amuchasde nosotras.Kegel exercises areusedto combat the involuntary loss of urine in both men and women,totone and strengthen the muscle called Pubiococcígeo located inthepelvic floor.Other benefits of Kegel exercises are improving intimatecontactbecause they increase blood circulation and helps women toidentifythe muscles involved in intimate contact, and combatingvaginismusoccurs when a woman's muscles vagina involuntarily,preventingpenetration.Kegel exercises during pregnancy are used to prevent orproblemssuch as urinary incontinence, which are very common in thisperioddue to the growth of the uterus and stretching the perineumduringthe expansion phase of normal delivery of combat also beuseful forhelp deliver baby during vaginal delivery.In men, Kegel exercises also serve to combat prematureejaculationand for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.These exercises strengthen the muscles to return to work fine.Themore we worked, the stronger.Worth start practicing in pregnancy. It is much harder tolearnafter delivery.Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles provides better supporttheextra weight of pregnancy, help in the second stage of labor andtoincrease circulation, helps recovery of the perineum (areabetweenthe vagina and anus) after birth baby vaginally.When done regularly, these exercises help preventurinaryincontinence and prolapse.Another benefit for women is that when the pelvic floor musclesarestrengthened, there is a greater opportunity to reach orgasmandhave a more satisfying sex life.Kegel exercises can be done differently, with progression andwiththe help of physiotherapy equipment, but in this caseaphysiotherapist should guide the details personally.I hope I have helped you serve and help as much as many ofus.
Buttocks Fitness: Leg Exercises & Workouts 3.0.1
Kalrom Systems LTD
Best Butt Fitness is the ultimate bum fitness app which willgiveyou the best butt exercises training & toning. Get abrazilianbutt to make your glutes look the best in your bikini andreducecellulite. A fantastic way to achieve a bubble butt: - Themosteffective bum & buttocks exercises there are in onefitnessapp. - High quality smooth video demonstrations of buttexercises.- Flexible bubble butt workout: Set the time comfortablefor you toburn that cellulite. - Skip unsuitable buttocks,quadriceps &glutes exercises while training. - In-workout voicetrainercommentary. - Workout reminders of the twerking buttworkoutsessions. - Brazilian Butt workouts statistics. Best ButtWorkoutFitness includes all the best butt glutes, leg &buttocksexercises for the best fitness motivation: Squat,hamstrings,lunges, calf raises, hip raise, extension exercises, legcurls,abductors, dumbbell squat sumo squats, one leg tush squat,splitsquat & much more. No need for a gym! All of that inoneincredible motivation home gym training fitness app. Thistushtraining app includes different Brazilian butt exercisesvariationsof squats & lunges. Lose those love handles, build abubblebutt, get rid of cellulite & improve your keistertwerking.
Kegel Trainer - Exercises 9.2.18
Kegel exercise plan for an easy way to strengthen your pelvicfloormuscles!
FLEXI-BAR & XCO Workout 1.0
Egal ob RückenschmerzenoderGewichtsprobleme,ob Anfänger oder Profi, die neue AppvonFLEXI-SPORTS machtTraining überall möglich. Schon nach kurzerZeitwirst du denErfolg spüren. Erlebe dieses einmalige Trainingunderreiche einvöllig neues Körpergefühl. So effektiv kanndeinWorkout sein!- Prävention/Linderung von Rückenschmerzen- Beckenbodentraining- Haltungsverbesserung- Fettverbrennung- Schwangerschaftsrückbildung- Bindegewebefestigung- Ganzkörpertraining- 7-Tage-ProgrammeBeeindruckende Features:- Unzählige Übungsvideos von unseren Experten vorgeführt- 7-Tage Programme: Finde für deine BedürfnissedaspassendeTrainingsprogramm- Meine Übungen: Finde deine Lieblingsübungen heraus- Detaillierte Informationen zuunsereneinmaligenQualitätsprodukten- Trainerbereich: Informiere dich einfach und bequemüberdieneuesten Schulungen und Events in deiner Nähe undbleibemitunseren Experten in Kontakt- Statistik: Dein Trainingsfortschritt wirdgenaudokumentiert(Trainings-Historie, Gewichtstagebuch,BMI-Rechner,Fotogalerievorher/nachher)- Frag den Trainer: Du hast eine spezielle Frage zudeinemTraining?Wir beantworten dir sie gerneZögere nicht und hole dir diese geniale Trainings-App!Whether back painorweightproblems, whether beginner or professional, the newappfromFLEXI-SPORTS makes training possible anywhere. After ashorttimeyou will feel success. Experience this unique workout andgetacompletely new feeling. So effectively can be a work out!- Prevention / relief of back pain- Pelvic Floor Exercises- Improved posture- Fat burning- Pregnancy regression- Strengthening connective tissue- Full body workout- 7-day programsImpressive features:Demonstrated countless exercise videos of our experts -- 7-day programs to find for your needs therighttrainingprogram- My exercises: Find your favorite exercises out- Detailed information on our unique quality products- Coach area: Find out easy and comfortable on thelatesttrainingand events near you and stay in touch withourexperts- Statistics: your training progress is welldocumented(traininghistory, weight diary, BMI calculator, photogallerybefore /after)- Ask the Trainer: Do you have a specific questionaboutyourtraining? We'll gladly answer themDo not hesitate to get you this brilliant training app!
Bekkenbodem 3.1.2
Bekkenbodemproblemen raken heel veelmensen,mannen en vrouwen. Bekkenbodemspieren kunnen te zwak zijnenwaardoor urineverlies, verzakkingen of ontlastingsverlieskunnenontstaan. Bekkenbodemspieren kunnen ook te strak staan metpijn,urineweginfecties en seksuele problemen kunnen ontstaan. Omdatdebekkenbodem een grote spier is die men zelf kan oefenen is dezeappeen goede hulp. Op de app is ook aanvullende informatie overdebekkenbodem te vinden. Een professional (zoals degeregistreerdebekkenfysiotherapeut) kan bovendien een persoonlijkoefenprogrammainstellen passend bij de conditie van debekkenbodemspieren.Pelvic Problems aremany,many people, men and women. Pelvic floor muscles can be tooweak,and that can cause incontinence, prolapse or faecalincontinence.Pelvic Floor Muscles may arise are also tight withpain, urinaryand sexual problems. Because the pelvic floor is alarge musclethat can exercise itself, this app is a good help. Theapp can alsofind additional information on the pelvic floor. Aprofessional(such as registered pelvic physiotherapist) in additionset up apersonalized exercise program appropriate to the conditionof thepelvic floor muscles.
Kegel exercise 1.0
If you want to prepare for the upcoming maternity leave,toavoidsome gynecological problems or eliminate existing,recoverfasterafter childbirth, you just need this program. In whatisKegelexercises, what they do, how to run them, you can easilygetahandle on this program. Following the simple guidelines,usingtheconvenient timer and reminder, you can not only preventsomehealthproblems, but also to improve the quality of sexual life.