Top 11 Apps Similar to Avian Research

BirdsEye Bird Finding Guide 1.2.65
Find more birds, track your lists, get life birds! Ultimatebirdingfield guide.
Alcedo Ornitologia e Natura 1.3
Alcedo Srl
ALCEDO, Ornitologia e Natura è larivistaitaliana di Ornitologia, Ornitofilia e Fotografianaturalistica.Caratteristica di ALCEDO è la qualità degli articoli(redatti daallevatori specializzati), la completezza dellatrattazione el’elevata quantità di argomenti trattati, cui siaggiunge unanotevole attenzione al corredo iconografico, sia da unpunto divista quantitativo che, soprattutto, qualitativo. Alloscopo,ALCEDO si avvale della collaborazione di espertiallevatori,studiosi di ornitologia, fotografi naturalistici eveterinarispecializzati. Aspirazione di Alcedo, Ornitologia eNatura èprovocare un fermento culturale tale da promuovereunatrasformazione nel modo di allevare e detenere gliuccelli,diffondendo le più moderne tecniche d'allevamento e le piùrecentiacquisizioni scientifiche in tema di alimentazione, geneticaepatologia aviare. Questo favorirà l’ottenimento dirisultatinettamente migliori per l’allevatore, e non ultimomigliorerà lecondizioni di vita degli uccelli sia in cattività cheinnatura.ALCEDO, OrnithologyandNature is the Italian magazine of Ornithology, OrnitofiliaandNature photography. Feature ALCEDO is the quality of thearticles(prepared by specialized breeders), the completeness ofthetreatment and the high amount of topics, which addsconsiderableattention to iconographic, both from a quantitativepoint of view,especially, qualitative . In order, ALCEDO employsexpert breeders,scholars of ornithology, nature photographers andveterinaryspecialist. Aspiration of Alcedo, Ornithology and Natureis causecultural ferment that promotes a transformation in the wayofraising and keeping birds, spreading the most modernbreedingtechniques and the latest scientific findings on thesubject ofnutrition, genetics and avian pathology. This willfacilitateobtaining significantly better results for the farmer,and notleast improve the living conditions of the birds both incaptivitythan in the wild.
Ornitología Práctica 1.1
Ornitología Práctica es una revistabimensualespecializada en Ornitología y Canaricultura, con más de10 años depublicaciones ornitológicas en nuestra versión impresa.Ahora porfin en versión digital, con impresionantes imágenes enaltaresolución, nuevos vídeos con entrevistas,concursos,charlasveterinarias,cría en cautividad..., acceso integrado en weby redessociales. Hay disponible un número de prueba gratuito.Descubre todo lo que necesitas saber sobre:·Canarios de Color,·Canarios de Postura,·Pájaros exóticos,·Psitácidos·Pájaros de fauna europea·Híbridos·Mutaciones·Veterinaria·Alimentación·Concursos·Bricolaje·Divulgación OrnitológicaPractice Ornithology isabimonthly magazine specializing in ornithology andCanaricultura,with over 10 years of ornithological publications inour printedversion. Now finally in digital format withstunninghigh-resolution images, new videos with interviews,contests,lectures veterinary, breeding ..., integrated web andaccess socialnetworks. There are available a toll-free test.Find out all you need to know about:· Color Canaries,· Posture Canarios,· Exotic Birds,· Psittacine· European wildlife Birds· Hybrid· Mutations· Veterinary· Food· Contests· DIY· Ornithological Disclosure
Vogel Id Schweiz - Gartenvögel identifizieren v3
Sunbird Images
*** Vogel Id Schweiz ist ein Vogelbestimmungsführer derhäufigsten115 Vogelarten der Schweiz inklusive aller Vogelstimmen.DasGartenvogel-App der Schweiz - leicht verständlich für AnfängerundFortgeschrittene *** Die Auswahl der Arten erfolgte hiernichtzufällig wie bei anderen Vogel-Apps sondern beschreibt die115tatsächlich am häufigsten gesehenen Vogelarten - belegtdurchjährliche Vogelzählungen. Anders als andere Vogelführerliegtdiesem Vogel App ein von promovierten OrnithologenentwickeltesBestimmungsschema zugrunde welches durch dieBeantwortung von 7Fragen tatsächlich zum gewünschten Vogel und derAuswahl ähnlicherArten führt. Das Besondere: Um Vögel präzise zubestimmen istkeinerlei Vorwissen oder vogelkundliches Fachwissenvonnöten! Ganzmaßgeblich helfen bei der Bestimmung der Vögel diesehr gutenBilder, die alle Vogelarten in ihrer natürlichenUmgebungabgelichtet zeigen und von renommierten FotografenderNaturfotoagentur SUNBIRD IMAGES stammen. Dabei wurde austausendenBildern ausgewählt um eine möglichst sichere Bestimmungder Vögelzu ermöglichen. Die sorgfältige Auswahl der Bilder ist fürdieBestimmung essentiell. Dem Käufer nutzen Vogelbilder bei denenderVogel nur von vorne abgebildet ist bei der Bestimmung wenig, wieesbei vielen zum Teil deutlich teureren Apps der Fall ist. AuchdieVogelstimmen helfen die Gesänge der Vögel zuidentifizieren.Umfangreiche Texte zur Beschreibung, Ähnlichkeitenund Ökologie undviel mehr runden dieses Vogel App ab. Dabei sinddie Texte beidieser App nicht allgemein auf die Vögel Mitteleuropasoder garEuropa ausgedehnt sondern wurden speziell für dieSchweizgeschrieben. Dies gilt unter anderem für diePopulationsgröße,Häufigkeit, Status und die Bestandsentwicklung.Besondere Features:- Vogelstimmen aller Vögel - Zählungen zufolgedie 115 häufigstenVogelarten der Schweiz - Top Bestimmungsschlüssel- umfangreicheBeschreibungstexte - Fotos zu jeder Art, zu vielenArten auchWeibchen und Sommerkleid, bzw Winterkleid zumbesserenidentifizieren und bestimmen - Volltextsuche nachStichwörtern -jede Vogelart kann mit GPS Daten auf einer Karte mitFähnchenpunktgenau markiert werden - graphisch wohlgestaltetesLayout VogelId Schweiz kann auch für das Führen vonpersönlichenBeobachtungslisten verwendet werden. Vogel Id befindetsich inständiger Entwicklung. In Zukunft werden dem Bestandweitereheimische Vogelarten, Bilder und Vogelstimmen zumBestimmenzugefügt. Besuchen Sie unsere Internet Support-Seite fürmehrInformationen oder "liken" Sie uns Wir freuen uns, wenn IhnenunsereApp gefällt!
BirdTrack Legacy 1.30
***UK and Ireland BirdTrackRecordsOnly***An app to collect lists and casual records for BirdTrackuserswithin the UK and Ireland. Records can be collected offline,andthen verified and uploaded later, when convenient. GPSintegrationincluded (when switched on!) and helpful local species&location hotspot viewers, and personal lists and targets, makethisa useful app for any birdwatcher in the UK and Ireland.To connect with the BirdTrack database users MUST haveaBirdTrack account (free). Please visit the BirdTrackwebsite( to register (included inhelpdocumentation).http://www.birdtrack.netBrought to you through a partnership between BTO, RSPB,BirdWatchIreland, SOC and WOS
Birds of Trinidad and Tobago 1.0
The Birds of Trinidad and Tobago MobileAppisgeared at targeting tourists, foreign birdersandbirdwatchers,ornithologists as well as locals who may not knowofthe beautifuland rare birds found in their very own twinislands.It is for bothdomestic and foreign use. It encompasses theavifaunaof Trinidadand Tobago, that is the birds specific to thisregionandgeographic space. The app will educate, entertain aswellasprovide an interactive means for bird watchers tomakenotesalongside the photos about their favorite birds seen andwheretheysaw it.The mobile app will feature high quality, expert photosofbirdsand endemic species of Trinidad and Tobago such asTheTrinidadPiping Guan also known as Pawi and TrinidadMotmot(Momotusmomota). The locations where you can find these birdswillalso beprovided alongside a map to view as well.Each photo will also have displayed a description of eachbirdaswell as the characteristics of the birds such astheHabitats,Anatomy and Physiology (feathers, color, size andsounds)andBehaviour / Habits (Diet; feeding and drinking,Breeding,andMigration).
eBird by Cornell Lab 2.8.5
eBird Mobile makes it easy to record thebirdsyou see in the field, and seamlessly link these observationswitheBird--a global online database of bird records used byhundreds ofthousands of birders around the world. This freeresource makes iteasy to keep track of what you see, while makingyour data openlyavailable for scientific research, education, andconservation.eBird Mobile is the only app that passes informationdirectly fromthe Android device to your eBird account on theweb.Features- Enter bird observations from any location around the world.- Full global taxonomy based on The Clements Checklist of Birdsofthe World.- Common names available in local languages (e.g., Portuguesenamesin Brazil or in Portugal).- Checklists customized for your location and time of year,showingmost likely species based on eBird data.- Rare species flagged during data entry and on thechecklist.- "Record as you go" functionality for incremental list keepingandcounting while birding.- GPS enabled location plotting to ensure accuracy.- Map tools that enable selecting from hundreds of thousandsofeBird "Hotspots."- Full offline functionality, enabling use in places with limitedorno Internet connection.- Entire app translated to Bulgarian, Danish, German,Spanish,French, Croatian, Khmer, Norwegian, Dutch, Polish,Portuguese,Serbian, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Chinese (Simplified),and Chinese(Traditional).
iBird Lite Free Guide to Birds
Mitch Waite Group2
Free Demo Guide to Birds of North America with the mostpowerfulsearch engine
Irish Birds 1.1
Michael Hearne
A Mobile App for Ireland's Birdwatchers Irish Birdshasinformationon 212 regularly occurring species of bird inIreland.Ideal forbirdwatching, with detailed information presentedabouteach birdincluding identification, breeding, diet,conservationstatus &wintering habits. You can record your birdsightings bybuilding upyour list, or you can create a wish-list offuture birdsightings.The app will record your location when youmake asighting, anddisplay markers on a map for each one and if youlike,you canshare your sighting through Twitter, Facebook ortextmessage.Irish Birds is a companion reference guide forthebirdwatchers ofIreland, whether you're a novice or anexperiencedbird enthusiast.Pictures from Wikipedia. Data fromBirdwatchIreland (noaffiliation).
Bird Codes 19.00
Chuck Graham
Provides four- and six-letter alpha codes for the 2098 speciesinthe AOU area.
Bird Atlas Mapstore 1.0
The Bird Atlas Mapstore Apppresentsbreedingand winter season distribution and change maps forallspecies,where data are available, from theBTO/BirdWatchIreland/SOC BirdAtlas 2007-11.