Top 15 Apps Similar to 6 מיליון משניות

Rambam Plus - Mishneh Torah 2.6.0
Mifal Mishneh Torah
Rambam Plus - All Mishneh Torah in the palm of your hand for free!
Mishnayot (Beta) 1.1
Pocket Apps
All Mishnayot with Hebrew punctuation in averysimple and intuitive app .Including :* Browse easily between all 6 Sedarim of all tractates .* Your last learning location .* Save & Manage Bookmarks of your favorite chapters .* Search all Mishnayos for some word / phrase / chars .* Daily Chapter learning (coming soon) .
מידה כנגד מידה - המרת מידות 1.2
Silver Arrow
לומדים משנה או גמרא אבל לא מביניםאתהמידות?לא מצליח לדמיין סוכה של עשרה טפחים? "עץ גבוה 50 אמה"? כמה להלכהצריךלהיות אורך הלולב?בדיוק בשביל יש את "מידה כנגד מידה" - אפליקציה חינמית להמרתמידותחז"ל למידות מודרניות, בפשטות ובקליק אחד.מומלץ לכל לומד תורה, משנה וגמרא - תוכל להמיר את כל יחידות המידהשאתהנתקל בהן, כמו אמה, ביצה, עומר ועוד.פיצ'רים:* המרת מידות חז"ל על פי שלושת הדעות העיקריות (רמב"ם, ר' חייםנאהוהחזון איש)* פינת "מידה טובה" - פרטים נוספים על המידה אותה המרתם, כוללהגדרההלכתית ושימושים לדוגמה.זוהי אפליקציה חדשה ויתכנו תקלות, אם תרצו לדווח על תקלה, שגיאה,אולהציע נקודה לשיפור אשמח אם תיצרו איתי קשר במייל or Talmudstudy,but do not understand the measurements?Can not imagine sukkah ten spans? "50 tall tree mother"? Sometheoryshould be the length of the lulav?Just to have the "tit for tat" - a free application forconvertingmeasurements sages of modern sizes, simply and withoneclick.Recommended for studying Torah, Mishnah and Gemara - you canconvertany measurement units you come across them, like hermother, egg,Omar and more.Features:* Convert measurements sages according to the three mainviews(Rambam, Rabbi Chaim handsome man of vision)Corner of "good measure" - details the extent that theirconversion,including halakhic definition and exampleapplications.This is a new application and there may be problems, ifyoureport a bug, error, or offering point improvement would behappyif you create contact me by @
Javier Gomez Perez 0.1
La historia del genocidio nazicometidocontrala población judía europea entre 1933 y 1945The history oftheNazigenocide of European Jewry between 1933 and 1945
Amazing Jewish Facts Calendar 1.3.0
What did the Jews have to do with Columbus?Howabout Louis Armstrong?Where in the Talmud can you find a reference to airplanesandtelescopes?What are the top five inventions by Jews that you can’tlivewithout?What does Judaism say about Jesus?What does ancient Jewish wisdom have to say about how to makeyourspouse happy?Why didn’t they teach this stuff in Sunday school?Regardless of your Jewish background or knowledge, you willfindyourself amazed every day.The Amazing Jewish-Fact-a-Day Calendar is NOT merely trivia.Itincludes a wealth of ancient Jewish wisdom on life,relationships,ethics, and spirituality. You will also learn amazingthings aboutJewish history, religion, Torah, Hebrew language,philosophy,geography....even a bit of Jewish humor!Each day's fact includes links to further information. Somesaythat these links are the best part of the app - they includeonlinearticles, books on Amazon, and streaming audio and video thatyoucan enjoy right inside your device.Favorite Jewish Facts may be bookmarked and even emailed toyourfriends.Each day displays both Standard Date and Hebrew Date. As youcansee from the screen shots, each day also displays a coolimage.The Amazing Jewish Fact-a-Day Calendar will quickly become oneofyour favorite apps!(And out of 300,000 Android apps, guess which onekeepsShabbat?)
OnYourWay Yesod 32.0
OnYourWay Yesod App, Tora Mishna Gmara Siddur
Espacetorah 1.0
Espace Torah est un site de diffusiongratuitede Torah aux francophones du monde entier.Vous trouverez à l’intérieur de l’application :- Plus de 8000 cours vidéo en ligne de haute qualité- Une Web Tv proposant un programme chaque jour- L’étude du daf hayomi quotidienne- La Michna pour tous : une manière agréable d’apprendrelaMichna- Oneg Chabbat : Un fascicule hebdomadaire de divreiTorahtéléchargeable- La Halakha du jour : chaque jour pour bien commencersajournée- La question du jour, englobant tous les thèmes du judaïsme- La boutique en ligne : une sélection de livres- Des cours audioEspace Torah est actualisé chaque jour et traite de tous lesgrandsthèmes du judaïsme : Torah, moussar, pensée juive,actualité,histoire, éthique, conférences, fêtes juives, sciences etTorah,chalom bayit, guémara ....Le site est consulté dans le monde entier : France, Israël,EtatsUnis, Canada, Maroc, Belgique, Angleterre, Suisse ....Depuis sa création en 2007, 7.000.000 de visionnages ontétécomptabilisés !Espace Torah permet aux plus éloignés d'être en contact aveclejudaïsme et aux plus traditionnalistes de serenforcerdavantage.Entièrement gratuit et sans conditions d'inscriptionTorah space is afreedistribution of site Torah Francophone worldwide.You will find inside this app:- Over 8000 online video course high quality- A Web TV offering a program every day- The study of daily daf hayomi- The Mishnah for all: a nice way to learn the Mishnah- Oneg Shabbat: A weekly downloadable booklet divrei Torah- The Halakha for the day: every day to start his day- The question of the day, covering all the themes of Judaism- The online shop: a selection of books- Audio coursesTorah space is updated every day, and covers all the major themesofJudaism: Torah, Mussar, Jewish thought, news, history,ethics,conferences, Jewish holidays, science and Torah, shalombayit,Gemara ....The site is viewed around the world: France, Israel, USA,Canada,Morocco, Belgium, England, Switzerland ....Since its inception in 2007, 7,000,000 viewings wererecorded!Torah space allows more distant to be in contact with Judaismandthe most traditionalists to strengthen further.Completely free and without registration requirements
Jewish Times 1.0
Bnei Baruch
Jtimes (Jewish Times) is an onlinevideotalkshow with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman giving insightsintotopicsof prime relevance today, with emphasis on the Jewishpeople.Current Topics:* Jewish Assimilation* Social Media & Social Networks* Today's Paradigm Shift from Competition to Cooperation* Education* What Is Tikkun Olam?* The Collective Soul & The Jewish Soul* Children’s Integral Education* Living In Interdependent Times* Global Anti-Semitism* Why Is Anti-Semitism On The Rise?
Jewish Timeline - 6000 Years 3.00
Israel's history and heritage, from the creation of the world toourdays.
Torah de vie 1.0.10 présente, sous un largepanel,des cours de Torah en vidéo d’une durée moyenne de 15 mn,mises àjour régulièrement et abordant tous les sujets de la viemoderneselon les préceptes de nos Sages tels que la philosophie,l’analysebiblique, le couple, l’éducation, ou encore la mystiquejuive, etc…Les cours sont donnés par de nombreux intervenants engagésausein de la communauté.De par son approche et son message, est dédié àladiffusion des valeurs du judaïsme à la communauté francophone.Lesite internet est géré par une équipe de professionnels etlesenseignements sont à la portée de tous.Cette Application Mobile est destinée à faciliter l’accèsauxnouveaux cours diffusés chaque semaine. Aussi, grâce àl’ongletgéolocalisation, vous pouvez connaitre en temps réel lesévènementset conférences des intervenants de presents,ina wide range, Torah classes on video with an average duration of15minutes, updated regularly and covering all areas of modernlifeaccording to the precepts of our Sages such as philosophy,biblicalanalysis, couple, education, or Jewish mysticism, etc ...Courses are taught by many stakeholders involved inthecommunity.By its approach and message is dedicated tothedissemination of the values ​​of Judaism to theFrancophonecommunity. The website is managed by a team ofprofessionals andteachings are accessible to all.This Mobile Application is designed to facilitate access tonewcourses distributed each week. Also, thanks to geolocation tab,youcan know in real time the events and
DivineInformation Old
Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi
A new version of this applicationisavailableat: Mizrachi has spoke in more than 4000lectures,participatedin many weekend seminars, radio shows, andothers inEnglish andHebrew. Torah and Science, Life after Life, andmanymore. Video andAudios.
משניות חיים – לעילוי נשמות 1.16
Lior Kushmaro
A joint study of two secondary day can be finished in a shorttime,Shas year in memory of loved ones
OnYourWay Hallacha Machshava 18.0
OnYourWay (Uvelechtecha Baderech) the biggest Jewish booksappiscoming to the android world, On Your Way - the bigestfreejewishiphone hebrew reader, conatains: Shulchan Aruch,Tur,ShulchanAruch Harav, Sefer Hachinuch and lots of other books,ifthe Hebrewis LTR read the help for solution OnYourWay Fullversion(120MB)direct link: alsofind out in Google Play the other parts of OnYourWaywithcontainslots of other Jewish Books, Please note: Thesearchrequiresinternet connection twitter: @OYWapp
מידות בהלכה 1.1.1
Avi Ben David
Application conversion of all sizes, weights and classes inJewishlaw.
Visit USHMM 1.2.11
Plan your visit. Learn about exhibitionsondisplay. Listen to survivor testimonies, and view personalitemsstored in the Museum’s collections.Visit USHMM is designed to enhance your visit to theUnitedStates Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC.The app’s main features include:• My Visit – Create a personal itinerary drawn fromexhibitionsand events specific to the day of your visit.• Personal Stories – Explore the stories of individualswhoexperienced the Holocaust and refer to them throughout yourvisit.Discover more about them through items in ourcollections,including family photographs, personal artifacts, andvideos ofHolocaust survivors telling their stories.• Reflect and Share – Reflect on your experience. Learnmoreabout the exhibitions and share your experience withothers.We need your feedback! Please rate the app and leave a reviewinthe AppStore, or contact us at Visit USHMM app was made possible through thegeneroussupport of the Robert H. Smith Family Foundation.