Top 41 Apps Similar to Tafsir Ibn Kathir (English)

Тафсир ибн Касира 5.4
Comments to the Great Qur'an
Tafsir Ibn Kathir 1.2.4
MyWebAdmin Solutions
Biography of Hafiz Ibn Kathir Author of Tafsir Ibn KathirBytheHonored Shaykh `Abdul-Qadir Al-Arna'ut, may Allah protecthim.Heis the respected Imam, Abu Al-Fida', `Imad Ad-Din Isma'ilbin'Umarbin Kathir Al-Qurashi Al-Busrawi - Busraian inorigin;Dimashqi intraining, learning and residence. Ibn Kathir wasborn inthe cityof Busra in 701 H. His father was the Friday speakerofthevillage, but he died while Ibn Kathir was only four yearsold.IbnKathir's brother, Shaykh Abdul-Wahhab, reared him andtaughthimuntil he moved to Damascus in 706 H., when he was fiveyearsold.Ibn Kathir's Teachers: Ibn Kathir studied Fiqh-Islamicjurisprudence - with Burhan Ad-Din, Ibrahimbin`Abdur-RahmanAl-Fizari, known as Ibn Al-Firkah (who died in 729H).Ibn Kathirheard Hadiths from `Isa bin Al-Mutim, Ahmad binAbiTalib, (IbnAsh-Shahnah) (who died in 730 H), Ibn Al-Hajjar,(whodied in 730H), and the Hadith narrator of Ash-Sham (moderndaySyria andsurrounding areas); Baha Ad-Din Al-Qasim bin Muzaffarbin`Asakir(who died in 723 H), and Ibn Ash-Shirdzi, IshaqbinYahyaAl-Ammuddi, also known as `Afif Ad-Din, the ZahiriyyahShaykhwhodied in 725 H, and Muhammad bin Zarrad. He remainedwithJamalAd-Din, Yusuf bin Az-Zaki AlMizzi who died in 724 H,hebenefitedfrom his knowledge and also married his daughter. Healsoread withShaykh Al-Islam, Taqi Ad-Din Ahmad bin`Abdul-Halimbin`Abdus-Salam bin Taymiyyah who died in 728 H. Healso read withtheImam Hafiz and historian Shams Ad-Din, Muhammadbin AhmadbinUthman bin Qaymaz Adh-Dhahabi, who died in 748 H. Also,AbuMusaAl-Qarafai, Abu Al-Fath Ad-Dabbusi and 'Ali bin `UmarAs-Suwaniandothers who gave him permission to transmit theknowledge helearnedwith them in Egypt. In his book, Al-Mu jamAl-Mukhtas,Al-HafizAdh-Dhaliabi wrote that Ibn Kathir was, "TheImam, scholarofjurisprudence, skillful scholar of Hadith, renownedFagihandscholar of Tafsir who wrote several beneficial books."Further,inAd-Durar Al-Kdminah, Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar AlAsqalanisaid,"IbnKathir worked on the subject of the Hadith in the areasoftextsand chains of narrators. He had a good memory, hisbooksbecamepopular during his lifetime, and people benefited fromthemafterhis death." Also, the renowned historian AbuAl-Mahasin,JamalAd-Din Yusuf bin Sayf Ad-Din (Ibn Taghri Bardi),said in hisbook,AlManhal As-Safi, "He is the Shaykh, the Imam, thegreatscholar`Imad Ad-Din Abu Al-Fida'. He learned extensively andwasveryactive in collecting knowledge and writing. He was excellentintheareas of Fiqh, Tafsfr and Hadith. He collectedknowledge,authored(books), taught, narrated Hadith and wrote. Hehadimmenseknowledge in the fields of Hadith, Tafsir, Fiqh,theArabiclanguage, and so forth. He gave Fatawa (religiousverdicts)andtaught until he died, may Allah grant him mercy. He wasknownforhis precision and vast knowledge, and as a scholarofhistory,Hadith and Tafsir." Ibn Kathir's Death: Al-HafizIbnHajarAl-Asgalani said, "Ibn Kathir lost his sight just beforehislifeended. He died in Damascus in 774 H." May Allah grantmercyuponIbn Kathir and make him among the residents of HisParadise.
Quran Tafsir Ibne Kathir English & Arabic 1.3
The Right Way
Quran Tafsir Ibne Kathir Chapters - English Translation andTafsirbyHafiz Ibn Kathir. Quran Tafsir Ibne Kathir is easy waytounderstandQuran Kareem. The app has the English version ofTafsirIbn Kathy, Itried my best to provide you a better userexperience.It is our dutyto learn and understand Quran Karim withits propermeanings. So thisApp is a good opportunity for Muslimstounderstand Quran Karim inEnglish - Chapter wise. Features: -Fullbook is completelyoffline(No internet connection required). -Easyindexing of eachSura user can search for specific Sura. -Userfriendly design forChapter List and Details. - User canbookmarkspecific chapter toread it after. - User can share chapterdata tofriends usingdifferent social media like messages or etc. -Usercan customizeapplication Setting. - Multiple themeapplication,User can changeapplication theme as its own needs. -Keep ScreenOn while readingfunctionality never lets screen goesoff displaywhile, user canchange it. - Keep Track on last readChapters sothat You can trackwhich chapter you were reading lasttime. - Usercan customize ArabicLanguage like Text Size, TextStyle and TextColor. - User cancustomize English Language likeText Size, TextStyle and Text Color.**** Download this BeautifulIslamicApplication Quran Tafsir IbneKathir Chapters to readandunderstand Quran Karim Completely ****
تفسير الطبري الكامل 1.1
Arab Developers
Collector statement about the interpretation of the Koran, knownasTabari interpretation of the Koran is a book
Quran and Tafsir by Quran Acad 1.9.4
Quran Academy LLC
Quran Academy App for reading the Noble Quran with word bywordtranslations.
Tafseer al-Qurtubi 2.1
Tafseer al-Qurtubi - Complete Urdu Translation and Tafseer
Sahih Bukhari – All Hadiths 3.33
Quran Reading
The Collection of All Hadiths/Hadees Compiled by Imam Bukhari
Hadith Collection - All in One 3.1.2
Quarter Pi
Ultimate collection of Prophet Muhammad's (Peace Be UponHim)aHadith on Android
Quran By Subject 2.0.92
El Motaheda Web
Quran By Subject categorizes the Arabic verses of the Holy Quranbysubject.
Hadith Qudsi Arabic & English 1.8
My Qalam
Alhamdulillah, This book is a collection of 40 Hadith Qudsi.HadithQudsi differs from other hadeth in the sense that HadithQudsi arethe sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessingsof Allahbe upon him) as revealed to him by the Almighty Allah.Hadith Qudsi( Sacred Hadith) are named so because, unlike the otherAhadithwhich are sayings of Prophet, These hadith are considereddirectmessages from Allah, revealed to Prophet. Features: -Complete bookin Arabic language - Can change text font size - Dayand nightreading mode - Easy and quick index navigation - AutoBookmark(Last read topic & hadith) - No internet or onlineconnectionrequired for reading - Designed for both Android mobilephones andtablets Note: This free App is supported by Ads. JazākAllāh Khayr.
Ibn e Kaseer (Ibn Kathir) Urdu 5.2
Tafseer Ibn e Kaseer (Ibn Kathir) in Urdu with Word byWordTranslation
Tafseer-e-Haqqani 1.7
Tafseer-e-Haqqani - Quran Translation and Tafseer by MuhammadAbdulHaq Haqqani
تفسير البغوى 1.2
Arab Developers
معالم التنزيل في تفسير القرآن للإمام البغوى
Tibyan ul Quran - Maulana Ghulam Rasool Saeedi 2.1
Tafseer Tibyan ul Quran - Urdu Translation (Tarjuma) andTafseerbyMaulana Ghulam Rasool Saeedi. نام: تبیان القرآن مصنف:مولاناغلامرسول سعیدی Application Features: - Complete TafseerTibyan ulQuranby Maulana Ghulam Rasool Saeedi - Colored Word byWordQuranTranslation - Advance Search functionality inQuran,Translation(Tarjuma) and Tafseer - Latest Material Design UI- Five(5)Different Arabic Fonts - Four (4) Different Urdu Fonts-MultipleColor Themes - Customize Arabic Font Size and Color-CustomizeUrdu Font Size and Color - Save Unlimited Bookmarks-Continue fromLast Read Ayah - Share Ayah with or withoutQuranTranslation(Tarjuma) and Tafseer - Customize Layout:List/Slider -Quick Jumpto Ayah - Quick Jump to Ruku - Mushaf Mode:Recite QuranwithTranslation (Tarjuma) or Tafseer - TranslationMode: ReciteQuranTranslation (Tarjuma) only - Share Multiple Ayat -View RukuandPara information for every Ayah - Dark and Night themesforbetterreadability at Night - Ability to show/hide Word byWord,QuranTranslation (Tarjuma) and Tafseer Please share this appwithyourfamily and friends and give us your valuable feedbackonPlayStoreor via Email. Jazak Allah khair
Tafseer Ahkam ul Quran 1.7
Ahkam ul Quran - Imam Abu Bakr Al-Jassas - Complete 6 Volumes -UrduTranslation
Learn Ayatul Kursi - By Word 1.4
Quran Reading
Ayatul Kursi Learning Word By Word
Tafseer AlKauthar Urdu
Kauthar Informatics
Urdu Tafseer e Quran by Sheikh Mohsin Ali Najafi - اردو تفسیر قرآن
Tafseer Madarik-ut-Tanzil 1.7
Madarik-ut-Tanzil - Quran Translation and Tafseer byAbdullahAn-Nasafi
Tafseer Taiseer ul Quran 3.4
Taiseer ul Quran - Urdu Translation & Tafseer by MaulanaAbdurRahman Kilani
Tafseer As-Saadi 1.6
Tafseer As-Saadi - Complete Urdu Translation and Tafseer.
Tafseer Ruh ul Quran 1.9
Ruh ul Quran - Urdu Translation and Tafseer by Dr. MuhammadAslamSiddiqui
Sahih Bukhari - Urdu 2
Kor Academy
Mukhtasar Sahih Bukhari in Urdu. Noori Nastaleeq font.Easilyreadable font.
تفسير السعدى 1.1
Arab Developers
Karim Rahman facilitate the interpretation of the wordsMannanSheikh Abdul Rahman bin Nasser al-Saadi
Muwatta Imam Malik Arabic & English 1.4
The Right Way
Malik's Muwatta ("the well-trodden path") is a collection oftwoitems: the sayings and deeds of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) (alsoknownas the sunnah). The reports of the Prophet's sayings and deedsarecalled ahadith. The legal opinions and decisions of theProphet'sCompanions, their successors, and some later authorities.Featuresof this Muwatta Imam Malik Arabic & English app: ♦♦Completelyfree. ♦♦ Muwatta Imam Malik in Arabic and English. ♦♦User friendlydesign to understand easily. ♦♦ User can share Hadithsand todifferent social Media. ♦♦ Customize setting for Arabicfonts,style, size and color. ♦♦ Customize setting for Englishfonts,style, size and color. ♦♦ Application contains differentthemes aswell. Download this free Application today, Alwaysstayblessed.....
L'âme - ar-Rouh, Ibn Qayyim 1.0
The soul - ar-Ruh, Ibn Al-Qayyem Jawziyah
Mafatih al Jinan 1
Complete Mafatih Al Jinan - Arabic & English withBaqiyatusSwalehat.
Tafseer-e-Usmani 2.8
Tafseer-e-Usmani - Quran Translation and Tafseer by MaulanaShabbirAhmad Usmani
القرآن الهادي - مع تفسير (اهل 19.0
مصحف القرآن الكريم بتلاوات وتفسيرات متعددة
Alim Quran and Hadith Platform 3.5.0
Alim: Islamic knowledge software- Quran, Hadith, Prayer,Qibla,Zakat & Prophets
تفسير القرآن الكريم
Srh Dp Islam
تفسير القرآن الكريم
Tafseer-e-Baghwi 1.7
Tafseer-e-Baghwi - Quran Translation and Tafseer by Husayn binMasudal-Baghwi
Sunnah Helper (Islam) 1.0.18
Better Lifestyle Apps
Notifications for prayers, fasting, night/duha prayers andotherdeeds, widgets.
Al Quran: Translation, Transliteration & Audio 1.5
The Right Way
Al Quran: Translation, Transliteration & Audio isanamazingQuran app that beautifies your life with the blessingofreadingand listening to the Quran on the go. This version oftheauthenticAl Quran for Android offers a complete Quran intheelegantUthmanic script with audio recitations,translations,andtransliteration. The Quran القرآن‎ meaning "therecitation"; isthecentral religious text of Islam, which wasrevealed to MuhammadbyAllah الله‎. Quran is read and followed byMuslimsworldwide.Distinctive Features: Al Quran: ● Complete Quranwitheasynavigation as Surahs, Juz, Sajdahs & Stop Signs.●CompleteQuran with English Translation & Transliteration.●Read Quranin Mushaf Mode. ● Mark Verses as the Last ReadusingSingle TapFeature, and keep track of Last Read ayah easily. ●MarkVerses asFavourite using tag button to keep track ofbookmarkVerses. ●Audio Recitation of each Surah is played in theform VersebyVerse. ● With Go To Verse Dialog Jump to your VerseInstantly.●Option to display any translation along with full Arabictextinhi-resolution, Supports feature for changing font sizeandfontstyle. ● Quranic Verse highlighting during recitation.TafsirIbneKathir: ● Verse Indexed Tafsir Ibn Kathir in EnglishwithEmbeddedArabic and Translation. ● Verse by Verse Tafsir Menu,Go ToTafsirdetail and bookmark verse tafsir. Quran Majeed Audiomp3: ●Audiomp3 full Quran Majeed 30 Juz or 114 Surah withoutlimitations.●Listen to World famous reciter Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais-SheikhSudais (downloadable for offline use). ● Robust AudioSystemwithauto-play next surah, group playback of verses functionto aidinQuran Memorization / Quran Hifz. Search Quran Index:●Commonlyused Topics in Quran indexed. ● Search words fromQuran.Amust-have app for all Muslims and Islam followers.Downloadthisfree Application today, Always stay blessed...
التفسير التفاعلي 13.0
Listen and read interpretations
القرآن الكريم مع معاني وتفاسير 7.0
Higher Kingdom
ولاول مرة على الانترنت التفسير المعين مع تفسير الميزان وتفاسير أخرى
Tafseer Ibn e Kaseer English 1.4
Complete Tafseer Ibn e Kaseer - English Translation and Commentary-(Ad-Free)
Al-Mouwatta "Malik ibn Anas" 1.0
First book that was written to collect hadith classified bychapters
Tafseer Tadabbur-e-Quran 4.1
Tadabbur-e-Quran - Urdu Translation & Tafseer by MaulanaAminAhsan Islahi
Hans Wehr Dictionary 1.14.2
Gibreel Abdullah
Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic is anArabic-Englishdictionary.
Riyad as-Salihin in Arabic & English 1.4
The Right Way
The Gardens of the Righteous (Arabic: رياض الصالحينRiyadhas-Saliheen), is a compilation of verses from the Qur'an andhadithby Al-Nawawi. Riyadh-us-Saliheen is said to have aremarkablenumber of authentic, strong as well as a small number ofweakAhadith. The Ahadith compiled in this collection by one of themostreputed Imams of Islamic history cover every aspect ofIslamiccreed and Muslim moral conduct. It is a complete source ofadviceand guidelines for the entire Muslim Ummah. Features of thisRiyadas-Salihin in Arabic & English app: ♦♦ Completely free.♦♦Riyad as-Salihin in Arabic and English. ♦♦ User friendly designtounderstand easily. ♦♦ User can share Hadiths on differentsocialMedia. ♦♦ User can create PDF of Hadiths, and can shareondifferent social Media. ♦♦ Customize setting for Arabicfonts,style, size and color. ♦♦ Customize setting for Englishfonts,style, size and color. ♦♦ Application contains differentthemes aswell. Download this free Application Riyad as-Salihin inArabic& English today, Always stay blessed.....