Top 6 Apps Similar to Personalized Drug Reference

Human Genetics lite 1.0.8
What is human genetics?Have you ever wondered, why is it that your friend canrollhistongue and you just can not seem to roll yours? Or haveyoubeenwondering how come you have freckles, but your bestfrienddoesnot? Human genetics can answer this questions.Human genetics describes the study of inheritance as itoccursinhuman beings. One ofthe most important principles thatgovernslifeis inheritance of genes. There are over 200 traitsthataretransmitted from generation to generation in humans.Themostinteresting traits gathered in this application.
RevisePsych 1.0.0
This is a mobile application developed byStGeorge’s, University of London. The aim of this application istoprimarily assist undergraduate students in learning andrevisingpsychiatry material and making resources more accessible onthe go.The application may also be beneficial to others likepostgraduatestudents, junior doctors, other health professionalsand otherstudents interested in psychiatry. With the increasingvolumes ofinformation on the web this application helps to give anoverviewof a lot of essential information psychiatry students needto know.The RevisePsych App covers some of the following topics:Psychiatric assessments – Clerking, interviews,examination,investigations risk assessment …Diagnosis – Organic conditions, psychotic disorders,anxietydisorders, eating disorders…Treatments – Biological, ECT, Medication,Psychological,Social…Services – Social workers, Doctors, Community Services, DART…Law – Mental Health Act, Civil Section, Capacity Act,ForensicSections, Fitness to plead …The App also has a number of instructions on how to carry outafew different types of OSCEs some which include aAlcoholDependence station and Hypomania. The App also includes somesamplemultiple choice questions to test your knowledge aroundpsychiatrytopics and some video clips too.
Molecular Genetics 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Explore when, where andhowDNAreplication takes place and what happens if there isamistakeduring DNA replication. Understand, draw and exploretheprocess ofDNA replication, including all the enzymes andmoleculesthat arenecessary. Summarize the molecular mechanisminvolvedintranscription and translation phenomena. Identify howDNAmutationsinfluence protein structure and summarize howmutationsmay causecancer. Co–relate and understand the geneticconcepts ofbacteriaand viruses. Distinguish the different genetransfermechanisms inbacteria (conjugation, transformationandtransduction).Investigate how operons act as on-off switchesfortranscriptionand allow for production of genes only whenneeded.Apply theconcepts of genetics of viruses and bacteria toproducenovelproducts using recombinant DNA technology. Apply theconceptsoftranscription and translation for the synthesisofdesiredfragments of DNA both by in vivo and in vitro methods.Moredetailsplease visit""hosts conceptoriented content in Maths &Sciences speciallydesigned for K-8to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids(WWK) enablesstudents to enjoylearning with application oriented,visually richcontent which issimple and easy to understand. Thecontent isaligned to bestpractices of learning and teaching.Students candevelop strongbasics, critical thinking and problemsolving skillsto do well inschool and beyond. Teachers can use WWKas areference material to bemore creative in designingengaginglearning experiences. Parentsalso can actively participateintheir child's development throughWWK".
Genetics MCQ 2.1.2
Dr M Fouad
MCQ Questions for students of Health Sciences College at Al-Leith
Genes 2.5
Collection of genes and their functions illustratedwithontologyterms. Network of interactions between proteins.
All About Genes and Genetics 1.2
What do you know about your family tree?Haveany of your relatives had health problems that tend to runinfamilies? Which of these problems affected your parentsorgrandparents? Which ones affect you or your brothers orsistersnow? Which problems might you pass on to your children?Thanks to advances in medical research, doctors now havethetools to understand much about how certain illnesses, orincreasedrisks for certain illnesses, pass from generation togeneration.Here are some basics about genetics.Genes and ChromosomesGenetic ProblemsAbnormal Numbers of ChromosomesDeletions, Translocations, and InversionsSex ChromosomesGene MutationsOncogenes (Cancer-Causing Genes)New Discoveries, Better Care