Top 20 Apps Similar to Reading Speed Booster!

Dyslexia Therapy Apps 1.0.0
Dyslexia Therapy Apps adalahsebuahaplikasiandroid yang dibangunkan khas untuk kanak-kanakyangmengalamidisleksia. Dilengkapi dengan 2 modul iaitu “Shape”dan“Alphabet”,aplikasi ini bertujuan untuk menarik minatkanak-kanakdisleksiauntuk mengenali huruf A ke Z dan perbezaanbentuk asassepertibulat, segi tiga, dan segi empat. Selain itu,aplikasi inijugadilengkapi dengan pelbagai aktiviti yang mengujimindakanak-kanakdan berupaya untuk menyimpan rekod markah yangdiperolehuntukaktiviti-aktiviti yang tertentu. Penggunaan pelbagaijeniselemenmultimedia membuatkan aplikasi ini seronok danmenarik.
English Reading Test 2.48
English Reading Test, free for all
Monkey Junior - Learn to Read 30.9.51
Early Start CO.,LTD
Monkey Junior - Vocabulary for kids
Phonics and Reading I Lite
★ IT WORKS! ★ This is a complete phonicsandreading curriculum for beginners. Over 52 hours of lessons!Thefirst 10 lessons are free! From introducing letter soundstoreading complete stories, this adaptation of thetime-honoredMcGuffey reading method comes to life as a richinteractivelearning experience!Right away, students are engaged in letter recognitionaccompaniedby charming animations. Phonics Flashcards follow upeach lesson.Students learn at a natural pace. New words areintroduced rightafter teaching the individual phonetic components.The student thenreads complete stories accompanied by the beautifuloriginal colorillustrations of Robert Schoolcraft.Comes with games and exercises including:• Word Truckin’ - Load up your truck with the right letters,andshe’s off!• Train for Words - The train is coming up the mountain! Butitneeds the right words to keep on chuggin’!• Phonics Blender - Hear your own word creations with thePhonicsBlender! Thousands of fun possibilities!Other great features:• Supports up to 10 students, and provides student progresssavingand tracking.• Teaches to visual, kinetic and auditory learners• Designed for non-readers• Accelerate students to first-grade reading level• Includes special font for dyslexic readersThis app is authentic to the original school book,“McGuffey'sEclectic Primer Revised Edition”.Invest in a reading tutor with infinite patience - “PhonicsandReading with McGuffey”.
Kids A-Z 5.57.0
Learning A-Z
Have fun learning with Raz-Kids, Science A-Z and Headsprout ontheKids A-Z app!
Dyslexia Test & Tips™ 1.15
Test for children and adults with dyslexia or with a possibilityofdyslexia.
SuperMappe Lite 1.18.1
[Versione 1.8.1: Funzionamento su Android4.1,inserite slides iniziali e tutorial da menu, migliorataleggibilitàdel testo sulle frecce curve.]Prendi appunti rapidamente e studia in modo organizzato,usandole mappe concettuali, cognitive, mentali (fai quelle chevuoi,basta che ti siano utili) e portale sempre con te sul tuotablet.Condividi le mappe anche con SuperMappe per PC, riconosciutocomemiglior software per mappe in Italia.Supporta la sintesi vocale, ed è anche uno deglistrumenticompensativi previsti dalla Legge 170/2010. Può quindiessereutilizzato a scuola dagli studenti con Dislessia e DSA.E’ utile per studenti di qualsiasi età e per qualsiasimateriaperché le mappe facilitano a chiunque la comprensione,ilriassunto, la memorizzazione, il ripasso e lo studio.Scarica le mappe dimostrativeda versione LITE consente il salvataggio delle mappeesclusivamentesotto forma di immagine.Questa versione è ottimizzata per i tablet. Sugli smartphoneinmodalità verticale o in orizzontale su schermi piccolipotrebberoverificarsi sovrapposizioni nei menu.Prima di dare giudizi negativi, vi chiediamo di contattarciperdarvi tutte le informazioni, scrivendo adandroid@anastasis.itCon SuperMappe puoi- Prendere appunti a scuola sotto forma di mappa o schema- Studiare tutti gli argomenti scolastici creando le tue mappesuqualsiasi argomento- Creare una raccolta di mappe per il ripasso veloce- Organizzare i pensieri e i progetti- Preparare schemi di argomenti per la scrittura e perlerelazioni- Fare un brainstorming- Condividere le mappe tra i tuoi dispositivi (anche PCeiPad)- Presentare le mappe con un videoproiettore o sulla LIMFunzioni principali:- Creazione rapida dei concetti (nodi)- Personalizzazione dei nodi con testo, immagini, colorieforme- Aggiunta di immagini ai nodi da gallerie di immagini edafotocamera integrata- Espansione o chiusura dei nodi- Strumento compensativo per la Dislessia (legge 170/2010)- Lettura della mappa con sintesi vocale- Creazione e condivisione di un numero illimitato di mappeviaemail o DropboxSu è disponibile anche la versione PC,convisualizzatore gratuito e la versione speciale TeacherMappe peridocenti.Potete contattarci allapagina oppure non raccoglie alcun dato personale.NOTA PER CHI GIA' USA SuperMappe per PCTablet e PC sono strumenti diversi. Per questo le versioni per PCeper Android dello stesso programma non sono uguali.La versione per Android di SuperMappe non è la “fotocopia”dellaversione per PC, ma ha funzioni che la versione per PC nonha(immagine diretta dalla fotocamera, apertura/chiusura dei nodi)emolte altre non sono invece disponibili (passaggio direttodallibro PDF alla mappa, presentazione, stampa, ecc).La libreria di immagini non è disponibile su Android per ragionidilicenza.[Version 1.8.1:Operatingon Android 4.1, insert slides and initial tutorial menu,improvedreadability of text on the curved arrows.]Take notes quickly and study in an organized manner, usingtheconcept maps, cognitive, mental (do what you want, as long asyouare useful) and take them with you on your tablet. Share yourmapswith SuperMappe for PC, recognized as the best mapping softwareinItaly.It supports speech synthesis, and is also one of thecompensatorymeasures provided for by Law 170/2010. It can then beused atschool by students with dyslexia and DSA.And 'useful for students of any age and for any materialbecausethe maps make it easy for anyone to understand, the summary,thestorage, the review and study.Download maps demonstrationby LITE version allows saving maps only as an image.This version is optimized for tablets. On the smartphone inportraitmode or horizontal on small screens may be some overlap inthemenu.Before giving negative reviews, we ask you to contact us to giveyouall the information by writing to android@anastasis.itSuperMappe with you- Taking notes at school in the form of map or diagram- To study all school subjects creating your own maps onanytopic- Create a collection of maps for a quick refresher- Organize your thoughts and projects- Prepare diagrams of topics for writing, and for relations- Do a brainstorming- Share maps between your devices (including PC and iPad)- Present the maps with a video projector or LIMMain functions:- Quick creation of concepts (nodes)- Customizing nodes with text, images, colors and shapes- Adding images to nodes from image galleries andbuilt-incamera- Expansion or closing of the nodes- Tool compensation for Dyslexia (Law 170/2010)- Reading of the map with speech- Create and share an unlimited number of maps via is also available on the PC version, withfreeviewer and the special version TeacherMappe for teachers.You can contact us on to not collect any personal data.NOTE FOR THOSE WHO ALREADY 'USA SuperMappe for PCTablet and PC are different tools. For this versions for PCandAndroid for the same program they are not equal.The Android version of SuperMappe not the "photocopy" of thePCversion, but has features that the PC version has no (directimagefrom the camera, opening / closing of the nodes) and manyothersare not available (direct transition from Book PDF to themap,presentation, press, etc.).The image library is not available on Android forlicensingreasons.
Endless Reader 2.7.0
Originator Inc.
Kids will have a blast learning sight words with theadorableEndless monsters.
Reading Trainer 2.2.3
HeKu IT GmbH
Double your reading speed while improving your comprehensionandretention.
Reading numbers for dyslexics 1.3
Pere Fonfreda Marquet
With this app fixed color scheme is giveninreading numbers for those with difficulties inpositioningcharacters.The app is divided into three phases, namely: units, tensandhundreds. Each with a color defined in each issue to fixitslocation in a mental image and facilitate further reading.Each section consists of a set of numbers that can be heard,whenclicking on the speaker located on the bottom of the issue,andshould be read aloud by activating the image of the microphonetorecognize and validate the app.As each number is validated, will activate getting stars tothreestars by section.When they have achieved the nine stars, the cup is achieved :)In future revisions the following enhancements are added:       - Review the designindifferent screen sizes and resolutions.       - Implement morelanguages.
Read&Write for Android 1.0.8
Texthelp, Ltd.
Boost confidence and attainment for students struggling withreadingand writing
Learn Chinese (Mandarin) FREE 4.0
Learn Chinese (Mandarin) the Fun Way!Help us recognize and understand Chinese characters more easilyandquickly.Learn Chinese (Mandarin) the Fun Way! includes:- Meanings of characters and compound words in English- Writing strokes sequence, writing tips- Hanyu Pinyin, audio pronunciations- Ancient script, traditional character references- Artword drawing representations- Drawing board – drawings can be created and saved- Radicals, phonetic hints, pictograph descriptions,characterstories- Learn These First – links to preceding characters thatarerelated- Compound words – examples of words formed with character- Character search feature, search history- Customize a lesson, save characters to Favorites- Systematic learning syllabus - compound words containonlycharacters that have been taught earlier so that learner doesnotencounter “unknown” characters in reading examples- Track learning progress and plan revisions by saving charactersto“Favorites” and creating a user customized lessonLearn Chinese (Mandarin) the Fun Way! is helpful for:- Chinese language learners who have learningdifferences(dyslexia)- Children whose mother tongue is not Chinese- Chinese parents in English-speaking families who wish to learnandteach- Adults who wish to learn Chinese- Educators and teachers looking for a Chinese characterteachingaid- All beginner learners in the Chinese language who wishestounderstand Chinese characters.New Learning Approach :- 字艺 Chinese-Artword™ – Decoding the Art of ChineseCharacters–Decoding the Art of Chinese Characters- Referenced to Singapore Primary 1 & 2 Chinese textbooks- Made in SingaporeWe appreciate and value any advice and feedback from the usersofthe app. Visit our website www.chinese-artword.comKeywords: Teach, Learn, Chinese, Mandarin, Pinyin,Translation,Dictionary, Basic, Vocabulary, Radical, Chinesedyslexic, color,draw, preschool or primary school
[Versione 1.8.1: Funzionamento su Android4.1,inserite slides iniziali e tutorial da menu, migliorataleggibilitàdel testo sulle frecce curve.]Prendi appunti rapidamente e studia in modo organizzato,usandole mappe concettuali, cognitive, mentali (fai quelle chevuoi,basta che ti siano utili) e portale sempre con te sul tuotablet.Condividi le mappe anche con SuperMappe per PC, riconosciutocomemiglior software per mappe in Italia.Supporta la sintesi vocale, ed è anche uno deglistrumenticompensativi previsti dalla Legge 170/2010. Può quindiessereutilizzato a scuola dagli studenti con Dislessia e DSA.E’ utile per studenti di qualsiasi età e per qualsiasimateriaperché le mappe facilitano a chiunque la comprensione,ilriassunto, la memorizzazione, il ripasso e lo studio.Scarica le mappe dimostrative da versione è ottimizzata per i tablet. Sugli smartphoneinmodalità verticale o in orizzontale su schermi piccolipotrebberoverificarsi sovrapposizioni nei menu.Prima di dare giudizi negativi, vi chiediamo di contattarciperdarvi tutte le informazioni, scrivendo ad android@anastasis.itCon SuperMappe puoi- Prendere appunti a scuola sotto forma di mappa o schema- Studiare tutti gli argomenti scolastici creando le tue mappesuqualsiasi argomento- Creare una raccolta di mappe per il ripasso veloce- Organizzare i pensieri e i progetti- Preparare schemi di argomenti per la scrittura e perlerelazioni- Fare un brainstorming- Condividere le mappe tra i tuoi dispositivi (anche PCeiPad)- Presentare le mappe con un videoproiettore o sulla LIMFunzioni principali:- Creazione rapida dei concetti (nodi)- Personalizzazione dei nodi con testo, immagini, colorieforme- Aggiunta di immagini ai nodi da gallerie di immagini edafotocamera integrata- Espansione o chiusura dei nodi- Strumento compensativo per la Dislessia (legge 170/2010)- Lettura della mappa con sintesi vocale- Creazione e condivisione di un numero illimitato di mappeviaemail o DropboxSu è disponibile anche la versione PC,convisualizzatore gratuito e la versione speciale TeacherMappe peridocenti.Potete contattarci alla pagina a non raccoglie alcun dato personale.NOTA PER CHI GIA' USA SuperMappe per PCTablet e PC sono strumenti diversi. Per questo le versioni per PCeper Android dello stesso programma non sono uguali.La versione per Android di SuperMappe non è la “fotocopia”dellaversione per PC, ma ha funzioni che la versione per PC nonha(immagine diretta dalla fotocamera, apertura/chiusura dei nodi)emolte altre non sono invece disponibili (passaggio direttodallibro PDF alla mappa, presentazione, stampa, ecc).La libreria di immagini non è disponibile su Android per ragionidilicenza.[Version 1.8.1:Operatingon Android 4.1, insert slides and initial tutorial menu,improvedreadability of text on the curved arrows.]Take notes quickly and study in an organized manner, usingtheconcept maps, cognitive, mental (do what you want, as long asyouare useful) and take them with you on your tablet. Share yourmapswith SuperMappe for PC, recognized as the best mapping softwareinItaly.It supports speech synthesis, and is also one of thecompensatorymeasures provided for by Law 170/2010. It can then beused atschool by students with dyslexia and DSA.And 'useful for students of any age and for any materialbecausethe maps make it easy for anyone to understand, the summary,thestorage, the review and study.Download maps demonstration by version is optimized for tablets. On the smartphoneinportrait mode or horizontal on small screens may be some overlapinthe menu.Before giving negative reviews, we ask you to contact us to giveyouall the information by writing to android@anastasis.itSuperMappe with you- Taking notes at school in the form of map or diagram- To study all school subjects creating your own maps onanytopic- Create a collection of maps for a quick refresher- Organize your thoughts and projects- Prepare diagrams of topics for writing, and for relations- Do a brainstorming- Share maps between your devices (including PC and iPad)- Present the maps with a video projector or LIMMain functions:- Quick creation of concepts (nodes)- Customizing nodes with text, images, colors and shapes- Adding images to nodes from image galleries andbuilt-incamera- Expansion or closing of the nodes- Tool compensation for Dyslexia (Law 170/2010)- Reading of the map with speech- Create and share an unlimited number of maps via is also available on the PC version, withfreeviewer and the special version TeacherMappe for teachers.You can contact us on to not collect any personal data.NOTE FOR THOSE WHO ALREADY 'USA SuperMappe for PCTablet and PC are different tools. For this versions for PCandAndroid for the same program they are not equal.The Android version of SuperMappe not the "photocopy" of thePCversion, but has features that the PC version has no (directimagefrom the camera, opening / closing of the nodes) and manyothersare not available (direct transition from Book PDF to themap,presentation, press, etc.).The image library is not available on Android forlicensingreasons.
Spell 4 You
MadHouse Project
Spell 4 You is a spellingapplicationwhichworks with voice recognition. I designed this for afriendwithsevere dyslexia. You Click the button "Spell it" thenwaituntil itbeeps and say your word. It will then show your wordwhiletellingyou how it is spelt.This app is completely free because I believe this is foragoodcause.In a future update it will give you the definitionoftheword.
mobile112 trial 3.50.0
Features:* Hear received SMS Text Messages. Reply by SMS, emailorphone.(mobile phone & internet connection required)* Type & Speak lets you type in anything and it will bespokenbythe text-to-speech engine. You can even translateintootherlanguages and speak it and look up the meaning of aword(internetconnection required).* Pre-defined Phrases. Lets you speak phrases that havebeencreatedpreviously and stored under category headings andassignedmemorableicons, and in multiple supported languages. Sendthem asSMS ore-mails.*Scan and Speak. Lets you photograph anytext(document/sign/menuetc.) and convert it to readable text usingthepower of ABBYY(tm)Optical Character Recognition. The text isthenspoken by thetext-to-speech engine.* Translate and speak. mobile112 can translate your textusingGoogleTranslate. If you have the appropriatetext-to-speechengine, it caneven speak it in that language.Travelling and see asign or menu youdon't understand? Photograph,translate &speak! It's as simpleas that.* Help and Talking browser reads the help out loud. And canalsobeused to read aloud any web page.* For the dyslexic user, we provide a freemulti-lingualtalkingkeyboard and dictionary that speaks wordsbefore youchoosethem. *Available in English, Danish, French, German,Swedish,Dutch,Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Czech, Polish,Norwegian,Finish,Russian, Chinese. Request your language.* Now with color icons, and user interface setting fortextsize,color, background. Also file manager and audiorecordingandplayback.* Added Talking PDF reader.* Support for Dropbox and Google Drive.mobile112 was designed by Flemming Ast and BillBostock.Flemminghas severe dyslexia, but despite this, rose to thetop ofthe mobilephone industry in Denmark, and was regional CEOforNokia beforeretiring to write a book (using mobile112).BillBostock has over 30years experience in the computer industryandhas a proven trackrecord developing mobile applications,startingwith the awardwinning IconSpeak in 2000.Full and Trial versions available on the Android Market.Thisisthe Trial version which works for 30 days andhassomerestrictions.Requests for other language versions will begratefullyreceived.We have many new features we will be adding.Give us yourideastoo.
Starfall 3.2.36
Starfall offers numerous activities. Become a subscriber toaccessall content.
Read Unlimitedly! Kids'n Books 3.5
Unlimited access to all of our kid's books! Get your FREE trial!
Go Read GoRead 5.4.11_12-13-2017
Go Read is a FREE accessible e-book reader for people withprintdisabilities.
HomeWork 8.8.4
HomeWork & TimeTable app for students. Widgets for timetableandhomework.
mobile112 3.50.0
Features:* Hear received SMS Text Messages. Reply by SMS, email orphone.(mobile phone & internet connection required)* Type & Speak lets you type in anything and it will bespokenby the text-to-speech engine. You can even translate intootherlanguages and speak it and lookup the meaning of a word(internetconnection required).* Pre-defined Phrases. Lets you speak phrases that have beencreatedpreviously and stored under category headings and assignedmemorableicons, and in multiple supported languages. Send them asSMS ore-mails.*Scan and Speak. Lets you photograph any text(document/sign/menuetc.) and convert it to readable text using thepower of ABBYY(tm)Optical Character Recognition. The text is thenspoken by thetext-to-speech engine.* Translate and speak. mobile112 can translate your textusingGoogle Translate. If you have the appropriatetext-to-speechengine, it can even speak it in that language.Travelling and see asign or menu you don't understand? Photograph,translate &speak! It's as simple as that.* Help and Talking browser reads the help out loud. And can alsobeused to read aloud any web page.* For the dyslexic user, we provide a free multi-lingualtalkingkeyboard and dictionary that speaks words before youchoosethem.*Available in English, Danish, French, German, Swedish,Dutch,Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Czech, Polish,Norwegian,Finish,Russian, Chinese. Request your language.* Now with color icons, and user interface setting for textsize,color, background. Also file manager and audio recordingandplayback.* Added Talking PDF reader.* Support for Dropbox and Google Drive.mobile112 was designed by Flemming Ast and Bill Bostock.Flemminghas severe dyslexia, but despite this, rose to the top ofthe mobilephone industry in Denmark, and was regional CEO forNokia beforeretiring to write a book (using mobile112). BillBostock has over 30years experience in the computer industry andhas a proven trackrecord developing mobile applications, startingwith the awardwinning IconSpeak in 2000.Full and Trial versions available on the Android Market. Thisisthe Full version. For the trial version, search formobile112Trial.