Top 8 Apps Similar to Fraandship - find new friends

Berry - Meet New Friends 1.0.1
Berry Meet New FriendsChat , Shar , LikeChat With Your Friends , Send Emojie , Txt and Also YourBestPhotosShare Your Posts , Viedos , Status And Also Your LinksWith The New Social Network Berry You Can1:Create Your Own Profile2:Add Your Own Profile Photo and Cover Photo3:Add , Block Or Delete Friends4:Chat With Your Friends With Txt,Photos5:Share Your Photos6:Share Your Videos7:Share Your Links8:Share Your Locations9:Share Your Photos On All Social Media10:Like & Add Comments On Your Sttaf and Also On YourFriends!11:Get Notifications Of All Somthing HappendAnd Much MoreNow For Free
Friends App Find Friends Apps 1.2.3
Ever wondered which apps your friends,familyorfollowers use on their device? Curious to know whichappscelebritiesuse? Find out now with Friends App!★ A New Form Of App Discovery ★Friends App enables a new form of Android appdiscoverywhichnever existed before. With Friends App Android app,youcandiscover the apps that your Facebook friends andTwitterfriendsuse on their device and download them directly fromGooglePlay.Find out the apps with friends.★ Totally Automatic ★Friends App for Android is totally automated andrequiresminimumintervention from you. The app automagically finds,sortsandcategorises your Android app and let's you select just theappsyouwant to be visible to your friends. Find friends appeasilywithFriends App!★ Never feel left out ★Browse through the apps that are installed on yourfriendsdeviceand effortlessly download the app to your device withasingle tap.You will never ever feel left out wondering what isthathot appwhich everyone around you is raving about. Find thatand morewithFriends App.★ Facebook & Twitter Support ★Friends App let's you use the two most popular socialnetworks-Facebook and Twitter to connect and find apps withfriendsonFacebook and your followers on Twitter are using. Alsocomingsoonare social signals that let's you track hot, hotter andthehottestapps that are trending in Facebook & Twitter.★ It's more fun with friends ★We have made it easy for you to share the app via allpopularappslike Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Google Hangout, Emailandthe goodold way - SMS. The more friends you invite to the app,themore funit gets and the app discovery gets better for you andyourfriends.So go on, share your love and find friends apps.★ Total Privacy Control ★We take your privacy very seriously and let youselectforyourself only those apps that you want visible to yourfriendsandfollowers. Your private apps, are well, alwaysprivate.★ Browse Popular App Lists of other Users! ★With the new Friends App you can not only browse yourfriendsapplists but can also browse through other popular appuserspublic AppLists. App Discovery on Android can't be anybetter.
FindMe! Find my Friends! 1.08
CatSoft Developments
FindMe! locates your family and friends whenever and wherevertheyare!
Friendit - Find Friends
Ever move to a new city, go on a trip, orjustget bored and want to meet someone new with similar interests?Everfind yourself looking for someone to teach you a new skillorhobby? Ever want to see what you and your friends have incommon?Friendit does that and so much more by matching you up withpeoplewith similar interests, hobbies, and categories.Friendit is an application that finds new friends,dates,relationships, people, acquaintances, contacts, business, andmorebased not just on looks and distance, but by matching interestsandcategories. Match with people in ways you never knew werepossible.Match with old friends, current friends, and new friends.Find outwhat you never knew you had in common. Take dating to adifferentlevel. Once you have Friendit matches, you can literatelywalk,ride, run, or drive to them by turning the "Geo Enable"feature on.This is not on by default to make the app friendly foreveryone.You must choose who to share your location with.Friendit uses a category system that you customize.Beingcreative with your categories and distance can findnear-byfriends. The sky is the limit on what you can search for.You canclear out your categories quickly when you want to searchforsomething or someone new, or fill out as many categories asyouwant to increase your chance of being found by others.If you enjoy the app please invite and tell all ofyourfriends.Information we receive about you;Friendit uses Facebook Graph API. We follow Facebook’sPrivacyPolicy and Graph API Privacy Policy. The Facebook GraphAPIPlatform and Privacy Policy can be found at about Facebook’s Privacy Policy can be foundat information about you and how it is used, would like more information about Graph API, pleasevisit copyof Friendit Privacy Policy can be viewed at
Feathero - Make New Friends 1.06
AppQuests Ltd.
Feathero is a free friend finder appthatallowsyou to meet with new people every day based onsimilarityandproximity. You can discover new friends effortlesslywhileenjoyingpolls.Find and Make New FriendsEveryone likes people like themselves! Find buddiesforcommonactivities, trade advices for a skill and get toknowotherperspectives. Discover friends who are similarininterests,opinions and personality! What’s more, you can settherange ofproximity of people to discover! Once, you are matched,youcanmeet people near me. You can chat with strangers andrandompeoplewho may share the same interest as you do. It may justbe ameetingamong friends, or you can flirt or turn the meeting intoadate.Feathero also allow you to chat with strangers yourage,friends orrandom people, local or all around the world. Whetheryouareblack, white, girl or boy, single, married, you can stillmeetnewpeople and make new friends near you. Thepossibilitiesareendless.Understand Old FriendsEver wondered who in your list of friends on Facebook whoaremostsimilar to you? Ever wondered which of your friends havethesameopinions as you? Ever wondered how you friends thought?Nowfind outhow similar your interests, opinions and personalityarewith yourold friends. Do they think the same way as you do?Whatis it aboutthem that you didn't know? Find out which ofyourfriends are similaror different from you through a quizwithfriends. Feathero friendlocator helps you find friends nearyouwho may share the samethought with you, but without youknowingwhat they have votedfor.Voice Heard, Questions AnsweredGet to know what people are curious about and give yourinput.Letyour friends know your everyday quirks, what goes throughyourmindand your stance on topics!Have a question to ask? Post a question and get responses!Seehowmany people share your view and how many don't!
Peekawoo - Make New Friends
*We are currently working on makingPeekawoobetter.Peekawoo is a gamified dating platform for millenials. It putsthefun back in dating by creating opportunities for singles tomeetnew people, make friends and find potential dates withoutthehard-sell approach of established online dating sites.How it works:- Sign up by using your Facebook or Twitter account.- Complete your profile and choose your preferred gender and agetomeet.- Fill out your questionnaire under Profile>Questions andchooseyour desired answer so other people can answer it andmatchyou.- It will be a match if you answered 3 out 5questionscorrectly.Hints: Tap on the "Hint" icon (lightbulb) to know more infoaboutthat page. You can find them under Profile>Question pageand Meetpage.This is our first release on Android. We will be addingmorefeatures soon.
Blurry - Make New Friends 1.2
Blurry is different from other social apps,itvalues your inner beauty and encourages people to approacheachother from a new angle.By blurring the users' profile photos, Blurry allows youtounderstand someone inside out, it lets you experience the magicof"Approach", "Connect", "Chat", "Reveal", and eventuallyformingreal friendships.Just feel free to approach people by pulling their profile totheright, if they are also interested in you, you will beconnected!Afterwards, the more you chat to each other, the more youreveal,and the clearer his/her photos become.*Highlight inner beauty
Profile photos are blurred, theywillbecome clearer with frequent and meaningful chats.*Make real friends
Discover new friends who really knowandunderstand you.*Stay Safe
Make your decision without worry, no matter itis“Approach” or “Not Interested”, it is anonymous.Go into Blurry and let your inner beauty shines to thenewfriends.
InCommon - Meet new friends 2.2
Hang out with new friends and get active!Change the way you meet new people by connectingwithyourinterests. Meet interesting new friends nearby, chat, meetupandget out there!InCommon is great for:- Just looking to make friends, networking- Looking for people with similar interests- Moving to a new area, finding people nearby- Already in a relationship and just want to make new friends- Travelling alone and want to explore a city- Want to pursue new interests and get active- Just starting university/collegeConnecting is easy with InCommon. Simply login withyourFacebookor Google account, select a min of 5 interests andstartconnectingwith people who share your interests.It’s really that simple!Download InCommon today.PS: We do not post on your Facebook or google page.