Top 8 Apps Similar to Картинки карандашом

Рисунки по клеточкам 1.2
Рисуй сидя на уроке, дома или же напаре,красивые картинки, в своей тетради!Скучный урок? Скучная пара? Дома нечего поделать? программа"Рисункипо клеточкам" поможет тебе, скоротать время.Плюсы:● Много картинок● Программа не требовательна● Помогает скоротать время● Приятное оформление● Нет рекламыDraw sitting intheclassroom, at home or on the couple, beautiful pictures inyournotebook!Boring lesson? A boring couple? Houses nothing to do about it?"Thefigures on the cell" program will help you pass the time.Pros:● A lot of pictures● The program is not demanding● It helps pass the time● Pleasant decoration● No advertisements
ПокЛеТочКаМ 1.0.6
Ermolaev Pavel
Приложение позволяетрисоватьпо-клеточкам.The app allows you todrawin the cell.
The drawings on the cell 3.2
The app, which you can find and downloadyouare interested in the pictures on the cell quickly, simplyandsecurely! With this app you will be able to pass the time intheclassroom, or at home couple, drawing funny pictures inhisnotebook.Wonderful app that I liked and helped more than 50 000 users.Theapplication “Picture cells” selected the most high qualityandinteresting pictures, you will find more than 300 in thedrawings,and nice design.The advantages of this application:● Lots of funny pictures on the cell● Reduces the searching time of images in the Internet● The development of a motility of fingers● Minimum version of Android 4.4+(Kitkat)
Art of Vincent Van Gogh 1.6
Watch and enjoy the masterpieces works ofoneof the best known and most respected post-impressionism painterofall time!Completely free application for phone and tablet, ad supported.* Gallery with 116 works to remember, includingself-portraits* 5 creative phases (1881-1884; 1884-1888; 1888; 1889; 1890)* Full name of every work of art, with the year of creation* All paintings in the gallery can be set as wallpaper* Magnifying glass - zoom in 7 steps* Portrait and landscape rotation supported* Share option (facebook, twitter, dropbox, gmail,google+,bluetooth, messenger, publish it…)* Understandable and easy for handling* Working on android 2.0 and up* Tested on all major devices* File is a little higher, so please be patient while itdownloadsand installs. The pleasure is all yours.* Some of the paintings from the gallery:- Road in Etten 1881- Two women in the woods 1882- Montmartre, Paris 1886- Self-portrait with pipe 1886- A pair of shoes 1886- Still life with apples, pears, lemons and grapes 1887- Vase with daisies and anemones 1887- Sunflowers 1888- Starry night over the Rhone 1888- Café terrace at night 1888- Yellow house at Arles 1888- Green wheat field with cypress, Saint Remy 1889- The starry night 1889- The bedroom 1888-89- The church at Auvers 1890- Tree roots 1890and many other.Vincent Willem Van Gogh, born March 30, 1853, was aDutchpost-impressionist painter whose work had a great influence on20thcentury art for its vivid colors and emotional impact. Hesufferedfrom anxiety and mental illness throughout his life. Hedied at age37 on July 29, 1890. What he died from a self-inflictedgunshotwound. His name at the time was not well known.Van Gogh spent his early adulthood working for a many artdealers.When he was young, he wanted to become a pastor and preachthegospel, and from 1879 he worked as a missionary in a miningregionin Belgium. During this time, he began to sketch people fromthecommunity and in 1885 painted his first major work, ThePotatoEaters. The colors he used were dull, plain colors. Not untilmuchlater did he include much richer colors. In March 1886, hemoved toParis and discovered the French Impressionists. Later hemoved tothe south of France and was taken by the strong sunlight hefoundthere. His work grew brighter in color and he developed theuniqueand highly recognizable style which became fully realizedin1888.His fame grew in the years after his death. Today, he iswidelyregarded as one of history's greatest painters and animportantcontributor to the foundations of modern art. Van Gogh didnotbegin painting until his late twenties, and most of hisbest-knownworks were produced during his last two years. Heproduced morethan 2,000 artworks, 900 being paintings and 1,100drawings andsketches. His work had a strong influence on the modernart thatfollowed. Today many of his pieces; including hisnumerousself-portraits, landscapes, portraits and sunflowers, areamong theworld's most recognizable and expensive works of art.
Touch Cube 1.0
Creating 3d models of any difficulty!
Manicure: ideas + tutorials 1.1.8
The most fashionable and creative naildesignideas and step-by-step tutorials are collected for you. Turnyournails into a work of art!The collection regularly updates. The application runs bothonlineand without access to the Internet.
Живые раскраски 3d Разрушители 1.0
Laboratory 24 LLC
ВАЖНО! Для работы DEV ARKids - 3dcoloringbookраскраски для мальчиков и девочек, нужно распечататьраскраскунапринтере и раскрасить её карандашами или фломастерами!!!ИНСТРУКЦИЯ ПО ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЮ:1. Распечатай раскраску на принтере.2. Раскрась её карандашами или фломастерами.3. Наведи на нее телефон или планшет, смотрикакраскраскаоживает!Эффект дополненной реальности (Augmented Reality илиэффектARColoring) даёт оживить раскрашенную картинку. В этомприложении3dcoloring book от Devar Kids вы можете оживитьследующихгероев:разукрасить и оживить супермашины которые могутездить постолу истрелять и каждый со своим характером! Надоелооживлять?Наведитекамеру устройства на разукрашенную модель, и онаоживет, иВыможете играть с ней. В приложении доступен полныйрежимигрыразукрашенными машинами.Распечатайте несколько листов раскрасок, применитефантазиюираскрасьте их по-разному. Покажите всему миру своюраскраскуипосмотрите другие: выложите картинку в социальные сети стэгомилихештегом #devarkidsЖивые 3D раскраски - coloring book free построенныенатехнологииdevar – дополненной реальности AR Coloring EffectилиAugmentedReality) это раскраски для малышей, девочек имальчиков,раскраскидля взрослых мужчин и женщин ну и конечно жераскраскидлятворческих детей и малышей любого возраста.Вы можете скачать живую раскраску в 3D от Devarисамостоятельнопотестировать приложение - это бесплатно.Приложение,разработанноеспециально для Android понравиться всемлюбителямживых раскрасокведь в нем присутствуют и живые животные, извери,любимые герои измультфильмов, машинки, супергерои, и всевсевсе!Уже скоро мы выпустим целые серии живых 3D раскрасок devarkidscoloring 3D: трансформеры, раскраски для малышей, фиксики,машаимедведь, май литл пони, раскраски пони, раскраскивинкс,раскраскадисней, раскраски для взрослых, раскраскиантистресс,раскраскипони, раскраски машины, раскраски супергероев,раскраскипальцем,игры раскраски, раскраски цветы, на 7 лет, 6 лет,4 года,3годаНаша живая 3d раскраска Free просто распечатываетсянапринтере!Но если Вы хотите полную версию – можно купить еевмагазинахВашего города или на сайте раскрасок Devar Kids. 3д4дигры и даже7d игры.Раскраски и плакаты Devar являютсяпостояннымиучастникамиФранкфуртского международного книжногофестиваля вразделе детскойлитературы (Frankfurt Book Fair Kids) иодними излучших в мире вразделах детских раскрасок 3Д, Ar VRColoring 3Dbooks.Они сделаны специально для получения невероятных эмоций длядетейиих родителей, дополнительная реальность vr, так жескоробудетдоступна и в виртуальной реальности – шлемы и очки VR,какнапримершлем фибрум или окулус рифт!Для самых требовательных мальчиков выйдет раскраска машинки,атакжемашинки – разрушители, где можно будет нетолькоездитьраскрашенными моделями, но и стрелять ими, ездитьпогоночномутреку в режиме реальной игры, для самыхтребовательныхдевочекбудет доступна 3d раскраска волшебныепринцессы, а длявзрослыхбудут доступны волшебные раскраски плакаты.Окунитесь вволшебныймир Devar и получайте незабываемые впечатлениявместе снами.3d coloring book от Devar Kids for children-AugmentedRealityПриложения с дополненной реальностью приходят в наш мир!Так же у нас есть серия приложений сдополненнойреальностью(augumented reality):*Сказка-раскраска для девочек Сундук со сказками*Сказка-раскраска Колобок*Живая раскраска драконы*Живая раскраска феи*Живая раскраска игра*Живая раскраска фиксики*Сказка-раскраска Три медведя*Сказка-раскраска Лиса и журавль*Живая раскраска май литл пони*Живая раскраска трансформеры*Живая раскраска супергерои*Сказка-раскраска Волк и семеро козлят*Интерактивная живая азбука*Раскраска-игра Охотники ночи*Раскраска Дорисуй и оживиDemo 3D-раскраски просто нужно напечатать напринтереираскрасить. Получайте хорошие эмоции и делитесь ими сDevar Kids3dcoloring!IMPORTANT! ToworkDEVARKids - 3d coloring book coloring pages for boys andgirls,youneed to print on the printer paint and paint it withpencilsorpens !!!DIRECTIONS FOR USE:1. Print out the coloring on the printer.2. Paint it crayons or markers.3. Aim at her phone or tablet, look like a coloring bookcomestolife!The effect of augmented reality (Augmented Reality ortheeffectof AR Coloring) gives to revive the painted image.Inthisapplication, 3d coloring book by Devar Kids you cananimatethefollowing characters: to decorate and enliven supercarthat cangoon the table and shoot, and each with its owncharacter!Tiredrevive? Point the camera device on the paintedmodel, and itcomesto life and you can play with it. The applicationis availablefullgame mode of floats.Print several sheets of colorings, apply imaginationandpaintthem in different ways. Show the world your coloring andlooklike:Put the picture in social networks with a tagorhashtag#devarkidsLiving 3D coloring - coloring book free built ontechnologydevar- Augmented Reality AR Coloring Effect and AugmentedReality)is acoloring for kids, boys and girls, coloring pages foradultmen andwomen and of course the coloring for creative childrenandkids ofall ages.You can download a live coloring in 3D by Devarandindependentlytest the app - it's free. The appdesignedspecifically for Androidto please all fans of livecoloringsbecause it contains and liveanimals, and animals,favoritecharacters from cartoons, cars,superheroes, and all allall!Soon we will release a whole series of live 3D colorings devarkidscoloring 3D: Transformers coloring for kids, Fixico, MashaandtheBear, May Little Pony Coloring Pony Coloring Winx,ColoringDisneycoloring for adults, coloring Anti-Coloring ponycoloringmachines,coloring superheroes, coloring finger, coloringgames,coloringflowers for 7 years, 6 years, 4 years, 3 yearsOur live 3d Free Coloring simply printed on the printer!Butifyou want the full version - you can buy it in your shopsoronlinecolorings Devar Kids. 3d 4d 7d games, and even games.Coloring and posters Devar are permanent members oftheFrankfurtInternational Book Festival in the section ofchildren'sliterature(Frankfurt Book Fair Kids) and one of theworld's bestchildren'scoloring in sections 3D, Ar VR Coloring 3Dbooks.They are tailor-made to get incredible emotion for childrenandtheirparents, more reality vr, as will soon be availableinvirtualreality - helmets, goggles VR, such as a helmet orfibrumOculusRift!For the most demanding boys will Coloring machines andcars-destroyers, where you can not only ride painted models,buttoshoot them, to go on racing track in real games forthemostdemanding girls will be available 3d coloring fairyprincess,andfor Adults will be available magic coloringposters.Immerseyourself in the magical world of Devar and haveanunforgettableexperience with us.3d coloring book by Devar Kids for children-AugmentedRealityApplications augmented reality come to our world!Also we have a lot of applications withaugmentedreality(augumented reality):* Tale Coloring for girls chest with fairy tales* Tale Coloring Gingerbread* Living Coloring Dragons* Live Fairy Coloring* Live coloring game* Live coloring Fixico* Tale Coloring Three Bears* Tale Coloring Fox and the Crane* Live in May Little Pony Coloring* Live coloring Transformers* Live superheroes coloring* Tale Coloring Wolf and the Seven Little Kids* Live Interactive Alphabet* Coloring-game hunters of the night* Coloring Doris and revitalizeDemo 3D-coloring just need to print on the printer andpaint.Getgood emotions and share them with Devar Kids 3dcoloring!
Как рисовать аниме 3.0
Mattias Apps
How to draw anime and manga is a skill that can be learned athome...