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Marketers Toolkit 0.2
DWS Associates
The Marketers Toolkit includes morethan30tools to help you plan and analyze marketingprogramsandactivities. It is designed for business ownersandmarketingexecutives looking to develop more effectivemarketingprograms toincrease sales and attract and retainprofitablecustomers. Itincludes B2B and B2C sales and marketingapplications,financialanalysis and interactive tools for marketerwho needs tobe able todo on-the-go planning and analysis on a widevariety oftopics:campaign planning, direct marketing, customeracquisition,leadforecasting and management and nurturing, ROIandbreakevenanalysis, customer retention, telemarketing,e-commerce,emailmarketing, sales promotion, social media, digitalmarketing,salesmanagement and more.Tools in App1. Sample Size Calculators (3 different calculatorsformailtesting and surveys)2. Customer LTV (Life Time Value) Calculator3. Customer NPC (Net Present Value) Calculator4. Campaign Sizing Tool5. Simple Marketing ROI Calculator6. Campaign ROAI (Return on Advertising Investment)Calculator7. Campaign Results Calculator8. Inquiry Campaign Size Calculator9. Lead Calculator – Based on Known Revenue Goal10. Mail Testing Financial Analysis Calculator11. Direct Mail (Solo Mail or Catalog) PackageProductionCostEstimator12. Email Campaign Monthly Lead Flow Planning Calculator13. Email Campaign ROI Analysis Tool14. Email Response Rates Chart15. E-Commerce Email ROI Calculator16. CPI CPL (Cost per Inquiry, Cost per Lead)CampaignBreakevenCalculator17. Direct Order Direct Marketing Campaign BreakevenCalculator(allmedia types)18. Direct Marketing Campaign Average OrderValueBreakevenCalculator19. Pay-Per-Click Advertising ROI Calculator20. Banner Advertising Breakeven ROI Calculator21. Website Breakeven ROI Calculator22. Social Media Breakeven ROI Calculator23. Trade Show / Event Breakeven ROI Calculator24. Trade Show / Event Attendance Calculator25. Telemarketing ROI Calculator – Based on Known Universe26. Telemarketing ROI Calculator – Based on Know Revenue27. Sales Pipeline Lead Flow Calculator28. Sales Force Sizing Tool29. Sales Prospecting Activity Rate Calculator30. Sales Territory Call Planning Tool31. B.A.N.T. Criteria Chart32. Product Life Cycle Assessment Tool33. New Product Launch Planning Templates--------------------------------------------------DWS Associates (D.B.A "DWSA Software")End-User License AgreementThis license statement and limited warranty constitutesalegalagreement ("License Agreement") between you (eitherasanindividual or a single entity) and DWS Associates(D.B.A."DWSASoftware") for the software product named "(EnterProductNameHere)" ("Software Product"), including any software,media,andrelated on-line, printed or electronicdocumentation.Byinstalling, copying, or otherwise using theSoftware Product,youagree to be bound by the terms of this LicenseAgreement. If youdonot agree to the terms of this LicenseAgreement, do notinstall,copy, or use the Software Product.This license agreement shall supersede any verbal, orpriorverbalor written, statement or agreement to the contrary.1. OWNERSHIPThe Software Product is proprietary to DWS Associates(D.B.A.DWSASoftware. The Software Product is licensed, not sold,toyounotwithstanding any reference herein to"purchases."Youacknowledge and agree that: (a) the Product isprotectedundercopyright laws and international copyright treaty;(b)DWSASoftware) retains all copyrights and otherintellectualpropertyrights in the Software Product; (c) there areno impliedlicensesunder this License, and any rights not expresslygranted toyouhereunder are reserved by DWSA Software; (d) youacquirenoownership or other interest (other than your licenserights) inorto the Software Product; and (e) DWSA Software owns allcopiesofthe Software Product, however made.