Top 3 Apps Similar to WE1VOIP

New Number 1.0
Dag Wullt
Got a new temporary number? Need yourmessagingand calls forwarded to your new number without hassle?This application will forward Calls and Messages, withtheoriginal sender intact into the correct thread so that youcananswer it directly from your new number!You can also choose to answer calls with messages, and replytomessages so that the your friends/coworkerk will have yourlatestnumber!Activate one device as the "Forwarder" and one device asthe"Receiver" and your good to go!
Smart Response (Free) 1.0.2
* Purchase the Pro version(whichcomeswith31 DAYS MONEY BACK GUARANTEE) for additional features like:a) Auto Send feature that allows you to select a message thatissentautomatically when a call is missed/rejected.b) Tracking Smart Response messages as partofnormalconversationsc) E-mail supportIn a world cluttered with apps, Smart Response is asimpleutilitythat hopes to provide you with more control overyourphone. Have youever been in a situation where you are in ameetingor driving orjust too busy to attend a call. Ever wishedyou couldlet the callersknow that their call is important and youwill getback to them.Smart Response allows you to deal withsuchsituations moreeffectively. Once installed, Smart responsekicksin every time youget a call and you disconnect it from yourend.The Smart Responsescreen allows you to choose from apredefinedlist of messages thatyou would like to send to the user.Selectingan option automaticallysends the particular message tothe callerand allows you to get backto the task at hand whilebeing surethat the caller has beeninformed about your currentsituation. Ifyou choose not to send amessage , just hang up thephone, thesmart response screenautomatically disappears after apredefinedtime period and allowsyou to continue with yourtask.Smart Response provides users with the following options:a) Allows you to configure messages based on yourstyleandpreferences for upto 4 situations. Alternatively, theAutoSendfeature (in Pro version only) allows you to select amessagethatis sent automatically when a call ismissed/rejected.b) Allows you to enable/disable the Smart Responseapplication.WhenSmart Response is enabled, it automatically startsevery timethephone re-starts.c) Allows you to configure the time period for whichtheSmartResponse screen appears after everyphonerejected/missedcall.d) Allows you to track Smart Response messages as partofnormalconversations (in Pro version only).This version is a step in the direction to provide morecontroltoyou over your phone. Subsequent versions of SmartResponsewillinclude additional features for SMS and Callmanagement.
Call Blocker 5.657
Appsbuyout Dev
Smart caller ID makes it quick and easy to identify andblockunwanted calls