Top 20 Apps Similar to IPTV Player (OLD)

IPTV Player 1.6
PS: This is a private IPTV app, do notdownloadthis if you did not get link from your provider.
IPTV Player Pro 3.3
Alma Mobile Inc.
IPTV Player Pro is the best iptvandroidapplication, you can watch your best tv shows by using m3uplaylistfrom url or your internal storage.Features:Mteriel DesignList view or Grid viewM3U playlistsbest hd iptvChannels NumbersChoose media player optionImport m3u playlists by Url or SDcardiptv androidiptv for androidpvr iptv simple clientPlease note IPTV Player Pro just m3u playlist player we donthostany copyright channels
This tool allows you to watch iptv streamsfromSMART IP server on your phone/tablet or any other androidpowereddevice.IPTV Core libary must be installed to use this tool, if notfoundit will be installed automaticly.PS! THIS APP DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY TV STREAMS! THIS IS JUST ATOOLTO USE WITH SMART IP SERVER.THIS APP REQUIRES SUBSCRIPTION FROM SMART IP!
TopCamd Iptv 1.1
This tool allows you to watch iptv streamsfromTopCamd Iptv server on your phone/tablet or any otherandroidpowered device.IPTV Core libary must be installed to use this tool, if not founditwill be installed automaticly.If you have any problems or questions pleasecontacttopcamd@yahoo.frPS! THIS APP DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY TV STREAMS! THIS IS JUST A TOOLTOUSE WITH TopCamd Iptv service.
Italians-iptv 1.1
This tool allows you to watch iptv streamsfromItalians-iptv server on your phone/tablet or any otherandroidpowered device.IPTV Core libary must be installed to use this tool, if not founditwill be installed automaticly.PS! THIS APP DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY TV STREAMS! THIS IS JUST ATOOLTO USE WITH Italians-iptv SERVER.THIS APP REQUIRES SUBSCRIPTION FROM ITALIANS-IPTV!Contact: for more info
This tool allows you to watch iptv streamsfromXMKA-TV server on your phone/tablet or any other androidpowereddevice.IPTV Core libary (1.5.0 or later) must be installed to usethistool, if not found it will be installed automaticly.PS! THIS APP DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY TV STREAMS! THIS IS JUST ATOOLTO USE WITH XMKA-TV SERVER.
Shfanch IPTV 1.5
This tool allows you to watch iptv streamsfromShfanch IPTV server on your phone/tablet or any otherandroidpowered device.IPTV Core libary must be installed to use this tool, if not founditwill be installed automaticly.PS! THIS APP DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY TV STREAMS! THIS IS JUST A TOOLTOUSE WITH Shfanch IPTV SERVER.THIS APP REQUIRES SUBSCRIPTION FROM Shfanch IPTV!For more info contact:
MAG250 Remote 1.64
Remote Control app for set-top box MAG 250/254/322 and Aura HD
Media-Future IPTV 1.3
This tool allows you to useMedia-Futureservices on your phone/tablet or any other androidpowereddevice.IPTV Core libary must be installed to use this tool, if not founditwill be installed automaticly.PS! THIS APP DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY TV STREAMS! THIS IS JUST ATOOLTHAT YOU CAN USE WITH MEDIA-FUTURE SERVICES .CONTACT MEDIA-FUTURE FOR MORE INFO!
TVdaSogra 1.4
This tool allows you to watch IPTV streamsfromTVdaSogra on your phone/tablet or any other android powereddevice.App features:Live streamingVOD streamingEPG for live channelsStart application on boot (good for android boxes)NB! This is a subscription based app, you will need tocontactTVdaSogra team if you need subscription, do not emaildeveloperabout subscriptions.IPTV Core libary must be installed to use this aoo, if notfoundit will be installed automaticly.If you have any problems or questions contact service providerviaemail: tvdasogra@gmail.comPS! THIS APP DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY FREE TV STREAMS! THIS IS JUSTATOOL TO USE WITH TVdaSogra PROVIDER.
Micro IPTV Code 1.0
This version allows you to use activationcodesfor using Micro IPTV services.This tool allows you to watch iptv streams from Micro IPTVserveron your phone/tablet or any other android powereddevice.IPTV Core libary must be installed to use this tool, if not founditwill be installed automaticly.PS! THIS APP DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY TV STREAMS! THIS IS JUST ATOOLTO USE WITH MICRO IPTV SERVER.You will need subscription from Micro IPTV to use this app,forsubscription information please contact
MyTIM Fisso 8.13.1
L'Assistenza commerciale e tecnica diTIMgratis sul tuo smartphone o tablet con l’app MyTIM Fisso:unsemplice tocco ed entri in un mondo di informazioni e serviziutiliper la tua linea di casa!Le credenziali di accesso sono quelle di registrazione MyTIMdelsito, ma puoi accedere anche con quelle della MailTIM(inserendo il suffisso o Inoltre quandoseiconnesso alla tua linea di casa, puoi accedere adalcunefunzionalità inserendo solo il numero di telefono.Per registrare un account MyTIM vai sul sito o direttamenteaquestoindirizzo: cosa puoi fare con l’app MyTIM Fisso."Linea":1. Consultare le fatture dell’ultimo anno, visualizzare il contopdfo inviarlo via e-mail o scaricarlo sul tuo dispositivo2. Pagare il conto TIM con la tua carta di credito o gestireladomiciliazione bancaria3. Consultare le informazioni sulla tua linea fissa TIM, conoffertaInternet o Telefono4. Modificare l’indirizzo di spedizione del tuo conto (se loricevivia posta ordinaria)5. Modificare la modalità di ricezione conto, ad esempio peraderireal servizio Conto Online ed eliminare l’invio cartaceodella fatturaTIM6. Visualizzare le richieste inserite e tutte lecomunicazioniscambiate (da e verso TIM) negli ultimi sei mesi"Assistenza":1. Eseguire la diagnosi online della linea telefonica, ADSL oFibradi casa, segnalare un problema ai tecnici o risolvere on-lineiproblemi più comuni su Internet, posta elettronica e TV2. Eseguire la diagnosi sui servizi TV attivi (TIM SKY, TIMvision)esegnalare un problema ai tecnici3. Essere avvisato di eventuali disservizi sulla rete fissaTIMnella tua zona, e richiedere l’invio di un SMS o di una e-mailallarisoluzione del guasto4. Gestire le tue Segnalazioni e monitorarne lo statodilavorazione"Modem" (con funzionalità complete disponibili solo su modem TIM,dacasa o da remoto, dopo aver eseguito il login):1. Visualizzare, gestire e riavviare il tuo modem TIM, verificarelostato della connessione Internet e, se sei cliente Fibra diTIM,verificare lo stato del servizio voce2. Verificare la configurazione, accendere, spegnere eottimizzarela rete Wi-Fi, verificare la copertura Wi-fi delmodem3. Controllare e amministrare i dispositivi collegati al modem(daremoto, con login e abilitando la sincronizzazione deidispositivicon la rete TIM). Nota: la visualizzazione da remotodeidispositivi collegati è disponibile solo su modem TIM. Quandoseicollegato al modem in Wi-Fi, il comando Wake on LAN permettediattivare i dispositivi collegati in Ethernet chelosupportano.4. Controllare lo stato dei servizi di condivisione USB sultuomodem TIM, e navigare tra i contenuti condivisi su un discoUSBcollegato al modem5. Visualizzare il QR Code WI-Fi del tuo modem TIM e semplificarelaconfigurazione Wi-Fi del tuo dispositivo tramite scansione delQRCode stampato sotto il modem TIMDa "Negozi" puoi trovare direttamente sulla mappa i negozi TIM atepiù vicini oppure cercarli per indirizzo.Da "Info", anche quando non sei autenticato, puoi accederealleinformazioni di assistenza amministrativa e tecnica, guardareivideo del canale YouTube di TIM, e accedere ai canali diassistenzaTIM su Facebook e Twitter.Per usare l'app serve una linea fissa di TIM e uno smartphone ountablet Android, con qualsiasi operatore mobile (TIM oaltrigestori). Informativa privacy e Condizioni di licenzasonoaccessibili dalla voce Info app del menu Impostazioni.Nota: Se hai uno smartphone TIM, l’app è già installata eGooglePlay ti permetterà di aggiornarla all’ultima versionedisponibile(su alcuni dispositivi TIM non è possibiledisinstallarel’applicazione).Per aiutarci a migliorare l’applicazione scrivia:help.187@telecomitalia.itThe commercialassistanceand technical TIM free on your smartphone or tablet withthe appMyTIM Fixed: a simple tap and enter into a world ofinformation andservices for your home line!The access credentials are those of the MyTIM tim.itsiteregistration, but you can also access with those of Mail TIM(byinserting the suffix @ or @). Also when youareconnected to your home line, you can access some featuresbyentering only the phone number.To register an account MyTIM go on site or directlyat:'s what you can do with the app MyTIM Fixed."Line":1. Consult bills last year, show the bill pdf or send it viae-mailor download it to your device2. Pay the bill TIM with your credit card, or manage thedirectdebit3. Review the information about your fixed line TIM, withtheInternet offer or Phone4. Change the shipping address on your account (if you receiveviapostal mail)5. Change the reception mode into account, for example, to adheretothe Statement Online service and eliminate paper sending theTIMinvoice6. Display the submitted requests and all communicationsexchanged(to and from TIM) over the last six months"Assistance":1. Run the online diagnosis of the telephone line, ADSL orFiberhome, report a problem to the technical or online solvecommonproblems using the Internet, email and TV2. Diagnose the active TV services (TIM SKY, TIMvision) and reportaproblem to the technicians3. Be informed of any failure on the fence TIM in your area, andaskthem to send an SMS or an e-mail to the fault resolution4. Manage your messages and monitor its processing"Modem" (with full functionality only available on TIM modemfromhome or remotely, after you log in):1. View, manage, and restart your modem TIM, check the status oftheInternet connection and, if you are a customer of TIM Fiber,checkthe status of voice service2. Verify the configuration, turn on, turn off and optimizetheWi-Fi network, verify the Wi-Fi coverage of the modem3. Check and manage devices connected to the modem (remote,withlogin and enabling the synchronization of devices with theTIMnetwork). Note: remote viewing of connected devices isonlyavailable on TIM modem. When you are connected to the modemviaWi-Fi, the Wake on LAN command activates the devices connectedtoEthernet that support.4. Check the status of the USB sharing services on your modemTIM,and navigate the shared content on a USB drive connected tothemodem5. Display the QR Code WI-Fi of your modem and TIM simplifyWi-Ficonfiguration of your device by scanning the QR code printedunderthe modem TIMFrom "Stores" can be found directly on the map TIM stores nearesttoyou, or search for them by address.From "info", even when you're logged in, you can accessinformationon administrative and technical assistance, watch videosof TIMYouTube channel, and access assistance TIM channels onFacebook andTwitter.To use the app serves a fixed TIM line and a smartphone orAndroidtablet, with any mobile operator (TIM or other operators).PrivacyPolicy and Licensing conditions are accessible from theSettingsmenu item Info app.Note: If you have one TIM smartphone, the app is alreadyinstalledand Google Play allow you to upgrade to the latest version(on somedevices TIM you can not uninstall the application).To help us improve the application
HALauncher - Android TV
ITO Akihiro
"HALauncher" is a launcher to display and open the non-AndroidTVapps.
IPTV SML-482 Remote 3.1
Remote control for IPTV STB SML-482 by SmartLabs.
IPTV Player Plus 11.1
IR Mobile Inc.
IPTV Player Plus allows you toviewTVtechnology-based IPTV. This application does not containabuilt-inplaylists, and is allowing convenient and comfortabletowatch TVonline.Please use playlists in the format m3u or Any similar formatFeatures:- m3u-playlist support-feature to add playlists from device file-system, frominternetorclipboard;- can play http streams,- IPTV Player Plus support auto-update playlist, and usingacachedversion if not available;- customizable main-screen in title-style view, playlistsandmostwatched channels can be placed there, and a basefunctionsofapplication with titles sorting;- favourites, with support nested folders, grouping samechannelsindifferent playlists;- export playlists and favourites in many file formats;- backup/restore application settings(playlists,favourites,history, settings);- hystory of watched channels;- customizable channel search in all playlists;- IPTV Player Plus has a different color-themes;- parental control;IPTV Player Plusallowsyouto view TV technology-based IPTV. This app Does notcontenirhasbuilt-in playlists, and is ALLOWING convenient andcomfortabletowatch TV online.Please use playlists in the m3u or similar size Any sizeFeatures:- Support m3u-playlist-feature to add playlists from device file-system, frominternetorclipboard;- Can play http streams,- IPTV Player Plus Support auto-update playlist, and usingacachedversion of if not available;- Customizable hand-screen-style view in title, playlistsandMostWatched channels Can Be Placed there, and has basicfunctionsofapp titles with sorting;- Favorites, with supporting nested folders, groupingSaamichannelsin different playlists;- Export playlists and favorites in Many file formats;- Backup / restore settings application(playlists,favorites,history, settings);- Hystory of watched channels;- Customizable channel search in all playlists;- IPTV Player Plus: has a different color-themes;- Parental control;
MAG250 Remote+ 1.33
Remote Control for IPTV Set-Top-Box MAG250 and Aura HD.
Dish/DTH Universal-Remote 1.0
DISH/DTH TV REMOTE-UNIVERSAL will helps youtooperate your DTH connection in TV.we will added more that200DTH/DISH connection in the can chose your connectionandTV and once you done the selection you can start operatetheRemote,you can control your TV through your smart needofany other remote just download our app and start usingtheremote.before using the remote you need to select theDTHconnection of yours and the TV type,there is a number ofoptionavailable there to make selection.Download our app and makeyourandroid phone as TV remote,this is the one of the firstDIsh/DTHremote app in the Google play. Follwing are the DTH/DISHConnectionwhich we added in this remote,check whether yourconnection areavailable in this list,if yes download our app andchange yoursmart phone to remoteSUPPORTED DTH/DISH CONNECTIONSDish TV,TataSky,Airtel,Sun Direct,DDFreeDish,Videocon,Reliance,BigTv,PittsburghInternationalTelecommunications,DirecTV,DISHNetwork,Comcast,Glorystar,Spiritcast,SkyAngel,GlobeCast WorldTV,Home2US,AT&TU-Verse,VerizonFiOS,Indovision,TransVision,Aora TVsatelit,Skynindo,BigTV,Orange,K-Vision,Topas TV,IRIB,yes,SKYPerfecTV!,Astro,DDishTVLLC,UNITEL DTH,Dish Home,Dream SatelliteTV,G Sat,Cignal DigitalTV,Skylife,Dialog TV,Peo TV,DishLanka,TrueVisions,GMM Z,CTH,TOTIPTV,Sky NetDTH,Austar,Foxtel,SelecTV,UBIWorldTV,VAST,SKY,Freeview,Euro1080,Digit-Alb,SkyÖsterreich,ORF,Austriasat,TVVlaanderen Digitaal,TéléSATNumérique,Belgium SatelliteServices,Vivacom TV,Bulsatcom,MTel,DigiTV,SEEMORE,NOVACyprus,SkyLink,CSLink,Digi TV,UPCDirect,CanalDigital,Viasat,ABSat,CanalSat,TPS,BISTV,FRANSAT,TNTSAT,CanalDigital,Viasat,MagtiCom,Sky Deutschland,NOVAGreece,OTE TVGreece,Digi TV,UPC Direct,T-home,HelloHD,AustriaSatMagyarország,Sky,Saorsat,SkyItalia,TéléSATLuxembourg,CanalDigitaal,CanalDigital,Viasat,CyfrowyPolsat,nc+,Portugal[edit],ZON TV Cabo,MEOSatélite,Orange TV,DigiTV,Dolce,Focus Sat,Kosmos TV,NTV Plus,OrionExpress,RIKORTV,Russian TV Time,Tricolor TV Sibir,NTV PlusVostok,TricolorTV,Serbia[edit],Digi TV,TotalTV,Digi TV,MagioSat,Skylink,CSLink,UPC Direct,Digital+,CanalDigital,Viasat,Satellite MediaSwitzerland,GLOBCOSSwitzerland,Digiturk,D-Smart,Sky,Freesat,iSatLTD,VirginMedia,Ukraine[edit],NTV Plus Ukraine,ViasatUkraine,ВОЛЯ(Cable),Максимум ТВ (MITRIS),Xtra TV,BellTV,ShawDirect,Spiritcast,Glorystar,Telus TV,DirecTV,Antina,TuvesHD,InterSatelital Bolivia,SKY Brasil,Vivo TV,Claro TV,OiTV,GVTTV,Telefónica TV Digital,DirecTV,Claro TV,MovistarTVHogar,DirecTV,Tuves HD,DirecTV,Peru[edit],CableMágicoSatelital,DirecTV Latin America,TuvesHD,TuvesHD,DirecTV,DirecTV,Movistar Venezuela,SKYMéxico,DishMéxico,Cablevisión México,Following are the some of the TV model which our appswillsupport--SUPPORTED TV MODELSFujitsu 179, Funai 171,179,180,Futuretech 180,GE047,451,051,021,027,282,178,135,174, Goldstar060,056,030,019,178,Hitachi 151,145,056, Ikea 041, 231, JVC 053,Kloss 046,024,030, KTV180,030,280,185,039, LG023,143,144,163,235,264,301,302,345, Luxman056, LXI047,054,154,178,Mark 003, Memorex 150,154,056,016,178,MGA150,030,019,178, Mitsubishi 150,015,178, NEC 030,056,019,Optimus166,154,150,165, Panasonic 250,051,055,054,Philco054,096,030,019,187, Philips 054,096,030,019,187,Pioneer166,Proscan 047,Proton 466,178,003, Quasar250,051,055,Radioshack,,180,165,039,056,047,030, RCA047,018,135,090,019,174,Realistic 154,165,056,030,019,178,180,039,Runco060,494,030,017,Sampo 030,039,Samsung060,427,056,030,019,178,Sanyo154,159,146, Scott236,019,178,180,179, Sears047,054,154,171,056,156,178,179,146,Sharp 093,491,165,039, Sony000,080, Souddesign178,180,179,186,Sylvania054,096,030,187,186,ymphonic171,179,180,Tandy 093,165,039,054,047,Tutang 055,003,051,Techwood051,056,003,055,250,Teknika092,054,060,056,019,016,180,179,186,039,Toshiba156,154,060,VectorResearch 030 plus 100 more models.
PrivateIPTV2 1.4
This tool allows you to usePrivateIPTVservices on your phone/tablet or any other androidpowereddevice.IPTV Core libary must be installed to use this tool, if not founditwill be installed automaticly.App features:*Live*Vod*EPG*Categories*Start app on boot ( Android STB's)PS! THIS APP DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY TV STREAMS! THIS IS JUST ATOOLTHAT YOU CAN USE WITH PRIVATEIPTV SERVICES .CONTACT PRIVATEIPTV FOR MORE INFO!
PrivateIPTV 1.4
This tool allows you to usePrivateIPTVservices on your phone/tablet or any other androidpowered device.IPTV Core libary must be installed to use this tool, if notfoundit will be installed automaticly.PS! THIS APP DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY TV STREAMS! THIS IS JUST ATOOLTHAT YOU CAN USE WITH PRIVATEIPTV SERVICES .CONTACT PRIVATEIPTV FOR MORE INFO!
King WEB TV 1
This tool allows you to watch IPTV streamsfromTVdaSogra on your phone/tablet or any other android powereddevice.App features:Live streamingVOD streamingEPG for live channelsStart application on boot (good for android boxes)NB! This is a subscription based app, you will needtocontactKing WEB TV team if you need subscription, do notemaildeveloper about subscriptions.IPTV Core libary must be installed to use this aoo, if notfoundit will be installed automaticly.If you have any problems or questions contact serviceproviderwww.kingwebtv.comPS! THIS APP DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY FREE TV STREAMS! THIS IS JUSTATOOL TO USE WITH King WEB TV PROVIDER.