Top 3 Apps Similar to BladderTraining

PeePooLog 1.1.6
Masayuki Kinoshita
You have problems with toilet relatedproblemsand you want to record the frequency urination, oliguria,diarrhea,constipation and excretion? This is the application youneed! It issimple and easy to operate.The way you use it is exactly how you use the toilet: you justhaveto flush the toilet and it is all done!
尿了么 1.0.2
人生离不开“吃喝拉撒”,小便的知识还远远不止这一点,丰富等很,小便不仅是身体排除废物的途径,还是健康状况的“晴雨表”。尿频、尿急、尿等待、尿黄、尿臭等等问题都是健康问题的预警。每天排尿多少,尿频的原因,尿液颜色的改变,都代表着身体的某种反应,里面大有学问。Life can not dowithout"eating and sleeping," pee knowledge is far more than that,and sovery rich, urine is not only a way to eliminate waste in thebody,or health of "barometer." Urinary frequency, urgency, urinarywait,dark urine, urine smell and so on are all early warning ofhealthproblems. How much daily urination, frequent urinationcauseschanges in urine color, represents a certain reaction of thebody,which is very demanding.
喝水时间 - 提醒最佳喝水时间,减肥美容好帮手 2.1.0
iClover Inc.
** 这就是那款让你【学会喝水】的APP,95%的人都不知道的喝水秘籍哦。** 第1款为您定制个性化喝水计划的健康类应用。让亲朋好友一起使用,帮助大家“越喝越美越健康”。【来自用户的评价】—“一款app你会不会喜欢,从你使用第一次后心中就有答案了,好的东西都有著简约却不简单的特质。”—“这款喝水神器非常不错哟 以前从不知道喝水也可有这样的效果 痘痘少了 体内热毒祛了 清宿便排肠毒 十分好用哦”—“软件很棒 颜色很舒服绿蓝绿蓝的很清新 五星!!真的有瘦下来 而且排毒很有效”—“这个软件不错哦,单位同事都在用它,推荐我用,嘻嘻,多喝水对身体好,用起来,让身体不再缺水!啦啦啦”【关于喝水】你每天喝足够的水吗?你总是忘了定时喝水吗?这款APP提醒你每天喝水、跟踪你的饮水习惯。喝水是生命体通过口腔摄入水以补充自身细胞内水份,是生命体新陈代谢的重要一环,也是补充生命体和植物微量元素的方式之一。多喝水好处多多,特别是清早起床、饭前和睡前半小时喝一杯水,常年天天坚持受益无穷!喝水的好处一、减肥:吃饭前,先喝杯水或一碗汤,可减少饭量,对控制体重有明显的帮助,从而防止发胖。美国科学家罗伯逊博士实验表明,每日饮水8至12杯,便能每周减肥0.5公斤。而饮冷水最好,因冷水易为组织吸收,可消耗热量,餐前饮水,便有饱满感,可减低食欲。二、护肤美容:皮肤的美丽在于水分与油分的平衡,保养皮肤主要的目的即在“保湿”,保持皮肤适当的水分与油脂,让皮肤光泽有弹性。三、防止老化:人体七成是由水组成的,其比例会随著年龄的增加而减少。人体一生的含水量由80%开始到50%为止,水分流失量会与年龄成正比。四、缓解感冒:感冒时,最好每天能喝二、三千毫升以上的水,这样能将病毒和其所产生的毒素经尿液排出。流行性感冒滤过性病毒多在低温、低湿环境滋生,保持居家环境及体内的湿润,即可减少传染机会。五、退烧:发烧时,医师常给病人打点滴,将大量的水分直接送入体内,这样可立即减轻发烧,达到退烧的效果。六、便秘者经常喝水可使肠腔内保持足够的水分软化大便。饭前喝水的几大益处:一、提高注意力:能帮助大脑保持活力,把新信息牢牢存到记忆中去。二、有提高免疫力:可以提高免疫系统的活力,对抗细菌侵犯。三、抗抑郁:能刺激神经生成抗击抑郁的物质。四、抗失眠:水是制造天然睡眠调节剂的必需品。五、抗癌:使造血系统运转正常,有助于预防多种癌症。六、预防疾病:能预防心脏和脑部血管堵塞。【主要功能】1.为您定制个性化的每日饮水量和喝水计划2.清新时尚,漂亮的UI设计让您每天喝水都有个好心情3.及时的喝水时间推送提醒4.可设置提醒时间5.喝水健康知识介绍6.专家推荐饮水计划** This is thesectionthat allows you to drink [learn] the APP, 95% of people donot knowthe drink Cheats oh.** Paragraph 1 drink for your custom personalized health plantypeapplications. Let friends and family used together to helppeople."The more you drink, the United States and health."[From users]- "Would you like an app from your mind after the first use havetheanswer, good things have a simple but not simplequalities."- "This is very good to drink artifact yo never knew water mayalsohave such an effect acne less body heat toxin remove theclearstool row enterotoxin very easy oh"- "Software nice green, blue, green and blue color verycomfortablevery fresh star !! really slim and veryeffectivedetoxification"- "This software is good, oh, co-workers are using it, Irecommendto use, hee hee, drink plenty of water is good for thebody, usingthem, so that the body is no longer water la lala!"[About drinking]You drink enough water every day? Do you always forget todrinkwater right timing? The APP remind you to drink water everyday,keep track of your drinking habits.Drink plenty of water is the life of the body through theoralintake of water to supplement the water within the cell itself,isan important part of the living body metabolism, one of thetraceelement supplement and plant life on the way. Drink plentyofbenefits, especially early in the morning to get up half anhourbefore meals and at bedtime drink a glass of water every day,yearround stick endless benefits!The benefits of drinking waterFirst, the weight loss: Before dinner, the first cup of water orabowl of soup, can reduce appetite, weight controlsignificantlyhelp to prevent weight gain. American scientist Dr.Luo Boxunexperiments showed that drinking 8-12 cups a day, will beable tolose weight 0.5 kg per week. The best drink cold water,becausecold water is easy for the organization to absorb, canburncalories, pre-dinner drink, there satiety, canreduceappetite.Second, the skin care beauty: the beauty of the skin is tobalancemoisture and oil, the main purpose of skin care that is"moisture"proper moisture and keep the skin oil, make the skinshiny andelastic.Third, to prevent aging: 70% of the human body consists ofwater,which is the ratio will decrease with increasing age. Thewatercontent of human life, beginning from 80% to 50% so far, willbedirectly proportional to the amount of water loss with age.Fourth, relieve cold: a cold, it is best to drink two tothreethousand ml or more of water a day, viruses and toxins so theycangenerate through the urine. Influenza viral mostly inlowtemperatures, low humidity environment to breed, keep thehomeenvironment and the body's wet, you can reduce the chanceofinfection.V. fever: fever, doctors often give patients an intravenousdrip,the large amount of water directly into the body, which canreducethe fever immediately reached fever effect.Six, constipation can often drink enough water to keep theintestineto soften the stool.Drink plenty of water before meals several major benefits:First, improve attention: to help maintain the vitality ofthebrain, the new information is securely stored to memorygo.Second, there are to improve the immune system: to improvethevitality of the immune system, fight bacteria violations.Third, the antidepressant: Fight depression canstimulateneurogenesis material.Fourth, anti-insomnia: Water is essential for the manufactureofnatural sleep regulator.Five, cancer: hematopoietic system in normal operation, tohelpprevent a variety of cancers.Six, disease prevention: to prevent heart and brain bloodvesselblockage.[Main features]1. To personalize your daily water intake and water plans2. fresh and stylish, beautiful UI design allows you to have agoodmood every day to drink water3. Push the time to drink a timely reminder4. You can set the reminder time5. Introduction to drink health knowledge6. Experts recommend drinking water program