Top 29 Games Similar to 屠龍傳奇

紅月刀芒-屠龍霸業熱血合擊,傳奇私服放置掛機手遊,沙巴克攻城傳世戰歌,裁決天下江湖霸主 8.0
【硬核傳奇,隔位刺殺風騷走位】經典戰鬥,再現PVP三職業PK!【原始攻沙,阻擋打團搶佔據點】肉盾堵門、搶佔復活點、通力攻沙!【散人春天,黑盒打寶蹲守野怪】通寶、橙裝、技能書統統怪物爆!【跨區交易,自由買賣倒貨賺錢】全區比價,貨比三家!【精簡養成,花錢更少體驗更爽】保留經典,專注核心PK體驗! ---遊戲特色---【BOSS連戰,酷炫爆裝】豐富多樣的BOSS玩法,體驗瘋狂刷BOSS的快感;PK必爆炫裝,帶給你熟識的傳奇體驗!【輪回轉生,戰神助力】轉生之法修煉體魄,華麗外形驚豔全服!神獸系統強勢助陣,戰將出戰為你攻城掠地!【攻沙奪城,兄弟再聚】語音指揮,談笑間帶領兄弟橫掃千軍!血戰沙城、萬人皇城爭霸,感受超極致熱血pk!
戰國傳奇【熱血武俠救國】 1.0.9
Maggie Game
烈焰沙城 1.1.7
暗黑領主:天使降臨 1.0.7
Legend Hegemony-retro action mobile online game 10.0
HandZone Games
The classic hot-blooded mobile game "Legend Hegemony" isstruck!Open the online siege of tens of thousands of people in thewholecountry, and the passionate battle will make the king dominatetheindustry! Here, relive the classic Mafa continent, explorethelegendary world of oriental magic, free choice ofclassicprofessional tactics, and the iron triangle to reproduce theheroicattack! The game has open play methods such as summoning ofpets,fighting BOSS explosive god costume, reincarnation god wing,siegeof ten thousand people, etc., quickly arousing your youthmemories!"Legend Hegemony" retains the interactive essence of freegametrading, cross-service warfare, guild warfare andotherinteractions. The original taste has restored the classicgameplay,and a new copy of the Holy Beast such as the Holy BeastPalace isadded. The quality of this work has been fully upgraded,and thetop Blu-ray scenes will allow you to get more courageous inthisbattle and create your own legendary route! Classic retroversion,passionate attack on sand PK. Guild Wars boss, full-screendrop ofgod costume, no binding equipment, courtesy and massiverewards arewaiting for you! Free trading endless wealth is waitingfor you tocreate! 【Game Features】 ◆ Retro legend, classic upgradeAfter morethan ten years of glory, millions of guilds, millions ofbrothers,all respond to each other, and then fight againstShacheng! Theoriginal re-enactment of the classic settings of theend game, thepicture quality has been fully upgraded, the threetactics of theroad, the treasure, the explosive, the bloody sand,and the richand new challenges are waiting for you to sing your ownwar song! ◆PK explosive equipment Free team, passion PK, bloody redname,killing explosives, bloody stimulation! Black Dragon Temple,dartescort, martial arts hegemony, Wangcheng competition ... RichPvPgameplay, deep optimization of PK system, super smoothoperationfeel, ignite fingertip passion, join hands with brotherstodominate the world! ◆ Call of war pets, artifact blessing Warpetswill accompany you to help you fight every PK. Massive petswith avariety of attributes and skills, have a powerful assistantin thegame, one response, let you focus on each battle! ◆ Bossfighting,God filled the ground The game has a unique BOSS system,team upwith brothers to play BOSS, experience the super highexplosionrate, the thrill of crazy harvest, so that you no longerworryabout equipment and resources! Rich and varied BOSSgameplay,experience the thrill of crazy brushing BOSS; PK willexplode in adazzling outfit, bringing you a familiar legendaryexperience! ◆Domineering title, Divine Wing body protector Thepowerfulattributes and glorious glory are proof of the identity ofthestrong! Pull the wind god wings, a combination of strengthandshape! The title above the head, spread the god wings, becometalland handsome in one second, show off the audience, andbeworshipped by all the people in the whole service! ◆ Thousandsofpeople attack the city Classically restore bloody siegegameplay,tens of thousands of people on the same screen bloodysand,built-in voice command barrier-free communication, one-clicklockaccurate killing, find the enemy to get the enemy first! Letyoureturn to that passionate youthful years and lead the brotherstosweep the thousand troops! Fight for hegemony in Sand City andTenThousand Imperial City with bloody battle, use unlimited PKtodefend your glory! ◆ Passionate passion, free trading In thespringof scattered people, super passionate treasure playingexperience,the best equipment and advanced skills to fightmonsters, freetrading as you like. Guilds, red envelopes and otherdiversifiedsocial games, you are not fighting alone! ◆Cross-service battles,diverse gameplay Cross-service six-worldbattlefield, human, god,demon, ghost, and six-world battle tocreate a differentcross-service battlefield!
There are new districts every day! Enter the zone to sendspecialring! VIP code: UALZ, full 10 times burst rate, downloadnow!
王的大陸 1.0.33
Playing games is not only to feel the excitement and pleasure ofthegame, but also to reap the friendship of brothers!
傳奇熱血 - 決戰沙巴克1.76傳奇沙城爭霸放置版
精品推薦:千人同屏熱血攻城戰! 還原經典傳奇1.76版本!武士傳奇!兄弟攜手!決戰沙城!共創盛世!休閒挂機!輕鬆升級!
不滅獸魂 1.0.1
原始传奇-国际版 2.3.1
火鳳燎原手機版-首款漫畫改編手機遊戲 14.0.07
★遊戲簡介《火鳳燎原》為2001年開始出版的漫畫作品,由香港著名漫畫家「陳某」親自編繪,為讀者呈現一個縱橫幻想與史實的三國時代,目前已於香港、台灣與日本等多個地區推出單行本,可謂震撼全亞洲的新三國演義!而《火鳳燎原手機版》正是根據漫畫原著進行改篇的三國題材作品!★遊戲特色【火鳳武將 經典育成】玩家在遊戲中不僅會遇到漫畫中上百位英雄武將,還可以透過卡牌的收集,組織起心目中最強的軍隊來一統中原。【神級裝備免費搜羅】《火鳳燎原手機版》的瑰寶系統,每位武將都有專屬的「瑰寶」裝備,裝備之後武將能力快速提升,馳騁沙場,所向披靡!【沙場練兵成就最強】雙兵種系統雙重玩法!排兵佈陣締造最強陣型,騎兵、槍兵、弓兵、刀兵環環相扣,戰場上你就是最厲害的指揮官!【舌戰群儒單挑戰神】戰場上瞬息萬變,「舌戰」軍師幾「單挑」武將後有機會逆轉戰局結局,鍛煉你的武將技能將事半功倍!官方FACEBOOK粉絲團:官方網站:
榮耀遠征:Journey To Glory 0.102.112
【THE STORY】 We conquered this land and built an empire toguardthesoul from evil. But there are whispers onthewind...........Mybrotherhood “spades prince” born in theshadows. 【GAMEDESCRIPTION】 "Journey To Glory" is an multiplayerKingdoms strategygameproduced by 175game. And it’s available rightnow in mobileApponly. You can customize army of Heroes and tryoutdifferentcombination in battle. Most of all, you can controlyourHero now,and target enemy buildings and foes the way you likeit!Combinethe PVP and PVE gameplay. You can win free diamondsbyEvents ordestroying other players , and earn resource with yourownbasetoo. Now create your own Alliance with other playerstoconquerother kingdoms and dominate the realm! 【UNIQUEFEATURE】●ControlHero unit in real-time strategy combat and crushyourenemies。●Mighty Building such as Dragon guard, ArtilleryandCyclops withover 35 Specials, make the most base of them! ●Raiseastrong armyof Heroes:Human, ORC and elf, use dozens ofskills,spells andtraps and experiment numerous combination ofstrategies!●Buildyour kingdom and dominate the realm. Receiveprecious prizesfromthe national tax. ●Challenge global players andBOSS to earnfreediamonds For all the latest info, follow us onsocialmedia:Facebook :
黃易群俠傳M 0.110
Never played Huang Yi, let alone played a martial arts game!HuangYiM is back! Your first 3D martial arts game, realize youryouthmartial arts dream again after 10 years.
神戒M-口袋修仙(God Of Ring) 1.0.97
Biu Game
The new magical ARPG masterpiece "The Ring M" is coming!Breakthrough the tradition, explode red envelopes, explode ingots,andfill the earth!
烈焰战神传奇(原:绿毒传奇)BT变态版-单职业传奇单机正版手 30.1
Legend of Flame God of War BT Perverted Edition-ShandaGenuineNostalgic Classic Legend! Retro legend private serversingleprofession, the world of blood legend Shabak! Blue MoonSupremeJudgment handed down the stand-alone on-hook version,unparalleledslaying the dragon, Dragon City battle hymn, goldhigh-explosiverecovery, true legend!
Sword Legend-Jinyong Heroes Fairy RPG Online Games 1.0.9
HandZone Games
Sword Legend-Jinyong Heroes Fairy RPG Online Games,DungeonKnightAFK World Sword Legend is a swordsman RPG mobile game,in thegameplayers will avatar a nobody, self-taught,recruitfamousswordsman, and run into the world. The game paysattention tothecombat array strategy with high degree of freedom,strengthensthecollection and the cultivation, changes the magicpower, thebloodcompetition, the peak traditional martial arts,experiencesthedifferent martial arts world. Game features: * themain plottwistsand turns. With a horse a sword, get to meet friendsin allcornersof the country, with a chivalrous spirit, challengegood andevilsupreme, save the world in danger. Super multi - linestory,hiddenstory waiting for you to explore. * classicmartialartscharacters, Qiao feng, Dongfang Bubai, Yangguo......Uniquemartial arts, military weapons,chivalroustenderness,confidante...... All kinds of heroes andheroines, thevast world,everything you want here have! * high freeplayerinteraction. Makegood friends, form alliances, andseekopportunities together.Heroes gathered, united from master,goodmaster accompanied byteaching kung fu; play togetherwithconfidantes and brothers. Thisis a flesh-and-bloodinteractivearena. * high free stunts. Thereare more than 100martial artsclassics to choose from. Eachfaction of the master ofmartial arts,the attributes of totalcontrol! A variety of schoolsystemcapabilities have their owncharacteristics, hundreds ofmartialarts moves, including sword,fist, leg, palm, finger, stick,gun,hidden weapon, high freecollocation, super strategic, helpyoudominate the martial arts! *high free line-up. Unique vitalenergy,strategy collocation,random combination! Personally matchthelineup, to obtain theswordsman's internal powertransmission,release the originalenergy. Random collocation martialarts moves,ten thousand kindsof routines for your combination, tocreate onlyfantasy dreambelong to you. * high degree of freedomexploration.randomgenerate the maze maps , refused to repeat, evencan go deepintothe adventure of wonderland, all kinds ofinterestinggameplay!Accept the reward task, enter the trial place,completethe world'sexperience training, a large number ofunknownmysterious mapwaiting for you to explore the secret, explorethelegendarytreasure, to obtain the ancient and modern knightleftbehind therare treasure. * high freedom, experience andgrowth.Automaticpathfinding, off-line growth, one-handed operation,stopplayinganytime. Meet your dream of buddhist martial artslife,enjoy thepleasure of rapid growth, and upgrade to zero burden!
六界情緣 1.0
《六界情緣》是一款全新Q版情緣仙俠玄幻修仙題材、採用流暢的即時戰鬥模式,讓玩家可以獲得大型RPG的遊戲體驗,遊戲內所有人物模型全部使用2.5D模型完成,以美輪美奐的場景和細膩華麗的角色形象來表現遊戲世界,簡單的操作和遊戲前期大量的新手引導,讓玩家可以更快速地上手遊戲操作、熟悉遊戲各項功能及玩法。遊戲採用Q版仙俠風格,擁有豐富多樣的角色技能和精彩刺激的副本體系。遊戲特色:1.跨服聊天交友、尋找在仙俠道路的另一半,情緣副本,攜手共進!2.熱血激情的修仙之路就在你腳下,鑲嵌就可成就一段修仙傳奇!3.獨特的NPC交互任務、流暢的戰鬥體驗,讓這個遊戲永遠不失去體驗熱趣4.酷炫技能,數種酷炫技能,酣暢淋漓戰鬥快感5.手機PK,就是這麼爽。單P群P 陣營P,激情四射的仙俠世界。6.萌寵炫騎人人有。萌萌寵物、酷炫坐騎,帥氣拉風彰顯個性。
正牌龍虎門 - 薪火傳承 5.2.0
Idle Legend War-fierce fight h 2.1.105
Handzone Games
Idle Legend War-fierce fight hegemony massive multiplayeronlinegame
正統三國-經典即時策略類手遊 1.12.7
The classic SLG strategy country war mobile game, the real chaosofthe Three Kingdoms, invites you to fight! Break throughmanylevels, pull the ring to escape, go to the secret place of theseato hunt for treasure, rescue the lord, and win thetreasure!Develop generals, manage cities, high-level free citywarfare, andhigh-level national warfare!
希望OL 1.1.4
Dusk dawn 8090
Legends Monk Games
Tang Sanzang Westward Journey-Journey to the West Dahua versionofMonkey King V8+100,000 hangs up and bursts with Nezha ThirdPrince,Red Boy, Niu Devil! Tang Seng went to the Wuxing Mountain torescueMonkey King and repay Tianzhu to learn from the scriptures.Threedozen white bone spirits obtained plantain fans from PrincessIronFan and crossed the Flame Mountain
楚漢風雲 1.1
宠物Z世代 1.0
無雙名將傳- 真三國策略遊戲 1.0.5
Games SOUL
經典傳承,只為主公的統一霸業。耗時打造,經歷時間打磨,更新換代,遊戲以最優的設計呈現給主公,拒絕簡單粗暴的遊戲體驗,有趣的將領養成體系,經典卡牌對戰系統,隨意的武將組合設定,新穎的城池攻占模式,為您呈現引人入勝的遊戲體驗,營造一個調兵遣將,揮斥方遒的三國世界。【遊戲特色】==經典三國熱門英雄==英雄高度還原真三國人物,匠心打造華麗服飾,炫酷裝備,極限視覺。高概率招募系統,呂布趙雲典韋、大喬小喬貂蟬,豪傑將領統統納入麾下。==上古神獸,霸氣坐騎==龍鳳呈祥,傳奇麒麟,遊戲坐騎模擬上古神獸,給你超乎傳奇的遊戲體驗。神獸養成,作戰沙場,百變套路,吞併敵對勢力,奪取天下。==超強副本,極致體驗==三國戰場副本,休閒挂機闖關,解放雙手,輕鬆升級,關卡持續更新,其樂無窮。通關解鎖,一路收納武將,中原征戰,擴展宏圖。==挂機策略,輕鬆升級==經典的挂機模式,上陣英雄策略搭配,攻城略地,指點江山。輕鬆升級,收集將魂,裝備武將,在這裡,主公就是國之依杖。FB官方粉絲團:聯繫客服→※本遊戲已適配所有設備,如進入遊戲報錯,請聯繫客服協助處理。※本遊戲為免費遊戲,但遊戲內提供付費商品,請依個人情況進行適度消費。 ※請注意遊戲時間,長時間進行遊戲,容易影響作息,宜適度休息及運動。
The strategy card mobile game "Heroes of Brawl" is based onancienthistory and has a unique three-dimensional card system. Itwilltake you through time and space and fight against all kindsofheroes! Chi You picks Houyi, Guan Gong fights Qin Qiong, DiaoChanfights Yuhuan, and various combinations play unrestrainedly!
古惑仔Online 7.1
漢家江湖 1.2.14
《漢家江湖》 -- 漢家松鼠遊戲工作室出品 【遊戲特色】- 獨具魅力的世界觀與劇情設定,開放世界劇情走向- 變化萬千的強策略戰鬥,強調競技性的論劍系統- “人工開放世界”,用細節刻畫出一個多變的宏大世界- 50+可加入隊友,獨具特色的天賦人物刻畫- 100+可學習武學,超高自由度的套路搭配,這是個套路滿滿的遊戲!- 做為一個高自由度遊戲,怎能沒有捏臉呢!?【劇情提要】北朝與南朝的戰爭連綿不斷,在大地上留下了不可磨滅的傷痕。流離失所的黎民百姓飽受異族欺淩,身處內憂外患之間的中原武林四分五裂,面臨從未有過的危機。少林寺方丈、離憂谷谷主、恆山派掌門……接連離世,一場驚心動魄的陰謀正在醞釀當中。誰是仗劍而出的白衣俠士?誰又能拯救中原武林於危難?十大名劍:無名、紅雲、月白、東靈、紫霄……古已有之,頗具靈性,只有在真正的主人手中才能共鳴。千百年來,它們像沉睡的謎一樣隱匿於世。傳說十大名劍只有在亂世才會重出江湖,誰是十大名劍真正的主人?何時十大名劍才能發出刺破黑暗的耀眼的光芒?這是一部夥伴眾多、名士雲集的“群俠傳”,不僅有雄姿英發的少年辛棄疾、血濺桃花扇的李香君等知名歷史人物,還有清麗脫俗的桃花仙子、一襲瀟灑之風的大俠耶律紅、古靈精怪的屈心姑娘、冷若冰霜的張月小姐、琴劍雙絕的大師姐李佩芷、行動如鬼魅一般的霓裳、身世可憐的寒煙翠秀姐妹等原創角色。扶貧濟弱的江湖行俠與抗擊外敵的家國之戰相交織,詮釋著俠的精義。------------------客服郵件