Top 5 Apps Similar to Nutrients in Irrigation Water

Solar Irrigation 1.01
Srijon Microsystems
The work has been introduced in theWestBengalAccelerated Development of Minor Irrigation Projecttoenhanceagricultural production of small and marginal farmersinthe projectarea under the supervision of the DPMU, Barasat.Solarpower isbeing used for driving irrigation pumps(5 HP). Allthefieldinstallations are equipped with remote dataacquisitionsystem forcollecting various parameters and acquiringdatacentrally in theweb server through wireless GPRS.Allinstantaneous field data canbe observed through this website.Theserver is also used to providehistorical data. Thisfacilitatesremote observation and analysis ofall such solarirrigationinstallations over different places ofWest Bengal.
Container Irrigation Tool 1.0
Univ of Florida
This tool is designed toprovidesprinklerirrigation run times for a range of plantproductionconditionstypically found in an outdoor, commercialcontainernursery.Because daily irrigation demand varies withweather, thetoolautomatically acquires weather data from a FAWN(FloridaAutomatedWeather Network) weather station to estimateirrigationrun times.The FAWN weather station can be automaticallyselectedbased on theuser’s current location or can be manuallyselectedfrom adrop-down list. Besides weather, daily irrigationdemandisaffected by plant production conditions in the irrigatedarea.Forthis tool, plant production conditions includecontainersize,container spacing, plant size, percent plant cover,andirrigationapplication rate. The user can set defaultproductionconditionsfor trade 1 and 3 gallon containers so thatirrigationrun timescan be quickly acquired for their particularsituation.Irrigationrun time outputs are clearly displayed on themain pagefor a rangeof container spacing arrangements. On the mainpage, theuser canoverride FAWN rainfall with rain recorded on-sitetoprovide a moreaccurate irrigation recommendation.
Water Resource Engineering 7
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Water ResourceEngineeringwhich covers important topics, notes, materials &news on thecourse. Download the App as a reference material &digital bookfor Civil and Environmental engineering programs &degreecourses. This useful App lists 135 topics with detailednotes,diagrams, equations, formulas & course material, thetopics arelisted in 5 chapters. The app is must have for all theengineeringscience students & professionals. The app providesquickrevision and reference to the important topics like adetailedflash card notes, it makes it easy & useful for thestudent ora professional to cover the course syllabus quickly justbefore anexams or job interviews. Also get the hottestinternationalengineering & technology news on your app poweredby Googlenews feeds. We have customised it so that you get regularupdateson subject from international/national colleges,universities,research, industry, applications, engineering, tech,articles &innovation. This is the best application to remainupdated on yourfav. subject. Use this useful engineering app asyour educationtool, utility, tutorial, book, a reference guide forsyllabus andexplore study course material, aptitude tests &project work.Track your learning, set reminders, edit, addfavourite topics,share the topics on social media. Some of thetopics Covered in theapp are: 1. Environmental concerns andrecreational development inrelation to public health 2. The conceptof drought 3. TheGround-Water Component of Stream flow 4. Effectson crop yields inhydro-economic modeling 5. Siting and sizing thecomponents of aregional wastewater system 6. Evaluation of thesurface waterquality 7. Three applications of dams in Nepal,Malaysia, andTurkey 8. Control mosquitoes in fresh water 9.Environmentalconcerns and recreational development 10.Environmental indicatorsof healthy water resources 11. FAO policyand strategy on foodsecurity and water development 12. Healthopportunities in waterresources development 13. Health opportunityassessment in waterresource development 14. Introduction ofReservoirs 15. Methods ofassessing impacts and quality chemical,physical , biological 16.Principles of environmental and healthimpact assessment 17. Safemanagement of the Ross River dam 18.Socioeconomic and healthimpacts of water resources development 19.The effect of damconstruction 20. Water resources development andhealth 21. Waterresources development 22. Urban water resourceproblems invector-borne disease with special reference 23.HYDRAULIC,HYDROLOGIC AND HYDROGEOLOGIC APPROACHES 24. Surface Water25.DROUGHT AND FLOOD MANAGEMENT 26. Rigid armour 27. TheHydrologicalCycle 28. Rainfall Measurements 29. InfiltrationTesting 30.Precipitation 31. EVAPOTRANSPIRATION SYSTEMS 32.Artificialwetlands 33. Safe management of the Ross River dam 34.Introductionto Integration of water resources modeling 35.Reservoir operationmodeling 36. Integrated water management systemsdescription 37.Concepts for Planning Water Resources Development38. Datarequirement for hydropower generation project 39. DesignFloodEstimation 40. Guidelines for drinking and irrigationwaterprojects 41. International indicators for comparing waterresourcespotential 42. Management strategies for excess and deficitwaterimbalances 43. National Policy for Water Resources Development44.Planning and Assessment of Data for Project Formulation 45.Presentwater utilization 46. Present water utilization Each topiciscomplete with diagrams, equations and other forms ofgraphicalrepresentations for better learning and quickunderstanding. WaterResource Engineering is part of Civil andEnvironmental engineeringeducation courses and technology degreeprograms of variousuniversities.
Air Cleaning Plants 1.6
This app includes the list of various air cleaning plants withtheknowledge of plant height, temperature, watering it needed andtheplaces ideal for them to keep them at home and offices to maketheclean fresh surrounding. This air purifier plants app also helpsinidentifying the list of pollutants removed by air filteringplantsand also give details on the cause and symptoms of thatpollutantson living beings. This app describe the list of followingairpurifier indoor plants to clean air at our home and office withthedetail of preserving them. - Adiantum - Aloe Vera - Areca Palm-Asparagus Fern - Bamboo Palm - Barberton Daisy - Boston Fern-Broadleaf Lady Palm - Cacti - Chinese Evergreen - Chlorophytum-Chrysanthemum - Clivia - Cornstalk Dracaena - Dragon tree -DumbCanes - Dwarf Date Palm - Elephant ear philodendron - EnglishIvy -Flamingo Lily - Garden Mum - Golden Pothos - HeartLeafPhilodendron - Janet Craig - Kimberley Queen Fern - King ofhearts- Lilyturf - Monstera - Moth Orchid - Pachira - Peace Lily-Selloum philodendron - Rubber plant - Snake plant - Spider plant-money plant - Weeping Fig As plants are the lungs of the earthasthey produce the oxygen that makes life possible, addpreciousmoisture, and filter toxins. Houseplants can performtheseessential functions inyour home or office with the sameefficiencyas a rainforest in our biosphere. Good indoor air qualityis vitalfor good health. air purifier indoor plants always cleanthe airexisting in our surrounding which is good for our health.Theresearch says that air cleaning is accomplished with at leastoneplant per 100 square feet of home or office space. Pollutionisincreasing rapidly, becoming a monster that is playing withthelives of people. It is like a slow poison which we areinhaling.This gardening apps will help you in gardening aircleaning plantsfor making the environment fresh around you. GoGreen to BreathClean
GreenAgric 1.0.4
To provide education, knowledge,services,marketing connection and help to our clients in:Agriculture andIrrigation so as to fuel their yield to maximum andto make farmersbenefit from their produces . Also we focus onconservation scarcewater resources that we have to suit our needsand to improveliving standard of people.Green Agriculture is your farming friend